Ashley Weber

Ashley Marie Weber

Asst Professor

College of Nursing
310 Proctor Hall
3110 Vine St
Cincinnati, Ohio 45221
Phone 513-558-0132

Professional Summary

Dr. Weber has over a decade of experience in neonatal nursing and research. She has expertise in family-centered care, developmental care, and neurodevelopment of high-risk neonates. Dr. Weber’s program of research centers on designing, testing, and translating evidence-based family-centered care (FCC) interventions, so that NICU families can safely and effectively manage infant care. Dr. Weber has received multiple fellowships, awards, and grants for her work in this area, including prestigious Predoctoral and Postdoctoral fellowships and a Career Development Award from the National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR).


PhD: The Ohio State University Columbus, OH, 2016 (Nursing)

MS: The Ohio State University Columbus, OH, 2012 (Nursing Science)

BSN: The Ohio State University Columbus, OH, 2010 (Nursing)

Postdoctoral: Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, OH, 2018 (Neonatal Nursing: Multiple Chronic Conditions)

Research and Practice Interests

Dr. Weber has nearly a decade of experience in neonatal nursing and research. Her program of research investigates how family-centered care interventions reduce parental-infant stress and improve infant neurodevelopment. Dr. Weber’s areas of expertise in family-centered care, developmental care, and neurodevelopment of high-risk neonates. She was the first researcher to measure plasma and urinary oxytocin in preterm infants.

Positions and Work Experience

2016 - Staff Nurse, NICU, Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital, Cleveland, OH

2012 - Staff Nurse, C4B NICU, Nationwide Children's Hospital, Columubs, OH

2018 - Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati College of Nursing, Cincinnati, OH

2018 -2023 Affiliate Associate, James M. Anderson Center, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

2012 -2016 Research Associate, The Research Institute, Nationwide Children's Hospital

2010 -2010 Lead Intern, Healthy Homes & Lead Poisoning Prevention, Ohio Department of Health

Research Support

Grant: #American Academy of Nursing and FNRE Award Investigators:Weber, Ashley 09-01-2018 -08-31-2019 American Nurses Foundation PREEMIE PROGRESS: A video-based resource for mothers of preterm infants Role:PI $5,000.00 Completed Type:Grant Level:National

Grant: #Rosemary Berkel Crisp Research Award Investigators:Weber, Ashley 08-07-2018 -08-31-2019 Sigma Theta Tau International Epidermal Stress Responses to Nursing Care and Skin-to-Skin Care in Premature Infants: A Pilot Study Role:PI $228.80 Completed Type:Grant Level:National

Grant: #1T32NR015433-1 Investigators:Moore 07-2016 -07-2018 NIH/NINR Role:Fellow Completed Type:Fellowship Level:National

Grant: #Small Research-Based Grant Investigators:Weber 11-2014 -12-2016 National Association of Neonatal Nurses (NANN) Oxytocin: Biomarker of Affiliation and Neurodevelopment in Premature Infants Role:PI $5,000 Completed Type:Grant Level:National

Grant: #1F31NR014985-01A1 Investigators:Weber 01-2015 -04-2016 NIH/NINR Pre-doctoral NRSA Role:PI $35,000 Completed Type:Fellowship Level:National

Grant: #FNRE Investigators:Weber 08-2014 -07-2015 Sigma Theta Tau International/Midwest Nursing Research Society Oxytocin: Biomarker of Affiliation and Neurodevelopment in Premature Infants Role:PI $2,500 Completed Type:Grant Level:National

Grant: #Novice Investigator Award Investigators:Weber 09-2014 -07-2015 Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric, and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN) Oxytocin: Biomarker of Affiliation and Neurodevelopment in Premature Infants Role:PI $5,000 Completed Type:Grant Level:National

Investigators:Weber 10-2014 -05-2015 Nurses Educational Fund $3,500 Completed Type:Grant Level:National

Grant: #Research Grant Investigators:Weber 04-2014 -04-2015 Ohio Nurses Foundation Oxytocin: Biomarker of Affiliation and Neurodevelopment in Premature Infants Role:PI $2,000 Completed Type:Grant Level:State

Grant: #Undergraduate Research Investigators:Weber 02-2014 -02-2015 Sigma Theta Tau Epsilon Chapter Oxytocin: Biomarker of Affiliation and Neurodevelopment in Premature Infants Role:PI $1,500 Completed Type:Grant Level:College

