Beth M Warning , MS
Associate Professor Educator
Associate Professor, Educator
Health Science Building
3225Eden Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45267
Phone 513-558-7412
Email elizabeth.warning@uc.edu
Professional Summary
Beth Warning is an Associate Professor-Educator within the Medical Laboratory Science Program at the University of Cincinnati where she provides instruction to on-campus students, and facilitates in the distance learning program. Her extensive career in the hospital laboratory includes experience in hematology, chemistry, toxicology, and clinical fluid analysis, as well as management positions as a Program Director of a hospital based MLS Program and Laboratory Director of both a critical access and immediate response lab. Beth is active at both the state and national level of the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science (ASCLS), and has been recognized nationally for her professional achievements. She is currently a Director with the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science, and a board member of the North Central Kentucky AHEC.
Bachelor of Science Medical Technology: Northern Kentucky University 1987
Master of Science Technology Management: Northern Kentucky University 2004
Positions and Work Experience
1987 -2001 Medical Laboratory Scientist, Laboratory Scientist in the disciplines of hematology, urinalysis, body fluids, coagulation, and toxicology, St. Elizabeth Medical Center , Covington, KY
2001 -2011 Supervisor of Safety and Education, Supervisor of Safety for 3-5 laboratorys and outpatient draw sites in multi hospital system. NAACLS approved Program Director for the SEMC School of Medical Technology. Education coordinator for laboratory staff within multi-hospital system, St. Elizabeth Medical Center , Edgewood, KY
2010 -2011 Laboratory Director, Lab director over the critical access and immediate response labs in a multi-hospital system, St. Elizabeth Medical Center , Florence and Grant County, KY
Other Publications
Mortenson, Joel and Warning, Beth (2016. ) Education Evolution, Part 3: The role of changing technology and its impact in the training and education of microbiologists. .Advance for Laboratory Professionals,
Mortenson, Joel and Warning, Beth (2016. ) Education Evolution, Part 2: The role of changing technology and its impact in the training and education of microbiologists. Advance for Laboratory Professionals,
Mortenson, Joel and Warning, Beth (2016. ) Education Evolution, Part 1: The role of changing technology and its impact in the training and education of microbiologists. Advance for Laboratory Professionals,
Warning, Beth (2019. ) Knowledge Sharing and Succession Planning in the Lab .ASCLS Today, 33 (7 ) ,
Warning, Beth (2019. ) Promoting The Profession: A Partnership With AHEC. ASCLS Today, 33 (4 ) ,
Warning, Beth (2018. ) WIFM-Customizing Your State Meeting .ASCLS Today, 32 (5 ) ,
Warning, Beth (2015. ) Simulated specimens – a shared collection for classroom use. Advance for Laboratory Professionals,
Warning, Beth (2014. ) Phlebotomy: An Essential Function of the MLS/MLT. ASCLS Today, XXXVIM (9 ) ,
Warning, Beth (2014. ) Creating Shared Value With The ASCLS Scientific Assembly .ASCLS Today, XXVIII (7 ) ,
Warning, Beth (2014. ) Be an Advocate! Promote the Profession During National Medical Laboratory Professional Week .Advance for Laboratory Professionals,
Warning, Beth (2013. ) Promotion of the Profession Committee – Providing the Face and Voice for the Profession! .ASCLS Today, XXVII (2 ) ,
Warning, Beth (2012. ) ASCLS Provides HOPE in Atlanta a Success! .ASCLS Today, XXVI (2 ) ,
Warning, Beth (2012. ) Providing HOPE – Kids in Need Foundation to Receive Back to School Items at AACC/ASCLS .Advance for Medical Laboratory Professionals,
Book Chapter
McKenzie, S; Williams, L; Piwowar, K (2020 ) Clinical Hematology Instructor's Resource Manual .Pearson
Bishop, M (2017 ) Chapter 1 Clinical Chemistry .
