James G Uber


Ph.D.: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Illinoissville, 1988 (Environmental Engineering)

M.S.: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Illinoissville, 1985 (Environmental Engineering)

B.S.: Bradley University Peoria, Illinois, 1983 (Civil Engineeringy)

Positions and Work Experience

2007 -2016 Professor, University of Cincinnati, Dept. of Civil & Env. Engr.

2007 -2009 Co-Director, University of Cincinnati, Center for Sustainable Urban Environments

2003 -2004 Water Security Team, University of Cincinnati, USEPA National Homeland Security Research Center

2002 -2006 Director, Env. Eng. & Sci. Program, University of Cincinnati, Dept. of Civil & Env. Engr.

1997 -2006 Associate Professor, University of Cincinnati, Dept. of Civil & Env. Engr.

1990 -1997 Associate Professor, University of Cincinnati, Dept. of Civil & Env. Engr.

1988 -1990 Associate Professor, University of Alabama-Huntsville, Dept. of Mech. Engr.

Research Support

Grant: #EP-C-11-006/ PEG1-01UC Investigators:Sorial, George; Uber, James 09-30-2011 -09-29-2012 Environmental Protection Agency Development of a Pathogen-Biofilm Attachment Model for Drinking Water Systems Role:PI $45,754.00 Awarded Level:Federal

Grant: #3048108070-11-354 Investigators:Boccelli, Dominic; Uber, James 03-10-2011 -06-30-2014 National Institute For Hometown Security Studying Distribution System Hydraulics and Flow Dynamics to Improve Water Utility Operational Decision Making Role:PI $387,383.00 Active Level:Private Non-Profit

Grant: #ANL-1F-30622 Investigators:Boccelli, Dominic; Uber, James 02-18-2011 -08-31-2013 Department of Energy Real-Time Modeling Develop and Application Role:PI $391,512.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #EP-C-11-006/ PEG0-01UC Investigators:Suidan, Makram; Uber, James 01-01-2011 -09-29-2012 Environmental Protection Agency Development of a Pathogen-Biofilm Attachment Model for Drinking Water Systems Role:PI $118,806.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #W9132T-10-2-0007 Investigators:Uber, James 03-04-2010 -03-03-2013 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Estimating the Performance of Water Warning Systems at U.S. Military Installations Role:PI $68,949.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #CMMI-0900713 Investigators:Boccelli, Dominic; Uber, James 08-01-2009 -09-30-2013 National Science Foundation Real-Time Distribution System Network Modeling and Fault Diagnosis Role:Collaborator $313,701.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #RD-83425001-0 Investigators:Uber, James 07-01-2009 -06-30-2012 Environmental Protection Agency Distribution System Modeling to Support Epidemiological Studies of Drinking Water Quality and Gastrointestinal Disease Risk Role:PI $139,256.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #SRS 005954 Investigators:Uber, James 07-10-2008 -07-09-2010 Ivanhoe Foundation Ivanhoe Foundation Fellowship - Mahajan Role:PI $5,000.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit

Grant: #EPA EP-C-06-056 Investigators:Oerther, Daniel; Suidan, Makram; Uber, James 05-17-2007 -12-31-2010 Environmental Protection Agency The Applicability of Systainability Metrics to the Cincinnati Metropolitan Area Role:Collaborator $86,121.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #005017-001 Investigators:Oerther, Daniel; Suidan, Makram; Uber, James 05-14-2007 -09-29-2008 Environmental Protection Agency The Applicability of Sustainability Metrics to the Cincinnati Metropolitan Area Role:Collaborator $36,435.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #PEG1-006UC, PTS WA#1-06 Investigators:Suidan, Makram; Uber, James 09-30-2006 -12-31-2010 Environmental Protection Agency Water Security Research to Extend EPANET, Quantify Uncertainty in Demand, and Develop a Framework for Evaluating Algorithms for Contamination Warning Role:PI $1,568,330.00 Closed Level:Federal

