Patricia VanVoorhis

Patricia VanVoorhis


Professor Emerita

Positions and Work Experience

2002 -To Present Director, University of Cincinnati Corrections of Institute, Cincinnati, OH

2005 -To Present Executive Councelor, Elected position (Board of Directors), American Society of Criminology,

2007 -To Present Member, To address jail over crowding, Hamilton County Criminal Justice Commission: Probation Committee,

2007 -To Present Member, Board of Directors, River City Correctional Center,

-To Present Principal Investigator, One federal grant, Two state-wide contracts, one county contract,


Peer Reviewed Publications

Listwan,S.; Van Voorhis,P.; Ritchie,N. (2007. ) Personality, criminal behavior, and risk assessment .Criminal Justice and Behavior, , 34 ,60-75

Van Voorhis, P.; Salisbury, E.; Wright, E.; Bauman, A. (2007. ) Research note: a new classification instrument for female offenders .Corrections Today, , 96-97

Listwan, S.; Van Voorhis, P.; Ritchey, P. (2007. ) Personality, criminal behavior,and risk assessment: implications for theory and practice .Criminal Justice and Behavior, , 34 (1 ) ,60-75

Wright, E.; Salisbury, E.; Van Voorhis, P. (2007. ) Predicting the prison misconducts of women offenders: the importance of gender responsive needs .Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, , 23 (4 ) ,310-340

Van Voorhis, P. (2006. ) Pathfinders vs. problems solving: comparative effects of cognitive-behavioral programs for men and women offenders .Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, , 42 (3 ) ,69-94

Spiropoulis,G.; Spruance,L.; Van Voorhis,P.; Schmitt,M. (2005. ) Pathfinders vs. problem solving: comparative effects of cognitive-behavioral programs for men and women offenders .Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, , 42 ,69-94

Van Voorhis, P. (2005. ) Classification of women offenders: gender-responsive approaches to risk/needs assessment .Community Corrections Report, , 12 (2 ) ,19-27

Hardyman,P.; Van Voorhis,P. (2004. ) Developing gender-specific classification systems for women offenders .

Listwan,S.; Sperber,K.; Spruance,L.; Van Voorhis,P. (2004. ) Anxiety in correctional settings: it'' s time for another look .Federal Probation, , 68(1) ,27 -31

Van Voorhis,P.; Spruance,L.; Johnson Listwan,S.; Ritchie,N.; Seabrook,R. (2004. ) Results of the Georgia cognitive skills experiment: a replication of reasoning and rehabilitation .Criminal Justice and Behavior, , 31 (3 ) ,282-305

Van Voorhis,P.; Johnson,S. (2003. ) The need to develop intermediate outcome measures .ICCA Journal of Community Correction, ,

Van Voorhis,P.; Presser,L. (2003. ) Women offenders and prison classification: a paradox .Women, Girls, and Criminal Justice, , 4 (1 ) ,1-11

Van Voorhis,P.; Johnson,S.; Spruance,L.; Sutherland,J. (2003. ) The need to develop intermediate outcome measures .ICCA Journal on Community Correction, ,

Presser,L.; Van Voorhis,P. (2002. ) Values and evaluation: assessing processes and outcomes of restorative justice programs .Crime and Delinquency, , 48 (1 ) ,162-188

Van Voorhis,P. (1998. ) Measuring program outcomes .ICCA: Journal on Community Corrections, ,

Van Voorhis,P.; Browning,S.; Simon,M.; Gordon,J. (1997. ) The meaning of punishment: inmates orientation to the prison experience .The Prison Journal, , 77 ,135-167

Van Voorhis,P. (1997. ) Correctional classification and the responsivity principle .Forum on Corrections Research, , 9 (1 ) ,46-50

Van Voorhis,P.; Brown,K. (1996. ) Evaluability assessment: a tool for program development in corrections .

