Vijay Vasudevan

Vijay K Vasudevan

Research Support

Grant: #DE-FG26-03NT41793 Investigators:Vasudevan, Vijay 07-01-2003 -03-31-2008 Department of Energy Processing, Microstructure and Creep Behavior of Intermediate Alloys for Very High Temperature Structural Applications Role:PI $200,000.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #4000049362 Investigators:Vasudevan, Vijay 05-01-2006 -02-28-2009 Department of Energy Characterization of New Boiler Materials for Ultra Supercritical Coal Power Plants Role:PI $86,549.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #2003-HIF-30 Investigators:Vasudevan, Vijay 07-17-2003 -06-30-2006 Ohio Board of Regents Center for the Accelerated Maturation of Materials Role:PI $250,000.00 Closed Level:State of Ohio

Grant: #PO 702923-090 NCE Investigators:Vasudevan, Vijay 07-01-2003 -09-30-2004 Department of Energy Characterization of New, Cast Aluminum Alloys for High-Temperature Applications Role:PI $33,952.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #S-710-001-002/Ltr Investigators:Vasudevan, Vijay 03-01-2004 -09-30-2005 Department of the Air Force Mechanisms Governing Delamination and Fracture Behavior of Aluminum-Lithium Alloys Role:PI $90,000.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #200-18-14P15866 Investigators:Vasudevan, Vijay 01-01-2005 -01-01-2007 General Electric Company A Study of the Effects of Laser Shock Peening on Microstructure and Residual Stress Distributions in Aero Engine Materials Role:PI $300,000.00 Closed Level:Industry

Grant: #05-S508-010-08-C1/#2 Investigators:Vasudevan, Vijay 01-01-2005 -09-30-2006 Department of the Air Force Characterization of Surface-Treated and Cold Worked Nickel-Based Superalloys Role:PI $50,760.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #1830009187 Investigators:Vasudevan, Vijay 03-12-2002 -09-30-2005 Department of the Air Force Microstructure Characterization of Complex Niobium Alloys Role:PI $215,000.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #PO 382779-090 NCE Investigators:Vasudevan, Vijay 04-29-2002 -12-31-2003 Department of Energy Characterization of New, Cast Aluminum Alloys for High-Temperature Applications Role:PI $30,000.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #F49620-00-1-0080 Investigators:Vasudevan, Vijay 01-01-2000 -10-31-2000 Department of the Air Force Microstructure and Creep Behavior of Next Generation of Very High Temperature Refractory Alloys Role:PI $45,000.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #OBR 1999 - 9919 Investigators:Vasudevan, Vijay 07-01-1999 -06-30-2001 Ohio Board of Regents Center for the Accelerated Maturation of Materials Role:PI $.00 Closed Level:State of Ohio

Grant: #F496200110127/P00002 Investigators:Vasudevan, Vijay 12-15-2000 -06-13-2004 Department of the Air Force Lightweight, High-Strength, Age-Hardenable Nanoscale Materials Role:PI $240,000.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #4000017043-07 Investigators:Vasudevan, Vijay 08-08-2002 -01-01-2008 Department of Energy Characterization of Boiler Materials for Ultrasupercritical Coal Power Plants Role:PI $225,495.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #DMR-9731349-NCE Investigators:Vasudevan, Vijay 07-15-1998 -06-30-2002 National Science Foundation Research of Massive and Other Phase Transformations in TiAl-Based Intermetallic Alloys Role:PI $282,496.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #DUE-9650509 Investigators:Vasudevan, Vijay 07-01-1996 -06-30-2000 National Science Foundation Instrumentation for an Integrated Laboratory Course on Phase Analysis in Materials Engineering Role:PI $33,986.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #DME 0706161 Investigators:Mannava, Seetha Ramaiah; Qian, Dong; Vasudevan, Vijay 07-01-2007 -06-30-2011 National Science Foundation Mechanisms Governing the Thermal Stability and Relaxation Behavior of Microstructure and Residual Stress in Surface-Treated Aero Engine Alloys Role:PI $400,000.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #200-10-14C43219 Investigators:Vasudevan, Vijay 02-27-2008 -12-31-2008 General Electric Aviation Evaluation of Metallurgical Samples of GE56 Alloy Role:PI $15,000.00 Closed Level:Industry

Grant: #UES P843 / S-843-000-001 Investigators:Qian, Dong; Vasudevan, Vijay 05-08-2008 -09-25-2010 Department of Defense SBIR Phase II: A Physics-Based Model for the Prediction of Laser Shock-Induced Spallation Role:Collaborator $374,899.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #08-USCP-NT41175-SUB-UC Investigators:Vasudevan, Vijay 05-15-2008 -12-31-2009 Department of Energy Characterization of New Boiler Materials for Ultra Supercritical Coal Power Plants Role:PI $91,733.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #DMR-0805127 Investigators:Buchanan, Relva; Vasudevan, Vijay 09-01-2008 -06-30-2013 National Science Foundation Core Shell/Barrier Layer Structured Ceramics: Physical Mechanisms of Enhancements of the Desirable Dielectric Properties Role:Collaborator $697,894.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #TECH-09-022 Investigators:Abdallah, Shaaban; Cohen, Kelly; Hamed, Awatef; Jeng, San-Mou; Jog, Milind; Khosla, Prem; Lee, Jay; Qian, Dong; Schulz, Mark; Shanov, Vesselin; Singh, Raj; Steckl, Andrew; Turner, Mark; Vasudevan, Vijay; Walker, Bruce 08-18-2008 -08-17-2013 Ohio Department of Development Intelligent Propulsion and Power Systems and Their Life Management Role:Collaborator $27,492,308.00 Active Level:State of Ohio

Grant: #USAF-3446-29-SC-0001 / PO 08ESM273408 Investigators:Mannava, Seetha Ramaiah; Qian, Dong; Vasudevan, Vijay 08-27-2008 -07-29-2011 Department of the Air Force Thermal Stability of Fatigue Life Enhanced Structures Role:PI $421,620.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #00088635 / DE-AC07-05ID14517 Investigators:Vasudevan, Vijay 10-01-2009 -09-30-2013 Department of Energy 09-113 Mechanisms Governing the Creep Behavior of High Temperature Alloys for GEN IV Nuclear Energy Systems Workscope G4A-1 Role:PI $590,993.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #TECH 10-014 Investigators:Mannava, Seetha Ramaiah; Nagy, Peter; Qian, Dong; Sekhar, Jainagesh; Vasudevan, Vijay 07-27-2009 -07-27-2013 Ohio Department of Development Ohio Center for Innovative Laser Processing for Advanced Materials and Devices Role:PI $3,000,000.00 Active Level:State of Ohio