Investigators:Uber, James 05-18-2006 -09-29-2006 Environmental Protection Agency Water Security Research to Extend EPANET, Quantify Uncertainty in Demand, and Develop a Framework for Evaluating Algorithms for Contamination Warning Role:PI $185,573.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #3000840062 Investigators:Uber, James 04-01-2006 -12-22-2009 Environmental Protection Agency Examining Epidemiologic and Environmental Factors Associated with Microbial Risks from Drinking Water Role:PI $75,587.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #CMS-0540289 Investigators:Uber, James 01-01-2006 -12-31-2008 National Science Foundation An Adaptive Cyberinfrastructure for Threat Management in Urban Water Distribution Systems Role:PI $179,018.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #1700-025 Investigators:Uber, James 01-01-2005 -08-01-2007 Environmental Protection Agency Monte Carlo Sampling Methodology for Assessing and Designing Water Distribution System Sampling Plans Role:PI $104,990.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #SA4767-10479PG Investigators:Uber, James 12-23-2004 -12-22-2007 Environmental Protection Agency Examining Epidemiologic and Environmental Factors Associated with Microbial Risks from Drinking Water Role:PI $38,618.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #1700-026 Investigators:Uber, James 09-15-2004 -09-14-2007 Environmental Protection Agency Disinfection Practices for DBP and Precursor Occurrence in Consecutive Systems Role:PI $81,134.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #5-20525-G1/#1 Investigators:Uber, James 09-01-2004 -08-31-2008 Environmental Protection Agency Drinking Water Quality and Emergency Visits for Gastroenteritis in Atlanta Role:PI $235,017.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #030420Z-01 Investigators:Uber, James 10-01-2003 -09-30-2007 Department of Education Expanding Cities: People, Water, and Infrastructure Role:PI $39,284.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #2567/Uber's budget Investigators:Uber, James 01-01-1999 -06-01-2001 Water Research Foundation Autonomous Feedback Control of Booster Chlorination Systems for Distribution System Residual Maintenance Role:PI $135,711.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit

Grant: #No Cost Extension Investigators:Uber, James 10-01-1997 -06-01-2003 Environmental Protection Agency Drinking Water Optimization Institute Role:PI $1,550,049.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #AWWARF-261 Investigators:Uber, James 10-01-1995 -09-01-1999 Water Research Foundation Booster Disinfection to Improve Water Qualtiy Role:PI $199,995.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit


Peer Reviewed Publications

E. Arandia-Perez, J. Uber, D. Boccelli, R. Janke, D. Hartman, and Y.-H. Lee (2014. ) Modeling automatic meter reading water demands as nonhomogeneous point processes .A.S.C.E. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, , 140 ,56-64

S. Klosterman, J. Uber, R. Murray, and D. Boccelli (2014. ) Adsorption model for arsenate transport in corroded iron pipes with application to a simulated intrusion in a water distribution network .A.S.C.E. Journal of water resources planning and management, , 140 ,649-657

R. Mahajan, J. Uber, and J. Eisenberg (2014. ) A dynamic model to quantify pathogen loadings from combined sewer overflows suitable for river basin scale exposure assessments .Water Quality, Exposure and Health, , 5 ,163-172

A. Swift, L. Liu, and J. Uber (2014. ) Maup sensitivity analysis of ecological bias in health studies .GeoJournal, , 79 ,137-153

A. Ostfeld, E. Salomons, L. Ormsbee, and J. Uber (2012. ) Battle of the water calibration networks .A.S.C.E. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, , 138 ,523-532

A. D. Sanctis, F. Shang, and J. Uber (2010. ) Real-time identification of possible contamination sources using network backtracking methods .A.S.C.E. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, , 136 ,444-453

S. Tinker, C. Moe, M. Klein, W. D. Flanders, J. Uber, A. Amirtharajah, P. Singer, and P. Tolbertinking water (2010. ) Drinking water turbidity and emergency department 2 visits for gastrointestinal illness in atlanta, 1993 - 2004ion" .Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiologyt, , 20 ,19-28

S. Tinker, C. Moe, M. Klein, W. D. Flanders, J. Uber, A. Amirtharajah, P. Singer, and P. Tolbertinking water (06-2009. ) Drinking water residence time in distribution net- works and emergency department visits for gastrointestinal illness in metro atlanta, georgia .Journal of Water and Healthville, , 7 ,332-343

R. Murray, R. Janke, W. E. Hart, J. Berry, E. Boman, C. A. Phillips, L. A. Riesen, J.-P. Watson, T. N. Taxon, J. Uber, and K. Morley (2009. ) Us environmental protection agency uses operations research to reduce contamination risks in drinking water .Interfaces, , 39 ,57-68

R. Murray, R. Janke, W. E. Hart, J. W. Berry, T. Taxon, and J. Uber (11-2008. ) Sen- sor network design of contamination warning systems: A decision frameworkd .Journal of the American Water Works Association, , 100 ,

A. Swift, L. Liu, and J. Uber (03-2008. ) Reducing maup bias of correlation statistics between water quality and gi illness .Computers Environment And Urban Sys- temsation,, , 32 ,134-148