Van Voorhis,P.; Cullen,F.T.; Applegate,B.K. (1995. ) Evaluating interventions with violent offenders: a guide for practitioners and policymakers .Federal Probation, , 59 ,17-28

Salisbury, E.; Van Voorhis, P.; Spiropoulis, G. (2009. ) The predictive validity of a gender responsive risk/needs assessment .Crime and Delinquency, , 55 (4 ) ,550 -585

Andrews,D.; Van Voorhis,P.; Glick,B. What works: effective correctional interventions .

Van Voorhis,P.; Heide,K.; Palmer,T.; Rosenbaum,J. Marguerite warren, the community treatment project and academe: from theory to correctional practice to academe .Women and Criminal Justice, ,

Holsinger,K.; Van Voorhis,P. Examining gender inequities in classification systems: missouri'' s development of a gender-responsive assessment instrument .Women, Girls, and Criminal Justice, ,

Van Voorhis, P.; Wright, E.; Salisbury, S.; Bauman, A. (2010. ) Women's risk factors and their contributions to existing risk/needs assessment: The current status of gender responsive assessment .Criminal Justice and Behavior, , 37 (3 ) ,261 -288

Listwan, S.; Piquero, N.; Van Voorhis, P. Recidivismamong a white collar sample: Does personality matter? .Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, ,

Salisbury, E.; Van Voorhis, P. (2009. ) Gendered pathways: A quantitative investigation of women probationers paths to recidivism .Criminal Justice and Behavior, , 36 (6 ) ,541 -566

Van Voorhis, P. (2009. ) Forward to Special Issue .Victims and Offenders, , 4 ,1 -6

Gehring, K.; Van Voorhis, P.; Bell, V. (2010. ) What works for female probationers?: An evaluation of hte moving on program .Women, Girls, and Criminal Justice, , 11 (1 ) ,1 -6-10

Van Voorhis, P.; Bauman, A.; Wright, E.; Salisbury, E. (2009. ) Implementing the women's risk/needs assessment (WRNAs): Early lessons from the field .Women, Girls, and Criminal Justice, , 10 (6 ) ,81 -82, 89-91

Salisbury, E.; Van Voorhis, P.; Wright, E.; Bauman, A. (2009. ) Changing the probation experience for women offenders: Findings from the women's needs and risk assessment project .Women, Girls, and Criminal Justice, , 10 (6 ) ,83 -84, 92-95

Other Publications

Van Voorhis, P.; Salisbury, E.; Wright, E.; Bauman, A. (2008. ) Achieving accurate pictures of risk and identifying gender responsive needs: two new assessments for women offenders .Federal Governmental Report, National Institute of Corrections

Van Voorhis, P.; Salisbury, E.; Bauman, A.; Wright, E. (2007. ) Gender-responsive risk-needs assessment: final report prepared for the Maui CARE Project and the National Institute of Corrections .Federal Governmental Report, University of Cincinnati: Criminal Justice Research Center

Wright, E.; Van Voorhis, P.; Bauman, A.; Salisbury, S. (2008. ) Gender-responsive risk/needs assessment final report: prepared for the Minnesota Department of Corrections and the Advisory Task Force on the Woman and Juvenile Female Offender in Corrections .Federal Governmental Report, University of Cincinnati: Criminal Justice Research Center

Spiropoulis, G.; Van Voorhis, P. (2007. ) Evaluation of adult work-release services. Hamilton County, Indiana - year 4 .Country Governmental Report, University of Cincinnati: Criminal Justice Research Center

Published Books

Van Voorhis,P.; Braswell,M.; Lester,D. (2004. ) Correctional counseling and rehabilitation (5th ed.) .Cincinnati, OH , Lexis/Nexis

Van Voorhis,P.; Braswell,M.; Lester,D. (1997. ) Correctional counseling & rehabilitation, (3rd ed.) .Cincinnati, OH , Anderson

Van Voorhis, P.; M. Braswell; D. Lester (2007. ) Correctional Counceling and Rehabilitation, 6th Edition .Cincinnati, OH , Anderson Publishing, Co.

