Lisa M Vaughn
Field Service Professor-Affiliate
Childrens Hospital Bldg R
COM Pediatrics Emergency Medicine - 2008
Professional Summary
Lisa M. Vaughn, Ph.D.
Professor, Pediatrics
Emergency Medicine
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
MLC 2008, 3333 Burnet Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45229-3039
phone: 513-636-9424
fax: 513-636-7967
View Vitae: Lisa M. Vaughn.pdf
Joint Appointment, University of Cincinnati College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services--Educational Studies
Office: Teachers College 610T
Education: formally trained as a social psychologist, counselor, and medical educator
Ph.D. in Social Psychology (Highest degree from University of Cincinnati 1997)
Current Appointment: Pediatric Emergency Medicine at UCCOM/Cincinnati Children’s; Joint appointment with UC College of Education, Educational Studies
Research Framework (how I think about research/prevention/intervention): community psychology, community-engaged research, public health, and community-based participatory research (partnership approach to research with equitable representation, co-design)
Methodologies: qualitative and participatory research methodologies (e.g., Photovoice, large group level participatory assessments, concept mapping, social network analysis)
Content--Broadly: sociocultural issues affecting the health and well-being of families focusing on immigrant and minority populations in the U.S.; social determinants of health including education; community-academic partnerships with low-resource schools
Content—Specifically: parental health attributions for childhood health and illness; social and cultural deter
International Psychology: University of Haifa Haifa, Israel, 1991
Bachelor of Science: University of Tennessee Chattanooga, TN, 1993 (Psychology)
Master of Arts: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH, 1996 (Social Psychology)
Doctor of Philosophy: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH, 1997 (Social Psychology)
Master of Medical Education: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH, 2008
Positions and Work Experience
1992 -1993 Psychiatric Teacher/Counselor, Tennessee Wilderness Program, Chattanooga, TN
1995 -1996 Assistant to Director of Human Resources, Administrative Services Division, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
1994 -1996 Adjunct Instructor, Department of Psychology and Human Resources, Cincinnati State Technical and Community College, Cincinnati, OH
1994 -2000 Adjunct Instructor, Department of Psychology, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
1995 -1996 PhD Internship Site, Senior Consultant, Institute for Consultation and Training, University of Cincinnat, Cincinnati, OH
1996 -1998 Adjunct Instructor, Department of Psychology, Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH
1996 -2000 Faculty Development/Education Consultant, Division of General and Community Pediatrics, Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH
2003 -2006 Parent Educator/Counselor, Prevent Child Abuse, Gainesville, GA
2005 -2006 Behavioral Therapist, Laurelwood Mental Health Hospital, Gainesville, GA
2005 -2006 Victim Services Therapist, Family Relations Program, Inc, Gainesville, GA
1998 -2000 Assistant Professor, Pediatrics, Division of General and Community Pediatrics Joint appointment, Division of Psychology Associate Director, Education, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center / University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH
2000 -2002 Assistant Professor, Psychology, Brenau University, Gainesville, GA
2000 -2006 Associate Professor, Department Chair, Psychology, Brenau University, Gainesville, GA
2006 -2012 Associate Professor, Pediatrics, General and Community Pediatrics Emergency Medicine, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center / University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH
2009 -To Present Professor, Educational Studies, Joint Appointment, University of Cincinnati College of Education, Criminal Justice and Human Services, Cincinnati, OH
2013 -To Present Professor, Pediatrics, Division of Emergency Medicine, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center / University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH
Published Abstracts
Ewan L, McLinden D, Biro F, DeJonckheere M, Vaughn L (2015. ) Mapping the Views of Adolescent Health Stakeholders .[Abstract]Journal of Adolescent Health, 56 (2 ) ,S68 -S69
Peer Reviewed Publications
DeWitt, T. G.; Vaughn, L. M. (1998. ) Promotion criteria for clinician-educators .Jama, , 279 (2 ) ,116
Vaughn, Lisa M; Baker, Raymond C; DeWitt, Thomas G (1998. ) The problem learner .Teaching and learning in medicine, , 10 (4 ) ,217-222
Schultz, J. R.; Vaughn, L. M. (1999. ) Brief report: learning to parent: a survey of parents in an urban pediatric primary care clinic .Community Ment Health J, , 24 (5 ) ,441-5
Vaughn, Lisa M; Lohmueller, MaryAnn (1998. ) Using the group level assessment in a support group setting .Organization Development Journal, , 16 (1 ) ,99
Vaughn, L. M.; Baker, R. C.; DeWitt, T. G. (2000. ) The adult learner: a misinterpreted species? .Acad Med, , 75 (3 ) ,215-6; author reply 218-9
Vaughn, Javier Gonzalez del Rey, Raymond Baker, Lisa (2001. ) Microburst teaching and learning .Medical teacher, , 23 (1 ) ,39-43
Burklow, K. A.; Vaughn, L. M.; Valerius, K. S.; Schultz, J. R. (2001. ) Parental expectations regarding discussions on psychosocial topics during pediatric office visits .J Exp Bot, , 40 (10 ) ,555-62
Diers, Tiffiny; Montauk, Susan L; Vaughn, Lisa M; Lehmann, Corinne; Kiesler, Joseph; Schubert, Charles J; Smucker, Douglas; Volck, Brian (2009. ) Competencies for the Adaptable Physician: Training Residents to Care for Vulnerable Populations .The Open Medical Education Journal, , 2 (2 ) ,26-35
Vaughn, L. M.; Baker, R. C. (2004. ) Psychological size and distance: emphasising the interpersonal relationship as a pathway to optimal teaching and learning conditions .Jama, , 38 (10 ) ,1053-60
Vaughn, Lisa M; Jacquez, Farrah; Baker, Raymond C (2009. ) Cultural health attributions, beliefs, and practices: Effects on healthcare and medical education .mental, , 10 (2 ) ,11
Watson, R.; Vaughn, L. M. (2006. ) Limiting the effects of the media on body image: does the length of a media literacy intervention make a difference? .J Pediatr Oncol Nurs, , 14 (5 ) ,385-400
Phillips, Rebecca; Vaughn, Lisa M (2009. ) Diverse ways of knowing and learning: the impact of culture .The Open Medical Education Journal, , 2 (2 ) ,49-56
Vaughn, L. M.; Rojas-Guyler, L.; Howell, B. (2008. ) "Picturing" health: a photovoice pilot of Latina girls' perceptions of health .J Emerg Nurs, , 31 (4 ) ,305-16