Grant: #Alumni Grants for Graduate Research and Scholarship Investigators:Weber 01-2014 -01-2015 Graduate School of The Ohio State University Oxytocin: Biomarker of Affiliation and Neurodevelopment in Premature Infants Role:PI $2,000 Completed Type:Grant Level:University

Investigators:Weber 09-2014 -12-2014 The Ohio State University Presidential Fellowship Role:PI Completed Type:Fellowship Level:University

Investigators:Weber 07-2013 -08-2013 Ohio Perinatal Research Network Oxytocin and Premature Infants: A Pilot Study Role:PI Completed Level:Department

Grant: #GAAN Fellowship Investigators:Weber 09-2011 -09-2014 U.S. Department of Education Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need (GAANN) Role:Fellow Completed Type:Fellowship Level:National

Grant: #University Fellowship Investigators:Weber 08-2010 -08-2011 The Ohio State University Role:Fellow Completed Type:Fellowship Level:University

Grant: #Excellence in Research Scholarship Investigators:Weber 08-2009 -06-2010 The Ohio State University College of Nursing Bitter Taste Phenotype, social smoking, and oral nicotine replacement therapy use within college student smokers. Role:PI $1,200 Completed Type:Grant Level:College

Investigators:PI: Latif 06-01-2021 -08-01-2021 Case Western Reserve University Office of Medical Student Research Dean’s Summer Research Award Role:Primary Mentor $2500 Planned/In Preparation Type:Grant

Investigators:Weber 06-01-2021 -08-01-2021 University Hospitals (UH) Rainbow Babies and Children’s Department of Pediatrics Summer Research Scholarship Role:Primary Mentor $2000 Planned/In Preparation Type:Grant

Grant: #K23NR019081 Investigators:Weber, Ashley 09-25-2020 -07-31-2023 National Institute of Nursing Research PREEMIE PROGRESS: A family management program for parents of preterm infants Role:PI $152,316.00 Active Type:Grant Level:National


Peer Reviewed Publications

Weber, Ashley; Harrison, Tondi M; Sinnott, Loraine; Shoben, Abigail; Steward, Deborah (2018. ) Associations Between Nurse-Guided Variables and Plasma Oxytocin Trajectories in Premature Infants During Initial Hospitalization.Advances in neonatal care : official journal of the National Association of Neonatal Nurses, , 18 (1 ) ,E12-E23 More Information

Weber, Ashley; Harrison, Tondi M; Sinnott, Loraine; Shoben, Abigail; Steward, Deborah (2017. ) Plasma and Urinary Oxytocin Trajectories in Extremely Premature Infants During NICU Hospitalization.Biological research for nursing, , 19 (5 ) ,549-558 More Information

Weber, Ashley; Harrison, Tondi M; Steward, Deborah; Sinnott, Loraine; Shoben, Abigail (2017. ) Oxytocin trajectories and social engagement in extremely premature infants during NICU hospitalization.Infant behavior & development, , 48 (Pt B ) ,78-87 More Information

Weber, Ashley M; Harrison, Tondi M (2014. ) Maternal behavior and infant physiology during feeding in premature and term infants over the first year of life.Research in nursing & health, , 37 (6 ) ,478-89 More Information

Weber, Ashley M; Harrison, Tondi M; Steward, Deborah K (2012. ) Schore's regulation theory: maternal-infant interaction in the NICU as a mechanism for reducing the effects of allostatic load on neurodevelopment in premature infants.Biological research for nursing, , 14 (4 ) ,375-86 More Information

Weber, A.M., & Ahijeyych, K.L. (2010. ) Determining Bitter Taste and Prevalence in a Sample of Undergraduate Students at The Ohio State University .Journal of Undergraduate Research, , 2 ,

Weber, A., Harrison, T.M., Steward, D.K., & Ludington-Hoe, S. (2018. ) Paid Family Leave to Enhance the Health Outcomes of Preterm Infants.Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice, , 19 (1-2 ) ,11 More Information

Weber, Ashley; Kaplan, Heather; Voos, Kristin; Elder, Mason; Close, Emma; Tubbs-Cooley, Heather; Bakas, Tamilyn; Hall, Sue (2021. ) Neonatal Nurses' Report of Family-Centered Care Resources and Practices.Advances in neonatal care : official journal of the National Association of Neonatal Nurses, , More Information

