Achala Vagal , MD
Associate Dean of Clinical and Translational Science and Training, Executive Vice Chair of Radiology, Vice Chair of Research, Professor Neuroradiology, Tenured Professor of Radiology
COM Radiology Neuroradiology - 0761
Professional Summary
Achala Vagal, MD, MS has been a neuroradiologist at the University of Cincinnati Gardner Neuroscience Institute since 2007. Dr. Vagal is a Tenured Professor of Neuroradiology and Vice Chair of Research in the Department of Radiology, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine. She has specific expertise in advanced neuroimaging of cerebrovascular diseases. She is actively involved in multidisciplinary collaborations with the Cerebrovascular and Stroke Center of the University of Cincinnati (UC) Neuroscience Institute. Her roles have included being the radiology leader of the Cincinnati clinical site’s Clinical Trial Working Group for the NIH/ NINDS Network of Excellence in Neuroscience Clinical Trials (NEXT), NIH Neurological Emergencies Treatment Trials (NETT) Network and NIH Stroke NET.
Dr. Vagal has received several honors and awards including the National Talent Scholarship, and the University of Cincinnati Young Investigator Recognition Award. In 2012, she received the prestigious National American Roentgen Ray Society Radiology Research Scholarship award to study multimodal neuroimaging in stroke. In 2014, she was awarded the CCTST CT2 Research Scholar award and in 2015, the CCTST KL2 scholar award on related work. Her KL2 concentration area was implementation and management of central imaging core labs. She has extensive experience in project management of imaging core labs for stroke imaging, including the central imaging core lab in the NIH-funded multicenter CLEAR-ER and CLEAR–FDR trials. She was the Director of Imaging Core Lab housed at University of Cincinnati for the industry sponsored, multi institutional, Phase 3 PRISMS acute stroke trial and is the UC site PI for NIH funded, multicenter DEFUSE 3 acute stroke trial. She is also currently leading the core lab for NIH funded multicenter ICH Recovery trial. She has given numerous award winning presentations and has multiple peer-reviewed publications and book chapters to her credit.
Dr. Vagal's academic areas of interests include imaging in acute ischemic strokes, imaging in intracranial hemorrhage, perfusion in acute strokes and chronic steno-occlusive disease and advanced neuroimaging of brain tumors. She serves on numerous committees in national and international organizations with multiple leadership positions. She is recipient of the Stroke Innovation Award at the 2019 International Conference, the 2019 ASNR Women in Neuroradiology Leadership Award and the 2020 RSNA Honored Educator Awerd. She is one of the 2021 Faculty Core Values award winners awarded to UC faculty for respectfulness, positivity, and overall professionalism in the interactions with the Office of Research staff.
Bachelor's Degree: Sir Parshurambhau Pune, India, 1988 ( )
Medical Degree: MBBS with Honors: Grant Medical College and Sir J.J Group of Hospitals Mumbai, India, 1993 ( )
Medical Internship: University of Mumbai Mumbai, India, 1994 ( )
Residency : University of Mumbai Mumbai, India., 1997 (Diagnostic Radiology)
Neuroradiology Fellowship: University of Cincinnati Medical Center Cincinnati, OH, 2004
Fellowship in Body Imaging: University of Cincinnati Medical Center Cincinnati, OH, 2005 ( )
Fellowship: Massachusetts General Hospital and Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2009 (Functional MRI )
Certificate Program: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati , 2013 (Clinical and Translational Research , Division of Epidemiology and Biostatistics)
Fellowship: University of Viriginia Charlottesville, VA, 2013 (Imaging)
Fellowship: Weil Cornell Medical College New York, NY, 2013 (Imaging Research)
American Board of Radiology (Diagnostic Radiology) (Certification Date: 06-06-2007 ) - (Recertification Date: to 01-01-2018 )
American Board of Radiology (Neuroradiology) (Certification Date: 10-18-2012 )
Clinical Interests
Diagnostic Radiology
Research and Practice Interests
Dr. Vagal's interests include:
Vice Chair of Research, Department of Radiology (2016-current):
- Developing and implementing research vision and strategy for Department of Radiology
- Expanding cross disciplinary collaborations locally and nationally
- Engaging and mentoring radiology staff and faculty to foster imaging research.
- Providing overall leadership for the Imaging Management center and Radiology Service Core Lab
- Principal Investigator of the Imaging Management Center for multiple NIH fand industry funded clinical trials
- Supervising all aspects of center and core lab activities including imaging database infrastructure, central reads, image analysis and advanced imaging
- Collaborating with national and international sites for imaging activities in clinical trials
- Collaborating with NIH StrokeNET National Coordinating Center (NCC) and National Data Management Coordinating Center (NDMC) for multiple ongoing NIH funded stroke treatment, prevention and recovery trials.
Positions and Work Experience
02-1999 -05-2001 Radiology Lecturer, , Mahatma Gandhi Mission Hospital and Medical College, Navi Mumbai, India
06-2005 -06-2007 Clinical Instructor, Section of Neuroradiology, Veterans Administration Medical Center and University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, Ohio
07-2005 -To Present Consultant Neuroradiologist, Veteran's Administration Medical Center, 3200 Vine Street, Cincinnati, OH 45220
07-2007 -06-2019 Assistant Professor of Radiology, Section of Neuroradiology, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, Ohio
07-2007 -To Present Attending Staff, , University of Cincinnati Medical Center, 234 Goodman Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45267-0761
07-2019 - 07-2019 to Present Professor of Radiology, Section of Neuroradiology, and Vice Chair of Research, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine Cincinnati, Ohio , University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio
Research Support
Investigators:PI: Jordan Bonomo, M.D 07-2007 -07-2008 University of Cincinnati Research Council : Interdisciplinary faculty reseach support program The Novel use of CT-angiography and CT-perfusion in Identification of Post- Traumatic Vasospasm in severe Traumatic Brain Injury Role:Co-investigator
Investigators:Coordinator and Neuroradiology PI: Vagal AS 04-2007 -2010 Siemens - Master Research Agreement Upgrade to Siemens Definition Scanner with 2 Leonardo Workstations, Dual Energy Software Equipment value approximately $650,000 Completed
07-2009 -07-2010 University of Cincinnati Research Council: Interdisciplinary Faculty Research Support Program The Novel Use of CT-Angiography and CT-Perfusion in Identification of Post-traumatic Vasospasm in Severe Traumatic Brain Injury Role:Co-Investigator $25,000 Active
Investigators:J. Guarneschelli 06-01-2010 -06-30-2012 University of Cincinnati Neuroscience Foundation Grant 3T versus 1.5T MR approaches in target definition for malignant gliomas: Is there a significant difference in tumor extent and radiation treatment volume? Role:Co-Investigator $26,075 Active
06-2010 -06-2011 University of Cincinnati Neuroscience Foundation Grant Monitoring of Delayed Ischemia afer Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (MODISH) Role:Co-Investigator $36,000 Active
Investigators:Achala Vagal, MD 07-01-2012 -06-30-2014 American Roentgen Ray Socient (ARRS)/Elio Bracco Scholarship Grant Penumbral Relation to Clinical Outcome andTime (PREDICT) Role:PI
Grant: #W81XWH-08-2-0016 Investigators:J. Hartings, PI 10-01-2008 -09-30-2013 Department of Defense, US Army Spreading Depressions as Secondary Insults After Traumatic Inury to the Human Brain Role:Radiology Sub-investigator
Grant: #1U10NS077311-01 Investigators:P. Khatri and T. Glauser 09-30-2011 -08-31-2018 NIH/NINDS Cincinnati Neuroscience Clinical Trials Research Center (CinciNEXT) Role:Neuroradiology Co-investigator UC NEXT Team and Radiology Leader od Clinical Trial Working Group
Grant: #2U10NS058982-06 Investigators:A. Pancioli/ O Adeoye 09-30-2012 -08-31-2017 NIH/NINDS Neurological Emergencies Treatment Tirals (NETT) Clinical Site Hub Role:Neuroradiology Co-investigator UC NETT Team and Potential Site Principal Investigator in Future NETT Clinical Trails
Grant: #8KL2TR000078-05 and 8UL1TR000077-05 Investigators:Dietz 06-01-2012 -07-01-2014 NIH/NCATS (CCTST) AAC Intervention for Aphasia Recovery: An fMRI Study Role:Co-investigator
Grant: #2P5ONSO44283-06 Investigators:Pancioli 08-01-2010 -04-30-2012 NIH/NINDS Combined Approach to Lysis Utilizing Eptifibatide and rt-PA in Acute Ischemic Stroke-Enhanced Regimen (CLEAR-ER) Role:Radiology Sub-investigator