Vaughn, Lisa M; Forbes, Janet R; Howell, Britteny (2009. ) Enhancing home visitation programs: input from a participatory evaluation using photovoice .Infants & Young Children, , 22 (2 ) ,132-145
Vaughn, L. M.; Baker, R. C. (2008. ) Do different pairings of teaching styles and learning styles make a difference? Preceptor and resident perceptions .J Pediatr Oncol Nurs, , 20 (3 ) ,239-47
Vaughn, LM; Phillips, Rebecca (2009. ) Intercultural adjustment for cultural competence in shared context:â??The company we keepâ?? .Int J Interdisc Soc Sci, , 3 (11 ) ,1-12
Vaughn, L. M. (2009. ) Families and cultural competency: where are we? .J Pediatr Oncol Nurs, , 32 (3 ) ,247-56
Vaughn, Lisa M; Battle, Julie V; Taylor, Trisha; Dearman, Laura (2009. ) Learning styles and the relationship to attachment styles and psychological symptoms in college women .College Student Journal, , 43 (3 ) ,723
Vaughn, L. M.; Ireton, C.; Geraghty, S. R.; Diers, T.; Nino, V.; Falciglia, G. A.; Valenzuela, J.; Mosbaugh, C. (2010. ) Sociocultural influences on the determinants of breast-feeding by Latina mothers in the Cincinnati area .MCN Am J Matern Child Nurs, , 33 (4 ) ,318-28
Mahabee-Gittens, E Melinda; Vaughn, Lisa; Gordon, Judith S (2010. ) Youths' and Parents' Views on the Acceptability and Design of a Video-Based Tobacco Prevention Intervention .Journal of child & adolescent substance abuse, , 19 (5 ) ,391-405
Klein, M.; Vaughn, L. M. (2010. ) Teaching social determinants of child health in a pediatric advocacy rotation: small intervention, big impact .MCN Am J Matern Child Nurs, , 32 (9 ) ,754-9
Nabors, Laura; Thomas, Myra; Vaughn, Lisa; Adams, Ryan; Amaral, Joe; Olsen, Brian T (2011. ) Childrenâ??s attitudes about an overweight or non-overweight weight victim .Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, , 23 (2 ) ,87-98
Vaughn, L. M.; Holloway, M. (2010. ) West African immigrant families from Mauritania and Senegal in Cincinnati: a cultural primer on children's health .J Child Health Care, , 35 (1 ) ,27-35
Nabors, L; Adams, R; Vaughn, L; Sharma, M; Bolling, C; Cotton, M; Moore, C (2011. ) Factors influencing children's judgments of overweight peers .International Journal of Pediatric Obesity, , 6 (2Part2 ) ,e449-e456
Mahabee-Gittens, E.; Vaughn, L.; Gordon, J. (2010. ) Youth and Their Parents' Views on the Acceptability and Design of a Video-Based Tobacco Prevention Intervention .J Child Health Care, , 19 (5 ) ,391-405
Stieha, Vicki; Muchmore, Melissa; Lang, Jessica; Lang, Maria (2012. ) â??Having a sayâ??: Urban adolescent girls narrating their visions of future through photovoice .EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH FOR SOCIAL CHANGE, , 3 (2 ) ,41
Vaughn, L. M.; Masson, P. H. (2011. ) A QTL Study for Regions Contributing to Arabidopsis thaliana Root Skewing on Tilted Surfaces .G3 (Bethesda), , 1 (2 ) ,105-15
Schonfeld, David J; Adams, Ryan E; Fredstrom, Bridget K; Tomlin, Ricarda; Voyce, Charlene; Vaughn, Lisa M (2012. ) Socialâ??Emotional Learning in Grades 3 to 6 and the Early Onset of Sexual Behavior .Sexuality Research and Social Policy, , 9 (2 ) ,178-186
Vaughn, L. M.; McLinden, D. J.; Shellmer, D.; Baker, R. C. (2011. ) Parental Health Attributions of Childhood Health and Illness: Development of the Pediatric Cultural Health Attributions Questionnaire (Pedi-CHAQ) .J Exp Bot, , 39 (3 ) ,223-42
Lemons, Jennifer; Ragsdale, Judy; Vaughn, Lisa; Grossoehme, Daniel (2013. ) â??I Didnâ??t Know It Existed Before You Calledâ??: Protestant Clergy Experience, Education and Perceptions Regarding Genetics .Journal of genetic counseling, , 22 (2 ) ,226-237
Vaughn, L. M.; Jacquez, F.; Zhao, J.; Lang, M. (2011. ) Partnering with students to explore the health needs of an ethnically diverse, low-resource school: an innovative large group assessment approach .J Emerg Nurs, , 34 (1 ) ,72-84
Griebling, S; Vaughn, LM; Howell, B; Ramstetter, C; Dole, D (2013. ) From passive to active voice: Using photography as a catalyst for social action .International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, , 3 (2 ) ,16-28
Vaughn, L. M.; Jacquez, F. (2011. ) Pediatric Prevention and Intervention in the Community .J Emerg Nurs, , 39 (3 ) ,177-81
Rojas-Guyler, Liliana; Britigan, Denise H; Murnan, Judy; King, Keith; Vaughn, Lisa M (2013. ) Measuring English Linguistic Proficiency and Functional Health Literacy Levels in Two Languages: Implications for Reaching Latino Immigrants .Health Educator, , 45 (2 ) ,723
Vaughn, L. M.; McLinden, D.; Jacquez, F.; Crosby, L.; Slater, S.; Mitchell, M. (2011. ) Understanding the social networks of parents of children with sickle cell disease .MCN Am J Matern Child Nurs, , 22 (3 ) ,1014-29
Szaflarski, Magdalena; Vaughn, Lisa M; Chambers, Camisha; Harris, Mamie; Ruffner, Andrew; Wess, Yolanda; Mosley, LaSharon; Smith, Chandra (2014. ) Engaging Religious Institutions to Address Racial Disparities in HIV/AIDS: A Case of Academic-Community Partnership .The International Journal of Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement, , 2 (1 ) ,49-56
Klein, M.; Vaughn, L. M.; Baker, R. C.; Taylor, T. (2011. ) Welcome back? Frequent attenders to a pediatric primary care center .J Child Health Care, , 15 (3 ) ,175-86
Vaughn, LM; Drabik, S; Kissling, A (2014. ) Healthy Girls and Healthy Communities: Two Sides of the Same Coin .J Community Med Health Educ, , 4 (279 ) ,2161-0711.1000279
Reed, J. L.; Vaughn, L. M.; Pomerantz, W. J. (2012. ) Attitudes and knowledge regarding emergency contraception among emergency department adolescents and providers .Acad Med, , 28 (8 ) ,775-9
DeJonckheere, Melissa J; Vaughn, Lisa M; Jacquez, Farrah (2014. ) Latino Immigrant Youth Living in a Nontraditional Migration City A Social-Ecological Examination of the Complexities of Stress and Resilience .Urban Education, , 3 (11 ) ,0042085914549360
Vaughn, L. M.; Jacquez, F. (2012. ) Characteristics of newly immigrated, Spanish-speaking Latinos who use the pediatric emergency department: preliminary findings in a secondary migration city .Community Ment Health J, , 28 (4 ) ,345-50
Graham, Kara E; Schellinger, Annie R; Vaughn, Lisa M (2015. ) Developing strategies for positive change: Transitioning foster youth to adulthood .Children and Youth Services Review, , 54 (2 ) ,71-79
Vaughn, L. M.; Nabors, L.; Pelley, T. J.; Hampton, R. R.; Jacquez, F.; Mahabee-Gittens, E. M. (2012. ) Obesity screening in the pediatric emergency department .J Exp Bot, , 28 (6 ) ,548-52
Jacquez, Farrah; Vaughn, Lisa M; Pelley, Terri; Topmiller, Michael (2015. ) Healthcare Experiences of Latinos in a Nontraditional Destination Area .Journal of Community Practice, , 23 (1 ) ,76-101
Kiesler, J.; Vaughn, L. M.; Kaur, G. (2013. ) "Voicing" the social determinants of health on the backside of a horse racetrack .MCN Am J Matern Child Nurs, , 24 (3 ) ,1074-88
