George Uetz

George W Uetz


Professional Summary

ECBR, SBBE, Behavioral ecology, arachnology: multi-modal communication and sexual selection in wolf spiders; social behavior in colonial web-building spiders.


B.A.: Albion College Albion, MI, 1968 (Biology)

M.S.: University of Delaware Newark, DE, 1970 (Entomology and Applied Ecology)

Ph.D.: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, 1976 (Ecology, Ethology and Evolution)

Research and Practice Interests

I study animal behavior and ecology, with the goal of understanding how the environment influences the evolution of behavior. I am interested in questions about both the proximate mechanisms and selective forces involved in communication and social behaviors: How do animals recognize their own species? What sensory cues are used to discriminate conspecifics from similar species? How do animals detect signals from mates, prey or predators and distinguish them from environmental noise? What role does habitat play in animal communication? Why do some animals live in groups while others remain solitary? Are animals in groups an easier target for predators, or is there safety in numbers? How do animals in groups communicate with each other? What role does relatedness and genetic structure of populations play in the evolution of group-living?

The major focus of my research is the behavioral ecology of spiders, whose small size, short life span, and behavioral diversity make them excellent model systems for investigation. I use both field-based observational studies and laboratory experimentation to approach these questions. My students and I are currently involved in several research projects:

1. Wolf spiders – studies of multi-modal communication, mate recognition and sexual selection. This project investigates how spiders communicate in multiple sensory modes, using video / audio digitization and playback techniques in the lab, and recording of vibration and visual signals in the field. (Read More)

2. El Niño influence on group formation and genetic structure of colonial web-building spiders. This project examines changes in the genetic structure of populations of the colonial web-building spider Metepeira spinipes on the Monterey peninsula in California, in response to to El Niño cycles. (Read More)

Positions and Work Experience

1976 -1981 Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences, University of Cincinnati,

1981 -1988 Associate Professor, Biological Sciences, University of Cincinnati,

1988 -To Present Professor, Biological Sciences, University of Cincinnati,

1998 -To Present Fellow of the Graduate School, University of Cincinnati,

2003 -2008 Associate Dean for Research, College of Arts and Science of Arts and Sciences,

1996 -1997 Program Officer, Animal Behavior Program, Div. of Integrative Biology and Neuroscience , National Science Foundation,

2000 -2003 Editor, Animal Behaviour ,

2003 -2006 Executive Editor , Animal Behaviour ,

2016 -2018 Department Head, Biological Sciences

Research Support

Grant: #IOS-1026995 Investigators:George W. Uetz, David L. Clark (Alma College) 2010 -2014 National Science Foundation 1026995 “Collaborative Research: Sensory Ecology of an Animal Communication Network”. Role:PI $345,000 Active Type:Grant

Grant: #IOB-0239164 Investigators:Uetz, George 03-01-2003 -02-28-2009 National Science Foundation Sensory Ecology of an Animal Communication Network Role:PI $399,815.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #DEB-0086352-NCE Investigators:Uetz, George 06-01-2000 -07-31-2002 National Science Foundation Impact of a Natural Catastrophe on Animal Populations Role:PI $24,258.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #IBN-9414239 Investigators:Uetz, George 09-15-1994 -08-31-1999 National Science Foundation Visual Communication, Species Recognition, and Mate Choice Role:PI $189,919.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #IBN-9901618-NCE Investigators:Uetz, George 02-01-1999 -01-31-2001 National Science Foundation El Nino Influence on Group Formation in Facultative Group-Living Species Role:PI $24,934.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #IBN-9906446-004 Investigators:Uetz, George 09-01-1999 -08-31-2004 National Science Foundation Multi-Modal Communication: Signal Variation, Interaction Between Modes, and Relationship to Fitness Benefits Role:PI $164,604.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #DBI-0729754 Investigators:Culley, Theresa; Hinkel, Kenneth; Lentz, David; Miller, Arnold; Uetz, George 10-01-2007 -09-30-2010 National Science Foundation Strategic Planning for the Cincinnati Center for Field Studies Role:Collaborator $26,343.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #IOS-1026995 Investigators:Uetz, George 09-01-2010 -08-31-2014 National Science Foundation Collaborative Research: Sensory Ecology of an Animal Communication Network Role:PI $356,997.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #URC Interdisciplinary 2012-13 Investigators:Uetz, George 05-01-2013 -05-31-2014 UC's University Research Council Ecological Immunology: Immune Defense and Invertebrate Behavior Role:PI $25,000.00 Active Level:Internal UC

Grant: #DBI-1262863 Investigators:Petren, Kenneth; Uetz, George 10-01-2013 -09-30-2017 National Science Foundation New REU Site: Sensory Ecology: An Integrative Approach Role:PI $291,730.00 Active Type:Grant Level:National

Grant: #SRS 010810 Investigators:Uetz, George 02-06-2017 -02-05-2019 Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Gardens Cincinnati Zoo Post-docFellow Funds Role:PI $55,085.00 Awarded Level:Private Non-Profit

Grant: #R40313 Investigators:Uetz, George 06-01-2019 -05-31-2020 UC's Faculty Bridge Program Neuroecology of reproductive behavior: the role of biogenic amines in trade-offs between mating and aggression Role:PI $10,000.00 Active Level:Internal UC

Abbreviated Publications

Peer Reviewed Publications

B. Stoffer and G. W. Uetz. 2017. The effects of experience with different courtship modalities on unimodal and multimodal preferences in a wolf spider. Animal Behaviour 123:187-196.

B. Stoffer and G. W. Uetz. 2016. Tuft size matters: the effects of adult visual social experience on female mate preferences in a wolf spider. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 70:2211–2221

Gilbert, R., Karp, R & G.W. Uetz. 2016. Effects of juvenile infection on adult immunity and secondary sexual characters in a wolf spider. Behavioral Ecology. 27:946–954.  