F. Shang, J. Uber, and L. Rossman (02-2008. ) Modeling reaction and transport of mul- tiple species in water distribution systems .Environmental Science and Tech- nology, , 42 ,808-814

A. Ostfeld, J. Uber, and Others (2008. ) The battle of the water sensor networks (bwsn): A design challenge for engineers and algorithms .A.S.C.E. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, , 130 ,556-568

A. Swift, L. Liu, and J. Uberrs, (2008. ) Maup sensitivity analysis of ecological bias in health studies .GeoJournal, ,

K. Lansey, F. Pashal, S. Pool, W. Elshorbagy, and J. Uber (2007. ) Locating satellite booster disinfectant stations .A.S.C.E. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, , 133 ,363-371

F. Shang and J. Ubertion (2007. ) Calibrating pipe wall demand coefficient for chlorine decay in water distribution system .A.S.C.E. Journal of Water Resources Plan- ning and Managements, , 133 ,363-371

Z. Wang, M. Polycarpou, J. Uber, and F. Shangon, (01-2006. ) Adaptive control of water quality in water distribution netorks .I.E.E.E. Transactions on Control Sys- tems Technology, , 14 ,

R. Murray, J. Uber, and R. Janke (2006. ) A model for estimating acute health impacts from consumption of contaminated drinking waterthms .A.S.C.E. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, , 132 ,293-299

J. Berry, W. E. Hart, C. A. Phillips, J. G. Uber, and J.-P. Watsonr (2006. ) Sensor placement in municipal water networks with temporal integer programming models .A.S.C.E. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Managementt,ts, , 132 ,218-224

R. Janke, R. Murray, J. Uber, and S. Allgeieron, (2006. ) Comparison of physical sampling and real-time monitoring strategies for designing a contamination warning system in a drinking water distribution system; .A.S.C.E. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Managements, , 132 ,310-313

J. Uber, R. Murray, and R. Janke (10-2004. ) Use of systems analysis to assess and minimize water security risks .Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Educationy, , 34-40

M. Propato and J. Uber (01-2004. ) A linear least squares formulation for operation of booster disinfection systems .A.S.C.E. J. of Water Res. Plan. Manag., , 130 ,

M. Propato and J. Uber (2004. ) Vulnerability of water distribution systems to pathogen intrusion: How effective is a disinfectant residual? .Environmental Science and Technology, , 38 (13 ) ,3713-3723

M. Propato and J. Uber (2004. ) Booster system design using mixed-integer quadratic programming .A.S.C.E. Journal of Water Res. Plan. Manag., , 130 ,

D. Boccelli, M. Tryby, J. Uber, and R. S. Summers (06-2003. ) A reactive species model for chlorine decay and thm formation under rechlorination conditions .Water Research, , 37 ,2654-2666

M. Polycarpou, J. Uber, Z. Wang, F. Shang, and M. Brdys (06-2002. ) Feedback control of water quality .IEEE Control Systems Magazine, , 22 ,68-87

F. Shang, J. Uber, and M. Polycarpou (05-2002. ) A particle backtracking algorithm for water distribution system analysis .A.S.C.E. J. of Environ. Eng., , 128 ,441-450

M. Tryby, D. Boccelli, J. Uber, and L. Rossmann (2002. ) A facility location model for booster disinfection of water supply networks .A.S.C.E. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Manag., , 128 ,322-333

J. Uber and L. Murdoch (2000. ) Evaluation of the hopscotch method for transient groundwater flow .A.S.C.E. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, , 126 (8 ) ,

M. Tryby, D. Boccelli, M. Koechling, J. Uber, R. S. Summers, and L. Rossman (1999. ) Booster chlorination for managing disinfectant residuals .Journal Amer. Water Works Assoc., , 91 (1 ) ,95-108

M. Zierolf, M. Polycarpou, and J. Uber (07-1998. ) Development and auto-calibration of an input-output model of chlorine transport in drinking water distribution systems .I.E.E.E. Trans. on Control Systems Technology, , 6 ,543-553

D. Boccelli, M. Tryby, J. Uber, L. Rossman, M. Zierolf, and M. Polycarpou (1998. ) Optimal scheduling of booster disinfection in water distribution systems .A.S.C.E. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Manag., , 124 (2 ) ,99-110

C. Bush and J. Uber (1998. ) Sampling design methods for water distribution model calibration .A.S.C.E. J. of Water Res. Plan. and Manag., , 124 ,334-344

C. Zhen and J. Uber (1996. ) Reliability of remediation designs in presence modeling error .A.S.C.E. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Manag., , 122 (4 ) ,253-262

