Emily Van Walleghen , PhD, RD
Assistant Professor Educator
Clinical Assistant Professor
Hastings L. & William A. French Building
3202 Eden Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45267
Phone 513-558-2024
Email emily.vanwalleghen@uc.edu
Doctoral Degree: Virgina Tech 2006 (Nutrition in Sports and Chronic Disease)
Master's Degree: University of Arizona 2002 (Nutritional Science)
Bachelor's Degree: University of Illinois 2000 (Human Nutrition)
Peer Reviewed Publications
Raynor, Hollie A; Van Walleghen, Emily L; Bachman, Jessica L; Looney, Shannon M; Phelan, Suzanne; Wing, Rena R (2011. ) Dietary energy density and successful weight loss maintenance.Eating behaviors, , 12 (2 ) ,119-25 More Information
Raynor, Hollie A; Van Walleghen, Emily L; Osterholt, Kathrin M; Hart, Chantelle N; Jelalian, Elissa; Wing, Rena R; Goldfield, Gary S (2011. ) The relationship between child and parent food hedonics and parent and child food group intake in children with overweight/obesity.Journal of the American Dietetic Association, , 111 (3 ) ,425-30 More Information
Raynor, Hollie A; Van Walleghen, Emily L; Niemeier, Heather; Butryn, Meghan L; Wing, Rena R (2009. ) Do food provisions packaged in single-servings reduce energy intake at breakfast during a brief behavioral weight-loss intervention?.Journal of the American Dietetic Association, , 109 (11 ) ,1922-5 More Information
Smith, Bryan K; Van Walleghen, Emily L; Cook-Wiens, Galen; Martin, Rachael N; Curry, Chelsea R; Sullivan, Debra K; Gibson, Cheryl A; Donnelly, Joseph E (2009. ) Comparison of two self-directed weight loss interventions: Limited weekly support vs. no outside support.Obesity research & clinical practice, , 3 (3 ) ,I-IV More Information
Zemel, Michael B; Donnelly, Joseph E; Smith, Bryan K; Sullivan, Debra K; Richards, Joanna; Morgan-Hanusa, Danielle; Mayo, Matthew S; Sun, Xiaocun; Cook-Wiens, Galen; Bailey, Bruce W; Van Walleghen, Emily L; Washburn, Richard A (2008. ) Effects of dairy intake on weight maintenance.Nutrition & metabolism, , 5 ,28 More Information
Flint, Kelsey M Gilmour; Van Walleghen, Emily L; Kealey, Elizabeth H; VonKaenel, Sandra; Bessesen, Daniel H; Davy, Brenda M (2008. ) Differences in eating behaviors between nonobese, weight stable young and older adults.Eating behaviors, , 9 (3 ) ,370-5 More Information
Davy, Brenda M; Van Walleghen, Emily L; Orr, Jeb S (2007. ) Sex differences in acute energy intake regulation.Appetite, , 49 (1 ) ,141-7 More Information
Van Walleghen, Emily L; Orr, Jeb S; Gentile, Chris L; Davy, Brenda M (2007. ) Pre-meal water consumption reduces meal energy intake in older but not younger subjects.Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.), , 15 (1 ) ,93-9 More Information
Book Chapter
Van Walleghen EL, Steeves BA, Raynor HA (2011 ) Obesity The Oxford Handbook of Health Psychology .(pp. 738 -766).Oxford University Press
Honors and Awards
2006 Outstanding Graduate Student, Department of Human Nutrition, Foods, and Exercise Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
2000 Outstanding Senior in Human Nutrition, Department of Food Science and Human Nutritio University of Illinois
Contact Information
Academic - Hastings L. & William A. French Building
3202 Eden Avenue
Ohio, 45267
Phone: 513-558-2024