Grant: #00101721 / DE-AC-07-05ID14517 Investigators:Nagy, Peter; Vasudevan, Vijay 07-14-2010 -07-31-2013 Department of Energy Investigation of a Novel NDE Method for Monitoring Thermo-Mechanical Damage and Microstructure Evolution in Ferritic-Martensitic Steels for Generation IV Nuclear Energy Systems Role:Collaborator $709,503.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #00102835 / DE-AC07-05ID14517 Investigators:Mannava, Seetha Ramaiah; Qian, Dong; Vasudevan, Vijay 08-04-2010 -08-31-2014 Department of Energy Investigation of Laser Shock Peening for Enhancing Fatigue and Stress Corrosion Cracking Resistance of Nuclear Energy Materials Role:PI $1,067,019.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #Master Agreement 2007-003 Investigators:Mannava, Seetha Ramaiah; Vasudevan, Vijay 10-22-2012 -10-21-2015 The Boeing Company Boeing and UC Research Study on LSP of Aerospace Alloys Role:Collaborator $28,142.00 Active Level:Industry

Grant: #CMMI-1334538 Investigators:Mannava, Seetha Ramaiah; Vasudevan, Vijay 08-01-2013 -07-31-2016 National Science Foundation Collaborative Research: An Integrated Multiscale Approach to High Cycle Fatigue Life Prediction Role:PI $246,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal

Grant: #DMR-1531593 Investigators:Angelopoulos, Anastasios; Guliants, Vadim; Heineman, William; Jackson, Howard; Schulz, Mark; Shanov, Vesselin; Smith, Leigh; Vasudevan, Vijay; Zhang, Peng 09-01-2015 -08-31-2018 National Science Foundation MRI: Acquisition of a High Resolution Analytical Scanning Electron Microscope for Multidisciplinary Research and Education Role:PI $531,693.00 Awarded Level:Federal

Grant: #AF# 1073 (affil NSF DMR-1531593) Investigators:Angelopoulos, Anastasios; Guliants, Vadim; Heineman, William; Jackson, Howard; Schulz, Mark; Shanov, Vesselin; Smith, Leigh; Vasudevan, Vijay; Zhang, Peng 09-01-2015 -08-31-2018 Ohio Board of Regents MRI: Acquisition of a Ultra-High Resolution Analytical Scanning Electron Microscope for Multidisciplinary Research and Education Role:PI $113,934.00 Awarded Level:State of Ohio

Grant: #00-10006610 Investigators:Vasudevan, Vijay 09-08-2016 -11-30-2016 Electric Power Research Institute Characterization of Microstructure and Properties of Aged Cast Stainless Steel Role:PI $20,000.00 Active Level:Private Non-Profit

Grant: #177248 / DE-AC07-05ID14517 Investigators:Vasudevan, Vijay 11-16-2016 -08-31-2017 Department of Energy Effects of Advanced Mechanical Surface Treatments on Corrosion and Stress Corrosion Cracking Behavior of Nuclear Alloys Role:PI $70,000.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #00-10008602_Attachment A Investigators:Vasudevan, Vijay 11-21-2017 -03-30-2018 Electric Power Research Institute Advanced Mechanical Surface Treatment Effects on Mechanical Properties and Stress Corrosion Cracking of Dissimilar Nuclear Alloy Weldments Role:PI $40,000.00 Active Level:Private Non-Profit

Grant: #DE-NE0008770 Investigators:Mannava, Seetha Ramaiah; Steiner, Matthew; Vasudevan, Vijay 10-01-2018 -09-30-2021 Department of Energy Development of Repair and Mitigation Methods for Enhancing Stress Corrosion Cracking Resistance of Austenitic Stainless Steel Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage Canisters Role:PI $710,000.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #10010535_Attachment A Investigators:Vasudevan, Vijay 03-08-2019 -04-30-2020 Electric Power Research Institute Advanced Mechanical Surface Treatment Effects on Residual Stress, Microstructure and Properties of Nuclear Alloys and Their Weldments Role:PI $65,000.00 Awarded Level:Private Non-Profit

Grant: #DE-NE0008971 Investigators:Steiner, Matthew; Vasudevan, Vijay 10-01-2020 -09-30-2023 Department of Energy Investigation of Novel Nickel-Based Alloys for Molten Chloride Fast Reactor Structural Applications Role:PI $725,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal

Grant: #FA9550-20-1-0218 Investigators:Angelopoulos, Anastasios; Guliants, Vadim; Jha, Rashmi; Shanov, Vesselin; Shi, Jing; Smith, Leigh; Steiner, Matthew; Vasudevan, Vijay; White, Ryan; Zhang, Peng 09-01-2020 -08-31-2021 Air Force Office of Scientific Research Acquisition of an Analytical High-Resolution Scanning/Transmission Electron Microscope for Multidisciplinary Research and Education Role:PI $500,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal

Grant: #AF 1677 Investigators:Angelopoulos, Anastasios; Guliants, Vadim; Jha, Rashmi; Shanov, Vesselin; Shi, Jing; Smith, Leigh; Steiner, Matthew; Vasudevan, Vijay; White, Ryan; Zhang, Peng 09-01-2020 -08-31-2021 Ohio Department of Higher Education Acquisition of an Analytical High-Resolution Scanning/Transmission Electron Microscope for Multidisciplinary Research and Education Role:PI $237,500.00 Awarded Level:State of Ohio


Peer Reviewed Publications

Kalainathan S.; Prabhakaran S.; Shukla P.; Vasudevan V. (07-01-2019. ) Residual stress, phase, microstructure and mechanical property studies of ultrafine bainitic steel t.Optics and Laser Technology, , 115 ,447-458 More Information

Jagtap R.; Kondavalasa S.; Prakash A.; Samajdar I.; Shanmugam S.; Vasudevan V.; Wilde G. (07-01-2019. ) On the comparison of graded microstructures developed through High Reduction (per pass) Cold Rolling.Materials Characterization, , 153 ,328-338 More Information

Cong H.; Doll G.; Dong Y.; Gao H.; Hou X.; Li S.; Mankoci S.; Martini A.; Qin H.; Ren Z.; Sahai N.; Vasudevan V.; Walters N.; Ye C.; Zhang R.; Zhou X. (05-01-2019. ) Corrigendum to “Hierarchical structures on nickel-titanium fabricated by ultrasonic nanocrystal surf.Materials Science and Engineering C, , 98 ,1307 More Information

Kalainathan S.; Kumar H.; Lin D.; Prabhakaran S.; Shukla P.; Vasudevan V. (03-01-2019. ) Laser shock peening modified surface texturing, microstructure and mechanical properties of graphene.Surfaces and Interfaces, , 14 ,127-137 More Information

Bazarbayev Y.; Kattoura M.; Mao K.; Song J.; Vasudevan V.; Wharry J. (12-15-2018. ) Effects of corrosion-inhibiting surface treatments on irradiated microstructure development in Ni-ba.Journal of Nuclear Materials, , 512 ,276-287 More Information