L. Rossman, J. Uber, and W. Grayman (1995. ) Modeling disinfectant residuals in drinking water storage tanks .A.S.C.E. Journal of Environmental Eng., , 121 (10 ) ,

J. Uber, J. E. D. Brill, and J. Pfeffer (1992. ) Use of mathematical programming methods for complex systems .A.S.C.E. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Manag., , 118 (3 ) ,281-294

J. Uber, J. E. D. Brill, and J. Pfeffer (1991. ) Robust optimal design for wastewater treatment: I. general approach .A.S.C.E. Journal of Environmental Eng., , 117 (4 ) ,425-437

J. Uber and J. E. E. Brill (1990. ) Design optimization with sensitivity constraints .Engineering Optimization, , 116 ,15-28

J. Eheart, J. E. D. Brill, B. Lence, J. Kilgore, and J. Uber (1987. ) Cost efficiency of time-varying discharge permit programs for water quality management .Water Resources Research, , 23 (2 ) ,245-252

J. Uber, J. E. D. Brill, and J. Pfeffer Robust optimal design for wastewater treatment: Ii. application .A.S.C.E. Journal of Environmental Eng., , 117 (4 ) ,438-456

Book Chapter

J. Uber (1999 ) Mathematical optimization models for locating booster chlorination stations and scheduling booster chlorination dosages Water Distribution Systems Handbook .New York, McGraw-Hill

Technical Reports

F. Shang, J. Uber, and L. Rossman (2007. ) EPANET Multi-Species Extension User's Manual .U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Report,

Z. Chowdhury, R. S. Summers, L. Work, N. Smith, L. Rossman, and J. Uber (2006. ) Assessment of Chloramine and Chlorine Residual Decay in the Distribution System .American Water Works Association and American Water Works Association Research Foundation,

J. Uber, M. Polycarpou, F. Shang, and Z. Wang (2002. ) Autonomous Feedback Control of Booster Chlorination Systems for Distribution System Residual Maintenance .American Water Works Association and American Water Works Association Research Foundation, 176

J. Uber, R. S. Summers, D. Boccelli, and M. Tryby (2002. ) Booster Chlorination for Residual Maintenance .American Water Works Association and American Water Works Association Research Foundation, 243

J. Uber, J.-J. Kao, J. E. D. Brill, and J. Pfeffer (1988. ) Sensitivity constrained nonlinear programming: A general approach for planning and design under parameter uncertainty and an application to treatment plant design .tech. rep., Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey,

J. Uber (1988. ) Software system safety .tech. rep., Final Report, NASA/ASEE Sum- mer Faculty Fellowship Program, Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama,

J. Uber, J. E. D. Brill, and J. Pfeffer (1985. ) A nonlinear programming model of a wastewater treatment system: Sensitivity analysis and a robustness constraint .Tech. Rep. Res. Rep. 196, Water Resources Center, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana, Champaign,


Poster Presentations

S. Hatchett, D. Boccelli, T. Haxton, R. Janke, A. Kramer, A. Matracia, S. Pan- guluri, and J. Uber (09-2010. ) How accurate is a hydraulic model? .in Proceedings of the Water Distribution Systems Analysis Symposium, Tucson, AZ. .

E. Arandia-Perez, J. Uber, D. Boccelli, R. Janke, D. Hartmann, and Y. Lee (09-2010. ) Bayesian temporal modeling of water demands at household level .in Pro- ceedings of the Water Distribution Systems Analysis Symposium, Tucson, AZ. .

S. Klosterman, R. Murray, J. Szabo, J. Hall, and J. Uber (09-2010. ) Modeling and sim- ulation of arsenate fate and transport in a distribution system simulator .in Proceedings of the Water Distribution Systems Analysis Symposiumum, Tucson, AZ. .

D. Boccelli and J. Uber (05-2010. ) Drinking water distribution systems: Theory and application of an urban observatory .in Proceedings of the World Environmen- tal and Water Resources Congress, Providence, RI. .

R. Janke and J. Uber (05-2009. ) Comparing single- and multi-species water quality modeling approaches for assessing contamination exposure in drinking water distribution systems .in Proceedings of the Water Distribution Systems Analysis Symposium, Kansas City, MO. .

E. Arandia-Perez, J. Uber, F. Shang, D. Boccelli, R. Janke, D. Hartmann, and Y. Lee (05-2009. ) Preliminary spatial-temporal statistical analysis of hourly water demand at household level .in Proceedings of the Water Distribution Systems Analysis Symposium, Kansas City, MO. .