Uetz, G.W., Clark, D.L. and J. A. Roberts. 2016. Multimodal communication in wolf spiders (Lycosidae) – an emerging model for study. In M. Naguib, J. C.
Mitani, L. W. Simmons, L. Barrett, S. Healy, & M. Zuk (Eds.), Advances in the Study of Behavior 48:117–159. 

Gilbert, R., & Uetz, G. W. 2016. Courtship and male ornaments as honest indicators of immune function. Animal Behaviour 117: 97-103 

Moskalik, B. and G.W. Uetz. 2016. Female feeding history impacts gonad development and reproductive timing in the wolf spider Schizocosa ocreata. J. Arachnology 44: 171-175

Kozak, E.C., and G.W. Uetz. 2016. Cross-modal integration of multimodal courtship signals in a wolf spider. Animal Cognition. 19:1173–1181

Sitvarin, M. I., Gordon, S.D., Uetz, G.W. &. A.L. Rypstra. 2016. The wolf spider Pardosa milvina detects predator threat level using only vibratory cues. Behaviour. 153:179-183.

Stoffer, B. and G.W. Uetz. 2016. Social experience affects female mate preferences for a visual trait in a wolf spider. Behavioral Ecology. 27: 252–261

Clark, D.L., Kizer, C., Karson, A., Roberts, J. A., and G. W. Uetz. 2016. Risky courtship: Background contrast, ornamentation, and display behavior of wolf spiders affect visual detection by vertebrate predators.  Ethology. 122: 1–12 

Sweger, A.L. and G.W. Uetz. 2016. Characterizing the vibratory and acoustic signals of the "purring" wolf spider, Gladicosa gulosa (Araneae: Lycosidae). Bioacoustics 25: 293-303 

B. Stoffer, M. Williams and G. W. Uetz. 2016. Variation in female mate preference in response to eavesdropping “interloper” males.  Behavioral Ecology 27:1609–1616 

Clark, D.L., Kizer, C., Sabovodny, G., Hollenberg, A., Roberts, J. A. and G.W. Uetz. 2015. The role of social experience in eavesdropping by male wolf spiders (Lycosidae). Animal Behaviour 106: 89-97.

Loomis, J.D., Cameron, G.N. and G.W. Uetz. 2014. Impact of the invasive shrub Lonicera maackii on shrub-dwelling Araneae in a deciduous forest in eastern North America.  American Midland Naturalist. 171:204-218

Stoffer, B. and G. W. Uetz. 2015. The effects of social experience with varying male availability on female preference in a wolf spider. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 69:927–937

Stoffer, B. and G.W. Uetz. 2015. Social experience affects female mate preferences for a visual trait in a wolf spider. Behavioral Ecology.

Rutledge, J. and G.W. Uetz. 2014. Effects of juvenile experience on adult female mating preferences in two closely related sympatric wolf spider species. In press, J. Arachnology 42:170-177.

Uetz, G.W.,Clark, D. L., Roberts, J.A, Gibson, J.S. and S.D. Gordon. 2013. Active space of multimodal signals of wolf spiders in a complex litter environment. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology  67: 1471-1482 

Gibson, J.S, & Uetz, G.W.  2012. Effect of Rearing Environment and Food Availability on Seismic Signaling in Male Wolf Spiders (Araneae: Lycosidae).  Animal Behaviour 84:85-92

Clark, D.L., Roberts, J.A. & G.W. Uetz.2012 Eavesdropping and signal matching in visual courtship displays of spiders. Biology Letters 8(3):375-378. 

Gordon, S.D. & G. W. Uetz. 2012. Environmental interference: impact of acoustic noise on seismic communication and mating success.  Behavioral Ecology 23:707-714.

Cady, A.B., Delaney, K.J. & G. W. Uetz. (2011). Energetic costs of courtship signalling in two wolf spider species with divergent courtship behaviors.  J Arachnology 39:161-165.

Moskalik, B., Uetz, G.W. (2011) Experience with chemotactile cues indicating female feeding history impacts male courtship investment in the wolf spider Schizocosa ocreata Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 65:2175–2181 

Uetz, G.W., Clark, D. L., Roberts, J. A., Rector, M. (2011).  Effect of visual background complexity and light level on detection of visual signals of male Schizocosa ocreata wolf spiders by female wolf spider receivers.  Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 65:753-761.

Gordon, S.D. & G. W. Uetz. 2011. Multimodal communication of wolf spiders on different substrates:  evidence for behavioral plasticity.  Animal Behaviour 81:367-375

Moskalik, B., Uetz, G.W. 2011. Female hunger state affects mate choice of a sexually selected trait in a wolf spider. Animal Behaviour 81:715-722.

Clark, D. L., Roberts, J. A., Rector, M. & G.W. Uetz. 2011. Spectral reflectance properties and visual communication in the wolf spider, Schizocosa ocreata (Hentz): simultaneous crypsis and background contrast in visual signals. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 65:1237-1247 

Rutledge, J., Miller, A. & G. W. Uetz. (2010) Exposure to multiple sensory cues as a juvenile affects adult female mate preferences in wolf spiders. Animal Behaviour 80:419-426.

McCrate, A.T. & G.W. Uetz. (2010). Kleptoparasites: a two-fold cost of group living for the colonial spider Metepeira incrassata (Araneae: Araneidae). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 64, :389-399.

Uetz, G.W., Hieber, C.S. & McCrate, A. (2010). Stealing for love?: Apparent nuptial gift behavior in a kleptoparasitic spider. Journal of Arachnology. 38: 128-131.