Vaughn, L. M.; Wagner, E.; Jacquez, F. (2013. ) A review of community-based participatory research in child health .MCN Am J Matern Child Nurs, , 38 (1 ) ,48-53
Vaughn, L. M.; Jacquez, F.; McLinden, D. (2013. ) The use of concept mapping to identify community-driven intervention strategies for physical and mental health .MCN Am J Matern Child Nurs, , 14 (5 ) ,675-85
Valenzuela, J. M.; Vaughn, L. M.; Crosby, L. E.; Strong, H.; Kissling, A.; Mitchell, M. J. (2013. ) Understanding the experiences of youth living with sickle cell disease: a photovoice pilot .MCN Am J Matern Child Nurs, , 36 (2 ) ,97-108
Jacquez, F.; Vaughn, L. M.; Wagner, E. (2013. ) Youth as partners, participants or passive recipients: a review of children and adolescents in community-based participatory research (CBPR) .J Child Health Care, , 51 (1-2 ) ,176-89
Breitwieser, C. L.; Vaughn, L. M. (2014. ) "A day in my life" photography project: the silent voice of pediatric bone marrow transplant patients .J Pediatr Oncol Nurs, , 31 (5 ) ,284-92
Vaughn, L. M.; Cross, B.; Bossaer, L.; Flores, E. K.; Moore, J.; Click, I. (2014. ) Analysis of an interprofessional home visit assignment: student perceptions of team-based care, home visits, and medication-related problems .Acad Med, , 46 (7 ) ,522-6
Kovacic, M. B.; Stigler, S.; Smith, A.; Kidd, A.; Vaughn, L. M. (2014. ) Beginning a partnership with PhotoVoice to explore environmental health and health inequities in minority communities .Community Ment Health J, , 11 (11 ) ,11132-51
Vaughn, L. M.; Lohmueller, M. (2014. ) Calling all stakeholders: group-level assessment (GLA)-a qualitative and participatory method for large groups .Community Ment Health J, , 38 (4 ) ,336-55
Ragsdale, J. R.; Vaughn, L. M.; Klein, M. (2014. ) Characterizing the adequacy, effectiveness, and barriers related to research mentorship among junior pediatric hospitalists and general pediatricians at a large academic institution .Community Ment Health J, , 4 (2 ) ,93-8
Mahabee-Gittens, E. M.; Dixon, C. A.; Vaughn, L. M.; Duma, E. M.; Gordon, J. S. (2014. ) Parental tobacco screening and counseling in the pediatric emergency department: practitioners' attitudes, perceived barriers, and suggestions for implementation and maintenance .J Emerg Nurs, , 40 (4 ) ,336-45
Miller, M. E.; Vaughn, L. M. (2015. ) Achieving a shared vision for girls' health in a low-income community .38 (1 ) ,98-107
Bignall, W. J.; Jacquez, F.; Vaughn, L. M. (2015. ) Attributions of Mental Illness: An Ethnically Diverse Community Perspective .Community Ment Health J, , 51 (5 ) ,540-5
Published Books
Lisa M. Vaughn (2010. ) Psychology and Culture: Thinking, Feeling and Behaving in a Global Context .London , Psychology Press (Author)
Budryte D, Vaughn LM, Riegg N (2009. ) Feminist Conversations: Women, trauma and empowerment in transitional societies .New York , University Press of America
Vaughn LM (2007. ) Culture smart Guatemala .New York , Random House
Book Chapter
Vaughn, L. M., & McLinden, D. Concept mapping: Visualizing what the community thinks Handbook of methodological approaches to community-basd research: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods .(pp. -ch 30).New York, NY, Oxford University Press
Vaughn LM, Warrick S, DeJonkheere M Cultural humility in pediatric practice Textbook of pediatric global health, 2nd edition .American Academy of Pediatrics
Szaflarski M, Vaughn LM (2014 ) Deconstructing and addressing health disparities to build health equity Critical health psychology, 2nd edition .(pp. 87 -107).Palgrave
Szaflarski M, Vaughn LM, McLinden D, Wess Y, Ruffner A (2014 ) Mobilizing a Black faith community to address HIV Public health: Improving health via inter-professional collaborations .(pp. 95 -110).Nova Biomedical
Vaughn LM (2012 ) Cultural sensitivity and competency in pediatric practice Textbook of pediatric global health .(pp. 85 -106).American Academy of Pediatrics
LM Vaughn, F Jacquez (2011 ) Pediatric Health in the Community Prevention and Intervention in the Community .
Vaughn LM (2010 ) Marriage and the Family 21st century anthropology: A reference handbook .Thousand Oaks, CA, SAGE
Vaughn LM (2010 ) Visual anthropology 21st century anthropology: A reference handbook .Thousand Oaks, CA, SAGE
Vaughn LM, deCabrera G (2009 ) Left alone, the widows of the war: Trauma reframed through community empowerment in Guatemala Feminis Conversations: Women, trauma and empowerment in transitional societies ch 7 .New York, University Press of America
Vaughn LM (2002 ) Walking in another's shoes It works for me, too! More shared tips for effective teaching .Stillwater, OK, New Forums Press, Inc
Vaughn LM (2002 ) CLEGS (Cooperative Learning Exchange Groups) It works for me, too! More shared tips for effective teaching .Sillwater, OK, New Forums Press, Inc.
Vaughn LM (2002 ) Microbursting It works for me, too! More shared tips for effective teaching .Stillwater, OK, New Forums Press, Inc.
Vaughn LM (2002 ) Rhythm and hand drumming It works for me, too! More shared tips for effective teaching .Stillwater, OK, New Forums Press, Inc
Vaughn LM (2001 ) Teaching and learning in the primary care setting Handbook of pediatric primary care, 2nd Ed .Philadelphia, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Vaughn LM (2001 ) Enhancing the child-parent-provider relationship Handbook of pediatric primary care, 2nd Ed .Philadelphia, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Vaughn LM (2001 ) Managing difficult interactions with parents Handbook of pediatric primary care, 2nd Ed .Philadelphia, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Invited Presentations
Jurkowski J, Vaughn LM (04-2015. ) Strategies for Engaging Families and Communities in Pediatric Research .Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. Level:International
Bignall II ONR, Bignall WJR, Unaka NI, Vaughn LM (04-2015. ) Assessing Needs and Barriers to Inner-City Father Involvement in the Pediatric Medical Home .Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. Level:International
DeJonckheere M, Vaughn LM, Jacquez F (04-2015. ) Illustrating the Cultural and Contextual Factors that Contribute to Academic and Psychological Resilience in Low-Resource Communities: A Participatory Visual Narrative Approach .Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL. Level:National
Vaughn LM, Jacquez F, Zhen-Duan J, Miller Z, Graham C (10-2014. ) Shifting from Subjects to Partners: Immigrant Community Members as Co-Researchers .28th Annual Conference of the American Evaluation Association, Denver, CO. Level:National
Vaughn LM, Jacquez F, Pelley TJ (10-2014. ) Calling All Stakeholders: A Participatory Approach to Community Needs Assessments .28th Annual Conference of the American Evaluation Association, Denver, CO.