A. D. Sanctis, S. Hatchett, J. Uber, D. Boccelli, and F. Shang (05-2009. ) Real-time implementation of contamination source identffcation method for water distribution .in Proceedings of the Water Distribution Systems Analysis Symposium, Kansas City, MO. .

I. Schrottenbaum, J. Uber, N. Ashbolt, R. Murray, J. Janke, J. Szabo, and D. Boccelli (05-2009. ) Simple model of attachment and detachment of pathogens in water distribution system biofilms, .in Proceedings of the Water Distribution Systems Analysis Symposium, Kansas City, MO. .

R. Mahajan, J. Uber, and J. Eisenberg (05-2009. ) A simplified model of combined sewer overflows to estimate event driven enteric pathogen concentrations in drinking water sources .in Proceedings of the Water Distribution Systems Analysis Symposium, Kansas City, MO. .

K. Nilsson, S. Hooper, C. Moe, and J. Uber (05-2008. ) Water quality assessment during distribution system flushing events .in Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2008, Honolulu, Hawaii. .

A. D. Sanctis, D. Boccelli, F. Shang, and J. Uber (05-2008. ) Probabilistic approach to characterize contamination sources with imperfect sensors .in Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2008, Honolulu, Hawaii. .

F. Shang, J. Uber, R. Murray, and R. Janke (2008. ) Model-based real-time detection of contamination events .in Proceedings of the Water Distribution Systems Analysis Symposium, Kruger Nat'l Park, South Africa. .

D. Boccelli, D. Moll, J. Uber, B. Blount, and F. Cardinali (05-2007. ) Characterization of exposure to trihalomethanes in a distribution system using modeling and epi- demiologic methods: Preliminary analysis and descriptive statistics .in Pro- ceedings, World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Tampa, FL Hawaii. .

L. Liu, J. E. D. Brill, G. Mahinthakumar, J. Uber, E. Zechman, and S. Ranjithan (05-2007. ) Considering demand variability and measurement uncertainties in adaptive source characterization in water distribution networks .in Proceedings, World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Tampa, FL. .

J. Uber, R. Murray, M. Magnuson, and K. Umber (05-2007. ) Evaluating real-time event detection algorithms using synthetic data .in Proceedings, World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Tampa, FL. .

J. Kumar, E. Zechman, J. E. D. Brill, G. Mahinthakumar, S. Ranjithan, and J. Uber (05-2007. ) Evaluation of non-uniqueness in contaminant source characterization based on sensors with event detection method .in Proceedings, World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Tampa, FL. .

J. Berry, W. Hart, C. Laird, and J. Uber (05-2007. ) Morphing of water networks .in Proceedings, World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Tampa, FL. .

F. Shang, J. Uber, and R. Murray (05-2007. ) Uncertainty of contamination source characterization within water distribution systems .in Proceedings, World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Tampa, FL. .

W. Grayman, V. Speight, and J. Uber (05-2007. ) Use of distribution system modeling in designing microbial monitoring programs .in Proceedings, World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Tampa, FL. .

R. Janke, R. Murray, J. Uber, R. Bahadur, T. Taxon, and W. Samuels (05-2007. ) Using teva to assess impact of model skeletonization on contaminant consequence assessment and sensor placement design .in Proceedings, World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Tampa, FL. .

K. Nilsson, S. Hooper, C. Moe, and J. Uber (05-2007. ) Water quality assessment during distribution system flushing events .in Proceedings, World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Tampa, FL. .

D. Boccelli and J. Uber (11-2006. ) Quantification of network model confidence using tracer test data .in Proceedings, Water Quality Technology Conference, Denver, CO. .

E. Zechman, J. E. D. Brill, G. Mahinthakumar, S. Ranjithan, and J. Uber (08-2006. ) Addressing non-uniqueness in a water distribution contaminant source identification problem .in Proceedings, Water Distribution Systems Analysis Symposium, Cincinnati, OH. .

S. Hooper, C. Moe, J. Uber, K. Nilsson, A. Becken, J. Jeffers, L. Mulford, J. McCary, and M. Lehighd E. (08-2006. ) Assessment of microbiological water quality after low pressure events in a distribution system .in Proceedings, Water Distribution Systems Analysis Symposium, Cincinnati, OH. .

F. Shang, J. Uber, B. van Bloemen Waanders, D. Boccelli, and R. Janke (08-2006. ) Real time water demand estimation in water distribution system .in Proceedings, Water Distribution Systems Analysis Symposium, Cincinnati, OH. .