Hou X.;Mankoci S.;Walters N.;Gao H.;Zhang R.;Li S.;Qin H.;Ren Z.;Doll G.L.;Cong H.;Martini A.;Vasudevan V.K.;Zhou X.;Sahai N.;Dong Y.;Ye C. (12-01-2018. ) Hierarchical structures on nickel-titanium fabricated by ultrasonic nanocrystal surface modification.Materials Science and Engineering C, , 93 ,12-20 More Information

Prashantha P.;S P.;M A.;S K.;Lin D.;Shukla P.;Vasudevan V. (09-01-2018. ) Enhanced surface and mechanical properties of bioinspired nanolaminate graphene-aluminum alloy nanoc.Materials Today Communications, , 16 ,81-89 More Information

Gill A.;Telang A.;Ye C.;Mannava S.;Qian D.;Vasudevan V. (08-01-2018. ) Localized plastic deformation and hardening in laser shock peened Inconel alloy 718SPF.Materials Characterization, , 142 ,15-26 More Information

Telang A.;Gill A.;Zweiacker K.;Liu C.;Wiezorek J.;Vasudevan V. (07-01-2018. ) Effect of thermo-mechanical processing on sensitization and corrosion in alloy 600 studied by SEM- a.Journal of Nuclear Materials, , 505 ,276-288 More Information

Telang A.;Gill A.;Mannava S.;Qian D.;Vasudevan V. (06-25-2018. ) Effect of temperature on microstructure and residual stresses induced by surface treatments in Incon.Surface and Coatings Technology, , 344 ,93-101 More Information

Telang A.;Gnäupel-Herold T.;Gill A.;Vasudevan V. (06-01-2018. ) Effect of Applied Stress and Temperature on Residual Stresses Induced by Peening Surface Treatments .Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, , 27 (6 ) ,2796-2804 More Information

Kattoura M.;Mannava S.R.;Qian D.;Vasudevan V.K. (05-01-2018. ) Effect of ultrasonic nanocrystal surface modification on elevated temperature residual stress, micro.International Journal of Fatigue, , 110 ,186-196 More Information

Ye C.;Telang A.;Gill A.;Wen X.;Mannava S.;Qian D.;Vasudevan V. (03-01-2018. ) Effects of Ultrasonic Nanocrystal Surface Modification on the Residual Stress, Microstructure, and C.Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, , 49 (3 ) ,972-978 More Information

Karim M.;Kattoura M.;Mannava S.;Vasudevan V.;Malik A.;Qian D. (02-01-2018. ) A computational study on the microstructural evolution in near-surface copper grain boundary structu.Computational Mechanics, , 61 (1-2 ) ,105-117 More Information

Prabhakaran S.;Kulkarni A.;Vasanth G.;Kalainathan S.;Shukla P.;Vasudevan V.K. (01-15-2018. ) Laser shock peening without coating induced residual stress distribution, wettability characteristic.Applied Surface Science, , 428 ,17-30 More Information

Kattoura M.;Telang A.;Mannava S.;Qian D.;Vasudevan V. (01-10-2018. ) Effect of Ultrasonic Nanocrystal Surface Modification on residual stress, microstructure and fatigue.Materials Science and Engineering A, , 711 ,364-377 More Information

Wada S.;Zhang R.;Mannava S.R.;Vasudevan V.K.;Qian D. (01-01-2018. ) Simulation-based prediction of cyclic failure in rubbery materials using nonlinear space-time finite.Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, , 138 ,21-30 More Information

Shukla P.;Robertson S.;Wu H.;Telang A.;Kattoura M.;Nath S.;Mannava S.;Vasudevan V.;Lawrence J. (11-15-2017. ) Surface engineering alumina armour ceramics with laser shock peening.Materials and Design, , 134 ,523-538 More Information

Kattoura M.;Mannava S.;Qian D.;Vasudevan V. (11-01-2017. ) Effect of laser shock peening on elevated temperature residual stress, microstructure and fatigue be.International Journal of Fatigue, , 104 ,366-378 More Information

Zhang H.;Chiang R.;Qin H.;Ren Z.;Hou X.;Lin D.;Doll G.;Vasudevan V.;Dong Y.;Ye C. (10-01-2017. ) The effects of ultrasonic nanocrystal surface modification on the fatigue performance of 3D-printed .International Journal of Fatigue, , 103 ,136-146 More Information

Kattoura M.;Mannava S.;Qian D.;Vasudevan V. (09-01-2017. ) Effect of laser shock peening on residual stress, microstructure and fatigue behavior of ATI 718Plus.International Journal of Fatigue, , 102 ,121-134 More Information

Amanov A.;Pyun Y.;Vasudevan V. (05-08-2017. ) High Strength and Wear Resistance of Tantalum by Ultrasonic Nanocrystalline Surface Modification Tec.IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 194 (1 ) , More Information

Ghamarian I.;Samimi P.;Telang A.;Vasudevan V.;Collins P. (03-14-2017. ) Characterization of the near-surface nanocrystalline microstructure of ultrasonically treated Ti-6Al.Materials Science and Engineering A, , 688 ,524-531 More Information

Sidhu K.S.;Shi J.;Vasudevan V.K.;Mannava S.R. (01-01-2017. ) Residual stress enhancement in 3D printed inconel 718 superalloy treated by ultrasonic nano-crystal .ASME 2017 12th International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, MSEC 2017 collocated with the JSME/ASME 2017 6th International Conference on Materials and Processing, , 2 , More Information

Zhang R.;Wen L.;Naboulsi S.;Eason T.;Vasudevan V.;Qian D. (08-01-2016. ) Accelerated multiscale space–time finite element simulation and application to high cycle fatigue li.Computational Mechanics, , 58 (2 ) ,329-349 More Information

Telang A.;Gill A.;Kumar M.;Teysseyre S.;Qian D.;Mannava S.;Vasudevan V. (07-01-2016. ) Iterative thermomechanical processing of alloy 600 for improved resistance to corrosion and stress c.Acta Materialia, , 113 ,180-193 More Information

Ghamarian I.;Samimi P.;Liu Y.;Poorganji B.;Vasudevan V.;Collins P. (03-01-2016. ) Characterizing the nano-structure and defect structure of nano-scaled non-ferrous structural alloys.Materials Characterization, , 113 ,222-231 More Information

Manigandan K.;Srivatsan T.;Vasudevan V.;Tammana D.;Poorganji B. (01-01-2016. ) Erratum to Influence of Cyclic Straining on Fatigue, Deformation, and Fracture Behavior of High-Stre.Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, , 25 (1 ) ,151 More Information

Manigandan K.;Srivatsan T.;Vasudevan V.;Tammana D.;Poorganji B. (01-01-2016. ) Influence of Cyclic Straining on Fatigue, Deformation, and Fracture Behavior of High-Strength Alloy .Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, , 25 (1 ) ,138-150 More Information

Ye C.;Zhou X.;Telang A.;Gao H.;Ren Z.;Qin H.;Suslov S.;Gill A.;Mannava S.;Qian D.;Doll G.;Martini A.;Sahai N.;Vasudevan V. (01-01-2016. ) Surface amorphization of NiTi alloy induced by Ultrasonic Nanocrystal Surface Modification for impro.Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, , 53 ,455-462 More Information