Kamimura-Nishimura, K.I., DiStefano, S., Rhad, M., Hunter, L., Vaughn, L., Wiley, S. (09-2014. ) Needs Assessment Group for Newborn Hearing Screening Systems .Society for Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics 2014 Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN. Level:International
Vaughn, LM (07-2014. ) Sawubona (I See You)—Ngikhona (I Am Here): Visual Methods from a Participatory Action Research Perspective .South West Doctoral Training Centre Doctoral Conference: Participatory Action Research and Critical Inquiry, Bristol University, Bristol, England. Level:International
Jacquez, F., Vaughn, L. M., & Zhen-Duan, J (06-2014. ) Improving Research Quality through Immigrant Community Research Teams. .Third Biennial Division 45 Research Conference. Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Issues (Division 45), University of Oregon; Eugene, OR. Level:University
Vaughn, L.M., Bologna, D., Eiler, B, & Jacquez, F (06-2014. ) Social Network Analysis as a Tool to Understand Community Resources .Third Biennial Division 45 Research Conference. Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Issues (Division 45), University of Oregon; Eugene, OR. Level:University
Nyemba, F., & Vaughn, L. M. (05-2014. ) Immigration experiences of Zimbabwean Women in the Greater Cincinnati Area .Tenth International Congress for Qualitative Inquiry, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana-Champaign, IL. Level:International
Clarke-Myers, K., & Vaughn, L. M. The Intersection of Quality Improvement (QI) Science and Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR): Stance and Practice regarding Community/Patient/Consumer Engagement. .From Rhetoric to Reality: Achieving Authentic, Equitable & Transformative Partnerships. Community-Campus Partnerships for Health's 13th international conference,, Chicago, IL. Level:International
Vaughn, L. M., Jacquez, F., Zhen-Duan, J (02-2014. ) Establishing Community-Based Research Teams (CBRTs) with Latino Immigrant Communities. Seventh Annual Health Disparities and Social Justice Conference: A Focus on Latino Health., DePaul University, Chicago, IL. . Level:National
Vaughn, L. M., Wagner, E., & DeJonckheere, M. (11-2013. ) Lessons Learned From the Girls' Action Team Program: The Intersection and Connection of Self, School, and Community .American Public Health Association 141st Annual Meeting and Exposition, Boston, MA. Level:National
DeJonckheere, M. & Vaughn, L. M. (11-2013. ) Engaging Latino Immigrant Youth in Participatory Action Research: Explorations Of Stress and Resilience in a Nontraditional Migration City .American Public Health Association 141st Annual Meeting and Exposition, Boston, MA. Level:National
Vaughn, L.M., McLinden, D., & Szaflarski, M. (10-2013. ) Making Meaning in Collaboration with Communities: Co-Creation through Concept Mapping Methodology .27th Annual Conference of the American Evaluation Association, Washington, DC.
Vaughn, L. M., Jacquez, F. Wagner, E., DeJonckheere, M., Pelley, T., & Bruck, D. (06-2013. ) Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) and Youth: Partners, Participants or Passive Recipients? .2013 Biennial Conference Society for Community Research and Action, University of Miami, Miami, FL. Level:National
Vaughn, L.M., DeJonckheere, M., & Muchmore, M. (06-2013. ) “Eradicating Mosquitoes”: The Use of Participatory Research Methods and Approaches to Engage Communities .2013 Biennial Conference Society for Community Research and Action, University of Miami, Miami, FL. Level:National
Vaughn, L.M. (Chair) (05-2013. ) The Paradox of Poverty .Panel of five papers presented at the Ninth International Congress for Qualitative Inquiry, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana-Champaign, IL.
Szaflarski, M, Vaughn, L. M., Chambers, C, Harris, M, Ruffner, A, Wess, Y, Peter, N, Smith, C, Mosley, L. (02-2013. ) Using Concept Mapping to Mobilize a Black Faith Community to Address HIV .University of Alabama Birmingham Health Disparities Research Symposium 2013, University of Alabama Birmingham, Birmingham, AL. Level:National
Szaflarski, M, Chambers, C, Vaughn, L, Harris, M, Ruffner, A, Wess, Y, Peter, N, Smith, C, Mosley, L (12-2012. ) Faith-based community mobilization to address HIV disparities among African Americans in Cincinnati .2012 Summit on the Science of Eliminating Health Disparities, National Institutes of Health, National Harbor, MD. Level:National
Raglin, W., Jacquez. F., & Vaughn, L. (05-2012. ) The development of the mental health cultural attributions questionnaire .The Second Biennial APA Division 45 Conference. Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Issues (Division 45), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. Level:National
Taylor, J., Vaughn, L.M. (05-2012. ) Voices of Ethnic Minorities: Social-Ecological Perspectives of Health and Well-Being .The Second Biennial APA Division 45 Conference. Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Issues (Division 45), Univiersity of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI. Level:National
Dole, D., VanKuiken, D., Vaughn, L.M. (05-2012. ) Using a Community Health Needs Assessment to Identify Mental Health Priorities in Ethnic Minority Populations .The Second Biennial APA Division 45 Conference. Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Issues (Division 45), the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.
Griebling, S., Arndt, A, Taylor, J., Vaughn, L.M. (05-2012. ) The Lived Experience of Poverty .The Second Biennial APA Division 45 Conference. Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Issues (Division 45), University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. Level:National
Vaughn, L.M., Jacquez, F., McLinden, D (05-2012. ) The Use of Concept Mapping to Identify Community Priorities for Health and Wellness of the Community .The Second Biennial APA Division 45 Conference. Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Issues (Division 45), University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. Level:National
Gache, L., VanKuiken, D., Wagner, E., Vaughn, L.M. (05-2012. ) Barriers to Care for Minority, Immigrant, and Economically Disadvantaged Populations .The Second Biennial APA Division 45 Conference. Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Issues (Division 45), University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. Level:National
VanKuiken, D., Taylor, J., Vaughn, L.M., Dole, D., & Jacquez, F. (05-2012. ) Community Academic Partnerships Using Mixed Methods to Initiate Systemic Regional Health Care Change .Eighth International Congress for Qualitative Inquiry, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Level:National
Griebling, S.J., Vaughn, L.M., Arndt, A.E., Dole, D., & VanKuiken, D. (05-2012. ) Participatory Tools for Data Collection .Eighth International Congress for Qualitative Inquiry, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Level:International
Taylor, J.J., Vaughn, L.M., Griebling, S.J., Farrah Jacquez, Dole, D. (05-2012. ) The Qualitative Consultant: Benefits and Challenges of Working with Non-Profits to Move beyond Survey Research .Eighth International Congress for Qualitative Inquiry, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Level:International
Griebling, S.J., & Vaughn, LM (05-2012. ) From Passive to Active Voice: Using Photography as a Catalyst for Social Action .Eighth International Congress for Qualitative Inquiry, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Level:International
Schmid, C. L., Donnelly, M. M., Vaughn, L. M., Davies, S. M. (02-2012. ) A Snapshot of My Life: Photovoice Photography Project .Annual Bone Marrow Transplant Tandem Meetings, San Diego, CA.
Jacquez, F., & Vaughn, L.M. (02-2012. ) Beyond SES: The Role of Race and Ethnicity in Sociobehavioral Barriers to Healthcare .4th Annual Minority Health in the Midwest Conference, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois. Level:Regional
Haney, S. & Vaughn, L. M. (11-2011. ) Using Photovoice methodology to give “voice” to those typically unheard .All Ohio Counselors Conference, Columbus, OH. Level:State
Schonfeld, D., Vaughn, L., Fredstrom, B. Tomlin, R., & Voyce, C. (09-2011. ) Social emotional learning in grades 3 to 6 and the early onset of sexual behavior .Society for Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics 2011 Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX. Level:International
Raglin, W., Creque, S., & Vaughn, L. (04-2011. ) The culture of poverty: Understanding its relevance .Fourth Annual Ecological Counseling Conference, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. Level:National
Klein, M., O’Toole, J., Burkhardt, M., Solan, L., & Vaughn, L.M. (05-2011. ) Resident Confidence Addressing Social History: Is It Influenced By Availability of Social-Legal Resources? .Pediatric Academic Societies & Asian Society for Pediatric Research Joint Meeting, Denver, CO.
