Professional Summary
Personal webpage
Ph.D.: University of Michigan 2012
Research and Practice Interests
Probability theory, stochastic processes, and their applications
Research Support
Grant: #Grant #DMS-1832863 Investigators:Buckingham, Robert; Bryc, Wlodek; Yen, Ju-Yi Jen; Peligrad, Magda; Wang, Yizao 09-01-2018 -08-31-2019 National Science Foundation Cincinnati Symposium on Probability Theory and Applications Role:Co-PI $20,000.00 Completed Type:Grant
Grant: #W911NF-17-1-0006 Investigators:Wang, Yizao 12-05-2016 -12-04-2019 Department of the Army Research Laboratory From random partitions to self-similar processes Role:PI $357,789.00 Completed
Grant: #H98230-16-1-0322 Investigators:Wang, Yizao 09-14-2016 -09-13-2018 National Security Agency From random partitions to self-similar processes Role:PI $40,000.00 Completed
Grant: #N98230-14-1-0318 Investigators:Wang, Yizao 09-15-2014 -09-14-2016 National Security Agency Limit theorems for random fields Role:PI $40,000.00 Completed
Grant: #DMS-1441641 Investigators:Buckingham, Robert; Peligrad, Magda; Wang, Yizao; Yen, Ju-Yi 07-01-2014 -06-30-2015 National Science Foundation Cincinnati Symposium on Probability Theory and Applications 2014 Role:Collaborator $20,000.00 Completed
Grant: #URC Faculty 2012-13 Investigators:Wang, Yizao 05-01-2013 -06-30-2013 UC Limit Laws of Extreme Values Role:PI $8,000.00 Completed
Grant: #W911NF2010139 Investigators:Wang, Yizao 06-15-2020 -06-14-2023 Department of the Army Research Laboratory Advances in Extreme Value Theory with Long-Range Dependence Role:PI $84,229.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #DMS-2413604 Investigators:Buckingham, Robert; Guo, Xiaoqin; Peligrad, Magda; Wang, Yizao; Yen, Ju-Yi 05-01-2024 -04-30-2025 National Science Foundation Conference: Cincinnati Symposium on Probability 2024 Role:PI 48620.00 Active Level:Federal
Peer Reviewed Publications
Wlodzimierz Bryc and Yizao Wang (2019. ) Limit fluctuations for density of asymmetric simple exclusion processes with open boundaries .Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré, Probabilités et Statistiques, , 55 (4 ) ,2169-2194
Olivier Durieu and Yizao Wang (2019. ) From random partitions to fractional Brownian sheets .Bernoulli, , 25 (2 ) ,1412-1450
Gennady Samorodnitsky and Yizao Wang (2019. ) Extremal theory for long range dependent infinitely divisible processes .Annals of Probability, , 47 (4 ) ,2529-2562
Stilian Stoev and Yizao Wang (2019. ) Exchangeable random partitions from max-infinitely-divisible distributions .Statistics and Probability Letters, , 146 ,50
Wlodzimierz Bryc and Yizao Wang (2019. ) Fluctuations of random Motzkin paths .Advances in Applied Mathematics, , 106 ,96-116
Wlodzimierz Bryc and Yizao Wang (2018. ) Dual representations of Laplace transforms of Brownian excursion and generalized meanders. Statistics and Probability Letters, , 140 ,77-83
Yizao Wang (2018. ) Extremes of q-Ornstein–Uhlenbeck processes. Stochastic Processes and their Applications, , 128 (9 ) ,2979-3005
Olivier Durieu and Yizao Wang (2018. ) A new family of random sup-measures with long-range dependence .Electronic Journal of Probability, , 23 (107 ) ,1-24
Hermine Biermé, Olivier Durieu and Yizao Wang (2018. ) Generalized operator-scaling random ball model .Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, , 15 ,1401-1429
Hermine Biermé, Olivier Durieu and Yizao Wang (2018. ) Generalized random fields and Lévy's continuity theorem on the space of tempered distributions .Communications on Stochastic Analysis, , 12 (4 ) ,
Hermine Biermé, Olivier Durieu and Yizao Wang (2017. ) Invariance principles for operator-scaling Gaussian random fields .Annals of Applied Probability, , 27 (2 ) ,1190-1234