Grant: #R01NS100417 Investigators:Vagal, Achala; Woo, Daniel 08-01-2017 -04-30-2022 National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke ICH Recovery Grant Role:Collaborator $1,188,670.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-18-2-6G29 Investigators:Goodman, Michael; Vagal, Achala 08-02-2018 -10-25-2019 Air Force Research Laboratory Do Intravenous Gas Bubbles Formed from Blood Products Infused in the Aeromedical Evacuation Environment Influence Outcomes in Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) Role:Collaborator $622,996.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #R01NS103824 Investigators:Cornelius, Rebecca; Gaskill-Shipley, Mary; Khatri, Pooja; Kissela, Brett; Tomsick, Thomas; Vagal, Achala; Wang, Lily 09-30-2018 -07-31-2023 National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Assessing Population-based Radiological brain health in Stroke Epidemiology (APRISE) Study Role:PI $654,143.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #Innovation Grant Investigators:Mahoney, Mary; Vagal, Achala 06-01-2019 -05-31-2020 American College of Radiology Human Centered Design: Optimizing Patient Experience through Design Thinking Role:PI $100,000.00 Awarded Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #R40530 Investigators:Christensen, Eric; Mahoney, Mary; Rybicki, Frank; Sundaram, Murali; Vagal, Achala; Vogel, Craig 10-01-2019 -03-31-2020 UC's Urban Futures Digital Futures Anchor Development Program UC Digital Medical Lab Role:Collaborator $10,000.00 Active Level:Internal UC
Grant: #FA8650-20-2-6G37 under Master Agrmt FA8650-15-2-6605 Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Goodman, Michael; Vagal, Achala 12-04-2019 -03-04-2022 Air Force Research Laboratory Hypobaria or hypoxia: which insult matters most to the injured brain Role:Collaborator $372,091.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #U01NS110772 Investigators:Broderick, Joseph; Vagal, Achala 03-01-2020 -12-31-2024 National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke FVIIa for Acute hemorrhagic Stroke Administered at Earliest Time (FASTEST) Trial Role:Collaborator $6,473,075.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #SUB00002829/U01NS117450 Investigators:Vagal, Achala 09-01-2021 -08-31-2022 University of Florida Comparison of Anti-coagulation and anti-Platelet Therapies for Intracranial Vascular Atherostenosis Role:PI 85536.00 Hold Level:Higher Education
Grant: #RF1NS117643 Investigators:Khatri, Pooja; Kissela, Brett; Vagal, Achala 08-15-2020 -05-31-2024 National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke APRISE Dementia (Assessing Population-based Radiological brain health in Stroke Epidemiology-Dementia) Role:PI $1,963,399.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #TUL-HSC-560467-22/23/R01AG077497 Investigators:Vagal, Achala; Wang, Lily 07-01-2022 -06-30-2023 National Institute on Aging Disparities and Equity in Childhood Cardiovascular Exposures and Alzheimer's Dementia: The I3C DECADE Study Role:PI 447958.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #R01NS120493 Investigators:Vagal, Achala; Woo, Daniel 12-15-2020 -11-30-2025 National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Recovery of StrokE – Longitudinal Assessment With Neuroimaging (ROSE-LAWN) Role:Collaborator $702,132.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #sub/ UG3NS130228 Investigators:Vagal, Achala 11-01-2022 -10-31-2028 National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke CAPTIVA-MRI Role:PI 124283.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #R01NS030678-21 Investigators:Ferioli, Simona; Flaherty, Matthew; Kissela, Brett; Kleindorfer, Dawn; Vagal, Achala; Woo, Daniel 04-01-2015 -03-31-2020 National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Comparison of Hemorrhagic and Ischemic Stroke Among Blacks and Whites Role:Collaborator 7578862.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #U01NS120910 Investigators:Khatri, Pooja; Vagal, Achala; Wang, Lily 04-01-2021 -03-31-2026 National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Validation of Early Prognostic Data for Recovery Outcomes after Stroke for Future, Higher Yield Trials (VERIFY) Role:Collaborator 3986062.05 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #PENDING Investigators:Khatri, Pooja; Mahammedi, Abdelkader; Mistry, Eva; Vagal, Achala; Wang, Lily 04-01-2023 -07-31-2028 Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute Treatment with Endovascular Intervention for STroke Patients with Existing Disability (TESTED) Role:Collaborator 0.00 Hold Level:Non Profit
Grant: #Wash U Sub / U01NS100699 Investigators:Broderick, Joseph; Vagal, Achala 05-01-2021 -04-30-2022 Washington University in St. Louis MOST: Multi-arm Optimization of Stroke Thrombolysis Trial Role:Collaborator 0.00 Hold Level:Higher Education
Grant: #RG212975/Participation Agreement 07-01-2022 -06-30-2027 National Health and Medical Research Council Magnetic Resonance imaging outcomes in Colchicine After Stroke to Prevent Event Recurrence (MR_CASPER) trial Role:PI 0.00 Hold Level:Other
Grant: #RG212975/Participation Agreement 07-01-2022 -06-30-2027 National Health and Medical Research Council Magnetic Resonance imaging outcomes in Colchicine After Stroke to Prevent Event Recurrence (MR_CASPER) trial Role:PI 0.00 Hold Level:Other
Grant: #UG3 NS125023 Investigators:Aziz, Yasmin; Broderick, Joseph; Khatri, Pooja; Mistry, Eva; Vagal, Achala; Wang, Lily 05-01-2023 -10-31-2027 National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Strategy for Improving Stroke Treatment Response (SISTER) Trial Role:Collaborator 4535941.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #U01NS086872 Investigators:Benken, Laura; Broderick, Joseph; Frasure, Jamey; Khatri, Pooja; Linke, Michael; Mistry, Eva; Vagal, Achala 12-01-2023 -11-30-2028 National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke NIH StrokeNet National Clinical Coordinating Center (NCC) Role:Collaborator 2948572.00 Hold Level:Federal
Investigators:Broderick, Joseph; Khatri, Pooja; Mistry, Eva; Vagal, Achala 01-01-2024 -12-31-2024 Medical University of South Carolina Platform Trials of Thrombectomy in Acute Stroke Application to implement the master protocol with indication expansion in the StrokeNet Thrombectomy Platform STEP Role:Collaborator 1973388.00 Hold Level:Higher Education
Grant: #2RF1NS036695-20 Investigators:Demel, Stacie; Vagal, Achala; Wang, Lily; Williamson, Brady; Woo, Daniel -06-30-2029 National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Genetic and Environmental Risk Factors for Hemorrhagic Stroke-V Role:Collaborator 0.00 Hold Level:Federal
Peer Reviewed Publications
Vagal AS, Choe K (2005. ) Case Report and Discussion: "A Patient with Mental Status Changes and Multiple Hepatic Calcifications .J Infect Dis Clin Prac, , 13 (4 ) ,190-195
Vagal AS, Starnes A, Bakkar R, Meyer C (2006. ) Semi Invasive Aspergillosis with Chest Wall and Spinal Involvement: A Case Report and Discussion .J Infect Dis Clin Prac, , 14 (6 ) ,369-372
Strub WM, Vagal AS, Tomsick T, Moulton JS (10-2006. ) Overnight Resident Preliminary Interpretations on CT Examinations: Should the Process Continue? .Emerg Radiol, , 13 (1 ) ,19-23
Vagal AS, Shipley RT, Meyer CA (05-2007. ) Radiographic Manifestations of Sarcoidosis .Clin Dermatol, , 25 (3 ) ,312-25
Strub WM, Vagal AS, Meyer C (07-2007. ) Optimizing Coronary Artery Imaging in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation with ECG-gated 64-MDCT .Am J Roentgenol, , 189 (1 ) ,W50-1
Strub WM, Leach JL,Ying J, Vagal AS (02-2007. ) First Year Radiology Residents Not Taking Call: Will There Be a Difference? .Emerg Radiol, , 13 (5 ) ,231-5
Meyer, CA, Hall, JE, Mehall JR, Wolf RK, Schneeberger EW, Vagal AS, Strunk, RS, Hahn HS (07-2007. ) Impact of Preoperative 64-Slice CT Scanning on Mini-Maze Atrial Fibrillation Surgery .Innov Techno Tech Cardiothorac Vasc Surg, , 2 (4 ) ,169-175
WM Strub, JL Leach, T Tomsick, ASVagal (2007. ) Overnight Preliminary Head CT Interpretations Provided by Residents: Locations of Misidentified Intracranial Hemorrhage .Am J Neuroradiol , , 28 ,1679-1682
Fodor DW, Vagal AS, Wismann RD, Choe KA (2008. ) Meniscal Gymnastics: Common and Uncommon Locations Of Meniscal Flip and Flop .Curr Probl Diagn Radiol, , 37 ,15-25
Akbar JJ, Meyer CA, Shipley RT, Vagal AS (2008. ) Cardiopulmonary Imaging in Sarcoidosis .Clin Chest Med, , 29 ,429-443
Vagal AS, Leach JL, Fernandez M, Zuccarello M (2009. ) The Acetazolamide Challenge: Techniques and Applications in the Evaluation of Chronic Cerebral Ischemia .Am J Neuroradiol , , 30 (5 ) ,876-884
Moore M, Vagal AS, Strub W, Leach JL (2010. ) Reducing the Gray Zone: Imaging Spectrum of Hypoperfusion and Hypoxic Brain Injury in Adults .Emerg Radiol, , 7 (2 ) ,123-130
O'Brien W, Vagal AS (2010. ) CT Angiograms in Neuroimaging .Sem in Roetgenol, , 45 (2 ) ,107-115
Andaluz N, Choutka O, Vagal AS, Strunk R, Zuccarello M (2010. ) Patient Selection for Revascularization Procedures in Adult Moya Moya Disease Based on Dynamic Perfusion Computerized Tomography with Acetazolamide Challenge (PCTA) .Neurosurg Rev, , 33 (2 ) ,225-233
McKenzie JT, Guarnaschelli JN, Vagal AS, Warnick RE, Breneman JC (04-2013. ) Hypofractionated Stereotactic Radiotheraphy for Unifocal and Multifocal Recurrence of Malignant Gliomas. JNeurooncol, ,
Hartings JA, Wilson JA, Look AC, Vagal AS, Shutter LA, Dreier JP, Ringer A, Zuccarello M (2013. ) Patients with Aneurysmal Subarchnoid Hemorrhage .Acta Neurochir Suppl, , 27 (115 ) ,131-141
Chapman T, Carrico C, Vagal A, Paladin A (2012. ) Promotion as a Clinician Educator in Academic Radiology Departments: Guidelines at Three Major Institutions .Acad Radiol, , 19 (1 ) ,119-124