Jacquez, F. & Vaughn, L. M. (03-2011. ) Understanding the Health of Minority and Immigrant Youth Via a Participatory School-Wide Needs Assessment .American Academy of Health Behavior 11th Annual AAHB Scientific Meeting, Hilton Head, SC. Level:National
Klein, M., O’Toole, J., Burkhardt, M., Solan, L., & Vaughn, L.M. (03-2011. ) Resident Confidence Addressing Social History: Is It Influenced By Availability of Social-Legal Resources? .National Medical Legal Partnership Meeting,
Raglin, W. J., Jacquez, F. & Vaughn, L. M. (02-2011. ) Do Cultural Attributions Contribute to Mental Health Disparities? .3rd Annual Minority Health in the Midwest Conference, Chicago, IL. Level:Regional
Vaughn L.M (11-2010. ) Implementing Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) in Pediatric Health: Examples and Unique Challenges .Prevention Science Seminar, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH. Level:Prof. Org.
Brydon-Miller, M., Gibson, L., Miller, B., Mills, L, & Vaughn, L. M. (10-2010. ) Action Research as a Model for Community-Academic Partnerships .Faculty-Community Partner Networking Breakfast, University of Cincinnati, Center for Community Engagement, Cincinnati, OH. Level:University
Murdock, J., Vaughn, L, Diers, T., Rojas-Guyler, L., Nino, V., Britigan, D., Ireton, C., Gomez, L., (10-2010. ) Women Leaders Build Partnerships through the University of Cincinnati Latino Health Collaborative .Women as Intercultural Leaders: Imagination, Innovation, Integrity; Center for Women’s Intercultural Leadership, St. Mary’s College; Notre Dame, Indiana.
Kiesler, J., & Vaughn, L. M. (11-2010. ) Using photovoice to examine the health concerns of workers at a horse racetrack .138th APHA Annual Meeting, Denver, CO. Level:International
Langsam, S., Vaughn, L.M., Lehmann, C. (07-2010. ) Socio-cultural barriers to care of HIV+ orphans in Southern Africa .XVIII International AIDS Conference, Vienna, Austria. Level:International
Vaughn, L. M., & The Latino Health Collaborative of Greater Cincinnati (06-2009. ) Building Relationship-Centered Partnerships for Health: The Case of the Latino Health Collaborative of Greater Cincinnati .12th Biennial Conference Society for Community Research and Action, Montclair State University and Rutgers University, Montclair, NJ. . Level:International
Vaughn, L. M., & Budryte, D. (06-2009. ) Renegotiation of Identity via Intercultural Adjustment: Application to the Baltic Region .8th Conference on Baltic Studies in Europe: The Baltics as an Intersection of Civilizational Identities, Vytautus Magnus University, Kaunus, Lithuania. Level:International
Budryte, D., & Vaughn, L. M. (06-2009. ) “Aporia of Democratization” and Empowerment of Women: The Lithuanian Experience from a Comparative Perspective . 8th Conference on Baltic Studies in Europe: The Baltics as an Intersection of Civilizational Identities, Vytautus Magnus University, Kaunus, Lithuania. Level:International
Vaughn, L. M., & Holloway, M. (02-2009. ) Health Issues for Immigrant Families Panel: West African Immigrant Families in Cincinnati: A Cultural Primer on Children’s Health .1st Annual Minority Health in the Midwest Conference: Minority Health in a Global Community: Midwestern Perspectives on Health, Poverty and the Environment, University of Illinois at Chicago.
Murdock, J., Vaughn, L. M., & Latino Health Collaborative (10-2008. ) Latino Health Collaborative of Greater Cincinnati: University-Community Partnerships for Better health of the Latino Community .136th American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Exposition, San Diego, CA. Level:National
Vaughn, L. M., Howell, B., Griebling, S., Dole, D., & Ramstetter, C. (10-2008. ) From Passive to Active Voice: Using Photography as a Catalyst for Social Action .The Coalition of Metropolitan and Urban Universities (CUMU), Highland Heights, KY.
Vaughn, L.M. (09-2008. ) Intercultural Adjustment for Cultural Competency .Invited grand rounds, Children’s Hospital of Michigan, Detroit, MI.
Vaughn, L. M., Rosenthal, D., & Howell, B. (07-2008. ) ommunity-Based Photography for Social Change: Making the Ordinary Extraordinary .The Third International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, Tuscany, Italy. Level:International
Vaughn, L. M. & Phillips, R. (07-2008. ) The Psychology of Intercultural Adjustment: Tools for Self-Awareness and Practice .The Third International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, Tuscany, Italy. Level:International
Vaughn, L. M., Forbes, J., & Howell, B. (07-2008. ) Using Photovoice Methodology to Give “Voice” to Those Typically Unheard .The Third International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, Tuscany, Italy. Level:International
Vaughn, L. M., Rojas-Guyler, L., & Howell, B. (06-2008. ) Latina Girls “Voice” their “Picture” of Health .Biennial Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, Chicago, IL.
Vaughn, L. M., McLinden, D. (06-2008. ) Who Made Me Sick? Culture and Health Attributions .Biennial Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, Chicago, IL.
Vaughn, L. M. & Howell, B. (06-2008. ) The Use of Community-Based Photography for Social Change .Biennial Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, Chicago, IL.
King, K., Vidourek, R., & Vaughn, L. M. (06-2008. ) Suicide prevention for minority populations .Biennial Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, Chicago, IL.
Vaughn, L. M., Samaan, Z., Phillips, R., & Baker, R. (05-2008. ) “Doing” Cultural Competency in Pediatrics: “Practice Makes Perfect” .Workshop, Pediatric Academic Societies’ Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Lewis, M. G., Rojas-Guyler, L., Vaughn, L. M., Britigan, D., Nino, V., Murdock, J., Ireton, C., Diers, T. ( Latino Health Collaborative of Greater Cincinnati) (04-2008. ) Health Promotion/Disease Prevention: Cancer in the Hispanic Population .National Hispanic Medical Association,
Vaughn, L. M., Shellmer, D., McLinden, D., & Baker, R. (04-2008. ) A Tool to Measure Parental Cultural Health Attributions of Children’s Health and Illness: The Pedi-CHAQ .National Conference on Child Health Psychology, Miami Beach, FL.
Vaughn, L.M., Rojas-Guyler, L., Murdock, J., Ireton, C., Gerena-Lewis, M., Diers, T., Britigan, D., Niño, V., Reddy, R., & Gomez, L. (04-2008. ) Authentic Community Engagement in Academic-Community Partnerships: Lessons We Are Learning .Social Justice and Engaged Scholarship Symposium, University of Louisville, KY.
Vaughn L.M. (04-2008. ) Dismantling Hegemony through Empowerment: Social Change Education from Habermas to Brookfield .Social Justice and Engaged Scholarship Symposium, University of Louisville, Ky.
Ireton, C., Diers, T., Vaughn, L. M., & Lewis, M. (08-2007. ) Advice: How to Talk to your Doctor .Abriendo Puertas ¡Somos Unicos! ¡Somos Latinos! Educate to Elevate Conference, cINCINNATI, oh.
Vaughn, L. M. (06-2007. ) Health Perceptions of Latina Tweens: The Use of Art as a Research Tool .Crossroads II: Community-Based Collaborative Research for Social Justice, Hartford, CT.