Vaccaro, R., Uetz, G. W. & J. A. Roberts. (2010). Courtship and mating behavior of the wolf spider Schizocosa bilineata. J Arachnology  38:452–459

Lohrey, A.K., D.L. Clark, S.D. Gordon & G.W. Uetz. (2009). Anti-predator responses of wolf spiders (Araneae: Lycosidae) to sensory cues representing an avian predator. Animal Behaviour, 77, 813-821.

Hopton M. E., G.N. Cameron, M. J. Cramer, M. Polak, & G. W. Uetz. (2009). Live animal radiography to measure developmental instability in populations of small mammals after a natural disaster. Ecological Indicators (9:), 883-891.

Uetz, G.W., Roberts, J.A., & P.W. Taylor. (2009). Multimodal communication and mate choice in wolf spiders I: Female responses to multimodal vs. unimodal male signals in two sibling wolf spider species. Animal Behaviour, 278:, 299-305.

Johns, J.L., Roberts, J.A., Clark, D.L., & G. W. Uetz. (2009). Love bites: male fang use during coercive mating in wolf spiders is potentially costly to females. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 64:, 13-18.

Uetz, G.W., Roberts, J.A., Wrinn, K.M., Polak, M.J. (2009). Impact of a catastrophic natural disturbance on fluctuating asymmetry (FA) in a wolf spider. Ecoscience, 16:, 379-386.

Wrinn, K.M. & G. W. Uetz. (2008). The Effects of Autotomy and Regeneration on Prey Capture Rate, Capture Efficiency and Sensory Detection in Schizocosa ocreata (Araneae, Lycosidae). Behavioral Ecology, 19, 1282-1288.

Gibson, J.S., & Uetz, G.W. (2008). Seismic communication and mate choice in wolf spiders I: components of male seismic signals and mating success. Animal Behaviour, 75:, 1253-1262.

Roberts, J. A., & Uetz, G.W. (2008). Discrimination of Variation in a Male Signaling Trait Affects Optomotor Response in Visual Predators. Ethology, 114:, 557-563.

Taylor, P.W., Roberts, J. A., & Uetz, G.W. (2008). Foreleg autotomy reduces mating success of male Schizocosa ocreata wolf spiders. J. Insect Behavior, 21:, 193-202.

Wrinn, K.M., Uetz. G. W. (2007). Impacts of leg loss and regeneration on potential fitness in a wolf spider (Schizocosa ocreata). Canadian J. Zool., 85:, 823-31.

Delaney, K.J, Roberts, J. A., & Uetz, G. W. (2007). Male signaling behavior and sexual selection in a wolf spider (Araneae: Lycosidae): a test for dual functions. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 62:, 67-75.

Uetz, G.W., & Norton, S. (2007). Preference for male traits in female wolf spiders varies with the choice of available males, female age and reproductive state. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 61(4), 631, 641.

Roberts, J.A., Taylor, P.W., & Uetz, G.W. (2007). Consequences of complex signaling: Predator detection of multimodal cues. Behavioral Ecology, 18(1), 236, 240.

Taylor, P.W., Roberts, J. A., & Uetz, G. W. (2006). Mating in the absence of visual cues by Schizocosa ocreata (Hentz 1844) wolf spiders. Journal of Arachnology, 34:, 501-505.

Taylor, P.W., Roberts, J. A., & Uetz, G. W. (2006). Compensation for injury?: Modified multi-modal courtship of wolf spiders following autotomy of signaling appendages. Ecology, Ethology & Evolution, 18:, 79-89.

Roberts, J.A., Galbraith, E., Milliser, J., Taylor, P. W., & Uetz, G.W. (2006). Absence of social facilitation of courtship in the wolf spider, Schizocosa ocreata (Hentz) (Araneae: Lycosidae). Acta Ethologica, 9(2), 71, 77.

Norton, S., & Uetz, G.W. (2005). Mating frequency in Schizocosa ocreata (Hentz) wolf spiders: evidence for a mating system with female monogamy and male polygamy. Journal of Arachnology, 33:, 16-24.

Taylor, P.W., Roberts, J.A., & Uetz, G.W. (2005). Flexibility in the multi-modal courtship of a wolf spider, Schizocosa ocreata. Journal of Ethology, 23:, 71-75.

Roberts, J.A., & Uetz, G.W. (2005). Information content of female chemical signals in the wolf spider, Schizocosa ocreata: Male discrimination of reproductive state and receptivity. Animal Behaviour, 70(1), 217, 223.

Persons, M.H., & Uetz, G.W. (2005). Sexual cannibalism and mate choice decisions in wolf spiders: Influence of male size and secondary sexual characters. Animal Behaviour, 69(1), 83, 94.

Roberts, J.A., & Uetz, G.W. (2004). Species-Specificity of Chemical Signals: Silk Source Affects Discrimination in a Wolf Spider (Araneae: Lycosidae). Journal of Insect Behavior, 17(4), 477, 491.

Pruden, A.J., & Uetz, G.W. (2004). Assessment of Potential Predation Costs of Male Decoration and Courtship Display in Wolf Spiders Using Video Digitization and Playback. Journal of Insect Behavior, 17(1), 67, 80.

Roberts, J.A., Taylor, P.W., & Uetz, G.W. (2003). Kinship and food availability influence cannibalism tendency in early-instar wolf spiders (Araneae: Lycosidae). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 54(4), 416, 422.

Uetz, George W., & Roberts, J.Andrew (2002). Multisensory cues and multimodal communication in spiders: Insights from video/audio playback studies. Brain, behavior and evolution, 59(4), 222, 230.

Uetz, George W., Boyle, Jay, Hieber, Craig S., & Wilcox, R.Stimson (2002). Antipredator benefits of group living in colonial web-building spiders: The 'early warning' effect. Animal Behaviour, 63(3), 445, 452.

Hieber, Craig S., Wilcox, R.Stimson, Boyle, Jay, & Uetz, George W. (2002). The spider and fly revisited: Ploy-counterploy behavior in a unique predator-prey system. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 53(1), 51, 60.

