Amanda Laurel Webb
Assoc Professor
Rhodes Hall
CEAS - Architectural Eng - 0071
Professional Summary
Dr. Amanda L. Webb is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering and Construction Management at the University of Cincinnati. She holds a doctorate in Architectural Engineering from The Pennsylvania State University, a master’s degree from MIT’s Building Technology Program, and a bachelor’s degree from Yale University. Prior to obtaining her doctorate, she worked in professional practice as an environmental design consultant in the New York and San Francisco offices of Atelier Ten, and as an energy auditor working for the Smart Energy Design Assistance Center at the University of Illinois conducting energy assessments throughout Illinois.
Dr. Webb’s research focuses on evaluating and improving the energy performance of existing and historic buildings. Her goal is to use energy data and modeling methods to promote sustainability, equity, and resilience across the existing building stock. Her teaching includes courses on building energy simulation (AE 5130/6030), energy audits and data analytics (AE 5147/AE 6047), and building physics (AE 3043). She was a member of the ASHRAE committee that developed Guideline 34-2019, Energy Guideline for Historic Buildings, and is currently a voting member of ASHRAE's TC 7.6 on Building Energy Performance and chair of its subcommittee on Monitoring and Energy Performance. She is also a faculty advisor for UC's ASHRAE Student Branch.
PhD: The Pennsylvania State University 2017 (Architectural Engineering)
SMArchS: Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2012 (Architecture Studies - Building Technology)
BA: Yale University 2006 (Architecture & Philosophy)
Research and Practice Interests
building energy efficiency, sustainable buildings and communities, building decarbonization, energy equity, energy policy, building energy modeling, building energy audits, statistical analysis of building energy data, building energy benchmarking, historic preservation
Research Support
Grant: #National Park Service (US DOI) P18AP00245 Investigators:Webb, Amanda 08-01-2018 -08-31-2019 National Park Service A Systematic Investigation of Interior Insulation Retrofits in U.S. Historic Buildings Role:PI $40,000.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #1836-RP Agreement Investigators:Webb, Amanda 09-01-2019 -11-30-2020 American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Condition Developing a Standardized Categorization System for Energy Efficiency Measures Role:PI $62,674.00 Awarded Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #ASHRAE New Investigator Award Investigators:Webb, Amanda 07-01-2020 -06-30-2023 American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Condition ASHRAE New Investigator Award Role:PI $125,000.00 Awarded Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #G-1909-30187 Investigators:Webb, Amanda 08-26-2019 -04-25-2020 Energy Foundation Low-Income Multi-family Technical Assistance Role:PI $14,751.00 Active Level:Private Non-Profit
Investigators:Webb, Amanda 01-01-2021 -06-30-2021 Energy Foundation Low Income Multi-Family Technical Assistance Program Evaluation Role:PI 15000.00 Active Level:Non Profit
Grant: #BCS-2324505 Investigators:Trott, Carlie; Webb, Amanda; Zhong, Kuanshi 09-15-2023 -08-31-2026 National Science Foundation Supporting equitable building decarbonization through a community-engaged retrofit planning process and energy modeling platform Role:PI 745553.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #DE-EE0010953 Investigators:Webb, Amanda 10-01-2023 -09-30-2024 Department of Energy Developing a cost-optimal equitable approach to building performance standards in Ohio large cities Role:PI 2880000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #CBET-2339386 Investigators:Webb, Amanda 01-01-2024 -12-31-2028 National Science Foundation CAREER: A modeling framework to understand the environmental and equity impacts of building decarbonization retrofits Role:PI 414369.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #EEC-2349580 Investigators:Bellur, Kishan; Payton, Eric; Reeping, David; Rowe, Annette; Steiner, Matthew; Sun, Ying; Watzman, Sarah; Webb, Amanda 04-01-2024 -03-31-2027 National Science Foundation REU Site: Research Experiences for American Leadership of Industry with Zero Emissions by 2050 (REALIZE-2050) Role:Collaborator 445485.00 Active Level:Federal
Peer Reviewed Publications
David Moore and Amanda L. Webb (2022. ) Evaluating energy burden at the urban scale: A spatial regression approach in Cincinnati, Ohio.Energy Policy, , 160 (January ) ,112651 More Information
Daniel Herrera-Avellanosa, Franziska Haas, Gustaf Leijonhufvud, Tor Brostrom, Alessia Buda, Valeria Pracchi, Amanda Laurel Webb, Walter Hüttler, Alexandra Troi (2019. ) Deep renovation of historic buildings: The IEA-SHC Task 59 path towards the lowest possible energy demand and CO2 emissions .International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, , 38 (4 ) ,539 -553
Daniel S. Castele and Amanda L. Webb (2019. ) Insulating the walls of historic buildings: A systematic review of best practice guidance .APT Bulletin: The Journal of Preservation Technology, , 50 (1 ) ,37 -44
Amanda L. Webb (2017. ) Energy Retrofits in Historic and Traditional Buildings: A Review of Problems and Methods .Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, , 77 (September ) ,748 -759
Apoorv Khanuja and Amanda L. Webb (2022. ) What we talk about when we talk about EEMs: using text mining and topic modeling to understand building energy efficiency measures (1836-RP).Science and Technology for the Built Environment, , More Information
Amanda L. Webb, Colby McConnell (2023. ) Evaluating the feasibility of achieving building performance standards targets.Energy and Buildings, , 288 (June ) ,112989 More Information
Amanda L. Webb and Apoorv Khanuja (2024. ) Developing a standardized categorization system for energy efficiency measures (1836-RP).Science and Technology for the Built Environment, , 30 (1 ) ,1 More Information
Other Publications
Alexander Rodrigues, Amanda Webb, Kristen DiStefano (2020. ) The use of time-dependent greenhouse gas emissions factors in high performance building design .Proceedings of the 2020 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings,
Joelle Michaels and Amanda Webb (2016. ) Green Building Certification and the Commercial Building Energy Consumption Survey (CBECS) .Proceedings of the 2016 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings,
Amanda Laurel Webb (2013. ) Mapping Comfort: An Analysis Method for Understanding Diversity in the Thermal Environment .Proceedings of BS2013: 13th International Conference of the International Building Performance Simulation Association,
Amanda L. Webb, Lauren Beckett, M. David Burton (2018. ) Examining the energy performance of older and historic buildings using municipal benchmarking data .Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Energy Efficiency in Historic Buildings,
Mark Landis, Pravin Bhiwapurkar, Ming Tang, Amanda Webb (2019. ) Balancing performance and aesthetic: Data-driven design for fixed shading devices .Proceedings of the ARCC 2019 International Conference,
Book Chapter
Amanda L. Webb (2019 ) Historic preservation in a new era of building energy data Preservation and the New Data Landscape .(pp. 111 -124).New York, NY, Columbia Books on Architecture and the City
Amanda L. Webb and David Moore (2022 ) Viewing sustainable preservation through an energy justice lens Preservation, Sustainability and Equity .(pp. 85 -94).New York, NY, Columbia Books on Architecture and the City
Technical Reports
Amanda Webb and David Moore (2020. ) Understanding Cincinnati's multifamily housing stock: An analysis to improve access to energy efficiency for low-income households .
Amanda Webb and Apoorv Khanuja (2022. ) Developing a Standardized Categorization System for Energy Efficiency Measures, ASHRAE 1836-RP Final Report .
sustainable buildings, building energy retrofits, building energy modeling, energy equity, building decarbonization, historic preservation
Courses Taught
AE 5147/6047: Building Energy Audits and Data Analytics
AE 5130/6030: Building Energy Modeling
AE 3043: Building Physics