Von Fischer N, Eng H, Vagal AS (2012. ) Early Diffusion Weighted Imaging Findings in Hypoxic Anoxic Injury: Case Series and Review of the Literature .Neuroadiol J, , 25 (1 ) ,22-29
Meyer CA, Vagal AS, Seaman D (2011. ) Put Your Back Into It: Pathologic Conditions of the Spine at Chest CT .Radiographics, , 31 ,1425-1441
Thangasamy SJ, Vagal AS, Seaman D (2011. ) Remote Cerebellar Hemorrhage as an Unusual Complication of Supratentorial Surgery: Case Report and Review of Literature .Neuroradiol J, , 1 (17 ) ,827-830
Air EL, Vagal AS, Kendler A, McPherson CM (2010. ) Isolated Cerebellar Mucormycosis, Slowly Progressive Over One Year in an Immunocompetent Patient .Surg Neurol Int, , 1 ,81
Guarnaschelli, Jess N; Vagal, Achala S; McKenzie, Joshua T; McPherson, Christopher M; Warnick, Ronald E; Batra, Vivek; Breneman, John C; Lamba, Michael A Target definition for malignant gliomas: no difference in radiation treatment volumes between 1.5T and 3T magnetic resonance imaging.Practical radiation oncology, , 4 (5 ) ,e195-201 More Information
Schmitz, Marie L; Yeatts, Sharon D; Tomsick, Thomas A; Liebeskind, David S; Vagal, Achala; Broderick, Joseph P; Khatri, Pooja (2016. ) Recanalization and Angiographic Reperfusion Are Both Associated with a Favorable Clinical Outcome in the IMS III Trial.Interventional neurology, , 5 (3-4 ) ,118-122 More Information
Warach, Steven J; Luby, Marie; Albers, Gregory W; Bammer, Roland; Bivard, Andrew; Campbell, Bruce C V; Derdeyn, Colin; Heit, Jeremy J; Khatri, Pooja; Lansberg, Maarten G; Liebeskind, David S; Majoie, Charles B L M; Marks, Michael P; Menon, Bijoy K; Muir, Keith W; Parsons, Mark W; Vagal, Achala; Yoo, Albert J; Alexandrov, Andrei V; Baron, Jean-Claude; Fiorella, David J; Furlan, Anthony J; Puig, Josep; Schellinger, Peter D; Wintermark, Max (2016. ) Acute Stroke Imaging Research Roadmap III Imaging Selection and Outcomes in Acute Stroke Reperfusion Clinical Trials: Consensus Recommendations and Further Research Priorities.Stroke, , 47 (5 ) ,1389-98 More Information
Sato, Shoichiro; Delcourt, Candice; Heeley, Emma; Arima, Hisatomi; Zhang, Shihong; Al-Shahi Salman, Rustam; Stapf, Christian; Woo, Daniel; Flaherty, Matthew L; Vagal, Achala; Levi, Christopher; Davies, Leo; Wang, Jiguang; Robinson, Thompson; Lavados, Pablo M; Lindley, Richard I; Chalmers, John; Anderson, Craig S (2016. ) Significance of Cerebral Small-Vessel Disease in Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage.Stroke, , 47 (3 ) ,701-7 More Information
Vagal, Achala; Menon, Bijoy K; Foster, Lydia D; Livorine, Anthony; Yeatts, Sharon D; Qazi, Emmad; d'Esterre, Chris; Shi, Junzi; Demchuk, Andrew M; Hill, Michael D; Liebeskind, David S; Tomsick, Thomas; Goyal, Mayank (2016. ) Association Between CT Angiogram Collaterals and CT Perfusion in the Interventional Management of Stroke III Trial.Stroke, , 47 (2 ) ,535-8 More Information
Adeoye, Opeolu; Sucharew, Heidi; Khoury, Jane; Vagal, Achala; Schmit, Pamela A; Ewing, Irene; Levine, Steven R; Demel, Stacie; Eckerle, Bryan; Katz, Brian; Kleindorfer, Dawn; Stettler, Brian; Woo, Daniel; Khatri, Pooja; Broderick, Joseph P; Pancioli, Arthur M (2015. ) Combined Approach to Lysis Utilizing Eptifibatide and Recombinant Tissue-Type Plasminogen Activator in Acute Ischemic Stroke-Full Dose Regimen Stroke Trial.Stroke, , 46 (9 ) ,2529-33 More Information
Vagal, Achala S; Sucharew, Heidi; Prabhakaran, Shyam; Khatri, Pooja; Jovin, Tudor; Michel, Patrik; Wintermark, Max (2015. ) Final infarct volume discriminates outcome in mild strokes.The neuroradiology journal, , 28 (4 ) ,404-8 More Information
Plancher, Joao McONeil; Hufnagel, Robert B; Vagal, Achala; Peariso, Katrina; Saal, Howard M; Broderick, Joseph P Case of Small Vessel Disease Associated with COL4A1 Mutations following Trauma.Case reports in neurology, , 7 (2 ) ,142-7 More Information
Khatri P, Kleindorfer DO, Devlin T, Sawyer RN Jr, Starr M, Mejilla J, Broderick J, Chatterjee A, Jauch EC, Levine SR, Romano JG, Saver JL, Vagal A, Purdon B, Devenport J, Pavlov A, Yeatts SD; PRISMS Investigators. (2018. ) Effect of Alteplase vs Aspirin on Functional Outcome for Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke and Minor Nondisabling Neurologic Deficits: The PRISMS Randomized Clinical Trial.JAMA, , 320 (2 ) ,156 More Information
Benoit JL, Khatri P, Adeoye OM, Broderick JP, McMullan JT, Scheitz JF, Vagal AS, Eckman MH (2018. ) Prehospital Triage of Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients to an Intravenous tPA-Ready versus Endovascular-Ready Hospital: A Decision Analysis.Prehosp Emerg Care, , 1 More Information
Yeatts SD, Broderick JP, Chatterjee A, Jauch EC, Levine SR, Romano JG, Saver JL, Vagal A, Purdon B, Devenport J, Khatri P (2018. ) Alteplase for the treatment of acute ischemic stroke in patients with low National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale and not clearly disabling deficits (Potential of rtPA for Ischemic Strokes with Mild Symptoms PRISMS): Rationale and design.Int J Stroke, , 13 (6 ) ,654 More Information
Pavlina AA, Radhakrishnan R, Vagal AS (2018. ) Role of imaging in acute ischemic stroke.Semin Ultrasound CT MR, , 39 (5 ) ,412 More Information
Ditmer A, Zhang B, Shujaat T, Pavlina A, Luibrand N, Gaskill-Shipley M, Vagal A (2018. ) Diagnostic accuracy of MRI texture analysis for grading gliomas.J neuooncol, , 140 (3 ) ,583 More Information
Vagal A, Aviv R, Sucharew H, Reddy M, Hou Q, Michel P, Jovin T, Tomsick T, Wintermark M, Khatri P (2018. ) Collateral Clock Is More Important Than Time Clock for Tissue Fate.Stroke, , 49 (9 ) ,2102 More Information
Miyares, Laura C; Falcone, Guido J; Leasure, Audrey; Adeoye, Opeolu; Shi, Fu-Dong; Kittner, Steven J; Langefeld, Carl; Vagal, Achala; Sheth, Kevin N; Woo, Daniel (2020. ) Race/ethnicity influences outcomes in young adults with supratentorial intracerebral hemorrhage.Neurology, , More Information
Hartings, Jed A; Andaluz, Norberto; Bullock, M Ross; Hinzman, Jason M; Mathern, Bruce; Pahl, Clemens; Puccio, Ava; Shutter, Lori A; Strong, Anthony J; Vagal, Achala; Wilson, J Adam; Dreier, Jens P; Ngwenya, Laura B; Foreman, Brandon; Pahren, Laura; Lingsma, Hester; Okonkwo, David O (2019. ) Prognostic Value of Spreading Depolarizations in Patients With Severe Traumatic Brain Injury.JAMA neurology, , More Information
Vagal, Achala; Wahab, Shaun; Lecky, Shari; Washburn, Erica; Schwartz, Robert; Vogel, Craig; Mahoney, Mary (2019. ) Optimizing Patient Experience Using Human-Centered Design.Journal of the American College of Radiology : JACR, , More Information
Vagal, Achala; Wahab, Shaun A; Butcher, Bain; Zettel, Nat; Kemper, Erik; Vogel, Craig; Mahoney, Mary (2019. ) Human-Centered Design Thinking in Radiology.Journal of the American College of Radiology : JACR, , More Information
Vagal, Achala; Wintermark, Max; Nael, Kambiz; Bivard, Andrew; Parsons, Mark; Grossman, Aaron W; Khatri, Pooja (2019. ) Automated CT perfusion imaging for acute ischemic stroke: Pearls and pitfalls for real-world use.Neurology, , 93 (20 ) ,888-898 More Information
Jasne, Adam S; Alsherbini, Khalid H; Smith, Matthew S; Pandhi, Abhi; Vagal, Achala; Kanter, Daniel (2019. ) Cerebellar Hippocampal and Basal Nuclei Transient Edema with Restricted diffusion (CHANTER) Syndrome.Neurocritical care, , 31 (2 ) ,288-296 More Information
Potter, Christopher A; Vagal, Achala S; Goyal, Mayank; Nunez, Diego B; Leslie-Mazwi, Thabele M; Lev, Michael H (2019. ) CT for Treatment Selection in Acute Ischemic Stroke: A Code Stroke Primer.Radiographics : a review publication of the Radiological Society of North America, Inc, , 39 (6 ) ,1717-1738 More Information
Nael, Kambiz; Sakai, Yu; Khatri, Pooja; Prestigiacomo, Charles J; Puig, Josep; Vagal, Achala (2019. ) Imaging-based Selection for Endovascular Treatment in Stroke.Radiographics : a review publication of the Radiological Society of North America, Inc, , 39 (6 ) ,1696-1713 More Information
Whitlow, Christopher T; Lev, Michael H; Vagal, Achala S (2019. ) The 2019 RadioGraphics Monograph Issue: Emergency Neuroradiology.Radiographics : a review publication of the Radiological Society of North America, Inc, , 39 (6 ) ,1569-1570 More Information
Wu, Ona; Winzeck, Stefan; Giese, Anne-Katrin; Hancock, Brandon L; Etherton, Mark R; Bouts, Mark J R J; Donahue, Kathleen; Schirmer, Markus D; Irie, Robert E; Mocking, Steven J T; McIntosh, Elissa C; Bezerra, Raquel; Kamnitsas, Konstantinos; Frid, Petrea; Wasselius, Johan; Cole, John W; Xu, Huichun; Holmegaard, Lukas; Jiménez-Conde, Jordi; Lemmens, Robin; Lorentzen, Eric; McArdle, Patrick F; Meschia, James F; Roquer, Jaume; Rundek, Tatjana; Sacco, Ralph L; Schmidt, Reinhold; Sharma, Pankaj; Slowik, Agnieszka; Stanne, Tara M; Thijs, Vincent; Vagal, Achala; Woo, Daniel; Bevan, Stephen; Kittner, Steven J; Mitchell, Braxton D; Rosand, Jonathan; Worrall, Bradford B; Jern, Christina; Lindgren, Arne G; Maguire, Jane; Rost, Natalia S (2019. ) Big Data Approaches to Phenotyping Acute Ischemic Stroke Using Automated Lesion Segmentation of Multi-Center Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data.Stroke, , 50 (7 ) ,1734-1741 More Information