Hebets, E.A., & Uetz, G.W. (2000). Leg ornamentation and the efficacy of courtship display in four species of wolf spider (Araneae: Lycosidae). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 47(4), 280, 286.

Rayor, Linda S., & Uetz, George W. (2000). Age-related sequential web building in the colonial spider Metepeira incrassata (Araneidae): An adaptive spacing strategy. Animal Behaviour, 59(6), 1251, 1259.

Persons, Matthew H., & Uetz, George W. (1999). Age and sex-based differences in the use of prey sensory cues in wolf spiders (Aranea:Lycosidae). Journal of Insect Behavior, 12(6), 723, 736.

Hebets, Eileen A., & Uetz, George W. (1999). Female responses to isolated signals from multimodal male courtship displays in the wolf spider genus Schizocosa (Araneae: Lycosidae). Animal Behaviour, 57(4), 865, 872.

Uetz, George W., & Smith, Elizabeth I. (1999). Asymmetry in a visual signaling character and sexual selection in a wolf spider. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 45(2), 87, 93.

Persons, Matthew H., & Uetz, George W. (1997). The effect of prey movement on attack behavior and patch residence decision rules of wolf spiders (Araneae: Lycosidae). Journal of Insect Behavior, 10(5), 737, 752.

McClintock, William J., & Uetz, George W. (1996). Female choice and pre-existing bias: Visual cues during courtship in two Schizocosa wolf spiders (Araneae: Lycosidae). Animal Behaviour, 52(1), 167, 181.

Persons, Matthew H., & Uetz, George W. (1996). The influence of sensory information on patch residence time in wolf spiders (Araneae: Lycosidae). Animal Behaviour, 51(6), 1285, 1293.

Uetz, George W., McClintock, William J., Miller, Douglas, Smith, Elizabeth I., & al, et (1996). Limb regeneration and subsequent asymmetry in a male secondary sexual character influences sexual selection in wolf spiders. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 38(4), 253, 257.

Scheffer, Sonja J., Uetz, George W., & Stratton, Gail E. (1996). Sexual selection, male morphology, and the efficacy of courtship signalling in two wolf spiders (Araneae: Lycosidae). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 38(1), 17, 23.

Hodge, Margaret A., & Uetz, George W. (1995). A comparison of agonistic behavior of colonial web-building spiders from desert and tropical habitats. Animal Behaviour, 50(4), 963, 972.

Uetz, George W., Hieber, Craig S., Jakob, Elizabeth M., Wilcox, R.Stimson, & al, et (1994). Behavior of colonial orb-weaving spiders during a solar eclipse. Ethology, 96(1), 24, 32.

Clark, D.L., & Uetz, G.W. (1992). Morph-independent mate selection in a dimorphic jumping spider: Demonstration of movement bias in female choice using video-controlled courtship behaviour. Animal Behaviour, 43(2), 247, 254.

Clark, D.L., & Uetz, G.W. (1990). Video image recognition by the jumping spider, Maevia inclemens (Araneae: Salticidae). Animal Behaviour, 40(5), 884, 890.

Uetz, G.W., & M.A. Hodge. (1990). Influence of habitat and prey availability on spatial organization and behavior of colonial web-building spiders. National Geographic Research, 6:(22-40.).

Hieber, C.S., & G.W. Uetz. (1990). Colony size and parasitoid load in two species of colonial Metepeira spiders from Mexico (Araneae:Araneidae). Oecologia, 82:(145-150.).

Rayor, L.S., & G.W. Uetz. (1990). Trade-offs in foraging success and predation risk with spatial position in colonial spiders. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 27:(77-85.).

Marshall, S.D. & G.W. Uetz. (1990). The pedipalpal brush of Ephebopus sp. (Araneae:Theraphosidae): evidence of a new site for urticating hairs. Bull. Brit. Arachnol. Soc., 8:(122-124.).

Marshall, S.D. & G.W. Uetz. (1990). Incorporation of urticating hairs into silk: a novel defense mechanism in two neotropical tarantulas (Araneae:Theraphosidae). J. of Arachnol., 18:(143-150.).

Uetz, G.W. (1989). The "ricochet effect" and prey capture in colonial spiders. Oecologia, 81:(154-159.).

Uetz, G.W. (1988). Group foraging in colonial web-building spiders: Evidence for risk-sensitivity. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 22(4), 265, 270.

Cangialosi, K.R., & Uetz, G.W. (1987). Spacing in colonial spiders: Effects of environment and experience. Ethology formerly Zeitschrift fur Tierpsychologie, 76(3), 236, 246.

Uetz, G.W. & S.P. Hartsock. (1987). Prey selection in an orb-weaving spider: Micrathena gracilis (Araneae:Araneidae). Psyche, 94:, 103-116.

Tietjen, W.J., L.R. Ayyagari & G.W. Uetz. (1987). Symbiosis between social spiders and yeasts: the role in prey attraction. Psyche, 94:(151-158.).

Stratton, G.E. & G.W. Uetz. (1986). The inheritance of courtship behavior and its role as a reproductive isolating mechanism in two species of Schizocosa wolf spiders (Araneae:Lycosidae). Evolution, 40:, 129-141.

Benton, M.J. & G.W. Uetz. (1986). Variation in life-history characteristics over a clinal gradient in three populations of a communal orb-weaving spider. Oecologia, 68:(395-399.).

Uetz, G.W. & K. R. Cangialosi. (1986). Genetic differences in social behavior and spacing in populations of Metepeira spinipes F.O. Pickard-Cambridge (Araneae:Araneidae), a communal-territorial orb weaver. J. Arachnol., 14:, 159-173.

Meininger, C.A., G.W. Uetz & J.A. Snider. (1985). Variation in epiphytic microcommunities (Tardigrade - Lichen Bryophyte assemblages) of the Cincinnati, Ohio area. Urban Ecology, 9:(45-61.).