Invited Presentations
Beth Warning, Mary Ann McClane (02-2012. ) Discover MLS! How to Spread the Word to Students, Teachers, and Guidance Counselors .Clinical Laboratory Educator's Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah. Level:National
Warning, Beth and Bednar, Annette (02-20-2013. ) So you’re a new faculty member - navigating the world of academia .Clinical Laboratory Educator Conference, San Jose, CA. Conference. . Level:National
Warning, Beth (2015. ) From MSDS to GHS an update and review of laboratory safety. .Lexington, KY. Conference. . Level:State
Warning, Beth (2015. ) Measuring Competencies in Phlebotomy. I .Charlotte, NC. Conference. . Level:National
Warning, Beth (2015. ) Developing a Mentoring Program. .Charlotte, NC. Conference. . Level:National
Warning, Beth (2015. ) Teaching Essential Phlebotomy Components. .Charlotte, NC. Conference. . Level:National
Warning, Beth (2016. ) Revisiting a Common Lab Test – a Review of Urinalysis and Urine Culture .Webinar, Level:International
Warning, Beth (2016. ) The Debate Rages On: Heparinized Plasma & Serum Collection in Chemistry Testing .Webinar, Level:International
Warning, Beth (2016. ) How the Presence of Inappropriate Anticoagulant in Specimen Collection Compromises Sample Quality. .Webinar, Level:International
Warning, Beth (2016. ) Mentoring: an Investment in Your Team .Charlotte, NC. Conference. . Level:National
Warning, Beth (2016. ) Assessments: From Hire to Retire. Charlotte, NC. Conference. . Level:National
Warning, Beth (2017. ) Preventing Pre-Analytical Errors – The Role of The Phlebotomist .Columbus, OH. Conference. . Level:State
Warning, Beth (2017. ) Mentoring and Training: An Important Investment in Your Team. .Charlotte, NC. Conference. . Level:National
Warning, Beth (2017. ) A Review of Urinalysis and Urine Culture. Charlotte, NC. Conference. . Level:National
Warning, Beth (2017. ) How to Move Successfully from a Tech to a Supervisor. Charlotte, NC. Professional Meeting. . Level:National
Warning, Beth (2017. ) pecimen Rejection: When is a Sample Unsuitable for Testing? .Webinar, Charlotte, NC. Level:National
Warning, Beth (2018. ) Laboratory Acquired Infections and Microbiology Safety. Webinar, Level:National
Warning, Beth (2018. ) The Impact of Hemolysis on Specimen Analysis. Kansas City, KS. Conference. . Level:Regional
Warning, Beth (2018. ) The Impact of Hemolysis on Specimen Analysis. Columbus, OH. Conference. . Level:State
Warning, Beth (2018. ) Specimen Rejection: Why does this sample need recollected .Chicago, IL. Conference. . Level:National
Event Organized
ASCLS Clinical Laboratory Educator ConferenceASCLS Clinical Laboratory Educator Conference Conference 02-19-2015 02-21-2015 Cincinnati, OH Level:National
Clinical Laboratory Educator ConferenceClinical Laboratory Educator Conference Conference 2007 Louisville, KY Level:National
KSCLS Spring MeetingKSCLS Spring Meeting Conference 2008 Lexington, KY Level:State
Honors and Awards
2004 KSCLS New Member Award Honored by the Kentucky Society of Clinical Laboratory Science as a new, active member of the society KSCLS
2006 ASCLS Omicron Sigma Award Annual award by the American Society for Clinical Lab Science for involvement at either the state, regional, or national level
2007 ASCLS President's Award Recognized for co-chairing the Clinical Laboratory Educator Conference in Louisville KY in February 2007 for the American Society of Clinical Labatory Science ASCLS Status:Recipient Level:National
2015 ASCLS President's Award Recognized for co-chairing the Clinical Laboratory Educator Conference in Cincinnati, OH in February 2015 for the American Society of Clinical Labatory Science ASCLS Status:Recipient Level:National
2008 ASCLS Keys to the Future Award Awarded to select individuals showing leadership in the American Society for Clinical Lab Science ASCLS Status:Recipient Level:National
2010 Alpha Mu Tau Fraternity Invited member of the Fraternity based on leadership and participation within the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science ASCLS Status:Recipient Level:National Type:Recognition
2009 KSCLS Outstanding member of the year Awarded by the Kentucky Society for Clinical Laboratory Science for outstanding contribution s KSCLS Status:Recipient Level:State
2012 ASCLS BOard of Directors Certificate of Recognition National recognition for service as the Chair of the Promotion of the Profession Committee ASCLS Status:Recipient Level:National
2020 Outstanding First Year Advocate University of Cincinnati
Kentucky Society For Clinical Laboratory Science Secretary Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:State 2013 -2015
American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science (Scientific Assembly ) Committee Chair Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National 2013 -2015
American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science (Promotion of the Profession ) Committee Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National 2007 -2015
Professional Affiliation
2001 -To Present: Kentucky Society for Clincal Laboratory Science
2001 -To Present: American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science
Courses Taught
Clinical Chemistry I & II Level:Undergraduate
Immunohematology I & II Level:Undergraduate
Success in Allied Health Level:Undergraduate
Principles of Medical Laboratory Science Level:Undergraduate
Environmental Issues Level:Undergraduate
Intro to MLS Level:Undergraduate
-MLSC-3051 LAB OPERATIONS Level:Undergraduate
Faculty Development Activities
2018 -2018 eAccessibility Training UC
2018 -2018 Youth Mental Health First Aid Training UC
2017 -2017 Clery Training UC
2107 -2017 ntroduction Workshop for StrengthsQuest: Transforming the College Experience Using StrengthsQuest UC
Contact Information
Academic - Health Science Building
3225Eden Avenue
Ohio, 45267
Phone: 513-558-7412