Telang A.;Gill A.;Tammana D.;Wen X.;Kumar M.;Teysseyre S.;Mannava S.;Qian D.;Vasudevan V. (11-11-2015. ) Surface grain boundary engineering of Alloy 600 for improved resistance to stress corrosion cracking.Materials Science and Engineering A, , 648 ,280-288 More Information

Gill A.;Telang A.;Vasudevan V. (07-08-2015. ) Characteristics of surface layers formed on inconel 718 by laser shock peening with and without a pr.Journal of Materials Processing Technology, , 225 ,463-472 More Information

Telang A.;Gill A.;Teysseyre S.;Mannava S.;Qian D.;Vasudevan V. (01-01-2015. ) Effects of laser shock peening on SCC behavior of Alloy 600 in tetrathionate solution.Corrosion Science, , 90 ,434-444 More Information

Ye C.;Telang A.;Gill A.S.;Suslov S.;Idell Y.;Zweiacker K.;Wiezorek J.M.K.;Zhou Z.;Qian D.;Mannava S.R.;Vasudevan V.K. (09-08-2014. ) Gradient nanostructure and residual stresses induced by Ultrasonic Nano-crystal Surface Modification.Materials Science and Engineering A, , 613 ,274-288 More Information

Manigandan K.;Srivatsan T.;Tammana D.;Poorganji B.;Vasudevan V. (04-17-2014. ) Influence of microstructure on strain-controlled fatigue and fracture behavior of ultra high strengt.Materials Science and Engineering A, , 601 ,29-39 More Information

Manigandan K.;Srivatsan T.S.;Vasudevan V.K.;Tammana D.;Poorbangi B. (01-01-2014. ) Cyclic strain resistance, deformation and fracture behavior of a novel alloy steel .Fatigue of Materials III: Advances and Emergences in Understanding - Proceedings of the 3rd Biennial Symposium, held during Materials Science and Technology 2014, MS and T 2014, , 127-145

Manigandan K.;Srivatsan T.;Vasudevan V.;Tammana D.;Poorbangi B. (01-01-2014. ) Cyclic strain resistance, deformation and fracture behavior of a novel alloy steel .Materials Science and Technology Conference and Exhibition 2014, MS and T 2014, , 2 ,1003-1021

Manigandan K.;Srivatsan T.;Tammana D.;Poorgangi B.;Vasudevan V. (01-01-2014. ) Cyclic strain resistance, stress response, fatigue life, and fracture behavior of high strength low .Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, , 23 (5 ) ,1799-1814 More Information

Bhamare S.;Eason T.;Spottswood S.;Mannava S.;Vasudevan V.;Qian D. (01-01-2014. ) A multi-temporal scale approach to high cycle fatigue simulation.Computational Mechanics, , 53 (2 ) ,387-400 More Information

Zhou Z.;Gill A.;Telang A.;Mannava S.;Langer K.;Vasudevan V.;Qian D. (01-01-2014. ) Experimental and Finite Element Simulation Study of Thermal Relaxation of Residual Stresses in Laser.Experimental Mechanics, , 54 (9 ) ,1597-1611 More Information

Ye C.;Telang A.;Gill A.;Suslov S.;Zhou Z.;Qian D.;Mannava S.;Vasudevan V. (01-01-2014. ) Effects of ultrasonic nano-crystal surface modification on the microstructure and properties of 304 .ASME 2014 International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, MSEC 2014 Collocated with the JSME 2014 International Conference on Materials and Processing and the 42nd North American Manufacturing Research Conference, , 1 , More Information

Bhamare S.;Ramakrishnan G.;Mannava S.;Langer K.;Vasudevan V.;Qian D. (10-15-2013. ) Simulation-based optimization of laser shock peening process for improved bending fatigue life of Ti.Surface and Coatings Technology, , 232 ,464-474 More Information

Gill A.;Telang A.;Mannava S.;Qian D.;Pyoun Y.;Soyama H.;Vasudevan V. (08-01-2013. ) Comparison of mechanisms of advanced mechanical surface treatments in nickel-based superalloy.Materials Science and Engineering A, , 576 ,346-355 More Information

Bhamare S.;Mannava S.;Felon L.;Kirschman D.;Vasudevan V.;Qian D. (03-21-2013. ) Design of Dynamic and Fatigue-Strength-Enhanced Orthopedic Implants.Multiscale Simulations and Mechanics of Biological Materials, , 333-350 More Information

Vasudevan V.;Kaminsky M.;Andersen D.G. (12-10-2012. ) Using vector interfaces to deliver millions of IOPS from a networked key-value storage server.Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing, SoCC 2012, , More Information

Kanou S.;Takakuwa O.;Mannava S.;Qian D.;Vasudevan V.;Soyama H. (10-01-2012. ) Effect of the impact energy of various peening techniques on the induced plastic deformation region.Journal of Materials Processing Technology, , 212 (10 ) ,1998-2006 More Information

Zhou Z.;Bhamare S.;Ramakrishnan G.;Mannava S.R.;Langer K.;Wen Y.;Qian D.;Vasudevan V.K. (06-25-2012. ) Thermal relaxation of residual stress in laser shock peened Ti-6Al-4V alloy.Surface and Coatings Technology, , 206 (22 ) ,4619-4627 More Information

Gill A.;Zhou Z.;Lienert U.;Almer J.;Lahrman D.;Mannava S.;Qian D.;Vasudevan V. (05-15-2012. ) Erratum: High spatial resolution, high energy synchrotron x-ray diffraction characterization of resi.Journal of Applied Physics, , 111 (10 ) , More Information

Gill A.;Zhou Z.;Lienert U.;Almer J.;Lahrman D.;Mannava S.;Qian D.;Vasudevan V. (04-15-2012. ) High spatial resolution, high energy synchrotron x-ray diffraction characterization of residual stra.Journal of Applied Physics, , 111 (8 ) , More Information

Zhou Z.;Vasudevan V.;Qian D. (01-01-2012. ) Energy loss in carbon nanotube beam oscillators due to anelastic relaxation.Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, Transactions of the ASME, , 134 (3 ) ,31005-1-31005-8 More Information

Andersen D.G.;Franklin J.;Kaminsky M.;Phanishayee A.;Tan L.;Vasudevan V. (07-01-2011. ) FAWN: A fast array of wimpy nodes.Communications of the ACM, , 54 (7 ) ,101-109 More Information

Zhou Z.;Gill A.;Qian D.;Mannava S.;Langer K.;Wen Y.;Vasudevan V. (07-01-2011. ) A finite element study of thermal relaxation of residual stress in laser shock peened IN718 superall.International Journal of Impact Engineering, , 38 (7 ) ,590-596 More Information