Uetz, G.W. (1985). Ecology and behavior of Metepeira spinipes (Araneae: Araneidae), a colonial web-building spider from Mexico. National Geographic Research Reports, 19:(597-609.).

Bultman, T.L. & G.W. Uetz. (1984). Effect of structure and nutritional quality of litter on abundances of litter-dwelling arthropods. Amer. Midl. Natur., 111:, 165-172.

Uetz, G.W. & G.E. Stratton. (1983). Communication in spiders. Endeavour, 7:(13-18.).

Uetz, G.W. (1983). Sociable Spiders. Natural History, 92:(62-69.).

Stratton, G.E., & Uetz, G.W. (1983). Communication via substratum-coupled stridulation and reproductive isolation in wolf spiders (Araneae: Lycosidae). Animal Behaviour, 31(1), 164, 172.

Uetz, G.W., Kane, T.C., & Stratton, G.E. (1982). Variation in the social grouping tendency of a communal web-building spider. Science, 217(4559), 547, 549.

Bultman, T.L., G.W. Uetz & A.R. Brady. (1982). A comparison of cursorial spider communities along a successional gradient. J. Arachnol., 10:, 23-33.

Bultman, T.L. & G.W. Uetz. (1982). Community structure of forest floor spiders following litter manipulation. Oecologia, 55:, 34-41.

Biere, J.M. & G.W. Uetz. (1981). Web orientation by the spider Micrathena gracilis (Araneae:Araneidae). Ecology, 62:, 336-344.

Stratton, G.E., & Uetz, G.W. (1981). Acoustic communication and reproductive isolation in two species of wolf spiders. Science, 214(4520), 575, 577.

Uetz, G.W. & J.M. Biere. (1980). Prey of Micrathena gracilis (Walckenaer) (Araneae:Araneidae) in comparison with artificial webs and other trapping devices. Bull. Brit. Arachnol. Soc., 5:, 101-107.

Cady, A.B., W.J. Tietjen, & G.W. Uetz. (1980). The “edge effect” in Schizocosa ocreata (Araneae: Lycosidae): a reassessment. Psyche, 87:, 231-234.

Uetz, G.W. & C.D. Dondale. (1979). A new wolf spider in the genus Schizocosa (Araneae:Lycosidae). J. Arachnol., 7:, 86-88.

Uetz, G.W. (1979). The influence of variation in litter habitats on spider communities. Oecologia, 40:, 29-42.

Uetz, G.W., & G. Denterlein. (1979). Courtship behavior, habitat, and reproductive isolation in Schizocosa rovneri. Uetz and Dondale. J. Arachnol., 7:, 121-128.

Uetz, G.W., K.L. van der Laan, G.F. Summers, P.A.K. Gibson & L.L. Getz. (1979). The effects of flooding on flood-plain arthropod distribution, abundance, and community structure. Amer. Midl. Natur., 101:, 286-298.

Summers, G.F. & G.W. Uetz. (1979). The influence of flooding on the distribution and abundance of centipedes (Chilopoda) in a streamside forest. Amer. Midl. Natur., 102:, 346-352.

Uetz, G.W. & J.W. Burgess. (1979). Habitat structure and colonial behavior in Metepeira spinipes F.P. Cambridge (Araneae:Araneidae), an orb-weaving spider from Mexico. Psyche., 86:, 79-89.

Uetz, G.W., A.D. Johnson & D.W. Schemske. (1978). Web placement, web structure and prey capture in orb-weaving spiders. Bull. Brit. Arach. Soc., 4:, 141-148.

Stratton, G.E., G.W. Uetz & D.G. Dillery. (1978). A comparison of the spiders of three coniferous tree species. J. Arachnol., 6:, 219-226.

Uetz, G.W. (1977). Coexistence in a guild of wandering spiders. J. Animal Ecol., 46:, 531-542.

Uetz, G.W. (1976). Gradient analysis of spider communities in a streamside forest. Oecologia, 22:, 373-385.

Uetz, G.W. (1976). A preliminary list of the spiders (Araneae) of Delaware. Entomol. News, 87:, 203-210.

Uetz, G.W. & J.D. Unzicker. (1976). Pitfall trapping in ecological studies of wandering spiders. J. Arachnol., 3:, 101-111.

Uetz, G.W. (1975). Temporal and spatial variation in species diversity of wandering spiders (Araneae) in deciduous forest litter. Environ. Entomol., 4:, 719-724.

Uetz, G.W. (1974).Species diversity: a review. The Biologist, 56:, 111-129.

Uetz, G.W. & D.L. Johnson. (1974). Breaking the web (an article on global animal extinction). Environment, 16:, 31-39.

Uetz, G.W. (1974). A method for measuring habitat space in studies of hardwood forest litter arthropods. Environ. Entomol., 3:, 313-315.

Uetz, G.W. (1973). Envenomation by the spider Trachelas tranquillus (Araneae:Clubionidae). J. Med. Entomol., 10:, 227.

Uetz, G W (1973). Envenomation by the spider Trachelas tranquillus (Hentz) (Araneae: Clubionidae). Journal of medical entomology, 10(2), 227.

Sweger, A. L., Vaughn, C. J. and G.W. Uetz. 2017. Behaviors associated with mating success in the "purring" wolf spider Gladicosa gulosa. Ethology 123: 870-874.

Uetz, G.W. & D.G. Dillery. (1969).A study of spiders (Araneae) on maple trees (Acer sp.). Mich. Entomol., 2:, 31-36.

Meyer, T.B and G.W. Uetz. 2019. Complex male mate choice in the brush-legged wolf spider. Behavioral Ecology 30: 27-38.