van Voorhis, P.; Braswell, M.; Lester, D. (2009. ) Correctional Counseling and Rehabilitation, 7th Edition .OH: Lexis/Nexis ,

Book Chapter

Van Vorrhis,P. (2006 ) Cognitive behavioral interventions for at risk youth Behavioral programs in corrections .Kingston, NJ, Civic Research Institute

Cullen,F.T.; Van Voorhis,P.; Sundt,J.L. (1996 ) Prisons in crisis: the american experience Prisons 2000: An international perspective on the current state and future of imprisonment .New York, Macmillan

Cullen,F.; Van Voorhis,P.; Sundt,J. (1996 ) Prisons 2000 Prisons in crisis: The American experience .New York, NY, McMillan

Van Voorhis, P.; Salisbury, E.; Bauman, A.; Holsinger, K.; Wright, E. (2007 ) ICCA 2007 Plenary Addresses Classifying women offenders: achieving accurate pictures of risk and identifying gender responsive needs .Lanham, MD, American Correctional Association

Bauman, A.; Gehring, K.; Van Voorhis, P. (2009 ) Cognitive behavioral programming for women and girls Cognitive behavioral programs and interventions: what works with at-risk youth, 2nd ed. Kingston, NJ, Civic Research Institute

Van Voorhis, P. Moral development and crime Encyclopedia of criminological theory .Thousand Oaks, CA, SAGE Publications


Invited Presentations

Van Voorhis, P. (01-2006. ) Risk and needs of women in community and institutional correctional settings: Preliminary findings .Regional Conference on Operational Practices for Women Offenders, Sacramento, CA.

Van Voorhis, P. (01-2006. ) Lessons from the Georgia program assessment inventory .Georgia DOC Demonstration Sites Conference, Macon, GA.

Van Voorhis, P. (11-2005. ) Risk and needs of women in community and institutional correctional settings: Preliminary findings .American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Toronto.

Van Voorhis, P. (10-2005. ) Gender responsive classification .National Annual Conference on Women Offenders, Minneapolis, MN.

Van Voorhis, P. (09-2005. ) Performance measurement and program evaluation .Presentation to Criminal Justice, Mental Health and Social Services County Officials, Indiana State University Terre Haute, IN.

Van Voorhis, P. (01-2005. ) Gender responsive classification .Paper presented at the meeting of the NIC Critical Issues in Managing Women Offenders, Forsyth, GA.

Van Voorhis, P. (12-2004. ) Gender responsive classification .Paper presented at the meeting of the NIC Critical Issues in Managing Women Offenders, Phoenix, AZ.

Van Voorhis, P. (11-2004. ) Incorporating responsivity into current correctional practice: Practical applications of the Jesness Inventory .Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN.

Van Voorhis, P. (11-2004. ) Program quality and its impact on the Georgia cognitive sills experiment .Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN.

Van Voorhis, P (11-2004. ) Outcome study of custody classification and need assessement systems for incarcerated women offenders .Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN.

Van Voorhis, P. (11-2004. ) Increasing numbers of women under correctional supervision: Examining gender inequities in classification systems .Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN.

Van Voorhis, P (10-2004. ) Women and correctional classification systems .Paper presented at the Annual Conference on Excellence in Corrections, Macon, GA.

Van Voorhis, P. (10-2004. ) Effect of individual characteristics and program quality of correctional effectiveness .Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Community Corrections Association, Cincinnati, OH.

Van Voorhis, P. (03-2004. ) Women offenders: The role of mental health, substance abuse, and mental health .Paper presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Meeting, Elmer Johnson Memorial Lecture, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL.

Van Voorhis, P., Listwan, S. J., Spruance, L., & Gentry Sperber, K. (11-2003. ) High anxiety offenders in correctional settings: It's time for another look .Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Denver, CO.