Mannava S.;Bhamare S.;Chaswal V.;Felon L.;Kirschman D.;Lahrman D.;Tenaglia R.;Qian D.;Vasudevan V. (04-28-2011. ) Application of laser shock peening for spinal implant rods.International Journal of Structural Integrity, , 2 (1 ) ,101-113 More Information

Vasudevan V.;Andersen D.;Kaminsky M.;Tan L.;Franklin J.;Moraru I. (07-16-2010. ) Energy-efficient cluster computing with FAWN: Workloads and implications.Proceedings of the e-Energy 2010 - 1st Int'l Conf. on Energy-Efficient Computing and Networking, , 195-204 More Information

Andersen D.G.;Franklin J.;Kaminsky M.;Phanishayee A.;Tan L.;Vasudevan V. (12-24-2009. ) FAWN: A fast array of wimpy nodes.SOSP'09 - Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGOPS Symposium on Operating Systems Principles, , 1-14 More Information

Vasudevan V.;Phanishayee A.;Shah H.;Krevat E.;Andersen D.;Ganger G.;Gibson G.;Mueller B. (11-30-2009. ) Safe and effective fine-grained TCP retransmissions for datacenter communication.Computer Communication Review, , 39 (4 ) ,303-314 More Information

Leonard K.;Tewari R.;Arya A.;Mishurda J.;Dey G.;Vasudevan V. (09-01-2009. ) Decomposition of the ?o phase to the P63/mcm, hP18 str.Acta Materialia, , 57 (15 ) ,4440-4453 More Information

Vasudevan V.;Sengupta S.;Li J. (07-13-2009. ) A first look at media conferencing traffic in the global enterprise.Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), , 5448 ,133-142 More Information

Edelmann R.;Vasudevan V.;Kohls D.;Ullmer J. (07-01-2009. ) Enhancement of low energy / light element energy dispersive analysis in the scanning electron micros.Microscopy and Microanalysis, , 15 (SUPPL. 2 ) ,218-219 More Information

Han J.;Chen Y.C.;Vasudevan V.K. (02-02-2009. ) Nanoscale alumina-reinforced aluminum matrix composites: Microstructure and mechanical properties.Key Engineering Materials, , 395 ,157-178 More Information

Krevat E.;Vasudevan V.;Phanishayee A.;Andersen D.G.;Ganger G.R.;Gibson G.A.;Seshan S. (12-23-2008. ) On application-level approaches to avoiding TCP throughput collapse in cluster-based storage systems.Proceedings of the 2nd International Petascale Data Storage Workshop, PDSW '07, held in Conjunction with Supercomputing '07, , 1-4 More Information

Wu Q.;Song H.;Swindeman R.W.;Shingledecker J.P.;Vasudevan V.K. (11-01-2008. ) Microstructure of long-term aged IN617 Ni-base superalloy.Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, , 39 (11 ) ,2569-2585 More Information

Tewari R.;Song H.;Dey G.;Chatterjee A.;Vasudevan V. (07-01-2008. ) Microstructural evolution in niobium-based alloys.Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, , 39 (7 ) ,1506-1518 More Information

Srivatsan T.S.;Guruprasad G.;Vasudevan V.K. (01-01-2008. ) The quasi static deformation and fracture behavior of aluminum alloy 7150.Materials and Design, , 29 (4 ) ,742-751 More Information

Qian D.;Nagarajan K.;Mannava S.;Vasudevan V. (12-01-2007. ) Continuum-based and cluster models for nanomaterials.Multiscaling in Molecular and Continuum Mechanics: Interaction of Time and Size from Macro to Nano: Application to Biology, Physics, Material Science, Mechanics, Structural and Processing Engineering, , 241-257 More Information

Bhagat K.;Reddy G.;Jog M.;Aust R.;Vasudevan V.;Sekhar J. (08-01-2007. ) A technique to determine the emissivity with the temperature of a Fe-5.8 Pct Al-22 pct Cr alloy.Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B: Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science, , 38 (4 ) ,725-728 More Information

Tewari R.;Song H.;Chatterjee A.;Vasudevan V. (09-01-2006. ) Microstructural characterization of multicomponent Nb-Ti-Si-Cr-Al-X alloys.Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, , 37 (9 ) ,2669-2682 More Information

Guliants V.;Bhandari R.;Swaminathan B.;Vasudevan V.;Brongersma H.;Knoester A.;Gaffney A.;Han S. (12-22-2005. ) Roles of surface Te, Nb, and Sb oxides in propane oxidation to acrylic acid over bulk orthorhombic M.Journal of Physical Chemistry B, , 109 (50 ) ,24046-24055 More Information

Han J.;Pluth M.J.;Sekhar J.A.;Vasudevan V.K. (12-01-2005. ) Processing bulk structures from nanoparticles of aluminum .Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, , 58 (6 ) ,1189-1202

Shingledecker J.P.;Swindeman R.W.;Wu Q.;Vasudevan V.K. (12-01-2005. ) Creep strength of high-temperature alloys for ultrasupercritical steam boilers .Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants, , 2005 ,1198-1212

Wu Q.;Shingledecker J.P.;Swindeman R.W.;Vasudevan V.K. (12-01-2005. ) Microstructure characterization of advanced boiler materials for ultra supercritical coal power plan .Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants, , 2005 ,748-761

Bhandari R.;Swaminathan B.;Vasudevan V.;Guliants V. (12-01-2005. ) Effect of surface promoters (Te, Nb and Sb) on propane oxidation to acrylic acid over model bulk mix .AIChE Annual Meeting, Conference Proceedings, , 9682

Wu J.;Bai G.R.;Eastman J.A.;Zhou G.;Vasudevan V.K. (12-01-2005. ) Synthesis of TiO2 nanoparticles using chemical vapor condensation .Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, , 879 ,133-137

Guliants V.;Guerrero O.;Bhandari R.;Vasudevan V.;Chandrasekaran N.;Swaminathan B. (12-01-2005. ) M1 to M2 phase transformation in Mo-V-Te-O catalysts for selective (Amm)oxidation of propane .AIChE Annual Meeting, Conference Proceedings, , 4321

Tang N.Y.;Liu Y.H.;Ranjan M.;Tewari R.;Van Ooij W.J.;Vasudevan V.K. (09-01-2005. ) Communications: Discussion of "Interfacial layer in coatings produced in molten Zn-Al eutectoid allo .Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, , 36 (9 ) ,2541-2548

Tamirisakandala S.;Bhat R.;Miracle D.;Boddapati S.;Bordia R.;Vanover R.;Vasudevan V. (07-01-2005. ) Effect of boron on the beta transus of Ti-6Al-4V alloy.Scripta Materialia, , 53 (2 ) ,217-222 More Information

Srivatsan T.;Al-Hajri M.;Vasudevan V. (01-01-2005. ) Cyclic plastic strain response and fracture behavior of 2009 aluminum alloy metal-matrix composite.International Journal of Fatigue, , 27 (4 ) ,357-371 More Information