Gilbert, R. and G. W. Uetz 2019. Male chemical cues as reliable indicators of infection in the wolf spider Schizocosa ocreata. Ethology 125:177–183. 

Gilbert, R. and G. W. Uetz 2019. Male chemical cues as reliable indicators of infection in the wolf spider Schizocosa ocreata. Ethology 125:177–183. 

Kozak, E.C. and G.W. Uetz. 2019. Male courtship signal modality and female mate preference in the wolf spider, Schizocosa ocreata – results of digital multimodal playback studies. Current Zoology 65: 1-7 

Rubi, T.L., Clark, D. L., Keller, J. S. and G. W. Uetz. 2019. Courtship behavior and coloration influence conspicuousness of wolf spiders (Schizocosa ocreata (Hentz)) to avian predators. Behavioural Processes 162:215-220. 

Uetz, G.W., Clark, D.L., Kane, H., and B. Stoffer. 2019. Listening in: the importance of vibratory/seismic courtship signals for male eavesdropping in the wolf spider, Schizocosa ocreata. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology.

Fraser, C., Wede, J. and G.W. Uetz. 2020. Limb autotomy and regeneration affect vibratory/seismic courtship signaling and female receptivity in wolf spiders. J. Arachnology 48: 132-139.

Stoffer B., Lallo. M., Clark, D.L. & G. W. Uetz. 2021. Learning how to eavesdrop on courtship signals in multiple modalities: a test of associative learning using unimodal and multimodal playback. Animal Behaviour. 178: 57-66

Gilbert, R. and G. W. Uetz. Infection influences vibratory signaling in a wolf spider with multimodal communication. Ethology 128:602–607. 

Invited Publication

Uetz, G. W., B. Stoffer, M. Lallo, and D.L. Clark.2017. Complex signals and comparative mate assessment in wolf spiders: results from multimodal playback studies.  Animal Behaviour (Special Issue: Communicative Complexity).

White, S.J., Uetz, G.W., Hermann-Petrin, J. and K.R. Lamirande. 2021. Working from home or living at work:  Four perspectives on how the year of COVID-19 has changed our work. NCURA Magazine May/June 2021: 25-27.

Book Chapter

Uetz, G.W.,and D. L. Clark. 2014. A Tale of Two Spiders: Investigating Communication  in Two Unique Model Species Using Video Digitization and Playback. pp. 63-98 in Animal Behavior: How and Why Animals Do the Things They Do, K. Yasukawa, Ed. Vol. 3 – Integration and Application with Case Studies, Praeger-PSI.

Uetz, G.W., Clark, D. L. & B. Stoffer. On strengths and limitations of field, semi-natural captive, and laboratory study settings. pp. 34-47 In Riley, A.R., d’Ettorre, P. & T. Freeberg, Eds. The Routledge International Handbook of Comparative Psychology. 

Encyclopedia Article

Uetz, GW (2010). Multimodal Communication. In Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior. In Breed, M. D. & Moore, J. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior pp. 494-504. Oxford, Academic Press.


Invited Presentations

(2010. ) Active space of multimodal signaling in a complex environment .Symposium on Multimodal Communication - Animal Behavior Society , Williamsburg, VA. Level:National

(2010. ) Multimodal signaling of wolf spiders (Araneae: Lycosidae) in a complex environment .Canadian Entomological Society - Symposium, Vancouver, BC. Level:International

(2010. ) Can you hear me now? The importance of multimodal communication in mating behavior of spiders .Annual Symposium, Integrative Neuroscience Program, University of Illinois, Chicago, IL. Level:National

(2010. ) Department of Biology/Environmental Science, Richard Stockton State College, Pomona, NJ.

(2009. ) Department of Zoology, University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, OK.

(2009. ) Division of Biological Sciences, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO.

(2008. ) Neuroscience Seminar Program , Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH.

(2008. ) Department of Biology, Texas Tech University, Lubbuck, TX.

(2007. ) Department of Biological Sciences, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN.

(2007. ) Department of Biology, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilianti, MI.

(2007. ) University of Cincinnati Emeritus Faculty Association,

(2012. ) Department of Biology/Environmental Science, Richard Stockton State University, NJ.

(2012. ) Department of Biology, Northern Kentucky University,

(2012. ) Department of Biology, Ohio Wesleyan University.

(2011. ) “The World of Spiders”, 2011. Evening lecture series program, , Butler Metroparks, VOA Park.

Poster Presentations

George W. Uetz, Jeremy Gibson, Shira Gordon, J. Andrew Roberts, and David L. Clark (2011. ) Active space of multimodal signaling in a complex environment .International Invertebrate Sound and Vibration meetings, Columbia, Missouri. . Professional Meeting. . Level:International

Alex Sweger and George W. Uetz (2011. ) Complex communication via acoustic and seismic signals in Gladicosa gulosa .International Invertebrate Sound and Vibration meetings, Columbia, Missouri. . Professional Meeting. . Level:International

Shira D. Gordon and George W. Uetz (2011. ) Male courtship and the effects of seismic signals from multiple courting males in the wolf spider Schizocosa ocreata. International Invertebrate Sound and Vibration meetings, Columbia, Missouri. . Professional Meeting. . Level:International

David L. Clark, Corinna Kizer, J. Andrew Roberts, and George W.Uetz (2011. ) Backgound contrast and sexual ornaments influence detection of male wolf spiders by a predator. .Animal Behavior Society , Bloomington, IN. . Professional Meeting. . Level:National

Mark Tiemeier and George W. Uetz (2011. ) Food abundance, group foraging and territorial interaction in a California orb weaving spider .Animal Behavior Society , Bloomington, IN. . Professional Meeting. . Level:National

Alex Sweger and George W. Uetz (2011. ) Complex communication via acoustic and seismic signals in Gladicosa gulosa .Animal Behavior Society , Bloomington, IN. . Professional Meeting. . Level:National