Spriopoulis, G., Spruance, L., and Van Voorhis, P. (03-2003. ) The effects of a cognitive-behavioral intervention on incarcerated women offenders .Paper presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.

Van Voorhis, P. (03-2003. ) What works with women offenders .Paper presented at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL.

Spruance, L., Van Voorhis, P., Ritchey, N., Johnson-Listwan, S., Pealer, J., and Seabrook, R. (11-2002. ) The impact of offender and programmatic characteristics on the effectiveness of a cognitive skills rehabilitation program .Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.

Spriopoulis, G., Spruance, L., and Van Voorhis, P. (11-2002. ) Classification of women offenders: The role of gender-responsive needs .Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.

Van Voorhis, P. and Hardyman, P. (11-2002. ) Classification of incarcerated women offenders: Current practices and new approaches .American Society of Criminology, Chicago, IL.

Van Voorhis, P., Pealer, J., Spiropoulis, G. and Sutherland, J. (11-2002. ) Classification of women offenders: The role of gender-responsive needs .American Society of Criminology, Chicago, IL.

Van Voorhis, P. (10-2002. ) Mental health services for the re-entering offenders .NIC/ODRC Conference, London, OH.

Van Voorhis, P. (09-2002. ) Classification of women offenders .NIC Operational Practices for Women Offenders Workshop. Invited Presentation, Denver, CO.

Van Voorhis, P. (07-2007. ) Improving outcomes for justice involved women: integrating evidence based practices and gender responsive principles .American Probation and Parole Association: Summer Training Institute, Philadelphia, PA.

Van Voorhis, P. (10-2008. ) Classifying women offenders: achieving accurate pictures of risk and identifying gender responsive needs .Annual Meeting of the International Community Correctional Association, San Diego, CA.

Van Voorhis, P. (11-2008. ) Experimental research in the Georgia Department of Corrections .American Society of Criminology: Academy of Experimental Criminology, Atlanta, GA.

Van Voorhis, P. (11-2007. ) A new risk/needs assessment for women: results at the two-year point .American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, GA.

Van Voorhis, P. (11-2007. ) Gender-responsive needs: preliminary analyses of six adn twelve month outcome data from a sample of female incarcerated offenders in Minnesota .Amrican Society of Criminology, Atlanta, GA.

Van Voorhis, P. (11-2007. ) Examining the influence of gender-responsive needs on parental stress .American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, GA.

Van Voorhis, P. (11-2007. ) Gender pathways: exploring women's unique paths to crime .American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, GA.

Van Voorhis, P. (01-2008. ) Innovations in prison re-entry programs .Georgia DOC Awards Banquet and Conference, Macon, GA.

Van Voorhis, P. (03-2008. ) Survey research with prisoners .American Academy of Criminal Justice, Cininnati, OH.

Van Voorhis, P. (03-18-2010. ) Changing the treatment paradigm for women offenders .American Psychology-Law Society Conference (Division 41 of the American Psychological Association) , Vancouver, British Columbia.

Paper Presentations

Van Voorhis, P. (11-01-2009. ) Pathways to female offending and their implications for treatment and supervision .Philadelphia, PA.

Bell, V.; Van Voorhis, P. (11-06-2009. ) Validity of gender-responsive assessment tool: Race effects in a sample of female offenders in Minnesota .Philadelphia, PA.

Gehring, K.; Vaske, J.; Van Voorhis, P. (11-05-2009. ) The road between abuse and offending: A test of pathways perspective .Philadelphia, PA.

Honors and Awards

2009 Distinguished Scholar Award, Division of Corrections and Sentencing, American Society of Criminology

2009 Maud Booth Award for Correctional Service, Awarded by Volunteers of America at the American Correctional Association's Annual Meeting


International Community Corrections Association (Board of Directors ) Elected Member 2008

American Society of Criminology (Board of Directors ) Elected Member 2005 -2009

River City Correctional Center, Cincinnati, Ohio (Board of Directors ) Elected Member 2007

Other Information