Bhandari R.;Swaminathan B.;Vasudevan V.;Guliants V. (01-01-2005. ) Effect of surface promoters (Te, Nb and Sb) on propane oxidation to acrylic acid over model bulk mix .AIChE Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings, , 2005 ,

Guliants V.;Guerrero O.;Bhandari R.;Vasudevan V.;Chandrasekaran N.;Swaminathan B. (01-01-2005. ) M1 to M2 phase transformation in Mo-V-Te-O catalysts for selective (Amm)oxidation of propane .AIChE Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings, , 2005 ,

Guliants V.;Bhandari R.;Al-Saeedi J.;Vasudevan V.;Soman R.;Guerrero-Pérez O.;Bañares M. (10-28-2004. ) Bulk mixed Mo-V-Te-O catalysts for propane oxidation to acrylic acid.Applied Catalysis A: General, , 274 (1-2 ) ,123-132 More Information

Srivatsan T.;Al-Hajri M.;Hannon W.;Vasudevan V. (08-15-2004. ) The strain amplitude-controlled cyclic fatigue, defomation and fracture behavior of 7034 aluminum al.Materials Science and Engineering A, , 379 (1-2 ) ,181-196 More Information

Howe J.;Reynolds W.;Vasudevan V. (01-01-2004. ) Atomic structure and dynamics of massive transformation interfaces in TiAl alloy.Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde/Materials Research and Advanced Techniques, , 95 (4 ) ,275-278 More Information

Ranjan M.;Tewari R.;Van Ooij W.;Vasudevan V. (01-01-2004. ) Effect of ternary additions on the structure and properties of coatings produced by a high aluminum .Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, , 35 A (12 ) ,3707-3720 More Information

Ito K.;Zhang L.T.;Okabe Y.;Vasudevan V.K.;Yamaguchi M. (11-10-2003. ) Reversible hydrogen absorption/desorption and related lattice deformation of Ti3.Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, , 753 ,457-462

Al-Saeedi J.;Vasudevan V.;Guliants V. (10-01-2003. ) Model bulk Mo-V-Te-O catalysts for selective oxidation of propane to acrylic acid.Catalysis Communications, , 4 (10 ) ,537-542 More Information

Kim Y.W.;Chan K.S.;Vasudevan V.K. (10-01-2003. ) Foreword .Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, , 34 A (10 ) ,2041

Wang P.;Veeraraghavan D.;Kumar M.;Vasudevan V. (06-30-2003. ) Interphase boundaries in the ???M massive transformation in Ti-Al alloys .TMS Annual Meeting, , 339-346

Veeraraghavan D.;Wang P.;Vasudevan V. (04-02-2003. ) Nucleation kinetics of the ???M massive transformation in a Ti-47.5 at.% Al a.Acta Materialia, , 51 (6 ) ,1721-1741 More Information

Zhang L.;Ito K.;Inui H.;Vasudevan V.;Yamaguchi M. (02-07-2003. ) Microstructures with martensitic features induced by absorption of a large amount of hydrogen in a B.Acta Materialia, , 51 (3 ) ,781-788 More Information

Viswanathan G.;Mills M.;Vasudevan V. (01-01-2003. ) Microstructural effects on the tensile properties and deformation behavior of a Ti-48Al gamma titani.Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, , 34 A (10 ) ,2113-2127 More Information

Shepherd D.;Vasudevan V. (12-01-2002. ) The effect of molybdenum on the creep behavior of orthorhombic titanium aluminides.American Society of Mechanical Engineers, International Gas Turbine Institute, Turbo Expo (Publication) IGTI, , 3 B ,1235-1259 More Information

Aaronson H.I.;Vasudevan V.K. (08-01-2002. ) Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Merallurgy and Materials Science: Foreword .Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, , 33 (8 ) ,2275

Arya A.;Dey G.;Vasudevan V.;Banerjee S. (08-01-2002. ) Effect of chromium addition on the ordering behaviour of Ni-Mo alloy: Experimental results vs. elect.Acta Materialia, , 50 (13 ) ,3301-3315 More Information

Leonard K.;Vasudevan V. (06-01-2002. ) Site occupancy preferences in the B2 ordered phase in Nb-rich Nb-Ti-Al alloys.Materials Science and Engineering A, , 329-331 ,461-467 More Information

Leonard K.;Mishurda J.;Vasudevan V. (06-01-2002. ) Phase equilibria at 1100 °C in the Nb-Ti-Al system.Materials Science and Engineering A, , 329-331 ,282-288 More Information

Zhang L.;Ito K.;Vasudevan V.;Yamaguchi M. (06-01-2002. ) Effects of cold-rolling on the hydrogen absorption/desorption behaviour of Ti-22Al-27Nb alloys.Materials Science and Engineering A, , 329-331 ,362-366 More Information

Ito K.;Zhang L.;Vasudevan V.;Yamaguchi M. (06-01-2002. ) Hydrogen absorption/desorption behavior of Ti-22Al-27Nb alloys with ?o single.Materials Science and Engineering A, , 329-331 ,356-361 More Information

Karthikeyan S.;Viswanathan G.;Gouma P.;Vasudevan V.;Kim Y.;Mills M. (06-01-2002. ) Mechanisms and effect of microstructure on creep of TiAl-based alloys.Materials Science and Engineering A, , 329-331 ,621-630 More Information

Aaronson H.;Vasudevan V. (01-01-2002. ) General discussion session of the symposium on "the mechanisms of the massive transformation".Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, , 33 (8 ) ,2445-2470 More Information

Howe J.M.;Reynolds W.T.;Vasudevan V.K. (01-01-2002. ) Static and in-situ high-resolution transmission electron microscopy investigations of the atomic str.Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, , 33 (8 ) ,2391-2411 More Information

Wang P.;Veeraraghavan D.;Kumar M.;Vasudevan V.K. (01-01-2002. ) Massive-parent interphase boundaries and their implications on the mechanisms of the ? ? ?.Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, , 33 (8 ) ,2353-2371 More Information

Vasudevan V.;Sekhar J. (12-01-2001. ) Transformation behavior in nano-scale binary aluminum alloys .Advances in the Metallurgy of Aluminum Alloys, , 398-405

Viswanathan G.B.;Kartikeyan S.;Mills M.J.;Vasudevan V.K. (12-01-2001. ) Creep properties of a fully-lamellar Ti-48Al-2Cr-2Nb alloy.Materials Science and Engineering A, , 319-321 ,833-837 More Information

Zhang L.;Ito K.;Vasudevan V.;Yamaguchi M. (12-01-2001. ) Beneficial effects of O-phase on the hydrogen absorption of Ti-Al-Nb alloys.Intermetallics, , 9 (12 ) ,1045-1052 More Information

Zhang L.;Ito K.;Vasudevan V.;Yamaguchi M. (10-10-2001. ) Molecularly imprinted polymers: New tailor-made materials for selective solid-phase extraction.TrAC - Trends in Analytical Chemistry, , 20 (9 ) ,477-486 More Information