A. D. Sanctis, F. Shang, and J. Uber (08-2006. ) Determining possible contaminant sources through flow path analysis .in Proceedings, Water Distribution Sys- tems Analysis Symposium, Cincinnati, OH. .

A. D. Sanctis, F. Shang, and J. Uber (08-2006. ) Determining possible contaminant sources through flow path analysis .in Proceedings, Water Distribution Systems Analysis Symposium, Cincinnati, OH. .

W. Grayman, V. Speight, and J. Uber (08-2006. ) Using monte-carlo simulation to evaluate alternative water quality sampling plans .in Proceedings, Water Distribution Systems Analysis Symposium, Cincinnati, OH. .

L. Yang, D. Boccelli, and J. Uber (08-2006. ) Assessing uncertainty in chlorine residual predictions in drinking water distribution system .in Proceedings, Water Distribution Systems Analysis Symposiumum, Cincinnati, OH. .

K. Umberg, J. Uber, and R. Murray (08-2006. ) Performance evaluation of real-time event detection algorithms .in Proceedings, Water Distribution Systems Analysis Symposium, Cincinnati, OH. .

M. Kumar, G. von Laszewski, R. Ranjithan, J. E. D. Brill, J. Uber, K. Harrison, S. Sreepathi, and E. Zechman (2006. ) An adaptive cyberinfrastructure for threat management in urban water distribution systems .in Proceedings of COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE, Berlin, Germany. .

R. Janke, R. Murray, J. Uber, and S. Allgeier (2005. ) An evaluation of system architectures for contamination warning systems .in Proceedings, ASCE/EWRI World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, Anchorage, AK. .

J. G. Uber (2005. ) Identifiability of contaminant source characteristics in steady-state and time-varying network flows .in Proceedings, ASCE/EWRI World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, Anchorage, AK. .

D. L. Boccelli and J. G. Uber (2005. ) Incorporating spatial correlation in a markov chain monte carlo approach for network model calibration .in Proceedings, ASCE/EWRI World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, Anchorage, AK. .

R. Murray, J. Uber, and R. Janke (2005. ) A model for estimating the acute health impacts resulting from consumption of contaminated drinking water .in Proceedings, ASCE/EWRI World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, Anchorage, AK. .

M. Propato, O. Piller, and J. G. Uber (2005. ) A sensor location model to detect contaminations in water distribution networks .in Proceedings, ASCE/EWRI World Water and Environmental Resources Congressworks, Anchorage, AK. .

J. W. Berry, W. E. Hart, C. A. Phillips, J. G. Uber, and T. M. Walski (2005. ) Water quality sensor placement in water networks with budget constraints .in Proceedings, ASCE/EWRI World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, Anchorage, AK. .

J. W. Berry, W. E. Hart, C. A. Phillips, J. G. Uber, and J.-P. Watson (2005. ) Validation and assessment of integer programming sensor placement models .in Proceedings, ASCE/EWRI World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, Anchorage, AK. .

D. L. Boccelli, F. Shang, J. G. Uber, A. Orcevic, D. Moll, S. Hooper, M. Maslia, J. Sautner, B. Blount, and F. Cardinali (2004. ) Tracer tests for network model calibration .in Proceedings, ASCE/EWRI World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, Salt Lake City, UT. .

J. Berry, W. E. Hart, C. A. Phillips, and J. Uber (2004. ) A general integer programming-based framework for sensor placement in municipal water networks .in Proceedings, ASCE/EWRI World Water and Environ. Res. Congress, Salt Lake City, UT. .

J. Uber, F. Shang, and L. Rossman (2004. ) Extensions to epanet for fate and transport of multiple interacting chemical or biological components .in Proceedings, ASCE/EWRI World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, Salt Lake City, UT. .

J. Uber, R. Janke, R. Murray, and P. Meyer (2004. ) Greedy heuristic methods for locating water quality sensors in distribution systems .in Proceedings, ASCE/EWRI World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, Salt Lake City, UT. .

R. Murray, R. Janke, and J. Uber (2004. ) The threat ensemble vulnerability assessment (teva) program for drinking water distribution system security .in Proceedings, ASCE/EWRI World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, Salt Lake City, UT. .

M. Propato and J. Uber (2003. ) Effectiveness of disinfectant residual against microbiological contamination in water systems: assessing vulnerability .in Proceedings, A.S.C.E. National Conference, Environmental and Water Res. Inst., Philadelphia, PAber . .