Schirmer, Markus D; Dalca, Adrian V; Sridharan, Ramesh; Giese, Anne-Katrin; Donahue, Kathleen L; Nardin, Marco J; Mocking, Steven J T; McIntosh, Elissa C; Frid, Petrea; Wasselius, Johan; Cole, John W; Holmegaard, Lukas; Jern, Christina; Jimenez-Conde, Jordi; Lemmens, Robin; Lindgren, Arne G; Meschia, James F; Roquer, Jaume; Rundek, Tatjana; Sacco, Ralph L; Schmidt, Reinhold; Sharma, Pankaj; Slowik, Agnieszka; Thijs, Vincent; Woo, Daniel; Vagal, Achala; Xu, Huichun; Kittner, Steven J; McArdle, Patrick F; Mitchell, Braxton D; Rosand, Jonathan; Worrall, Bradford B; Wu, Ona; Golland, Polina; Rost, Natalia S (2019. ) White matter hyperintensity quantification in large-scale clinical acute ischemic stroke cohorts - The MRI-GENIE study.NeuroImage. Clinical, , 23 ,101884 More Information
Ditmer, Austin; Zhang, Bin; Shujaat, Taimur; Pavlina, Andrew; Luibrand, Nicholas; Gaskill-Shipley, Mary; Vagal, Achala (2018. ) Diagnostic accuracy of MRI texture analysis for grading gliomas.Journal of neuro-oncology, , 140 (3 ) ,583-589 More Information
Vagal, Achala; Aviv, Richard; Wintermark, Max (2018. ) Response by Vagal et al to Letter Regarding Article, "Collateral Clock Is More Important Than Time Clock for Tissue Fate: A Natural History Study of Acute Ischemic Strokes".Stroke, , 49 (12 ) ,e340 More Information
Benoit, Justin L; Khatri, Pooja; Adeoye, Opeolu M; Broderick, Joseph P; McMullan, Jason T; Scheitz, Jan F; Vagal, Achala S; Eckman, Mark H Prehospital Triage of Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients to an Intravenous tPA-Ready versus Endovascular-Ready Hospital: A Decision Analysis.Prehospital emergency care : official journal of the National Association of EMS Physicians and the National Association of State EMS Directors, , 22 (6 ) ,722-733 More Information
Pavlina, Andrew A; Radhakrishnan, Rupa; Vagal, Achala S (2018. ) Role of Imaging in Acute Ischemic Stroke.Seminars in ultrasound, CT, and MR, , 39 (5 ) ,412-424 More Information
Vagal, Achala; Aviv, Richard; Sucharew, Heidi; Reddy, Mahati; Hou, Qinghua; Michel, Patrik; Jovin, Tudor; Tomsick, Thomas; Wintermark, Max; Khatri, Pooja (2018. ) Collateral Clock Is More Important Than Time Clock for Tissue Fate.Stroke, , 49 (9 ) ,2102-2107 More Information
Yeatts, Sharon D; Broderick, Joseph P; Chatterjee, Anjan; Jauch, Edward C; Levine, Steven R; Romano, Jose G; Saver, Jeffrey L; Vagal, Achala; Purdon, Barbara; Devenport, Jenny; Khatri, Pooja (2018. ) Alteplase for the treatment of acute ischemic stroke in patients with low National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale and not clearly disabling deficits (Potential of rtPA for Ischemic Strokes with Mild Symptoms PRISMS): Rationale and design.International journal of stroke : official journal of the International Stroke Society, , 13 (6 ) ,654-661 More Information
Khatri, Pooja; Kleindorfer, Dawn O; Devlin, Thomas; Sawyer, Robert N; Starr, Matthew; Mejilla, Jennifer; Broderick, Joseph; Chatterjee, Anjan; Jauch, Edward C; Levine, Steven R; Romano, Jose G; Saver, Jeffrey L; Vagal, Achala; Purdon, Barbara; Devenport, Jenny; Pavlov, Andrey; Yeatts, Sharon D (2018. ) Effect of Alteplase vs Aspirin on Functional Outcome for Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke and Minor Nondisabling Neurologic Deficits: The PRISMS Randomized Clinical Trial.JAMA, , 320 (2 ) ,156-166 More Information
Vagal, Achala; Reeder, Scott B; Sodickson, Daniel K; Goh, Vicky; Bhujwalla, Zaver M; Krupinski, Elizabeth A (2020. ) The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Radiology Research Enterprise: Radiology Scientific Expert Panel.Radiology, , 201393 More Information
Jasne, Adam S; Alsherbini, Khalid A; Smith, Matthew S; Kuohn, Lindsey R; Pandhi, Abhi; Vagal, Achala; Kanter, Daniel S (2020. ) Response to "Malignant cerebella edema in three-year-old girl following accidental opioid ingestion and fentanyl administration".The neuroradiology journal, , 33 (2 ) ,158 More Information
England, Eric; Kanfi, Alisa; Flink, Carl; Vagal, Achala; Sarkany, David; Patel, Maitray D; Milburn, James; Chadalavada, Seetharam; Jordan, Sheryl (2020. ) Radiology Residency Program Management in the COVID Era - Strategy and Reality.Academic radiology, , 27 (8 ) ,1140-1146 More Information
Vagal, Achala; Mahoney, Mary; Allen, Becky; Kapur, Sangita; Udstuen, Gavin; Wang, Lily; Braley, Susan; Makramalla, Abouelmagd; Chadalavada, Seetharam; Choe, Kyuran A; Scheler, Jennifer; Brown, Ann; England, Eric; Hudepohl, Joseph; Rybicki, Frank J (2020. ) Rescheduling Nonurgent Care in Radiology: Implementation During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic.Journal of the American College of Radiology : JACR, , 17 (7 ) ,882-889 More Information
Smith, Matthew S; Bonomo, Jordan; Knight, William A; Prestigiacomo, Charles J; Richards, Christopher T; Ramser, Evan; Adeoye, Opeolu; Bertsch, Stuart; Shirani, Peyman; Vagal, Achala; Fichtenbaum, Carl J; Housholder, Anne; Khatri, Pooja; Kleindorfer, Dawn O; Broderick, Joseph P; Grossman, Aaron W (2020. ) Endovascular Therapy for Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Proposed Algorithm.Stroke, , 51 (6 ) ,1902-1909 More Information
Mahammedi, Abdelkader; Saba, Luca; Vagal, Achala; Leali, Michela; Rossi, Andrea; Gaskill, Mary; Sengupta, Soma; Zhang, Bin; Carriero, Alessandro; Bachir, Suha; Crivelli, Paola; Paschè, Alessio; Premi, Enrico; Padovani, Alessandro; Gasparotti, Roberto (2020. ) Imaging in Neurological Disease of Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients: An Italian Multicenter Retrospective Observational Study.Radiology, , 201933 More Information
Schirmer, Markus D; Donahue, Kathleen L; Nardin, Marco J; Dalca, Adrian V; Giese, Anne-Katrin; Etherton, Mark R; Mocking, Steven J T; McIntosh, Elissa C; Cole, John W; Holmegaard, Lukas; Jood, Katarina; Jimenez-Conde, Jordi; Kittner, Steven J; Lemmens, Robin; Meschia, James F; Rosand, Jonathan; Roquer, Jaume; Rundek, Tatjana; Sacco, Ralph L; Schmidt, Reinhold; Sharma, Pankaj; Slowik, Agnieszka; Stanne, Tara M; Vagal, Achala; Wasselius, Johan; Woo, Daniel; Bevan, Stephen; Heitsch, Laura; Phuah, Chia-Ling; Strbian, Daniel; Tatlisumak, Turgut; Levi, Christopher R; Attia, John; McArdle, Patrick F; Worrall, Bradford B; Wu, Ona; Jern, Christina; Lindgren, Arne; Maguire, Jane; Thijs, Vincent; Rost, Natalia S (2020. ) Brain Volume: An Important Determinant of Functional Outcome After Acute Ischemic Stroke.Mayo Clinic proceedings, , 95 (5 ) ,955-965 More Information
Voleti, Sriharsha; Vidovich, Johnathan; Corcoran, Brendan; Zhang, Bin; Khandwala, Vivek; Mistry, Eva A; Khatri, Pooja; Tomsick, Thomas; Vagal, Achala (2021. ) Correlation of Alberta Stroke Program Early Computed Tomography Score With Computed Tomography Perfusion Core in Large Vessel Occlusion in Delayed Time Windows.Stroke, , 52 (2 ) ,498-504 More Information
Sturchio, Andrea; Marsili, Luca; Vizcarra, Joaquin A; Dwivedi, Alok K; Kauffman, Marcelo A; Duker, Andrew P; Lu, Peixin; Pauciulo, Michael W; Wissel, Benjamin D; Hill, Emily J; Stecher, Benjamin; Keeling, Elizabeth G; Vagal, Achala S; Wang, Lily; Haslam, David B; Robson, Matthew J; Tanner, Caroline M; Hagey, Daniel W; El Andaloussi, Samir; Ezzat, Kariem; Fleming, Ronan M T; Lu, Long J; Little, Max A; Espay, Alberto J (2020. ) Phenotype-Agnostic Molecular Subtyping of Neurodegenerative Disorders: The Cincinnati Cohort Biomarker Program (CCBP).Frontiers in aging neuroscience, , 12 ,553635 More Information
Vagal, Achala; Mahoney, Mary; Anderson, Jeffrey L; Allen, Becky; Hudepohl, Joseph; Chadalavada, Seetharam; Choe, Kyuran A; Kapur, Sangita; Gaskill-Shipley, Mary; Makramalla, Abouelmagd; Brown, Ann; Braley, Susan; England, Eric; Scheler, Jennifer; Udstuen, Gavin; Rybicki, Frank J (2020. ) Recover Wisely From COVID-19: Responsible Resumption of Nonurgent Radiology Services.Academic radiology, , 27 (10 ) ,1343-1352 More Information
Sturchio A.; Marsili L.; Vizcarra J.A.; Dwivedi A.K.; Kauffman M.A.; Duker A.P.; Lu P.; Pauciulo M.W.; Wissel B.D.; Hill E.J.; Stecher B.; Keeling E.G.; Vagal A.S.; Wang L.; Haslam D.B.; Robson M.J.; Tanner C.M.; Hagey D.W.; El Andaloussi S.; Ezzat K.; Fleming R.M.T.; Lu L.J.; Little M.A.; Espay A.J. (10-08-2020. ) Phenotype-Agnostic Molecular Subtyping of Neurodegenerative Disorders: The Cincinnati Cohort Biomark.Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, , 12 , More Information
Vagal A.; Sanelli P.; Sucharew H.; Alwell K.; Khoury J.; Khatri P.; Woo D.; Flaherty M.; Kissela B.; Adeoye O.; Ferioli S.; De Los Rios La Rosa F.; Martini S.; Mackey J.; Kleindorfer D. (10-01-2017. ) Age, sex, and racial differences in neuroimaging use in acute stroke: A population-based study.American Journal of Neuroradiology, , 38 (10 ) ,1905-1910 More Information
Vagal A.; Foster L.; Menon B.; Livorine A.; Shi J.; Qazi E.; Yeatts S.; Demchuk A.; Hill M.; Tomsick T.; Goyal M. (08-01-2016. ) Multimodal CT Imaging: Time to treatment and outcomes in the IMS III Trial.American Journal of Neuroradiology, , 37 (8 ) ,1393-1398 More Information
Lees K.R.; Khatri P.; Alexandrov A.V.; Bivard A.; Boltze J.; Broderick J.P.; Campbell B.C.V.; Creighton F.M.; Fiorella D.; Furlan A.J.; Gorelick P.B.; Hess D.C.; Kim W.K.; Latour L.L.; Liebeskind D.S.; Luby M.; Lyden P.; Lynch J.K.; Marshall R.S.; Menon B.K.; Muir K.W.; Palesch Y.; Peng H.; Pryor K.E.; Mocco J.; Rasmussen P.; Sacco R.L.; Schwamm L.H.; Smith E.E.; Solberg Y.; Vagal A.; Warach S.; Wechsler L.R.; Wintermark M.; Yoo A.J.; Zander K.M. (08-01-2016. ) Stroke Treatment Academic Industry Roundtable Recommendations for Individual Data Pooling Analyses i.Stroke, , 47 (8 ) ,2154-2159 More Information