Mishurda J.;Vasudevan V. (09-28-2001. ) An estimate of the kinetics of the ?0 to orthorhombic phase transformation in the Nb-Ti-Al system.Scripta Materialia, , 45 (6 ) ,677-684 More Information

Ito K.;Zhang L.;Vasudevan V.;Yamaguchi M. (04-02-2001. ) Multiphase and microstructure effects on the hydrogen absorption/desorption behavior of a Ti-22Al-27.Acta Materialia, , 49 (6 ) ,963-972 More Information

Zhang L.;Ito K.;Vasudevan V.;Yamaguchi M. (03-14-2001. ) Hydrogen absorption and desorption in a B2 single-phase Ti-22Al-27Nb alloy before and after deformat.Acta Materialia, , 49 (5 ) ,751-758 More Information

Viswanathan G.;Karthikeyan S.;Vasudevan V.;Mills M. (01-01-2001. ) Creep mechanisms in equiaxed and lamellar Ti-48Al .Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, , 646 ,N161-N166

Zhang Z.;Leonard K.;Dimiduk D.;Vasudevan V. (01-01-2001. ) Phase transformations and microstructure evolution in multicomponent gamma titanium aluminides .Proceedings of the International Symposium on Structural Intermetallics, , 515-526

Karthikeyan S.;Viswanathan G.;Kim Y.;Vasudevan V.;Mills M. (01-01-2001. ) Mechanisms and effect of microstructure on creep of TiAl-based alloys .Proceedings of the International Symposium on Structural Intermetallics, , 717-724

Yandouzi M.;Toth L.;Vasudevan V.;Cannaerts M.;Van Haesendonck C.;Schryvers D. (11-01-2000. ) Epitaxial Ni-Al thin films on NaCl using a Ag buffer layer.Philosophical Magazine Letters, , 80 (11 ) ,719-724 More Information

Leonard K.;Mishurda J.;Molloseau B.;De Graef M.;Vasudevan V. (05-01-2000. ) Identification of a new tetragonal phase in the Nb-Ti-Al system.Philosophical Magazine Letters, , 80 (5 ) ,295-305 More Information

Srivatsan T.;Anand S.;Sriram S.;Vasudevan V. (04-15-2000. ) The high-cycle fatigue and fracture behavior of aluminum alloy 7055.Materials Science and Engineering A, , 281 (1-2 ) ,292-304 More Information

Leonard K.;Vasudevan V. (01-01-2000. ) Phase equilibria and solid state transformations in Nb-rich Nb-Ti-Al intermetallic alloys.Intermetallics, , 8 (9-11 ) ,1257-1268 More Information

Leonard K.;Mishurda J.;Vasudevan V. (01-01-2000. ) Examination of solidification pathways and the liquidus surface in the Nb-Ti-AI system.Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B: Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science, , 31 (6 ) ,1305-1321 More Information

Wang P.;Kumar M.;Vasudevan V.K. (01-01-2000. ) Geometrical and structural characteristics of stacking fault-antiphase-boundary interactions in the .Philosophical Magazine A: Physics of Condensed Matter, Structure, Defects and Mechanical Properties, , 80 (1 ) ,185-199 More Information

Nie J.;Howe J.;Vasudevan V.;Aaronson H. (01-01-2000. ) Discussion of "surface relief and the displacive transformation to the lamellar microstructure in Ti.Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, , 31 (9 ) ,2377-2379 More Information

Kumar M.;Sriram S.;Schwartz A.J.;Vasudevan V.K. (12-01-1999. ) Analysis of weak-beam contrast from SESF/SISF fault pairs associated with V2& .Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, , 552 ,

Viswanathan G.;Vasudevan V.;Mills M. (03-31-1999. ) Modification of the jogged-screw model for creep of ?-TiAl.Acta Materialia, , 47 (5 ) ,1399-1411 More Information

Srivatsan T.;Vasudevan V. (01-01-1999. ) Temperature and the ductility, deformation, and fracture of al 7055.JOM, , 51 (1 ) ,42-45 More Information

Veeraraghavan D.;Wang P.;Vasudevan V. (01-01-1999. ) Kinetics and thermodynamics of the ???m massive transformation in a Ti-47.5 a.Acta Materialia, , 47 (11 ) ,3313-3330 More Information

Kumar M.;Sriram S.;Schwartz A.J.;Vasudevan V.K. (01-01-1999. ) Weak-beam analysis of dissociated 1/2 (112) superdislocations in ?-TiAl.Philosophical Magazine Letters, , 79 (6 ) ,315-325 More Information

Wang P.;Kumar M.;Veeraraghavan D.;Vasudevan V.K. (12-19-1998. ) Observations and analyses of dislocations and stacking faults in the massive ?m.Acta Materialia, , 46 (1 ) ,13-30 More Information

Srivatsan T.;Vasudevan V. (01-01-1998. ) Cyclic plastic strain response and fracture behavior of 2080 aluminum alloy metal matrix composite.International Journal of Fatigue, , 20 (3 ) ,187-202 More Information

Veeraraghavan D.;Pilchowski U.;Natarajan B.;Vasudevan V. (01-01-1998. ) Phase equilibria and transformations in Ti-(25-52) at.% Al alloys studied by electrical resistivity .Acta Materialia, , 46 (2 ) ,405-421 More Information

Wang P.;Kumar M.;Hemker K.J.;Vasudevan V.K. (01-01-1998. ) Characterization of unusual stacking faults and dislocations in the massive ?m.Materials Letters, , 35 (5-6 ) ,283-289 More Information

Ritzert F.;Arenas D.;Keller D.;Vasudevan V. (01-01-1998. ) Effect of alloying on topologically close packed phase instability in advanced nickel-base superallo .TMS Annual Meeting, , 163-174

Kumar M.;Vasudevan V. (01-01-1997. ) Crystallographic analysis and observations of true twinning modes in the Ni2M.Acta Materialia, , 45 (8 ) ,3203-3222 More Information

Sriram S.;Dimiduk D.;Hazzledine P.;Vasudevan V. (01-01-1997. ) The geometry and nature of pinning points of ½‹110] unit dislocations in binary TiAl alloys.Philosophical Magazine A: Physics of Condensed Matter, Structure, Defects and Mechanical Properties, , 76 (5 ) ,965-993 More Information

Srivatsan T.;Anand S.;Veeraghavan D.;Vasudevan V. (01-01-1997. ) The tensile response and fracture behavior of an Al-Zn-Mg-Cu Alloy: Influence of temperature.Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, , 6 (3 ) ,349-358 More Information

Srivatsan T.;Sriram S.;Veeraraghavan D.;Vasudevan V. (01-01-1997. ) Microstructure, tensile deformation and fracture behaviour of aluminium alloy 7055.Journal of Materials Science, , 32 (11 ) ,2883-2894 More Information