M. Propato, F. Shang, and J. Uber (2002. ) On-line control of booster disinfection systems: influence of modelling errors and affect on dbp formation .in Proceedings, A.S.C.E. National Conference, Environmental and Water Res. Inst., Roanoke, VA. .

F. Shang, J. Uber, and M. Polycarpou (2002. ) Path-dependent wall demand parameter estimation using input-output model .in Proceedings, A.S.C.E. National Conference, Environmental and Water Res. Inst., Roanoke, VA. .

F. Shang, M. Propato, and J. Uber (2002. ) Extension of epanet for multi species modelling in water distribution system .in Proceedings, A.S.C.E. National Conference, Environmental and Water Res. Inst., Roanoke, VA. .

J. Uber (2002. ) A sampling protocol for critical dbp and disinfectant residual concentrations .in Proceedings, A.S.C.E. National Conference, Environmental and Water Res. Inst., Roanoke, VA. .

Z. Wang, M. Polycarpou, J. Uber, and F. Shang (2002. ) Disinfectant residual control of multiple nodes in water distribution networks .in Proc. of 15th IFAC World Congress 2002,

D. Boccelli and J. Uber (2001. ) Evaluation of multi-component model of chlorine residual dynamics in water distribution systems .in Water Software Systems: Theory and Applications, Vol I, Res. Studies Press Ltd, 2001.,

Z. Wang, M. Polycarpou, J. Uber, and F. Shang (2001. ) Adaptive periodic control for chlorine residual maintenance in drinking water distribution networks .in Proc. of I.E.E.E. Conference on Decision and Control,

M. Propato, J. Uber, F. Shang, and M. Polycarpou (2001. ) Integrated control and booster system design for residual maintenance in water distribution systems .in Proceedings, A.S.C.E. National Conference, Environmental and Water Res. Inst., Orlando, FL. .

M. Tryby and J. Uber (2001. ) Representative water quality sampling in water distribution systems .in Proceedings, A.S.C.E. National Conference, Environmental and Water Res. Inst., Orlando, FL. .

M. Sekhar and J. Uber (2001. ) Field study of chlorine residual decay and disinfection byproduct formation in a water distribution system .in Proceedings, A.S.C.E. National Conference, Environmental and Water Res. Inst., Orlando, FL. .

M. Polycarpou, J. Uber, Z. Wang, F. Shang, and M. Propato (2001. ) Design of feedback control algorithms for chlorine residual maintenance in water distribution systems .in Proceedings, A.S.C.E. National Conference, Environmental and Water Res. Inst., Orlando, FL. .

Z. Wang, M. Polycarpou, and J. Uber (2000. ) Decentralized model reference adaptive control of water quality in water distribution networks .in Proc. of 2000 I.E.E.E. International Symposium on Intelligent Control, pp. 127-132,

J. Uber and A. Minai (2000. ) Socioeconomic organization on directional resource landscapes .in Unifying Themes in Complex Systems, pp. 579-596, Perseus Book,

F. Shang, J. Uber, and M. Polycarpou (2000. ) Input-output model of water quality in water distribution systemstems .in Proceedings, A.S.C.E. National Conference, Water Res. Planning and Manag. Division, Minneapolis, MN. .

Z. Wang, M. Polycarpou, F. Shang, and J. Uber (2000. ) Adaptive control formulation for chlorine residual maintenance in water distribution systems .in Proceedings, A.S.C.E. National Conference, Water Res. Planning and Manag. Division, Minneapolis, MN. .

P. Subramaniam, M. Tryby, and J. Uber (2000. ) Set covering models for locating booster chlorination stations in water distribution systems .in Proceedings, A.S.C.E. National Conference, Water Res. Planning and Manag. Division, Minneapolis, MN. .

J. Uber (1999. ) Optimal location and scheduling of disinfectant additions in water distribution networks .in Water Industry Systems: Modelling and Optimization Applications, Vol. II, Research Studies Press Ltd, 1999. D. Savic and G.Walters, Eds,

D. Boccelli, J. Uber, M. Tryby, R. Summers, and L. Rossman (1999. ) Modeling rechlorination kinetics considering a reactive species .in Proceedings, A.W.W.A. An- nual Conference and Exposition, Chicago, IL . .

M. Tryby and J. Uber (1999. ) Development of a booster chlorination design using distribution system models .in Proceedings, A.S.C.E. National Conference, Water Res. Planning and Manag. Division, Phoenix, AZ. .

M. Polycarpou, J. Uber, and U. Desai (1999. ) Design of a feedback controller for water distribution systems residual maintenance .in Proceedings, A.S.C.E. National Conference, Water Res. Planning and Manag. Division, Phoenix, AZ. .