Vagal A.; Vossough A.; Lev M.H.; Wintermark M. (04-12-2016. ) Central Nervous System Infarction.Handbook of Neuro-Oncology Neuroimaging: Second Edition, , 89-98 More Information
Vo K.; Yoo A.; Gupta A.; Qiao Y.; Vagal A.; Hirsch J.; Yousem D.; Lum C. (12-01-2015. ) Multimodal diagnostic imaging for hyperacute stroke.American Journal of Neuroradiology, , 36 (12 ) ,2206-2213 More Information
Morales H.; Vagal A. (09-04-2015. ) Vascular diseases of the brain .Neuroimaging: The Essentials, ,
Plancher J.M.O.; Hufnagel R.B.; Vagal A.; Peariso K.; Saal H.M.; Broderick J.P. (05-13-2015. ) Case of small vessel disease associated with COL4A1 mutations following trauma.Case Reports in Neurology, , 7 ,142-147 More Information
Serrone J.C.; Jimenez L.; Hanseman D.J.; Carroll C.P.; Grossman A.W.; Wang L.; Vagal A.; Choutka O.; Andaluz N.; Ringer A.J.; Abruzzo T.; Zuccarello M. (05-27-2014. ) Changes in Computed Tomography Perfusion Parameters after Superficial Temporal Artery to Middle Cere.Journal of Neurological Surgery, Part B: Skull Base, , 75 (6 ) ,371-377 More Information
Von Fischer N.; Yee Eng H.; Vagal A. (01-01-2012. ) Early diffusion-weighted imaging findings in hypoxic-anoxic injury: A case series and review of the .Neuroradiology Journal, , 25 (1 ) ,22-29 More Information
Thangasamy S.J.; Vagal A.; Radhakrishnan R. (01-01-2011. ) Remote cerebellar hemorrhage as an unusual complication of supratentorial surgery: A case report and.Neuroradiology Journal, , 24 (5 ) ,779-782 More Information
Vagal A.S.; Leach J.L.; Fernandez-Ulloa M.; Zuccarello M. (05-01-2009. ) The acetazolamide challenge: Techniques and applications in the evaluation of chronic cerebral ische.American Journal of Neuroradiology, , 30 (5 ) ,876-884 More Information
Strub W.; Leach J.; Tomsick T.; Vagal A. (10-01-2007. ) Overnight preliminary head CT interpretations provided by residents: Locations of misidentified intr.American Journal of Neuroradiology, , 28 (9 ) ,1679-1682 More Information
Meyer C.; Hall J.; Mehall J.; Wolf R.; Schneeberger E.; Vagal A.; Strunk R.; Hahn H. (07-01-2007. ) Impact of preoperative 64-slice CT scanning on mini-maze atrial fibrillation surgery.Innovations: Technology and Techniques in Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery, , 2 (4 ) ,169-175 More Information
Vagal A.; Starnes S.; Bakkar R.; Meyer C. (11-01-2006. ) Semi-invasive aspergillosis with chest wall and spinal involvement: A case report and discussion.Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice, , 14 (6 ) ,369-372 More Information
Vagal A.; Choe K.A. (01-01-2005. ) Case report: A patient with mental status changes and multiple hepatic calcifications.Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice, , 13 (4 ) ,190-194 More Information
Rosso, Michela; Ramaswamy, Srinath; Sucharew, Heidi; Vagal, Achala; Anziska, Yaacov; Levine, Steven R (2021. ) Isolated Third Cranial Nerve Palsy in Pituitary Apoplexy: Case Report and Systematic Review.Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association, , 30 (9 ) ,105969 More Information
Naidech, Andrew; Grotta, James C; Elm, Jordan; Janis, Scott; Dowlatshahi, Dar; Toyoda, Kazunori; Steiner, Thorsten; Mayer, Stephan A; Khanolkar, Pooja; Denlinger, Julie; Audebert, Heinrich J; Molina, Carlos; Khatri, Pooja; Sprigg, Nikola; Vagal, Achala; Broderick, Joseph P (2021. ) EXPRESS: Recombinant Factor VIIa for Hemorrhagic Stroke Treatment at Earliest Possible Time (FASTEST): Protocol for a Phase III, Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial.International journal of stroke : official journal of the International Stroke Society, , 17474930211042700 More Information
Campbell, Bruce C V; Lansberg, Maarten G; Broderick, Joseph P; Derdeyn, Colin P; Khatri, Pooja; Sarraj, Amrou; Saver, Jeffrey L; Vagal, Achala; Albers, Gregory W (2021. ) Acute Stroke Imaging Research Roadmap IV: Imaging Selection and Outcomes in Acute Stroke Clinical Trials and Practice.Stroke, , 52 (8 ) ,2723-2733 More Information
Bretzner, Martin; Bonkhoff, Anna K; Schirmer, Markus D; Hong, Sungmin; Dalca, Adrian V; Donahue, Kathleen L; Giese, Anne-Katrin; Etherton, Mark R; Rist, Pamela M; Nardin, Marco; Marinescu, Razvan; Wang, Clinton; Regenhardt, Robert W; Leclerc, Xavier; Lopes, Renaud; Benavente, Oscar R; Cole, John W; Donatti, Amanda; Griessenauer, Christoph J; Heitsch, Laura; Holmegaard, Lukas; Jood, Katarina; Jimenez-Conde, Jordi; Kittner, Steven J; Lemmens, Robin; Levi, Christopher R; McArdle, Patrick F; McDonough, Caitrin W; Meschia, James F; Phuah, Chia-Ling; Rolfs, Arndt; Ropele, Stefan; Rosand, Jonathan; Roquer, Jaume; Rundek, Tatjana; Sacco, Ralph L; Schmidt, Reinhold; Sharma, Pankaj; Slowik, Agnieszka; Sousa, Alessandro; Stanne, Tara M; Strbian, Daniel; Tatlisumak, Turgut; Thijs, Vincent; Vagal, Achala; Wasselius, Johan; Woo, Daniel; Wu, Ona; Zand, Ramin; Worrall, Bradford B; Maguire, Jane M; Lindgren, Arne; Jern, Christina; Golland, Polina; Kuchcinski, Grégory; Rost, Natalia S (2021. ) MRI Radiomic Signature of White Matter Hyperintensities Is Associated With Clinical Phenotypes.Frontiers in neuroscience, , 15 ,691244 More Information
Portela de Oliveira, Eduardo; Fiebach, Jochen B; Vagal, Achala; Schaefer, Pamela; Aviv, Richard (2021. ) Controversies in Imaging of Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke: AJR Expert Panel Narrative Review.AJR. American journal of roentgenology, , More Information
Bonkhoff, Anna K; Schirmer, Markus D; Bretzner, Martin; Hong, Sungmin; Regenhardt, Robert W; Brudfors, Mikael; Donahue, Kathleen L; Nardin, Marco J; Dalca, Adrian V; Giese, Anne-Katrin; Etherton, Mark R; Hancock, Brandon L; Mocking, Steven J T; McIntosh, Elissa C; Attia, John; Benavente, Oscar R; Bevan, Stephen; Cole, John W; Donatti, Amanda; Griessenauer, Christoph J; Heitsch, Laura; Holmegaard, Lukas; Jood, Katarina; Jimenez-Conde, Jordi; Kittner, Steven J; Lemmens, Robin; Levi, Christopher R; McDonough, Caitrin W; Meschia, James F; Phuah, Chia-Ling; Rolfs, Arndt; Ropele, Stefan; Rosand, Jonathan; Roquer, Jaume; Rundek, Tatjana; Sacco, Ralph L; Schmidt, Reinhold; Sharma, Pankaj; Slowik, Agnieszka; Söderholm, Martin; Sousa, Alessandro; Stanne, Tara M; Strbian, Daniel; Tatlisumak, Turgut; Thijs, Vincent; Vagal, Achala; Wasselius, Johan; Woo, Daniel; Zand, Ramin; McArdle, Patrick F; Worrall, Bradford B; Jern, Christina; Lindgren, Arne G; Maguire, Jane; Bzdok, Danilo; Wu, Ona ; Rost, Natalia S (2021. ) Outcome after acute ischemic stroke is linked to sex-specific lesion patterns.Nature communications, , 12 (1 ) ,3289 More Information
Williamson, Brady J; Khandwala, Vivek; Wang, David; Maloney, Thomas; Sucharew, Heidi; Horn, Paul; Haverbusch, Mary; Alwell, Kathleen; Gangatirkar, Shantala; Mahammedi, Abdelkader; Wang, Lily L; Tomsick, Thomas; Gaskill-Shipley, Mary; Cornelius, Rebecca; Khatri, Pooja; Kissela, Brett; Vagal, Achala (2022. ) Automated grading of enlarged perivascular spaces in clinical imaging data of an acute stroke cohort using an interpretable, 3D deep learning framework.Scientific reports, , 12 (1 ) ,788 More Information
Voleti, Sriharsha; Aziz, Yasmin N; Vidovich, Johnathan; Corcoran, Brendan; Zhang, Bin; Mistry, Eva; Khandwala, Vivek; Khatri, Pooja; Tomsick, Thomas; Wang, Lily; Mahammedi, Abdelkader; Vagal, Achala (2021. ) Association Between CT Angiogram Collaterals and CT Perfusion in Delayed Time Windows for Large Vessel Occlusion Ischemic Strokes.Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association, , 31 (3 ) ,106263 More Information
Gusler, Matthew T; Vagal, Achala; Gilday, Steven D; Flaherty, Matthew L (2021. ) Catastrophic Cerebral Fat Embolism Syndrome Lacks Hyperacute MRI Findings.Neurology. Clinical practice, , 11 (6 ) ,e962-e964 More Information
Hong, Sungmin; Giese, Anne-Katrin; Schirmer, Markus D; Bonkhoff, Anna K; Bretzner, Martin; Rist, Pamela; Dalca, Adrian V; Regenhardt, Robert W; Etherton, Mark R; Donahue, Kathleen L; Nardin, Marco; Mocking, Steven J T; McIntosh, Elissa C; Attia, John; Benavente, Oscar R; Cole, John W; Donatti, Amanda; Griessenauer, Christoph J; Heitsch, Laura; Holmegaard, Lukas; Jood, Katarina; Jimenez-Conde, Jordi; Roquer, Jaume; Kittner, Steven J; Lemmens, Robin; Levi, Christopher R; McDonough, Caitrin W; Meschia, James F; Phuah, Chia-Ling; Rolfs, Arndt; Ropele, Stefan; Rosand, Jonathan; Rundek, Tatjana; Sacco, Ralph L; Schmidt, Reinhold; Enzinger, Christian; Sharma, Pankaj; Slowik, Agnieszka; Sousa, Alessandro; Stanne, Tara M; Strbian, Daniel; Tatlisumak, Turgut; Thijs, Vincent; Vagal, Achala; Wasselius, Johan; Woo, Daniel; Zand, Ramin; McArdle, Patrick F; Worrall, Bradford B; Wu, Ona; Jern, Christina; Lindgren, Arne G; Maguire, Jane; Tomppo, Liisa; Golland, Polina; Rost, Natalia S (2021. ) Excessive White Matter Hyperintensity Increases Susceptibility to Poor Functional Outcomes After Acute Ischemic Stroke.Frontiers in neurology, , 12 ,700616 More Information