Gordon, S., Uetz, G.W. (2010. ) Environmental interference: impact of natural and anthropgenic noise on mating success in the wolf spider Schizocosa ocreata. .Animal Behavior Society Meeting, Williamsburg, VA. . . Professional Meeting. . Level:National

Tiemeier, M., Uetz, G.W. (2010. ) Food abundance and group foraging in a California orbweaving spider .Animal Behavior Society , Williamsburg, VA. . Professional Meeting. . Level:National

Orton, A.P., Uetz, G.W. (2010. ) Response to chemical cues in male and female Schizocosa ocreata wolf spiders. .Animal Behavior Society, , Williamsburg, VA. . Professional Meeting. . Level:National

R. Gilbert, R. Karp, G. W. Uetz. (2012. ) Effects of Immune Stress on Multimodal Sexual Signaling of a Wolf Spider. National Meeting, Animal Behavior Society, , Albuquerque, NM. . Level:National

E.C. Kozak, G. W. Uetz (2012. ) Ladies Choice: Female wolf spiders prefer multimodal over unimodal male courtship. .National Meeting, Animal Behavior Society,, Albuquerque, NM. . Level:National

M. Williams, B. Stoffer, G. W. Uetz (2012. ) Female receptivity towards sequentially courting males of varying quality in Schizocosa ocreata. .- National Meeting, American Arachnological Society, , Green Bay, WI. . Level:National

R. Wilson, T. Piening, G. W. Uetz (2012. ) The role of different eye rows in female mate recognition by the wolf spider Schizocosa ocreata (Hentz). National Meeting, American Arachnological Society, , Green Bay, WI. . Level:National

E.C. Kozak, G. W. Uetz (2012. ) Ladies Choice: Female wolf spiders prefer multimodal over unimodal male courtship. National Meeting, American Arachnological Society, , Green Bay, WI. . Level:National

J. L. Mann, B. Moskalik, E. J. Kubacki, F. Pascoe, D. L. Clark, G. W. Uetz (2013. ) Multimodal courtship in Maevia inclemens: the vibration component of courtship signals. .National Meeting, American Arachnological Society, , East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN. . Professional Meeting. . Level:National

A. Slaughter, A. Sweger, R. Trivedi, R. Gilbert). (2013. ) Singing in the rain: seismic signaling of spiders on sodden substrates. .Invertebrate Sound and Vibration Conference, Strathclyde, Scotland. . Professional Meeting. . Level:International

A. Kluckman, G.W. Uetz (2013. ) Responses of female wolf spiders (Lycosidae) to vibratory and visual signals of males in laboratory leaf litter mesocosms. .National Meeting, Animal Behavior Society, , Boulder, CO. . Professional Meeting. . Level:National

D. L. Clark, A. Karson, G. W. Uetz (2013. ) Risks of courtship: Predator attack latency is lower for actively courting vs. walking spiders. .National Meeting, Animal Behavior Society, , Boulder, CO. . Professional Meeting. . Level:National

Paper Presentations

George W. Uetz, Andrea Orton, Trisha Myers and J. Andrew Roberts (2011. ) Chemical communication in Schizocosa ocreata (Hentz): a reassessment .Portland, OR. Professional Meeting. Level:National

David L. Clark, J. Andrew Roberts, Corinna Kizer, Shira Gordon and George W. Uetz (2011. ) Evidence for the role of experience and social density on eavesdropping and social facilitation of courtship in male Schizocosa ocreata wolf spiders .Portland, OR. Professional Meeting. Level:National

Mark Tiemeier and George W. Uetz (2011. ) Food abundance, group foraging and territorial interaction in a California orb weaving spider .Portland, OR. Professional Meeting. Level:National

Alex Sweger and George W. Uetz (2011. ) The role of acoustic and seismic communication in Gladicosa gulosa: complex vibration signals in a wolf spider .Portland, OR. Professional Meeting. Level:National

George W. Uetz, Emily Galbraith, Shira Gordon, David Clark, and J. Andrew Roberts (2011. ) The role of social context in female mate choice and male eavesdropping among wolf spiders. Bloomington, IN. Professional Meeting. Level:National

G.W. Uetz, D. L. Clark, J. A. Roberts, M. Rector, A. Lohrey Gibson, A. B. Cady (2010. ) Potential fitness costs of multimodal signaling for male Schizocosa ocreata (Hentz) wolf spiders (Lycosidae) .Greenville, NC. Professional Meeting. Level:National

Rutledge, J.M., Uetz, G.W. (2010. ) Testing the limits of body condition indices: evidence of feeding and hydration during short-term starvation in wolf spiders (co-authored with .Greenville, NC. Professional Meeting. Level:National

Moskalik, B., Uetz, G.W. (2010. ) Potential interactions between female age, nutrition and reproductive development in Schizocosa ocreata (Hentz) wolf spiders (Lycosidae). .Greenville, NC. Professional Meeting. Level:National

G.W. Uetz, D.L. Clark and J. Andrew Roberts (2009. ) Can you hear me now? Sensory ecology of a communication network of wolf spiders in forest litter. Fayetteville, Arka. Level:National

G. Uetz, K. Wrinn, J.A. Roberts, M. Polak (2008. ) Fluctuating asymmetry (FA) in sexually-selected traits of Schizocosa ocreata (Hentz) wolf spiders: Impact of a natural catastrophe and subsequent ecosystem-level stress .University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA..