Vaughn, L. M., Harmony, J., & Bolling, C. (06-2007. ) Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR): The “Hard Sell” in a Traditional Medical Environment .. Presentation, Crossroads II: Community-Based Collaborative Research for Social Justice, Hartford, CT.
Vaughn, L.M. (06-2007. ) Cultural Competence in Pediatrics: Adapting to Societal Change .Navigating Educational Waters: Health Professionals Working Together to Bridge Education and Outcomes, Cincinnati, OH.
Vaughn, L.M., Lewis, K., Baker, R. (06-2007. ) Cultural Competence in Pediatrics: Adapting to Societal Changes .Pediatric Academic Societies’ Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.
Budryte, D., Vaughn, L.M. (03-2007. ) The Challenges and Rewards of Interdisciplinary Research: Using Community- .International Studies Association 48th Annual Convention, Chicago, IL. Level:International
Vaughn, L.M., & Selman, A. (06-2006. ) Women and Trauma: How Can We Help? .Moterų Informacijos Centras (Women’s Issues Information Centre), Vilnius, Lithuania.
Vaughn, L.M., & Edwards, B. (02-2006. ) The Microburst Model of Teaching and Learning: Addressing Cultural Diversity for Educators ., 5th Annual Southeastern Conference on Cross-Cultural Issues in Counseling and Education, Savannah, GA.
Vaughn, L.M., & Edwards, B. (02-2006. ) Aqui y Somos Padres: Serving the Growing Latino Population of Parents through Effective Counseling and Education .5th Annual Southeastern Conference on Cross-Cultural Issues in Counseling and Education, Savannah, GA.
Vaughn, L.M., Selman, A., & Budryte, D. (02-2006. ) Women, Political Trauma, and Empowerment .5th Annual Southeastern Conference on Cross-Cultural Issues in Counseling and Education, Savannah, GA.
Vaughn, L. M., Gaspar, J., & Waits, S. (11-2003. ) Enabling or Disabling? Lessons Learned From a Women’s College about Women’s Learning .Lilly Conference on College Teaching, Miami University, Oxford, OH.
Vaughn L.M. (03-1999. ) Social Psychology and the Interface with the Medical Community .Health and Human Behavior Seminar , Antioch University, Yellow Springs, OH.
Gosdin, C. H., & Vaughn, L. M. (05-2011. ) A novel handoff process: Physician bedside handoff with nurse and family involvement .Pediatric Academic Societies & Asian Society for Pediatric Research Joint Meeting, Denver, CO.
Byczkowski, T. L., Fitzgerald, M., Vaughn, L. M., Timm, N. L. (05-2010. ) arent Perceptions of the Quality of Pediatric Emergency Department Physician and Nurse Interactions is Associated with Overall Satisfaction with Care, but What Does it Mean? .Pediatric Academic Societies’ Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada.
Iyer, S., Vaughn, L.,M. Fitzgerald, M., Taylor, R., Byczkowski, T. L. (05-2010. ) Dissatisfaction with ED Pain Management: A Content Analysis of Parents’ Perspectives .Pediatric Academic Societies’ Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada.
Vaughn, L.M. & McNichols, A (01-2004. ) Culture and Parenting: The Touchpoints Model .Northeast Georgia Medical Center Healthy Families, Gainesville, GA.
Gabriel, M., Vaughn, L.M., & Baker, R.C. (05-2000. ) The Negative Effects of Television on Children: Developing an Educational Brochure for Parents .Pediatric Academic Societies and American Academy of Pediatrics Joint Meeting, Boston, MA.
Vaughn, L.M., & Baker, R.C. (05-2000. ) Behavioral/Developmental Training for Pediatric Primary Care Residents .Pediatric Academic Societies and American Academy of Pediatrics Joint Meeting, Boston, MA.
Vaughn, L.M., & Baker, R.C. (05-2000. ) The Difficult Parent .Pediatric Academic Societies and American Academy of Pediatrics Joint Meeting, Boston, MA.
Bain, K., Burklow, K., Gallagher, M., Martin-Heldman, M.K., & Vaughn, L. M. (03-2000. ) Touchpoints: Opportunities for Supporting Families and Preventing Problems in the Parent-Child Relationship .Children: Our Common Wealth III --Advanced Brain Research and Child Development Conference, Covington, KY.
Vaughn, L.M., Martin-Heldman, M.K., Gallagher, M., & Burklow, K. (11-1999. ) Touchpoints in the Elementary School Setting .Allison Elementary School, Norwood, OH.
Vaughn, L.M., Burklow, K., Bradbury, L., Alves, R., Foti, M., Valerius, K, & Schultz, J. (05-1999. ) Common Psychosocial Issues in Children: The Interplay Between Parent and Health Care Provider .Annual Meeting of the Ambulatory Pediatric Association, San Francisco, CA.
Gallagher, M. & Vaughn, L.M. (04-1999. ) Strategies for Dealing with Teens .What Matters, Matters: Women’s Health Strategies for a New Century Conference, Covington, KY.
Burklow, K., Vaughn, L.M., Bradbury, L., Alves, R., Foti, M., Valerius, K., & Schultz, J.R. (04-1999. ) Primary Care Providers and Parents’ Psychosocial Concerns: Can We Talk? .Florida Conference on Child Health Psychology, Gainesville, Florida.
Rifkin, M., Heldman, M.K.M., Bien, J., & Vaughn, L.M. (03-1999. ) Touchpoints: Making a Lasting Connection with Families .The Changing Faces of Social Work, 19th Annual Statewide Conference of the Ohio Chapter National Association of Social Workers, Columbus, OH.
Vaughn, L.M., Schultz, J., & Baker, R.C. (10-1998. ) Behavioral/Developmental Training for Pediatric Residents: Increasing Comfort in Addressing and Managing the Needs of Parents and Children .Region V Ambulatory Pediatric Association Meeting, Columbus, OH.
Schultz, J.R., & Vaughn, L.M. (05-1998. ) Sources of Parenting Information Used by Parents in an Urban Pediatric Primary Care Clinic .Annual Meeting of Pediatric Psychology Association, Louisville, KY.
Vaughn, L.M. (05-2007. ) Professional and Personal Balance: An Elusive Goal? .Navigating Educational Waters: Health Professionals Working Together to Bridge Education and Outcomes, Cincinnati, OH.
Vaughn, L.M. (10-1999. ) Team Building Techniques. The Needs of Customer Services Representatives Series .Psychology Division, Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH.
Vaughn, L.M. (06-1999. ) Mission, Vision, and Values .St. Louis Children’s Hospital, Division of Pediatric Emergency Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri.
Vaughn, L.M. (05-1999. ) Communication/Feedback .Babies Milk Fund, Cincinnati, OH.
Vaughn, L.M. (12-1998. ) Teambuilding and Touchpoints Implementation .Babies Milk Fund, Cincinnati, OH.
Vaughn, L.M. (10-1998. ) Mission and Vision .Hopple Street Community Health Center, Cincinnati, OH.
Lohmueller, M., & Vaughn, L.M. (03-1997. ) Group Level Assessment and Action Planning .Raymond Walter’s Dental Hygiene Department, Cincinnati, OH.
Lohmueller, M., & Vaughn, L.M. (1996. ) Improving Meetings .Genesis Men's Program, Cincinnati, OH.
Lohmueller, M., & Vaughn, L.M. (06-1997. ) Management Development Sequence .Franciscan Health System of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH.
