Taige Wang

Taige Wang

Assoc Professor - Educator

French Hall


A&S Mathematical Sciences - 0025

Professional Summary

My teaching interest focuses on both mathematics and statisitcs. Up to now, I have taught probability & statistics I & II, introduction of statistics, elementary statistics I & II, calculus I & II, applied calculus I & II, business calculus,  dynamical systems, ordinary differential equations.  



Ph. D.: Virginia Tech 2016 (Mathematics)

M. S.: Virginia Tech 2016 (Statistics)

M. S. : Donghua University Shanghai, 2011 (Applied Math)

Research and Practice Interests

Partial differential equations and their controls in fluid mechanics
Dynamical systems
Math & Stat education


Positions and Work Experience

01-2017 -08-2017 Visiting assistant professor, Department of Applied and Computational Mathematics and Statistics, University of Notre Dame

08-2017 -08-2024 Assistant professor - educator, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Cincinnati

Research Support

Arts and Sciences, UC Faculty Development Fund, 2018 Completed

Arts and Sciences, UC Faculty Development Fund, 2019 Completed

Arts and Sciences, UC Faculty Development Fund, 2021 Completed

Arts and Sciences, UC Faculty Development Fund, 2022 Completed

TAFT research Center Taft Educator Travel Award, 2022 Completed

Arts and Sciences, UC Faculty Development Fund, 2023 Completed

TAFT Research Center Taft Educator Travel Award, 2024 Completed


Peer Reviewed Publications

X. Yang, B. Feng, T. M. de Souza, and T. Wang* (2019. ) Long-time dynamics for a non-autonomous Navier-Stokes-Voigt equation in Lipschitz domains .DCDS-B, , 24 (1 ) ,363 - 386

M. Renardy and T. Wang (2016. ) Development of shear bands for a model of a thixotropic yield stress fluid .J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech., , 233 ,5--12

M. Renardy and T. Wang (2015. ) Large amplitude oscillatory shear flows for a model of a thixotropic yield stress fluid .J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech., , 222 ,1--17

Y. Qin, G. Hu, T. Wang, L. Huang, Z. Ma (2013. ) Remarks on global smooth solutions to a 1D self- gravitating viscous radiative and reactive gas .J. Math. Anal. Appl. , , 408 (1 ) ,19--26

Y. Qin, T. Wang, G. Hu (2012. ) The Cauchy problem for a 1d compressible viscous micropolar fluid model: Analysis of the stabilization and the regularity .Nonlinear Analysis RWA, , 13 (3 ) ,1010--1029

Y. Qin, G. Hu, T. Wang (2011. ) Global smooth solutions for the compressible viscous and heat-conductive gas .Quart. Appl. Math., , 69 (3 ) ,509--528

T. Wang, F. Xie (2008. ) Existence and uniqueness of fractional differential equation with integral bound- ary conditions .J. Nonlinear Sci. Appl., , 1 (4 ) ,206--212

L. Huang, X. Yang, Y. Lu, T. Wang* (2019. ) Global attractors for a nonlinear one-dimensional compressible viscous micropolar fluid model .Z. Angew. Math. Phys., , 70 (2 ) ,40

T. Wang* and B. Zhang (2021. ) Forced oscillation of viscous Burgers’ equation with a time-periodic force .DCDS-B, , 26 (2 ) ,1205-1221

G. Zheng, D. Xu, and T. Wang* (2021. ) A unique continuation property for a class of parabolic differential inequalities in a bounded domain .Comm. Pure Appl. Anal., , 20 (2 ) ,547-558

T. Wang* and D. Xu (2022. ) A quantitative strong unique continuation property of a diffusive SIS model .DCDS-S, , 15 (6 ) ,1599

Other Publications

Zhenhe Pan*, Taige Wang, Yuanlin Zhang (2021. ) COVID-19 SIHR Modeling and Dynamic Analysis .2021 IEEE 45th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference (COMPSAC), 1 ,1711 IEEE Computer Society

Taige Wang* (2021. ) The influence of the Pandemic on my online math teaching style . J. Research Practice in College Teaching, 6 (2 ) , UC

Published Books

Y. Qin, X. Liu, T. Wang (2015. ) Global existence and uniqueness of nonlinear evolutionary fluid equations .Basel , Birkhauser


Invited Presentations

(02-14-2017. ) Math analysis on a shearing banding flow of thixotropic fluids .Wilkes University, Wilkes-Barre, PA.

(08-30-2020. ) Shear bands for a PEC model of thixotropic fluid .2020 International Symposium on multi-modal sensing and information processing, Xidian University, China (virtual).

(11-12-2024. ) Shear flows and shear band phenomenon in a complex fluid model .Loyola University, Chicago, IL.

Paper Presentations

(03-25-2018. ) Analysis on shearing flows of a thixotropic model .University of Kentucky. Conference. Level:Regional

(05-09-2018. ) Shear banding and Korteweg stresses .University of Memphis. Conference. Level:International

(01-07-2017. ) Shear banding predicted by a PEC model .Atlanta, GA. Conference. Level:National

(10-19-2019. ) Periodic solutions of viscous Burgers equation with a forced oscillation .Iowa State University . Conference. Level:Regional

(07-25-2021. ) Forced oscillation of viscous Burgers equation in a bounded domain .UNC Greensboro (Virtual). Conference. Level:Regional

(10-30-2021. ) Forced oscillation of viscous Burgers equation in bounded domains .Missouri S&T, Rolla, MO. Conference. Level:Regional

(04-02-2022. ) Periodic solutions of viscous Burgers equation posed in a bounded domain .University of Kentucky. Conference. Level:Regional

(10-01-2022. ) Forced oscillations of incompressible Navier-Stokes equation in a 2D bounded domain .Oklahoma State University. Conference. Level:Regional

(10-07-2023. ) Existence and stability of forced oscillation of a type of parabolic equations .University of Nebraska. Conference. Level:Regional

(06-09-2023. ) Periodic solutions of incompressible Navier-Stokes flow in a 2D bounded domain .UNC Greensboro, Virtual. Conference. Level:Regional

(10-05-2024. ) Shear banding phenomenon of a thixotropic fluid model .University of Missouri, Kansas City. Conference. Level:Regional

(03-09-2025. ) Existence and stability of periodic solution of an abstract evolution equation .Clemson University, SC. Conference. Level:National


Statistics, data analysis, PDE, fluid mechanics, math & stat education

Professional Affiliation


Courses Taught

-MATH-1062 CALCULUS II Calculus II Level:Undergraduate

-STAT-1031 INTRO STAT Introduction to Statistics Level:Undergraduate

-MATH-1061 CALCULUS I Calculus I Level:Undergraduate

-STAT-2037 PROB & STATS I Probability and Statistics I Level:Undergraduate

15-MATH-362 PROB & STATS II Probability and Statistics II Level:Undergraduate

-MATH-2074 DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS Level:Undergraduate

-STAT-1034 ELEMENTARY STAT I Level:Undergraduate


Contact Information

Department of Mathematical Sciences
Cincinnati  Ohio, 45221-0025
Phone: 513-556-4089