D. Boccelli, M. Tryby, J. Uber, and L. Rossman (1998. ) Optimal location of booster disinfection stations for residual maintenance .in Proceedings, A.S.C.E. National Conference, Water Res. Planning and Manag. Division, Chicago, IL . .

D. Boccelli, M. Tryby, M. Koechling, , R. Summers, J. Uber, and L. Rossman (1998. ) Booster chlorination: Residual maintenance and trihalomethane formation .in Proceedings, Protecting water quality in the distribution system: What is the role of disinfectant residuals, A.W.W.A., Philadelphia, PA. .

J. Uber, M. Polycarpou, and P. Subramaniam (1998. ) Optimal decoupling of booster disinfection systems in water distribution networks .in Proceedings, A.S.C.E. National Conference, Water Res. Planning and Manag. Division, Chicago, IL . .

M. Tryby, D. Boccelli, J. Uber, and L. Rossman (1997. ) Optimal scheduling of booster disinfection .in Proceedings of the A.W.W.A. Annual Conference and Exposition, Atlanta, GA. .

D. Boccelli, M. Tryby, M. Koechling, R. Summers, and J. Uber (1997. ) Bulk decay kinetics of rechlorinated water: Experimental results and model development .in Proceedings of the A.W.W.A. Annual Conference and Exposition, Atlanta, GA. .

J. Uber, R. Summers, D. Boccelli, M. Koechling, and M. Tryby (1996. ) Booster chlorination .in Proceedings of the A.W.W.A. Annual Conference and Exposition, Toronto, CA. .

M. Zierolf, M. Polycarpou, and J. Uber (1996. ) A control-oriented approach to water quality modeling of drinking water distribution systems .in Proc. of I.E.E.E. International Conference on Control Applications, Dearborn, Michigan. .

M. Fang and J. Uber (1993. ) Hydraulic and water quality reliability and resiliency for water distribution systems under random demands .in Proceedings, A.S.C.E. National Conference, Hydraulics Division, San Francisco, CA. .

J. Uber (1992. ) Extended management modeling framework for optimal reliability based design with sampling decisions .in Proceedings, A.S.C.E. National Con- ference, Water Res. Planning and Manag. Division, Baltimore, MD. .

J. Uber, K. Hickey, M. Fang, and L. Rossman (1992. ) Dynamic plug flow reactor network model for contaminant transport in water distribution systems .Proceedings, A.S.C.E. National Conference, Water Res. Planning and Manag. Division, Baltimore, MD. .

J. Uber (1990. ) Combining groundwater simulation and optimization models .in Proceedings, A.S.C.E. National Conference, Water Res. Planning and Manag. Division,

J. Uber (1989. ) Cae software in the classroom: From component design to system design .in Proceedings, A.S.E.E. Southeastern Section Meeting, Tuscaloosa, AL. .

J. Uber, J. E. E. Brill, and J. Pfeffer (1986. ) A robustness constraint for the analysis of uncertainty .in Proceedings, A.S.C.E. National Conference, Water Res. Planning and Manag. Division, Anaheim, CA. .

Honors and Awards

2010 Best Paper award (1st out of 150) WDSA2010 (Water Distribution Systems Analysis Conference), Tucson, AZ; for the paper "Modeling and Simulation of Arsenate Fate and Transport in a Distribution System Simulator," by Kloster- man, S., Murray, R., Szabo, J., Hall, J., and Uber, J.

2009 American Water Works Association (AWWA) Management Division Best Paper Award for the paper \Sensor Network Design of Contamination Warning Systems: A Decision Framework"

2007 Finalist (1 of 6)y,ois Franz Edelman Award for Achievement in Operations Re- search, The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)

2006 Best Practice-Oriented Paper Award Jour. of Water Resources Planning and Management, American Society of Civil Engineers; For the paper \Model for Estimating Acute Health Impacts from Consumption of Contaminated Drinking Water"

2005 Water Resources Planning and Management Council Service to the Profession Award American Society of Civil Engineers

1993 J. James R. Croes Medal American Society of Civil Engineers; For the paper "Robust Optimal Design for Wastewater Treatment: II. Application"

1990 Educator of the Year A.S.C.E. Student Chapter, University of Alabama-Huntsville

1988 NASA/ASEE Faculty Fellow Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL

Contact Information

Environmental Engr. & Science Program Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engr.
736 Engineering Research Center
CincinnatiĀ  Ohio, 45221-0071,
Phone: (513) 368-63032
Fax: (513) 556-25992