Kumar M.;Vasudevan V. (12-01-1996. ) Mechanical properties and strengthening of a Ni-25Mo-8Cr alloy containing Ni2.Acta Materialia, , 44 (12 ) ,4865-4880 More Information

Vasudevan V.;Yang J.;Woodfield A. (11-01-1996. ) On the ?to B2 ordering temperature in a Ti-22Al-26Nb orthorhombic titanium aluminide.Scripta Materialia, , 35 (9 ) ,1033-1039 More Information

Wang P.;Veeraraghavan D.;Vasudevan V.K. (05-15-1996. ) Observation of twins in the ?2 phase in a quenched Ti-46.54 at.% Al alloy.Scripta Materialia, , 34 (10 ) ,1601-1607 More Information

Kumar M.;Vasudevan V. (01-01-1996. ) Deformation-induced pseudo-twinning and a new superstructure in Ni2Mo precipi.Acta Materialia, , 44 (9 ) ,3575-3583 More Information

Kumar M.;Vasudevan V. (01-01-1996. ) Ordering reactions in an Ni-25Mo-8Cr alloy.Acta Materialia, , 44 (4 ) ,1591-1600 More Information

Viswanathan G.;Vasudevan V. (12-01-1995. ) Microstructural effects on creep properties of a Ti-48Al alloy .TMS Annual Meeting, , 967-974

Veeraraghavan D.;Vasudevan V. (12-01-1995. ) Kinetics of the transformation from ? ? ? during continuous heating and cooling in a Ti-47.5 at.% Al .TMS Annual Meeting, , 157-164

Viswanathan G.;Vasudevan V. (05-15-1995. ) Processing, microstructure and tensile properties of a Ti-48 AT.% Al alloy.Scripta Metallurgica et Materiala, , 32 (10 ) ,1705-1711 More Information

Veeraraghavan D.;Vasudevan V. (02-28-1995. ) Phase transformations in two-phase TiAl Ti3Al alloys during continuous heating and cooling, studied .Materials Science and Engineering A, , 192-193 (PART 2 ) ,950-956 More Information

Sriram S.;Vasudevan V.;Dimiduk D. (02-15-1995. ) Dislocation structures and deformation behaviour of Ti-50/52Al alloys between 77 and 1173 K.Materials Science and Engineering A, , 192-193 (PART 1 ) ,217-225 More Information

Stucke M.;Vasudevan V.;Dimiduk D. (02-15-1995. ) Deformation behavior of [001] Ti-56Al single crystals.Materials Science and Engineering A, , 192-193 (PART 1 ) ,111-119 More Information

Sriram S.;Vasudevan V.;Dimiduk D. (01-01-1995. ) Deformation behavior and dislocation mechanisms in TiAl alloys .Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, , 364 (1 ) ,647-652

Yang S.;Vasudevan V. (10-01-1994. ) Deformation structures in cold rolled Nb-(10-16) At.% Al solid solutions.Scripta Metallurgica et Materiala, , 31 (7 ) ,879-884 More Information

Ping W.;Vasudevan V. (01-01-1993. ) Effect of cooling rate on decomposition of the ? phase in Ti-(43-50) At.% Al alloys .Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, , 288 ,229-236

Yang S.;Vasudevan V. (01-01-1993. ) Transformations, microstructure and properties of Nb-(10-16) At.% Al alloys .Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, , 288 ,731-736

Viswanathan G.;Vasudevan V. (01-01-1993. ) Tensile, creep properties and microstructural correlations in an extruded Ti-48Al alloy .Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, , 288 ,787-792

Ramanath G.;Vasudevan V. (01-01-1993. ) ??? Transformation during continuous cooling in Ti-48 At% Al alloys .Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, , 288 ,223-228

Sriram S.;Vasudevan V.;Dimiduk D. (01-01-1993. ) Mechanical properties and dislocation structures in TiAl alloys with varying aluminum contents .Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, , 288 ,737-742

Wang P.;Vasudevan V.K. (07-01-1992. ) Composition dependence of the massive transformation from ? to ? in quenched TiAl alloys.Scripta Metallurgica et Materiala, , 27 (1 ) ,89-94 More Information

Wang P.;Viswanathan G.B.;Vasudevan V.K. (02-01-1992. ) Observation of a massive transformation from ? to ? in quenched Ti-48 At. pct ai alloys.Metallurgical Transactions A, , 23 (2 ) ,690-697 More Information

Vasudevan V.;Stansbury E.;Brooks C. (01-01-1992. ) Domain coarsening at grain boundaries in ordered Ni4Mo.Acta Metallurgica Et Materialia, , 40 (9 ) ,2113-2122 More Information

Wheeler R.;Vasudevan V.;Fraser H. (01-01-1990. ) Factors influencing the deformation mechanisms in the intermetallic compounds Al3.Philosophical Magazine Letters, , 62 (3 ) ,143-151 More Information

Vasudevan V.;Kim S.;Wayman C. (01-01-1990. ) Precipitation reactions and strengthening behavior in 18 Wt Pct nickel maraging steels.Metallurgical transactions. A, Physical metallurgy and materials science, , 21 A (10 ) ,2655-2668 More Information

Court S.A.;Vasudevan V.K.;Fraser H.L.;Court S.A.;Vasudevan V.K.;Fraser H.L. (01-01-1990. ) Deformation mechanisms in the intermetallic compound TiAl.Philosophical Magazine A: Physics of Condensed Matter, Structure, Defects and Mechanical Properties, , 61 (1 ) ,141-158 More Information

Vasudevan V.;Eugene Stansbury E. (01-01-1989. ) Formation mechanism of ni3mo at low temperatures in ternary ni4mo-cr alloys.Philosophical Magazine Letters, , 60 (6 ) ,269-275 More Information

Vasudevan V.;Court S.;Kurath P.;Fraser H. (01-01-1989. ) Effect of purity on the deformation mechanisms in the intermetallic compound TiAl.Scripta Metallurgica, , 23 (6 ) ,907-911 More Information

Vasudevan V.;Stucke M.;Court S.;Fraser H. (01-01-1989. ) The influence of second phase ti3al on the deformation mechanisms in TiAl.Philosophical Magazine Letters, , 59 (6 ) ,299-307 More Information

Vasudevan V.;Court S.;Kurath P.;Fraser H. (01-01-1989. ) Effect of grain size and temperature on the yield stress of the intermetallic compound TiAl.Scripta Metallurgica, , 23 (4 ) ,467-469 More Information

Vasudevan V.K.;Kao H.P.;Brooks C.R.;Stansbury E.E. (04-01-1988. ) KINETICS OF DOMAIN GROWTH IN ORDERED Ni4Mo. Metallurgical transactions. A, Physical metallurgy and materials science, , 19 A (4 ) ,941-952

Vasudevan V.;Fraser H. (01-01-1988. ) The microstructures of rapidly solidified and heat-treated Al8Fe2MoSi alloys.Materials Science and Engineering, , 98 (C ) ,131-136 More Information