Thompson, A. M., Asebrook, M., Vaughn, L. M. (06-2015. ) Standardized Patients’ Unscripted Dialogue and Behaviors during a Third Year Medical Student OB/Gyn Standardized Patient Examination .ASPE (Association of Standardized Patient Educators) 14th Annual Conference, Denver, CO.
Warrick, D., Anderson, B., Vaughn, L.M. (03-2015. ) Evaluating a Resident’s Advocacy Experience through a Unique Lens .Connect. Motivate. Educate. Transform. Annual meeting of the Association for Prevention Teaching and Research, Charleston, SC.
Lohmueller, M., & Vaughn, L. M. (09-2014. ) Group Level Assessment: A Participatory, Large Group for Educators .Regional Faculty and Health Care Educators Conference, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH.
Kohan, M., Zhao, J., & Vaughn, L. M. (07-2011. ) Linking Literate Lives through Academic-Community Partnerships ."Teachers, Students, and Families Together: Nurturing Literate Communities" sponsored by the Whole Language Umbrella (WLU) in cooperation with the Center for Expansion of Language and Thinking, Las Vegas, NV.
Gosdin, C. H., & Vaughn, L. M. (05-2011. ) A Novel Handoff Process: Physician Bedside Handoff .Pediatric Academic Societies & Asian Society for Pediatric Research Joint Meeting , Denver, CO.
Vaughn, L. M., Brinkman, W., & McLinden, D. (09-2010. ) How Do You Know? Research Paradigms, Methods, Questions and Bears, Oh My! .Regional Faculty and Educator Development Symposium, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH.
Vaughn, L. M., McLinden, D. (08-2008. ) Effective Evaluation and Feedback .Invited grand rounds and three workshops, Children’s Hospital of Michigan, Detroit, MI.
Vaughn, L.M., & Baker, R. (05-2007. ) The Impact of Teaching and Learning Styles on the Preceptor-Resident Educational Relationship in the Continuity Setting .Pediatric Academic Societies’ Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.
Vaughn, L.M. (01-2006. ) Microburst Teaching and Learning in the Medical Setting .Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX.
Vaughn, L.M. (11-2003. ) What’s Love Got To Do With It?: The Importance Of The Interpersonal Relationship In The Teaching Learning Process .Lilly Conference on College Teaching, Miami University, Oxford, OH.
Vaughn, L. M., Gaspar, J., & Waits, S. (11-2003. ) Yum, Yum, Come and Eat at the Learning Buffet .Lilly Conference on College Teaching, Miami University, Oxford, OH.
Vaughn, L.M. (04-2002. ) Strategies for the Management of the Difficult Learner in Medicine .University of Utah Medical College, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Vaughn, L.M. (11-2001. ) Difficult Learners Don’t Have to Be Difficult! .Lilly Conference on College Teaching, Miami University, Oxford, OH.
Vaughn, L.M., & Bickham, P. (11-2001. ) Rhythm and Hand Drumming: Facilitating the Teaching- Learning Process .Lilly Conference on College Teaching, Miami University, Oxford, OH.
Vaughn, L.M., & Bickham, P. (09-2001. ) Incorporating Community and Rhythm in the Classroom through Percussion and Movement .The Experiential Classroom National Conference for Entrepreneurship Faculty, Miami University, Oxford, OH.
Vaughn, L.M. (04-2001. ) How to Keep Yourself and Your Learners Awake: Utilizing Multiple Teaching Methods .Teachers for the New Millennium: How to Adapt to the Ever-Changing Teaching Environment, Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH.
Vaughn, L.M. (04-2001. ) Microburst Teaching: Combining Teaching Styles and Learning Styles .Teachers for the New Millennium: How to Adapt to the Ever-changing Teaching Environment, Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH.
Vaughn, L.M. (04-2001. ) The Difficult Learner .Teachers for the New Millennium: How to Adapt to the Ever-Changing Teaching Environment, Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH.
Vaughn, L.M. (01-2001. ) Rhythm and Hand Drumming: Facilitating Student Multi-Level Teams .College of Entrepreneurship, Miami University, Oxford, OH.
Vaughn, L.M. (01-2001. ) Rhythm and Hand Drumming: Facilitating Faculty Teams .College of Entrepreneurship, Miami University, Oxford, OH.
Vaughn, L.M. (11-2000. ) Rhythm and Hand Drumming: Facilitating the Teaching- Learning Process .Lilly Conference on College Teaching, Miami University, Oxford, OH.
Vaughn, L.M., & Baker, R.C. (06-2000. ) A Profile of Pediatric Lifelong Learners .Pediatric Academic Societies and American Academy of Pediatrics Joint Meeting, Boston, MA.
Vaughn, L.M. (05-2000. ) The Art of Teaching in Medicine: Emphasizing the Interpersonal Relationship as a Pathway to Optimal Teaching-Learning Conditions .Pediatric Academic Societies and American Academy of Pediatrics Joint Meeting, Boston, MA.
Gonzalez-del Rey, J., Vaughn, L.M., & Baker, R.C. (05-2000. ) Teaching Skills for Clinical Fellows: Can We Do Better? .Pediatric Academic Societies and American Academy of Pediatrics Joint Meeting, Boston, MA.
Vaughn, L.M., & DeWitt, T.G. (05-2000. ) Children’s Hospital Medical Center MEDALS (Medical Education Development and Learning Studies) Program .Pediatric Academic Societies and American Academy of Pediatrics Joint Meeting, Boston, MA.
Vaughn, L.M., Berger, O., Berz, K., & DeWitt, T.G. (05-2000. ) Measuring Behavioral Change as a Result of Faculty Development: Is the Standardized Learner a Useful Tool? .Pediatric Academic Societies and American Academy of Pediatrics Joint Meeting, Boston, MA.
Vaughn, L.M., Gonzalez del Rey, J., & Baker, R.C. (05-2000. ) What’s Style Got to Do With It? Using Diverse Teaching Methods and Teaching Styles to Enhance Teaching and Learning in Busy Clinical Settings .Pediatric Academic Societies and American Academy of Pediatrics Joint Meeting, Boston, MA.
Vaughn, L.M., & Ruddy, R. (03-2000. ) Teaching Styles and Learning Styles: Make the Most Out of an Encounter .Seventh Annual Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellows’ Conference, Baltimore, MD.
Vaughn, L.M. (10-1999. ) Emphasizing the Interpersonal Relationship as a Pathway to Optimal Teaching-Learning Conditions .Fellowship in Medical Education Research, 110th Annual Meeting of Association of American Medical Colleges, Washington, DC.
Vaughn, L.M., Baker, R.C., & DeWitt, T.G. (10-1999. ) Life-long Learning in Pediatric Medicine .110th Annual Meeting of Association of American Medical Colleges, Washington, DC.
Gaebler-Uhing, C., Vaughn, L.M., & Baker R.C. (10-1999. ) Add a Dash of Spice to Your Precepting: A Flavorful Potpourri of Teaching Methods for the Busy Medical Setting .Region V Ambulatory Pediatric Association Meeting, Chicago, IL.
Vaughn, L.M. (10-1999. ) Faculty Development: No Time, How Do I Do It? .Faculty Off-Site Course Directors (FOSCD) Annual Meeting, University of Kentucky Chandler Medical Center, Lexington, KY.
Vaughn, L.M., & Baker, R.C. (05-1999. ) Faculty Development .Dayton Children’s Hospital, Dayton, OH.
Ruddy, R.M., Baker, R.C., Knapp, J., Vaughn, L.M., & Jaffe, D. (05-1999. ) Development of Faculty in Pediatric Emergency Medicine .Annual Meeting of the Ambulatory Pediatric Association, San Francisco, CA.
