Edward V Wallace
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
University of Cincinnati, Africana Studies Department
French-West 3609
Cincinnati, Ohio 45221
Phone 513-556-3841
Email wallaced@UCMAIL.UC.EDU
Professional Summary
Dr. Edward V. Wallace, author of Disparities in Urban Health: The Wounds of Policies and Legal Doctrines (John Hopkins Press, 2024), co-editor of Ohio under COVID: Lessons from America’s Heartland in Crisis (University of Michegan Press, 2023), and Black Sociology (Routledge Press, 2015) and is the founder and director of the Minority Health certificate program at the University of Cincinnati. Dr. Wallace specializes in racial and ethnic health disparities, and minority health in the Department of Africana Studies and an affiliate faculty within the College of Medicine at the University of Cincinnati. Dr. Wallace has received the Urban Health Research Award, Spirit of Excellence Award, Faculty Excellence Award and has published numerous books, peer-reviewed articles, and book chapters. As a Public Health expert Dr. Wallace has been invitied to speak with several media outlets:
- Educators Taking Black Men’s Health to the Forefront. Spectrum 1 NEWS https://spectrumnews1.com/oh/cleveland/news/2023/04/07/educators-bringing-black-men-s-health-to-forefront?fbclid=IwAR3eZCkphf3ebZMyMPbDinhnSX-dS3cMkJlTZmPl-c4pBXlsR7Opiq1q3h
- Black Male Employees to Host Summit in Higher Education. WLWT Channel 5 News. https://www.uc.edu/news/articles/2023/04/wlwt-and-spectrum-news-cover-ucs-2nd-annual-black-male-summit.html
- Let’s Talk Cincy: Ending High Rates of Infant Mortality in the Black Community. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzk3gZnzMxE
- Questions and Answers: UC Professor Reaches Health Disparities in Marginalized Populations. The News Record https://www.newsrecord.org/arts_and_entertainment/q-a-uc-professor-researches-health-disparities-in-marginalized-populations/article_0f7234a6-4ccd-11ec-ae36-eb75f61858a1.html
- Cincinnati Lost Year: https://www.uc.edu/news/articles/2020/11/how-covid-19--has-exacerbated-issues-in-minority-and-low-income-households-in-cincinnati-.html
- UC Public Health Expert: African American Health Disparities to remain post COVID.19. Cincinnati Herald. http://thecincinnatiherald.com/2020/05/uc-public-health- expert- african-american-health-disparities-to-remain-post-covid/
Dr. Wallace received his training from The State University of New York College at Cortland, The University of Massachusetts School of Public Health, and The University of Alabama School of Public Health.
Ph.D: The University of Alabama
MPH: Universtity of Massachusetts Amherst, School of Public Health
B.S. : State University of New York College at Cortland
Research and Practice Interests
Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities amongst African Americans in the U.S.
Health Equity
Social Determinants of Health
Health Inequality amongst Vulnerable Populations
Minority Health
Urban Health
Health Policies that Impact the Lives of Low-Income Families
Abbreviated Publications
Peer Reviewed Publications
Wallace. E. (2017). The willingness to prevent obesity via text messaging among low-income African Americans living in single family homes. The Health Educator. 49(1), 10 – 17.
Wallace. E. (2017). The willingness to prevent obesity via text messaging among low-income African Americans living in single family homes. The Health Educator. 49(1), 10 – 17.
Wallace, E., Adams, M. (2015). Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Access to Dental Care, and Delayed Dental Care in Older Adults in Cincinnati, Ohio. The Journal of Pan African Studies. 7 (9), 72 – 82.
Wallace, E. (2015). Increasing Community Engagement to Meet the Challenges of Mental Health Disparities in African American Communities. The Ashgate Research Companion to Black Sociology.
Wright II and Wallace, E. (2015) Black Sociology: Continuing the Agenda. The Ashgate Research Companion to Black Sociology
Wallace, E. (2012). Can Mobile Food Truck Vendors Contribute to the Accessibility of Nutritious Foods in Vulnerable Communities? An Analysis of Public Health Policy. The Journal of Race and Policy 8 (1),
Wallace, E. (2018) Passing the Healthcare Bill from Obama to Trump: More
Confusion, More Health Disparities. Journal of Race and Policy.3 (1), 45 – 49.
Wallace, E. Jenkins, D. (2020). Disparities in Perceptions of Lung Cancer among African American, Hispanic, and Caucasian Adults: Evidence from the Health Informational National Trend Survey. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 7(2), 80-85. DOI: 10.14445/23942703/IJHSS-V7I2P114
Book Chapter
Wright II and Wallace, E. (2015) Black Sociology: Continuing the Agenda. The Ashgate Research Companion to Black Sociology
Wallace, E. (2015). Increasing Community Engagement to Meet the Challenges of Mental Health Disparities in African American Communities. The Ashgate Research Companion to Black Sociology.