Bonkhoff, Anna K; Hong, Sungmin; Bretzner, Martin; Schirmer, Markus D; Regenhardt, Robert W; Arsava, E Murat; Donahue, Kathleen; Nardin, Marco; Dalca, Adrian; Giese, Anne-Katrin; Etherton, Mark R; Hancock, Brandon L; Mocking, Steven J T; McIntosh, Elissa; Attia, John; Benavente, Oscar; Cole, John W; Donatti, Amanda; Griessenauer, Christoph; Heitsch, Laura; Holmegaard, Lukas; Jood, Katarina; Jimenez-Conde, Jordi; Kittner, Steven; Lemmens, Robin; Levi, Christopher; McDonough, Caitrin W; Meschia, James; Phuah, Chia-Ling; Rolfs, Arndt; Ropele, Stefan; Rosand, Jonathan; Roquer, Jaume; Rundek, Tatjana; Sacco, Ralph L; Schmidt, Reinhold; Sharma, Pankaj; Slowik, Agnieszka; Soederholm, Martin; Sousa, Alessandro; Stanne, Tara M; Strbian, Daniel; Tatlisumak, Turgut; Thijs, Vincent; Vagal, Achala; Wasselius, Johan; Woo, Daniel; Zand, Ramin; McArdle, Patrick; Worrall, Bradford B; Jern, Christina; Lindgren, Arne G; Maguire, Jane; Golland, Polina; Bzdok, Danilo; Wu, Ona; Rost, Natalia S (2022. ) Association of Stroke Lesion Pattern and White Matter Hyperintensity Burden With Stroke Severity and Outcome.Neurology, , More Information
Williamson, Brady J; Vagal, Achala S (2022. ) Beyond the AJR: White Matter Microstructural Differences Detectable in Patients Recovered From COVID-19 at 1-Year Follow-Up.AJR. American journal of roentgenology, , 1 More Information
Wahab, Shaun A; Wahab, Rifat A; Butcher, Bain; Brown, Ann; Mahoney, Bruce; Chadalavada, Seetharam; Lecky, Shari S; Washburn, Erica; Allen, Becky; Vogel, Craig; Mahoney, Mary; Vagal, Achala (2022. ) Humanizing Radiology Appointment Education to Improve Patient Experience.Journal of the American College of Radiology : JACR, , 19 (5 ) ,647-651 More Information
Mongan, John; Vagal, Achala; Wu, Carol C (2022. ) Imaging AI in Practice: Introducing the Special Issue.Radiology. Artificial intelligence, , 4 (2 ) ,e220039 More Information
Bonkhoff, Anna K; Bretzner, Martin; Hong, Sungmin; Schirmer, Markus D; Cohen, Alexander; Regenhardt, Robert W; Donahue, Kathleen L; Nardin, Marco J; Dalca, Adrian V; Giese, Anne-Katrin; Etherton, Mark R; Hancock, Brandon L; Mocking, Steven J T; McIntosh, Elissa C; Attia, John; Benavente, Oscar R; Bevan, Stephen; Cole, John W; Donatti, Amanda; Griessenauer, Christoph J; Heitsch, Laura; Holmegaard, Lukas; Jood, Katarina; Jimenez-Conde, Jordi; Kittner, Steven J; Lemmens, Robin; Levi, Christopher R; McDonough, Caitrin W; Meschia, James F; Phuah, Chia-Ling; Rolfs, Arndt; Ropele, Stefan; Rosand, Jonathan; Roquer, Jaume; Rundek, Tatjana; Sacco, Ralph L; Schmidt, Reinhold; Sharma, Pankaj; Slowik, Agnieszka; Söderholm, Martin; Sousa, Alessandro; Stanne, Tara M; Strbian, Daniel; Tatlisumak, Turgut; Thijs, Vincent; Vagal, Achala; Wasselius, Johan; Woo, Daniel; Zand, Ramin; McArdle, Patrick F; Worrall, Bradford B; Jern, Christina; Lindgren, Arne G; Maguire, Jane; Fox, Michael D; Bzdok, Danilo; Wu, Ona; Rost, Natalia S (2022. ) Sex-specific lesion pattern of functional outcomes after stroke.Brain communications, , 4 (2 ) ,fcac020 More Information
Vagal, Achala; Saba, Luca (2022. ) Artificial Intelligence in "Code Stroke"-A Paradigm Shift: Do Radiologists Need to Change Their Practice?.Radiology. Artificial intelligence, , 4 (2 ) ,e210204 More Information
Bretzner, Martin; Bonkhoff, Anna K; Schirmer, Markus D; Hong, Sungmin; Dalca, Adrian; Donahue, Kathleen; Giese, Anne-Katrin; Etherton, Mark R; Rist, Pamela M; Nardin, Marco; Regenhardt, Robert W; Leclerc, Xavier; Lopes, Renaud; Gautherot, Morgan; Wang, Clinton; Benavente, Oscar R; Cole, John W; Donatti, Amanda; Griessenauer, Christoph; Heitsch, Laura; Holmegaard, Lukas; Jood, Katarina; Jimenez-Conde, Jordi; Kittner, Steven J; Lemmens, Robin; Levi, Christopher R; McArdle, Patrick F; McDonough, Caitrin W; Meschia, James F; Phuah, Chia-Ling; Rolfs, Arndt; Ropele, Stefan; Rosand, Jonathan; Roquer, Jaume; Rundek, Tatjana; Sacco, Ralph L; Schmidt, Reinhold; Sharma, Pankaj; Slowik, Agnieszka; Sousa, Alessandro; Stanne, Tara M; Strbian, Daniel; Tatlisumak, Turgut; Thijs, Vincent; Vagal, Achala; Wasselius, Johan; Woo, Daniel; Wu, Ona; Zand, Ramin; Worrall, Bradford B; Maguire, Jane; Lindgren, Arne G; Jern, Christina; Golland, Polina; Kuchcinski, Grégory; Rost, Natalia S (2022. ) Radiomics-Derived Brain Age Predicts Functional Outcome After Acute Ischemic Stroke.Neurology, , More Information
Bonkhoff, Anna K; Schirmer, Markus D; Bretzner, Martin; Hong, Sungmin; Regenhardt, Robert W; Donahue, Kathleen L; Nardin, Marco J; Dalca, Adrian V; Giese, Anne-Katrin; Etherton, Mark R; Hancock, Brandon L; Mocking, Steven J T; McIntosh, Elissa C; Attia, John; Cole, John W; Donatti, Amanda; Griessenauer, Christoph J; Heitsch, Laura; Holmegaard, Lukas; Jood, Katarina; Jimenez-Conde, Jordi; Kittner, Steven J; Lemmens, Robin; Levi, Christopher R; McDonough, Caitrin W; Meschia, James F; Phuah, Chia-Ling; Ropele, Stefan; Rosand, Jonathan; Roquer, Jaume; Rundek, Tatjana; Sacco, Ralph L; Schmidt, Reinhold; Sharma, Pankaj; Slowik, Agnieszka; Sousa, Alessandro; Stanne, Tara M; Strbian, Daniel; Tatlisumak, Turgut; Thijs, Vincent; Vagal, Achala; Wasselius, Johan; Woo, Daniel; Zand, Ramin; McArdle, Patrick F; Worrall, Bradford B; Jern, Christina; Lindgren, Arne G; Maguire, Jane; Wu, Ona; Rost, Natalia S (2022. ) The relevance of rich club regions for functional outcome post-stroke is enhanced in women.Human brain mapping, , More Information
Vidovich, Johnathan; Voleti, Sriharsha; Zhang, Bin; Stephens, Cody; Sriwastwa, Aakanksha; Aziz, Yasmin; Corcoran, Brendan; Khandwala, Vivek; Mistry, Eva; Khatri, Pooja; Wang, Lily L; Vagal, Achala (2022. ) Accuracy of CT perfusion-predicted core in the late window.Interventional neuroradiology : journal of peritherapeutic neuroradiology, surgical procedures and related neurosciences, , 15910199221133863 More Information
Bonkhoff, Anna K; Ullberg, Teresa; Bretzner, Martin; Hong, Sungmin; Schirmer, Markus D; Regenhardt, Robert W; Donahue, Kathleen L; Nardin, Marco J; Dalca, Adrian V; Giese, Anne-Katrin; Etherton, Mark R; Hancock, Brandon L; Mocking, Steven J T; McIntosh, Elissa C; Attia, John; Cole, John W; Donatti, Amanda; Griessenauer, Christoph J; Heitsch, Laura; Holmegaard, Lukas; Jood, Katarina; Jimenez-Conde, Jordi; Kittner, Steven J; Lemmens, Robin; Levi, Christopher R; McDonough, Caitrin W; Meschia, James F; Phuah, Chia-Ling; Ropele, Stefan; Rosand, Jonathan; Roquer, Jaume; Rundek, Tatjana; Sacco, Ralph L; Schmidt, Reinhold; Sharma, Pankaj; Slowik, Agnieszka; Sousa, Alessandro; Stanne, Tara M; Strbian, Daniel; Tatlisumak, Turgut; Thijs, Vincent; Vagal, Achala; Woo, Daniel; Zand, Ramin; McArdle, Patrick F; Worrall, Bradford B; Jern, Christina; Lindgren, Arne G; Maguire, Jane; Wu, Ona; Frid, Petrea; Rost, Natalia S; Wasselius, Johan (2022. ) Deep profiling of multiple ischemic lesions in a large, multi-center cohort: Frequency, spatial distribution, and associations to clinical characteristics.Frontiers in neuroscience, , 16 ,994458 More Information
Wang, Lily L; Mahammedi, Abdelkader; Vagal, Achala S (2022. ) Imaging of Headache Attributed to Vascular Disorders.Neurologic clinics, , 40 (3 ) ,507-530 More Information
Mahammedi, Abdelkader; Wang, Lily L; Vagal, Achala S (2022. ) Imaging Appearance of Migraine and Tension Type Headache.Neurologic clinics, , 40 (3 ) ,491-505 More Information
Vagal, Achala; Sucharew, Heidi; Wang, Lily L; Kissela, Brett; Alwell, Kathleen; Haverbusch, Mary; Woo, Daniel; Ferioli, Simona; Mackey, Jason; De Los Rios La Rosa, Felipe; Mistry, Eva A; Demel, Stacie L; Coleman, Elisheva; Jasne, Adam S; Walsh, Kyle; Khatri, Pooja; Slavin, Sabreena; Star, Michael; Stephens, Cody; Kleindorfer, Dawn (2023. ) Trends in Disparities in Advanced Neuroimaging Utilization in Acute Stroke: A Population-Based Study.Stroke, , 54 (4 ) ,1001-1008 More Information
Chadalavada, Seetharam C; Roebker, James A; Brown, Ann; Tobler, Juliana J; Wahab, Shaun A; Kapur, Sangita; Wahab, Rifat A; Mahoney, Mary; Vagal, Achala (2024. ) Humanized Healthcare: Human-Centered Design in Screening Mammography.Journal of the American College of Radiology : JACR, , More Information
Shahrouki, Puja; Kihira, Shingo; Tavakkol, Elham; Qiao, Joe X; Vagal, Achala; Khatri, Pooja; Bahr-Hosseini, Mersedeh; Colby, Geoffrey P; Jahan, Reza; Duckwiler, Gary; Szeder, Viktor; Ledbetter, Luke; Cai, Stephen; Salehi, Banafsheh; Doshi, Amish H; Belani, Puneet; Fifi, Johanna T; De Leacy, Reade; Mocco, J; Saver, Jeffrey L; Liebeskind, David S; Nael, Kambiz (2023. ) Automated assessment of ischemic core on non-contrast computed tomography: a multicenter comparative analysis with CT perfusion.Journal of neurointerventional surgery, , More Information
Other Publications
Vagal AS, Meyer CA (10-09-2007. ) New thoracic imaging approach developed by UC Radiologists .Featured in RSNA Daily Scan,
Vagal AS, Meyer CA (10-08-2007. ) New thoracic imaging approach developed by UC Radiologists .The UC Health News ,
Vagal AS, Meyer CA (10-08-2007. ) New thoracic imaging approach developed by UC Radiologists .Biomedicine,
Vagal AS, Meyer CA (10-09-2007. ) New thoracic imaging approach developed by UC Radiologists .News Daily ,
Vagal AS, Meyer CA (10-22-2007. ) New thoracic imaging approach developed by UC Radiologists .American Society of Radiologist Technologist ,
Vagal AS, Meyer CA (01-2008. ) New CT Protocol Yields Improved Venous Images .RSNA News, 18 (1 ) ,
Invited Presentations
Vagal AS (1995. ) CT Diagnosis of Ring Enhancing Lesions .48th Annual Congress of Indian Radiological Association (IRIA) in the Roentgen Centenary Celebration year , Mumbai, India. Professional Meeting. .