G.W. Uetz, J.A. Roberts, J. S. Gibson, E.L. Galbraith & S.D. Gordon (2008. ) Communication in complex environments: active space of multi-modal spider signals on the forest floor .Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. Level:International

G.W. Uetz, A. Slaughter, A. Sweger, R. Trivedi, R. Gilbert). (2012. ) Singing in the rain: seismic signaling of spiders on sodden substrates. .Albuquerque, NM. Professional Meeting. Level:National

D.L. Clark, J. A. Roberts, G.W. Uetz (2012. ) Eavesdropping and signal matching in male Schizocosa ocreata wolf spiders (Lycosidae). .Albuquerque, NM. Professional Meeting. Level:National

A. Sweger, G.W. Uetz (2012. ) Acoustic and seismic signal production in Gladicosa gulosa wolf spiders. .Albuquerque, NM. Professional Meeting. Level:National

G. W. Uetz, A. Slaughter, A. Sweger, R. Trivedi, R. Gilbert (2012. ) Singing in the rain: seismic signaling of spiders on sodden substrates. Green Bay, WI. Professional Meeting. Level:National

R. Gilbert, R. Karp, K. Surharski, G.W. Uetz (2012. ) Effects of Immune Stress on Multimodal Sexual Signaling of a Wolf Spider. .Green Bay, WI. Professional Meeting. Level:National

A. Sweger, G.W. Uetz (2012. ) Acoustic and seismic signal production in Gladicosa gulosa wolf spiders. .Green Bay, WI. Professional Meeting. Level:National

B. Stoffer, G.W. Uetz (2012. ) The effects of perceived operational sex ratio and male density on mate-choice plasticity in a wolf spider, Schizocosa ocreata (Hentz) .Green Bay, WI. Professional Meeting. Level:National

George W. Uetz, David L. Clark, J. Andrew Roberts, Brent Stoffer, Corinna Kizer, Aaron Hollenberg, Abe Sabovodny (2014. ) Learning to eavesdrop? Experience and social eavesdropping in wolf spiders .Newark, OH. Professional Meeting. Level:National

David L. Clark, Adam Karson, & George W. Uetz (2014. ) Risky courtship behavior of the male wolf spider, Schizocosa ocreata .Professional Meeting. Level:National

Brent Stoffer & George W. Uetz (2014. ) The effects of sensory experience on unimodal and multimodal preferences in a wolf spider .Newark, OH. Professional Meeting. Level:National

Elizabeth C. Kozak & George W. Uetz (2014. ) Cognitive cross-modal integration in a wolf spider, Schizocosa ocreata .Newark, OH. Professional Meeting. Level:National

Rachel Gilbert, Charity Combs, & George W. Uetz (2014. ) Investigating the relationship between immune defense and secondary sexual characteristics in Schizocosa ocreata wolf spiders .Newark, OH. Professional Meeting. Level:National

Comparative bioacoustics and morphology in wolf spiders and the potential for acoustic communication (2014. ) Alex Sweger & George W. Uetz .Newark, OH. Professional Meeting. Level:National

Thomas C. Jones, J. Andrew Roberts, J. Colton Watts, & George W. Uetz (2014. ) Estimation of females’ visual and seismic experience with courting males during the pre-mating period in Schizocosa ocreata (Araneae: Lycosidae) ( .Newark, OH. Professional Meeting. Level:National

Brent Stoffer & George W. Uetz (2014. ) The effects of the social environment on mate choice plasticity in a wolf spider .New York City, NY. Professional Meeting. Level:International

Alex Sweger & George W. Uetz (2014. ) Modeling acoustic signaling potential across multiple vibratory spider species. New York City, NY. Professional Meeting. Level:International

Elizabeth C. Kozak & George W. Uetz (2014. ) Cognitive cross-modal integration in a wolf spider, Schizocosa ocreata .New York City, NY. Professional Meeting. Level:International

Rachel Gilbert, Charity Combs, & George W. Uetz (2014. ) Investigating the relationship between immune defense and multimodal communication in wolf spiders .New York City, NY. Professional Meeting. Level:International

Brent Stoffer & George W. Uetz (2014. ) The effects of previous sensory experience on mate preferences for unimodal signals in a wolf spider, .Princeton, NJ, . Professional Meeting. Level:National

Elizabeth C. Kozak & George W. Uetz (2014. ) Cognitive cross-modal integration in a wolf spider, Schizocosa ocreata .Princeton, NJ, . Professional Meeting. Level:National

O. Bauer-Nilsen, M. McConnell, G.W. Uetz. (2022. ) “Infection detection and female aggression in a wolf spider” .UC Davis. Professional Meeting. Level:National


Uetz, G.W. (2010. ) Active space of multimodal signaling in a complex environment .Williamsburg, VA. Professional Meeting. Level:National

Uetz, G.W. (2010. ) Multimodal signaling of wolf spiders (Araneae: Lycosidae) in a complex environment. .Vancouver, BC. . Professional Meeting. Level:International


(Director of Research ) Other Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 09-01-2011

(A & S RPT Committee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 09-01-2009 -08-31-2012

(Head's Advisory Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 09-01-2009

Animal Behavior Society Editorial Board Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National 09-01-2006

Federal Demonstration Partnership - National Academy of Science Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:National 09-01-1999

Journal of Arachnology Peer Review/Referee Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National

National Science Foundation Peer Review/Referee Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National

Professional Affiliation

Member, American Arachnological Society Animal Behavior Society International Society for Behavioral Ecology Entomological Society of America Ecological Society of America Society of Sigma Xi

Courses Taught




15-BIOL-800 GRAD TOPICS BIOLOGY Animal Communication Level:Graduate

15-BIOL-520 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOG Level:Undergraduate

15-BIOL-550 ANIMAL BEHAVIOR Level:Undergraduate

15-BIOL-601 UNDERGRAD RESEARCH Level:Undergraduate

15-BIOL-951 GRAD RESEARCH BIOL Level:Graduate

-BIOL-4020C INVERT ZOOL Invertebrate Zoology Level:Both

-BIOL-4030 ANIM BEHAV Animal Behavior Level:Both

-BIOL-4020C INVERT ZOOL Invertebrate Zoology Level:Both