Professional Summary
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Ph.D.: University of Connecticut 2009 (Statistics)
Ph.D.: University of Connecticut 2007 (Economics)
Research and Practice Interests
Bayesian methodology and computation; Categorical data analysis; Scalable modeling of complex, high-dimensional data; Applications of statistical models in genomics and proteomics data.
Positions and Work Experience
2022 -To Present Professor, University of Cincinnati OH,
2017 -2022 Associate Professor, University of Cincinnati, OH
2011 -2017 Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati, OH
2009 -2011 Postdoctoral Fellow, National Institute of Statistical Sciences (NISS), NC
Research Support
Grant: #R01MH119814 Investigators:Herman, James; Song, Seongho; Ulrich-Lai, Yvonne; Wang, Xia 09-11-2019 -06-30-2024 National Institute of Mental Health Stress resilience by natural rewards: neurocircuit mechanisms Role:Collaborator $561,667.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Abbreviated Publications
Peer Reviewed Publications
W.-J. Su* , X. Wang and R. D. Szczesniak. (2021). “Flexible link functions in a joint hierarchical Gaussian process model”. Biometrics 77(2), 754-764. doi: 10.1111/biom.13291
W.-Z. Su* and X. Wang. (2020). “Hidden Markov model in multiple testing on dependent count data”. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, accepted. DOI: 10.1080/00949655.2019.1710507 (* PhD student coauthor)
X. Wang, A. Shojaie, and J. Zou. (2019) “Bayesian hidden Markov models for dependent large-scale multiple testing”, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis (136), 123-136. DOI: 10.1016/j.csda.2019.01.009.
Y. Zhang*, X. Wang, and B. Zhang. (2019) “Bayesian approach for clustered interval-censored data with time-varying covariate effects”, Statistics and Its Interface 12(3), 457--465.. (*Ph.D. student coauthor)
D. Li, X. Wang, and D. K. Dey. (2019) “Power Link Functions in Modeling Dependent Ordinal Data”, Environmetrics 30(6),
L.L. Duan, X. Wang, J.P. Clancy, and R. D. Szczesniak. (2018). “Joint hierarchical Gaussian process model with application to personalized prediction in medical monitoring”, Stat 7(1), doi: 10.1002/sta4.178
L. L. Duan, R. D. Szczesniak, and X. Wang. (2017). “Functional inverted-Wishart for Bayesian multivariate spatial modeling with application to regional climatology model data”, Environmetrics 28 (7), doi:10.1002/env.2467.
D. Li *, X. Wang, & D. K. Dey. (2016). “A flexible cure rate model for spatially correlated survival data based on generalized extreme value distribution and Gaussian process priors,” Biometrical Journal 58(5), 1178–1197, doi: 10.1002/bimj.201500040. (* PhD student coauthor)
X. Wang, M-H Chen, R. C. Kuo, and D. K. Dey. (2015). “Bayesian spatial-temporal modeling of ecological zero-inflated count data,” Statistica Sinica 25 (1), 189-204.
D. Li*, X. Wang, L. Lin, & D. K. Dey. (2015). “Flexible link functions in nonparametric binary regression with Gaussian process priors,'' Biometrics 72, 707–719, doi: 10.1111/biom.12462. (* PhD student coauthor).
Categorical Data Analysis