Wallace, E. Addressing Health Disparities in Vulnerable and Underserved Populations by Continuing Dr. King’s Legacy – Lessons Learned from Underprivileged Countries. University of Mississippi Press.
Wallace, E. (2023). Cincinnati and Covid-19: The Urgent Need for African American Doctors. University of Michigan Press.
Lora Arduser, Vanessa Carbonell, Danielle Bessett, Edward V. Wallace, and Michelle McGowan. (2023). Introduction: COVID’s First Wave in Ohio: National Trends and Local Realities. University Michigan Press.
Conference/Workshop Proceedings
Wallace, E. Cultural Wars: Using Community Based Research to Address Health Disparities. National Council of Black Studies 48th Conference in San Jose, CA March 6 – 9, 2024
Wallace, E. (Invited International Presentation). Using the Arts to Highlight Mental Health Disparities Faced by People of African Descent. Afraa Conference, St. Augustine University of Tanzania, Mwanza. September 27 – October 1, 2023.
Wallace, E. (Invited Presentation) Ohio Under COVID – Authors on Resiliency, Race, and Responsibility. Ethics Center Quarterly Seminar. University of Cincinnati. June 27, 2023.
Wallace, E. (Invited International Presentation) Men’s Mental Health: Causes & Solutions from A Man’s Perspective. Xclusive Healthcare Services Nigeria. April 22, 2023. (Virtual)
Wallace, E. (Invited Presentation) Black Males: Addressing Health Disparities and Wellness in the 21st Century. University of Cincinnati Black Male Summit. April 8, 2023.
Wallace, E. Addressing Health Disparities in Vulnerable and Underserved Populations by Continuing Dr. King’s Legacy – Lessons Learned from Underprivileged Countries. National Council of Black Studies 47th Conference in Gainesville, Florida March 22 – 25, 2023.
Wallace, E. Disparities in Lung Cancer: A Comparative analysis between Race, Age, and Educational Attainment. The 16th Health Disparities Conference at Sheraton Hotel, New Orleans February 22-24, 2023.
Wallace, E. (Invited Presentation) Innovative Pedagogy Lighting Rounds. University of Cincinnati. March 29, 2022. (Virtual)
Wallace, E.( Invited Presentation) Black Populations: How physicians and medical students can build trust. Student National Medical Association. University of Cincinnati. February 7, 2022.
Wallace, E.(Invited Presentation) Community Nutrition. Department of Rehabilitation, Exercise, and Nutrition Sciences. College of Allied Health Sciences February 3, 2022.
Wallace, E. (Invited Presentation) Social Justice and Public Health Special Interest Group (Panelist). Department of Environmental and Public Health Sciences. October 29, 2021.
Wallace, E. (Invited Presentation) Pondering African Futures: Meeting the Challenges of 2021 and Beyond Critical Research on Africa: Mid-Atlantic and Great Lakes Virtual Conference. University of Pittsburgh May 13-14, 2021
Wallace, E. (Invited Presentation) Careers in Health: Ethics, Healthcare and Policy. Virtual Conference. University of Cincinnati March 30, 2021.
Wallace, E. (Invited Presentation) Urban Mobile Food Truck Policies: Reducing Disparities and Building a Culture of Health in the United States. Black History Month. Journal Club on Equity. Virtual Conference. University of Cincinnati February 26, 2021.
Wallace, E. (Invited Presentation) Lessons learned from early legislation and how those lessons can help guide future Students of the Health Humanities 2020 International Health Humanities Consortium: The Politics of Health Conference at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee. March 26 – 28, 2020.
Wallace, E. "Health Disparities and Food Banks: Moving the Nation
Toward a Culture of Health" National Council of Black Studie
International Journal of Health, Wellness, and Society – Editorial Board
Journal of Cultural Encounters, Conflicts, and Resolution - Editorial Board https://engagedscholarship.csuohio.edu/cecr/editorialboard.html
Africa Arts Association International - Advisory Board Member
YMCA Booker T. Washington Community Center - Advisory Board Member
Edward V. Wallace. Disparities in Urban Neighborhoods: The Wounds of Policies and Legal Doctrines. John Hopkins University Press (2024) Awarded the Ann Julia Cooper-CLR James Book Award for Outstanding Scholarly Publication in Africana Studies.
Ohio under COVID: Lessons from America’s Heartland in Crisis, co-edited with Lora Arduser, Vanessa Carbonell, Danielle Bessett, Edward V. Wallace, and Michelle McGowan. University of Michigan Press (2023)
Earl Wright II. and Edward V. Wallace The Ashgate Research Companion to Black Sociology (2015)
Courses Taught
Black Health Care
Research Methods in Health
Personal Health
Community Health
Disease Identification and Injury Prevention
Test Measurement and Evaluation in Health Behavior
Psychoactive Drugs
Contact Information
Academic - University of Cincinnati, Africana Studies Department
French-West 3609
Ohio, 45221
Phone: 513-556-3841