Vaughn, L.M., & DeWitt, T.G. (05-1999. ) Using the Standardized Learner as an Evaluation Instrument for Faculty Development Programs .Annual Meeting of the Ambulatory Pediatric Association, San Francisco, CA.
Vaughn, L.M., & Baker, R.C. (11-1998. ) Microburst Teaching .37th Annual Meeting of Research in Medical Education Conference, Group on Educational Affairs, Association of American Medical Colleges, New Orleans, LA.
Vaughn, L.M., Baker, R.C., DeWitt, T.G. (11-1998. ) Developing Strategies for the Management of the Problem Learner Using the S-T-P Model .37th Annual Meeting of Research in Medical Education Conference, Group on Educational Affairs, Association of American Medical Colleges, New Orleans, LA.
Vaughn, L.M., Burklow, K., Baker, R.C. (10-1998. ) An Additive for Your Teaching Engines: Using the S-T-P Model with Problem Learners .Teaching and Learning across the Curriculum Program, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH.
Vaughn, L.M., Baker, R.C., & DeWitt, T.G. (09-1998. ) Faculty Development .Grand Rounds, Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH.
Vaughn, L.M., Baker, R.C., & DeWitt, T.G. (05-1998. ) Learning Styles in Pediatric and Internal Medicine Residents .Annual Meeting of the Ambulatory Pediatric Association, New Orleans, LA.
Baker, R.C., & Vaughn, L.M. (05-1998. ) Teaching Telephone Medicine in a Pediatric Residency Program - An Innovative Course Using Role Play with Standardized Parents .Annual Meeting of the Ambulatory Pediatric Association, New Orleans, LA.
Vaughn, L.M., Baker, R.C., & DeWitt, T.G. (05-1998. ) Using the S-T-P Model with the Problem Learner .Annual Meeting of the Ambulatory Pediatric Association, New Orleans, LA.
Jaskiewicz, J.A., Vaughn, L.M., Farrell, M. (04-1998. ) The Nuts and Bolts of Resident Orientation - More Nuts Than Bolts? .Annual Meeting for the Association of Pediatric Program Directors, New Orleans, LA.
Baker, R.C., & Vaughn, L.M. (09-1997. ) Teaching Telephone Medicine in a Pediatric Residency Program - An Innovative Course Using Role Play with Standardized Parents .Region V Ambulatory Pediatric Association Meeting, Cincinnati, OH.
Vaughn, L.M., Baker, R.C., & DeWitt, T.G. (09-1997. ) The Impact of a Basic Faculty Development Course .Region V Ambulatory Pediatric Association Meeting, Cincinnati, OH.
Vaughn, L.M., Baker, R.C., & DeWitt, T.G. (09-1997. ) Using the S-T-P Model with the Problem Learner .Region V Ambulatory Pediatric Association Meeting, Cincinnati, OH.
Vaughn, L.M., Baker, R.C., & DeWitt, T.G. (09-1997. ) A Preliminary Look at Learning Styles in Pediatric and Internal Medicine Residents .. Region V Ambulatory Pediatric Association Meeting, Cincinnati, OH.
Poster Presentations
Raglin, W., Jacquez, F., & Vaughn, L.M. (02-2012. ) A qualitative analysis of racial and ethnic differences in mental health attributions .4th Annual Minority Health in the Midwest Conference, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois. . Level:Regional
Raglin, W., Jacquez. F., & Vaughn, L. (06-2010. ) The development of the mental health cultural attributions questionnaire .2010 Division 45 Conference, Ann Arbor, Michigan. .
Vaughn, L. M., Budryte, D., & Riegg, N (06-2009. ) Participatory Action Research--A Model for Interdisciplinary Research and International Cooperation with Community Partners .Crossroads II: Community-Based Collaborative Research for Social Justice, Hartford, CT. .
Vaughn, L. M. (05-2007. ) Cultural Competence in Pediatrics: Adapting to Societal Change .Navigating Educational Waters: Health Professionals Working Together to Bridge Education and Outcomes, Cincinnati, OH. .
Silva, L. C., & Vaughn, L. (04-2003. ) Role of Self in Intercultural Relationships .2nd Annual Georgia Undergraduate Research in Psychology Conference, Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, GA. .
Silva, L. C., & Vaughn, L. (03-2003. ) Difficulties and Coping Mechanisms in Cross-Cultural Relationships .26th Annual Convention of the Behavioral Sciences, University of Georgia, Athens, GA. .
Paper Presentations
Raglin, W., Jacquez. F., & Vaughn, L. (07-2012. ) The mental health attributions of African Americans .Los Angeles, CA. Professional Meeting. Level:International
Honors and Awards
2013 -2014 Graduate Student and Faculty Research Mentoring Grant Faculty = Lisa Vaughn; Grad Student = Melissa DeJonckheere College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services Status:Recipient Type:Grant
2012 -2013 Conducting Research with Undergraduates Grant College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services, Office of the Dean, University of Cincinnati Type:Grant
2009 -2010 Graduate Student and Faculty Research Mentoring Grant Faculty = Lisa Vaughn; Grad Student = Juanjuan Zhao College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services, University of Cincinnati Type:Grant
2010 Conducting Research with Undergraduates Grant College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services, Office of the Dean, University of Cincinnati
2002 LEAP (Leadership in Education for Advanced Professionalism) Award Brenau University
1999 -2000 HRSA/APA National Pediatric Faculty Development Scholar
1996 -1997 Graduate Assistant for Excellence in Teaching Award University of Cincinnati
1995 Jill Bley Research Award Recipient University of Cincinnati
1993 -1997 Teaching Fellowship University of Cincinnati
1990 Yugoslavian International Writer’s Workshop Scholarship and Participant
Post Graduate Training and Education
1999Fellowship in Medical Education Research, Association of American Medical Colleges, ,
Professional Affiliation
2006 -To Present: Academic Pediatric Association
2007 -To Present: North American Action Research Alliance
2006 -To Present: Society of Community Research and Action: division of Community Psychology
2006 -2011: The Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues
2006 -2012: The Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Issues
1993 -1995: American Psychological Association
2004 -2011: American Psychological Association
2004 -2006: Licensed Professional Conselor Association of Georgia
2004 -2006: American Counseling Association
2002 -2004: Society for Personality and Social Psychology
2002 -2004: International Society for the Study of Personal Relationships
2001 -2005: Association for Psychology Department Heads
1999 -2000: Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education
1998 -2000: Ohio Consortium for Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics
1997 -2000: Association of American Medical Colleges, Grooup on Educational Affairs; Section on Graduate Medical Education
1997 -2001: Ambulatory Pediatric Association
1997 -2000: Women's Faculty Association Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH
1995 -1996: Organization Development Network
1994 -1997: American Psychological Society
Courses Taught
-EDST-8051 QUAL RESEARCH I Level:Graduate
-EDST-8052 QUAL RESEARCH II Level:Graduate
-EDST-8038 COGNITION & CULTURE Level:Graduate
-EDST-6060 HUMAN LEARNING Level:Graduate
26-BE-772 COMM-BASED PART RES Level:Graduate
18-EDST-330H SOCIOCUL PSYCHO Level:Undergraduate
26950102DDG CS_CFMP I Death/Dying/Grieving & Loss I Level:Graduate
Contact Information
University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Ohio, 45229
Phone: 513-803-7158
Fax: 513-636-7967