Vagal AS (2000. ) Role of Imaging in Occupational Disease .Annual convention of Indian Association of Occupational Health, Mumbai, India. Professional Meeting. .
Vagal, AS (04-2006. ) Resident Case Presentations .Ben Felson Lecture Series, University of Cincinnati. UC. .
Meyer CA, Vagal A, Gilman M (2001. ) Distribution of Laminar Flow Artifacts in the Superior Vena Cava as a Function of Injection Side .Annual Meeting of the Society of Thoracic Radiology, Las Vegas, NV. Professional Meeting. .
Vagal, AS (10-05-2007. ) Performing High Quality Thoracic MDCT Venography .35TH Annual Meeting of North American Society for Cardiac Imaging (NASCI), Washington DC. Professional Meeting. .
Vagal AS (03-19-2010. ) Advanced Endoscopic Cranial Base Surgery Course: Sellar and Juxtasellar Lesions: How Do You Narrow the Differential? .Unviersity of Cincinnati Academic Health Center, Cincinnati, OH. UC. .
Vagal, AS (03-22-2010. ) Clinician Educator Promotion Criteria; Speaker and Panel Discussion .Association of University Radiologists 58th Annual Meeting, ACER Session, San Diego, CA. Professional Meeting. .
Vagal AS (04-17-2010. ) CT Perfusion in Chronic Stenoocclusive Diseases .35th Benjamin Felson Lectures, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati OH.
Vagal AS (2010. ) Clinician Educator Development Program (CEDP). Conducted Workshop 4 on Case Based Teaching and 6 on Beyond PowerPoint .American Roentgen Ray Society Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. Professional Meeting. .
Vagal AS (05-2010. ) Moderator Scientific Paper Parallel Session 49D: Adult Anatomy and Other .Americian Society of Neuroradiology Annual Meeting, Boston, MA. Professional Meeting. .
Vagal AS (06-26-2010. ) Meningioma Breakout Session .The Midwest Regional Brain Tumor Conference, Cincinnati, OH. Conference. .
Vagal, AS (02-19-2011. ) Utility of CT Perfusion .Society to Advanced Radiology Technologists Meeting (START), Christ Hospital, Cincinnati, OH.
Vagal, AS (03-18-2011. ) Sellar and Juxtasellar Lesions .Advanced Endoscopic Cranial Basic Surgery Course, University of Cincinnati Academic Health Center.
Vagal AS (05-2011. ) Imaging of Stroke in Adults: Practical Pearls .American Roentgen Ray Society (ARRS) Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. Professional Meeting. . Level:National
Vagal AS (05-2011. ) Head and Neck Scientific Session .American Roentgen Ray Society Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. Professional Meeting. . Level:National
Vagal AS (2011. ) Neuroradiology White Matter II, Scientific Session .Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. Professional Meeting. . Level:National
Vagal AS (05-2012. ) Neuroradiology: Head and Neck Scientific Session .American Roentgen Ray Society (ARRS) Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada.
Vagal AS (05-2012. ) Intracerebral Hemorrhage in Adults: Code Stroke, SAM Session .American Roentgen Ray Society (ARRS) Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada. Professional Meeting. .
Vaga AS (04-2013. ) Brave New World of Teaching, SAM Session .Association of University Radiologists (AUR) Annual Meeting, Los Angels, CA. Professional Meeting. . Level:National
Vagal AS (04-2013. ) Different Strokes: Adult Ischemic Stroke .American Roentgen Ray Society (ARRS) Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. Professional Meeting. . Level:National
Vagal AS (04-2013. ) Power Hour, Neuroradiology .American Roentgen Ray Society (ARRS) Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. Professional Meeting. . Level:National
Vagal AS (05-2013. ) Case of the Day .American Society of Neuroradiology, (ASNR) Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. Professional Meeting. . Level:National
Vagal AS (07-12-2013. ) Imaging of Acute Ischemic Stroke, CT Perfusion .Weill Cornell Medical College, Department of Radiology, New York, NY. Other Institution. .
Vagal AS (07-2013. ) Danger Zones in Head CT .University of Virginia, Department of Radiology, Charlottesville, NC. Other Institution. .
Poster Presentations
Meyer CA, Wolf RK, Vagal AS, Mehall JR, Schneeberger EW, Strunk RS (11-27-2005. ) ECG-gated 64 Slice MDCT in the Preoperative Evaluation of Patients Prior to Minimally Invasive Surgery for Atrial Fibrillation .89th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America, Chicago, IL. . Professional Meeting. .
Vagal AS, Fodor D, Wissman R, Choe A (11-27-2005. ) Meniscal Gymnastics: Common and Uncommon Locations of Meniscal Flip and Flop .89th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America, Chicago, IL. . Professional Meeting. .
Vagal AS, Strollo D, Gilman MD, Shipley RT, Meyer CA (04-30-2006. ) Cardiovascular Findings on Noncontrast Chest CT: Dye Another Day .American Roentgen Ray Society Meeting, Vancouver, B.C.. . Professional Meeting. .
Meyer CA, Wolf RK, Vagal AS, Mehall JR, Schneeberger EW, Strunk RS (04-30-2006. ) ECG-gated 64 Slice MDCT in the Preoperative Evaluation of Patients Prior to Minimally Invasive Surgery for Atrial Fibrillation .American Roentgen Ray Society Meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada. . Professional Meeting. .
Vagal AS, Moore MJ, Cornelius R (09-2006. ) Neck Trauma: Looking Beyond the Spine and Vessels .American Society of Head and Neck Radiology Annual Meeting , Phoenix, Arizona. . Professional Meeting. .
Vagal AS, Strollo D, Gilman MD, Shipley RT, Meyer CA (11-27-2006. ) Cardiovascular Findings on Noncontrast Chest CT: Dye Another Day .90th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America, Chicago, IL. . Professional Meeting. .
Vagal AS, Gilman MD, Strunk RS, Meyer CA (11-27-2006. ) Don’t Stuggle in Vein: Performing High Quality Thoracic MDCT Venography .90th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America, Chicago, IL. . Professional Meeting. .
Vagal AS, Moore MJ, Strub WM, Leach JL (11-27-2006. ) Reducing the Gray Zone: Imaging Spectrum of Hypoperfusion and Hypoxic Brain Injury in Adults .90th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America, Chicago, IL. . Professional Meeting. .
Vagal AS, Moore MJ, Cornelius R (05-06-2007. ) Neck Trauma: Looking Beyond the Spine and Vessels .American Roentgen Ray Society 107th Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL. . Professional Meeting. .
Vagal AS, Moore MJ, Strub WM, Leach JL (06-09-2007. ) Reducing the Gray Zone: Imaging spectrum of Hypoperfusion and Hypoxic Brain Injury in Adults .NER Foundation Symposium 2007 & ASNR 45th Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. . Professional Meeting. .
Vagal AS, Leach JL, Strub WM, Tomsick TA, Lukin RR (05-31-2008. ) Dangerous Areas in Head CT Interpretation: Lessons Learnt from a Long Term Resident Quality Assurance Process .NER Foundation Symposium 2008 & ASNR 46th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA. . Professional Meeting. .
Jason A, Vagal AS (05-12-2009. ) PACS Implementation at an Academic Institution: Experiences and Challenges from the Radiologist Perspective .Association of University Radiologists (AUR), Arlington, Virginia. . Professional Meeting. .
Vagal AS, Strunk R, Choutka O, Levin L, Leach JL, Zuccarello, M (2010. ) Evaluation of Extracranial-Intracranial Bypass: Utility of Ct Angiogram and CT Perfusion with Acetazolamide Challenge .American Roentgen Ray Society Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. .
Vagal AS, Khatri P (05-2013. ) Challenges and Controversies of CT Perfusion in Acute Ischemic Stroke .American Society of Neuroradiology (ASNR) Annual Meeting, Professional Meeting. . Level:National
von Fischer N, Vagal AS, Radhakrishnan R, Eng HY (11-2012. ) Appropriateness of CT Angiogram in Emergency Department Patients Presenting with Vertigo/Dizziness .Radiological Society of North America Scientifice Assembly and Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. . Professional Meeting. . Level:National
McDonald N, Vagal AS, Gaskill M, Leach JL (09-2012. ) Resident Interpretation of Emergent Neuroradiology MRI Examinations: Lessons Learned from a Long-Term Quality Assurance Process .American Society of Neuroradiology (ASNR) Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA. . Professional Meeting. . Level:National
Radhakrishnan R, von Fischer N, Vagal AS (05-2012. ) Sellar and Juxtasellar Lesions: How to Make a Diagnosis Based on Radiological Reasoning .American Roentgen Ray Society (ARRS) Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada. . Professional Meeting. .