Dalibor Volny and Yizao Wang (2017. ) Erratum to “An invariance principle for stationary random fields under Hannan’s condition” [Stochastic Process. Appl. 124 (12) (2014) 4012–4029] .Stochastic Processes and their Applications, , 127 (6 ) ,2088-2091
Yizao Wang (2016. ) Large jumps of q-Ornstein–Uhlenbeck processes. Statistics and Probability Letters, , 118 ,110-116
Wlodzimierz Bryc and Yizao Wang (2016. ) The local structure of q-Gaussian processes. .Probability and Mathematical Statistics, , 36 (2 ) ,335-352
Olivier Durieu and Yizao Wang (2016. ) From infinite urn schemes to decompositions of self-similar Gaussian processes .Electronic Journal of Probability, , 21 (43 ) ,1-23
Jana Klicnarová, Dalibor Volný and Yizao Wang (2016. ) Limit theorems for weighted Bernoulli random fields under Hannan's condition .Stochastic Processes and their Applications, , 126 (6 ) ,1819-1838
Yves Atchadé and Yizao Wang (2015. ) On the convergence rates of some adaptive Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithms .Journal of Applied Probability, , 52 (3 ) ,811-825
Yizao Wang and Michael Woodroofe (2014. ) Asymptotic normality of kernel density estimator for linear random fields .Journal of Multivariate Analysis, , 123 ,201-213
Yizao Wang (2014. ) Convergence to the maximum process of a fractional Brownian motion with shot noise .Statistics and Probability Letters, , 90 ,33-41
Zakhar Kabluchko and Yizao Wang (2014. ) Limiting distribution for the maximal standardized increment of a random walk .Stochastic Processes and their Applications, , 124 (9 ) ,2824-2867
Yizao Wang (2014. ) An invariance principle for fractional Brownian sheets .Journal of Theoretical Probability, , 27 (4 ) ,1124-1139
Dalibor Volny and Yizao Wang (2014. ) An invariance principle for stationary random fields under Hannan’s condition .Stochastic Processes and their Applications, , 124 (12 ) ,4012-4029
Yizao Wang, Parthanil Roy and Stilian Stoev (2013. ) Ergodic properties of sum- and max- stable stationary random fields via null and positive group actions .Annals of Probability, , 41 (1 ) ,206-228
Yizao Wang and Michael Woodroofe (2013. ) A new criteria for the invariance principle for stationary random fields. Statistica Sinica .Statistica Sinica, , 23 (4 ) ,1673-1696
Yizao Wang, Stilian Stoev and Parthanil Roy (2012. ) Decomposability for stable processes .Stochastic Processes and their Applications, , 122 (3 ) ,1093-1109
Yizao Wang (2012. ) On the regular variation of ratios of jointly Frechet random variables .Extremes, , 15 (2 ) ,175-196
Yizao Wang and Stilian Stoev (2011. ) Conditional sampling for spectrally discrete max-stable random fields .Advances in Applied Probability, , 43 (2 ) ,463-481
Yizao Wang and Stilian Stoev (2010. ) On the association of sum- and max- stable processes .Statistics and Probability Letters, , 80 ,480-488
Yizao Wang and Stilian Stoev (2010. ) On the structure and representations of max-stable processes .Advances in Applied Probability, , 42 (3 ) ,855-877
Courses Taught
Probabilistic Aspect of Financial Modeling Level:Both
Stochastic Differential Equations Level:Graduate
Financial Mathematics Level:Undergraduate
Probability Level:Graduate
Actuarial Exam Preparation
Probability Level:Graduate
Actuarial Exam Preparation
Actuarial Exam Preparation
-MATH-1062 CALCULUS II Level:Undergraduate
Probability Level:Graduate
Actuarial Exam Preparation P/1 Level:Undergraduate
Actuarial Exam Preparation P/1 Level:Undergraduate
Calculus I Level:Undergraduate
Introduction to Probability Level:Undergraduate
Applied Probability and Stochastic Processes Level:Both
Advanced Stochastic Processes Level:Graduate
-MATH-1061 CALCULUS I Level:Undergraduate