Guarnaschelli J, Vagal AS, Breneman J, Warnick C, McPherson S, Offerman M, Johnson M, Gaskill M, Barrett W, Lamba M (10-2012. ) Prospective Trial Evaluating Difference in Radiation Target Volume on 3T Versus 1.5T MR for Patients with Malignant Gliomas .American Society of Radiation Oncology, Boston, MA. . Professional Meeting. . Level:National
McDonald N, Vagal AS (03-2012. ) Is There a Need to Increase Neuroradiology MRI Training in the First Year of Radiology Residency? .Association of University Radiologists (AUR) Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX. . Professional Meeting. . Level:National
Vagal AS, Khatri P (11-2011. ) Controversies in Acute Stroke Imaging: Is Multimodal Imaging Reading for Prime Time? .Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. . Professional Meeting. . Level:National
Rehani B, von Fischer N, Vagal AS, Verma S, Collins J (11-2011. ) Practical Pearls in Radiation Protection in CT Imaging .Radiological Society of North America Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. . Professional Meeting. . Level:National
Vagal AS, Gaskill-Shipley M, von Fischer N, Guarnaschelli J, McPherson C, Rixe O (2011. ) Challenges of Post Therapy Brain Tumor Evaluation: What the Radiologist Needs to Know .American Society of Neuroradiology (ASNR) Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA. . Professional Meeting. . Level:National
Leach JL, Vagal AS, Mangan F, McPherson C, Lee K Gelfand M, Rose D, Crone K, Warnick R, Tew JM (2010. ) Operative Integration of Multimodality Neuroimaging .American Society of Neuroradiology (ASNR) Annual Meeting, Boston, MA. . Professional Meeting. . Level:National
McKenzie J, Guarneschellie J, Vagal AS, Breneman J (2011. ) Steriotactic Radiotherapy for Unifocal and Mulifocal Recurrence of Malignant Glioma .American Society of Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) Annual Meeting, Miami, FL. . Professional Meeting. . Level:National
Paper Presentations
Leach JL, Vagal A, Strub WM, Moulton J, Tomsick TA (04-25-2007. ) Simple Method for Preliminary Report Generation, Discrepancy Tracking, Quality Assurance, and Resident Education Using Voice-Recognition Software .Denver, Colorado. Professional Meeting.
Vagal AS, Zuccarello M, White D, Strunk R, Leach JL (04-13-2008. ) Utility of CT perfusion with acetazolamide challenge to assess cerebrovascular reserve in adult Moyamoya patients .Washington DC. Professional Meeting.
Vagal AS, Zuccarello M, White D, Strunk R, Leach JL (05-31-2008. ) Utility of CT perfusion with acetazolamide challenge to assess cerebrovascular reserve in adult Moya moya patients .New Orleans, LA. Professional Meeting.
Leach JL, McPherson C, Vagal AS, Carrozella J, Theodosopoulos P, Warnick R (2008. ) Operative integration of Functional MRI and Tractography at 3T: Correlation of resection extent with post-operative clinical outcome in patients with brain neoplasia .Chicago, IL. Professional Meeting.
McPherson CM, Leach JL, Vagal AS, Carrozella J, Theodosopoulos P, Tew JM, Warnick RE (2008. ) Operative Integration of Functional MRI and Diffusion Tensor Tractography Performed at 3T: Correlation of Resection Extent and Location with Post-operative Clinical Outcome in Patients with Brain Neoplasia .
O'Brien W, Vagal AS, Cornelius RS (2009. ) Role of CT Angiography in the Setting of Nontraumatic Subacrahnoid Hemorrhage .Chicago, IL. Professional Meeting.
Seaman D, Vagal AS, Meyer CA (2009. ) Get Back in the Game: Identifying Spinal Pathology on Chest CT .Chicago, IL. Professional Meeting.
Lin Y, Weiss KL, Vagal AS, Weiss JL, Lower EE, Baughman RP (2010. ) Spinal Involvement in Neurosarcoidosis: Rapid MRI Assessment .Boston, MA. Professional Meeting.
Leach JL, Vagal AS, Mangano F, McPherson C, Lee K, Gelfand M, Rose D, Crone K, Warnick R, Tew JM (2010. ) Operative Integration of Multimodality Neuroimaging .Boston, MA. Professional Meeting.
Honors and Awards
1988 National Talent Scholar, India
2008 Summa Cum Laude Award Scientific Presentation American Roentgen Ray Society (ARRS)
2009 Educational Grant Award Clinical Educator Development Program American Roentgen Ray Society (ARRS)
2009 Philips Faculty Development Program Award Association of University Radiologists (AUR)
2006 Certificate of Merit Educational Exhibit Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)
2006 Cum Laude Award Education Exhibit Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)
2006 Certificate of Merit Educational Exhibit American Roentgen Ray Society (ARRS)
2009 Certificate of Merit Educational Exhibit Radiological Society of North America, (RSNA)
2009 Certificate of Merit Scientific Presentation American Roentgen Ray Society (ARRS)
2010 Magna Cum Laude Award Educational Exhibit American Society of Neuroradiology (ASNR)
2010 Cum Laude Award Educational Exhibit Americian Society of Neuroradiology (ASNR)
2011 Magna Cum Laude Award Educational Exhibit Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)
2011 Young Investigator Recognition Award University of Cincinnati
2012 Scholar Award American Roentgen Ray Society (ARRS)
2012 American Roentgen Ray Society Scholar Award
2014 CCTST (CTSA) CT2 Research Scholar Award Awarded By: Center for Clinical and Translational Science and Training
2015 CCTST (CTSA) KL2 Research Scholar Award Awarded By: Center for Clinical and Translational Science and Training
2017 University of Cincinnati Women Lead Program
2017 University of Cincinnati Mentoring Program Awarded By: University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
2018 AAMC Midcareer Women Leadership Program Awarded By: Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC)
2019 Robert D. Zimmerman Award for Best Scientific Poster Awarded By: Eastern Neuroradiological Society (ESNR) Annual Meeting
2019 Magna Cum Laude Award for “Best in Subspeciality” Oral Presentation Awarded By: American Roentgen Ray Society (ARRS) Annual meeting
2019 Stroke Progress and Innovation Award Awarded By: Stroke Journal at International Stroke Conference
2019 Women in Neuroradiology Leadership Award Awarded By: Foundation of American Society of Neuroradiology (ASNR), American College of Radiology (ACR) and the American Association for Women Radiologists (AAWR) -awarded to one recipient each year
2020 Honored Educator Award Awarded By: Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)
2021 Faculty Research Core Value Award Awarded By: University of Cincinnati Office of Research (awarded to three faculty for professionalism and their positive interactions with research staff)
2021 Selected for 2021-2022 Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine (ELAM) Awarded By: Hedwig van Ameringen Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine (ELAM) program, Drexel University
Veterans Hospital, Cincinnati, OH (MRI ) Director Type:University/College Service 2005 -2007
Veterans Hospital, Cincinnati, OH (Resident Education, Assistant Director ) Type:University/College Service 2006 -2007
University of Cincinnati (Resident Quality Assurance Process ) Type:University/College Service 2003 -2012
University of Cincinnati (Radiology Resident Selection Committee ) Member Type:Departmental Service 2007 -2011
University of Cincinnati (Radiology Department PACS Committee ) Member Type:Departmental Service 2008 -2011
University of Cincinnati (Radiology Medical Education Committee ) Member Type:Departmental Service 01-2008 -To Present
University of Cincinnati (Radiology Department Renovation Project, CT Focus Group ) Member Type:Departmental Service 2009 -2011
Veterans Hospital, Presenting Radiologist (Thoracic Oncology Weekly Case Review ) Type:University/College Service 2005 -2007
Lymphoma and Leukemia Society (Weekly Case Review- Presenting Radiologist ) Type:Service to Professional Associations 2005 -2007
University of Cincinnati (Adult Brain Tumor Weekly Case Review ) Review Board/Panel Type:University/College Service 2007 -To Present
University of Cincinnati (Skull Base Tumor Weekly Review ) Review Board/Panel Type:University/College Service 2007 -To Present
University of Cincinnati (Vascular Weekly Case Review ) Reviewer Type:University/College Service 2007 -To Present
American Journal of Neuroradiology Reviewer Type:Service to Professional Associations 2009 -To Present
AAMC MedEdPORTAL Reviewer Type:Service to Professional Associations 2009 -To Present
University of Cincinnati Medical Center (Brain Tumor Clinical Trials Committee ) Member Type:University/College Service 2010 -To Present
Radiological Society of North America (Radiographics Panel (Neuroradiology) ) Member Type:Service to Professional Associations 2009 -To Present
American Roentgen Ray Socieity (Scientific Program ) Member Type:Service to Professional Associations 2009 -To Present
Association of University Radiologists and Association of Clinician Educators in Radiology (Rules and bylaws Subcommittee ) Committee Chair Type:Service to Professional Associations 2010 -To Present
American Society of Neuroradiology (Audiovisual Committee ) Member Type:Service to Professional Associations 2010 -To Present
University of Cincinnati Department of Radiology (Imaging Research Development Committee ) Member Type:Departmental Service 2010 -2012
University of Cincinnati (Comprehensive Stroke Leadership Committee ) Member Type:University/College Service 2011 -To Present
University of Cincinnati (Brain Tumor Center Translational Research Committee ) Member Type:University/College Service 2012 -To Present
Professional Affiliation
Radiologic Society of North America (RSNA),
American Roentgen Ray Society (ARRS),
American Society of Neuroradiology (ASNR),
American Society of Head & Neck Radiology (ASHNR),
American Society of Functional Neuroradiology (ASFNR),
Association of University Radiologists (AUR),
American Association of Women Radiologists (AAWR),
2009 -To Present: Radiographics Panel (Neuroradiology) Committee Radiological Society of North Americal (RSNA),
2009 -To Present: Scientific Program Committee American Roentgen Ray Society (ARRS),
2010 -To Present: Rules and Bylaws Subcommittee Chair Association of Clinician Educators in Radiology (AUR-ACER),
2010 -To Present: Audiovisual Committee American Society of Neuroradiology (ASNR),
2011 -To Present: Educaton Committee, Vice Chair (2012 to 2015) American Society of Neuroradiology (ASNR),
2011 -To Present: Scientific Abstract Review Committee American Society of Neuroradiology (ASNR),
2012 -To Present: Website Committee Chair and Member at Large Radiology Research Alliance (RRA),
2012 -To Present: Assistant Panel Chair and Editorial Board Member, "Radiographics," Neurological/Head and Neck Imaging Section
2013: Evidence-Based Committee American Society of Neuroradiology (ASNR),
01-2011 -12-2012: Member of Expert Panel for International Atomic Energy Agency's (IAEA) Radiation Protection of Patients Website
Other Information
1. Clinical consultant, Vashi Diagnostic Centre, Mumbai, India. Feb 1997- May 2001
2. CT Consultant, Galaxy Diagnostic Centre, Mumbai, India. Sep 1999- April 2000
3. Ultrasound consultant, MGM Hospital, Navi Mumbai, India. May 1999- May 2001
Contact Information
University of Cincinnati Medical Center
PO Box 670761
Ohio, 45267-0761
Phone: 513-558-2043
Fax: 513-558-1599