Weber, Ashley M; Jackson, Yamile C; Elder, Mason R; Remer, Sarah L; Parikh, Nehal A; Hofherr, Jennifer J; Voos, Kristin C; Kaplan, Heather C (2022. ) Application of a Risk Management Framework to Parent Sleep During Skin-to-Skin Care in the NICU.Journal of obstetric, gynecologic, and neonatal nursing : JOGNN, , 51 (3 ) ,336-348 More Information

Weber, Ashley; Elder, Mason; Voos, Kristin C; Lambert, Joshua W; Kaplan, Heather C; Jackson, Yamile C (2020. ) Clinician Opinions and Approaches to Manage Risk Related to Safe Sleep During Skin-to-Skin Care.Journal of obstetric, gynecologic, and neonatal nursing : JOGNN, , 49 (5 ) ,464-474 More Information

Weber, Ashley M; Voos, Kristin C; Bakas, Tamilyn M; Rice, Jared B; Blatz, Mary Ann; Ribeiro, Ana Paula Duarte; Tubbs-Cooley, Heather L; Rota, Matthew J; Kaplan, Heather C (2022. ) A clinical-academic partnership to develop a family management intervention for parents of preterm infants.Journal of clinical nursing, , 31 (3-4 ) ,390-405 More Information

Weber, Ashley; Jackson, Yamile (2020. ) A Survey of Neonatal Clinicians' Use, Needs, and Preferences for Kangaroo Care Devices.Advances in neonatal care, , 21 (3 ) ,232 -241More Information

Elder, Mason; Murphy, Lorann; Notestine, Stacy; Weber, Ashley (2022. ) Realigning Expectations With Reality: A Case Study on Maternal Mental Health During a Difficult Breastfeeding Journey.Journal of human lactation : official journal of International Lactation Consultant Association, , 38 (1 ) ,190-196 More Information

Latif, Marina; Duarte Ribeiro, Ana Paula; Blatz, Mary Ann; Burkett, Kathleen; Dragon, Mary Ann; Craver, Traci; Cogan, Stacie; Ricciardi, Sheri; Weber, Ashley (2023. ) Encouraging Our NICU to "Read-a-Latte": Leveraging a Read-a-Thon to Launch a Quality Improvement Initiative.Advances in neonatal care : official journal of the National Association of Neonatal Nurses, , 23 (2 ) ,120-131 More Information

Weber, Ashley; Harrison, Tondi M (2019. ) Reducing toxic stress in the neonatal intensive care unit to improve infant outcomes.Nursing outlook, , 67 (2 ) ,169-189 More Information

Fish, Rebecca; Weber, Ashley; Crowley, Moira; March, Melissa; Thompson, Cheryl; Voos, Kristin (2021. ) Early antenatal counseling in the outpatient setting for high-risk pregnancies: a randomized control trial.Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association, , 41 (7 ) ,1595-1604 More Information

Weber, Ashley; Bakas, Tamilyn; Schulman-Green, Dena; Voos, Kristin C; Rice, Jared B; Bailey, Richard; Reigel, Alexandra; Oudat, Qutaibah; Holmes, Maya; Tubbs-Cooley, Heather L; Kaplan, Heather C (2024. ) Family Management Skills Reported by Parents of Preterm Infants in the NICU Using the Self- and Family Management Framework (SFMF).Advances in neonatal care : official journal of the National Association of Neonatal Nurses, , 24 (2 ) ,119-131 More Information

Shuman, Clayton J; Weber, Ashley; VanAntwerp, Katherine; Wilson, Roxanne (2020. ) Engaging Mothers to Implement Nonpharmacological Care for Infants With Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome: Perceptions of Perinatal and Pediatric Nurses.Advances in neonatal care, , 20 (6 ) ,464-472 More Information

Shuman, Clayton J; Wilson, Roxanne; VanAntwerp, Katherine; Morgan, Mikayla; Weber, Ashley (2021. ) Elucidating the context for implementing nonpharmacologic care for neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome: a qualitative study of perinatal nurses.BMC pediatrics, , 21 (1 ) ,489 More Information

Book Chapter

Weber, A.M; Burkett, K.; Voos, K.C. (2024 ) Care of the Parents Klaus and Fanaroff’s Care of the High-Risk Neonate .(pp. -88).Elsevier (Author)


Invited Presentations

Weber, A.M. (2018. ) Clinical Research with Critically-Ill Infants and their Families: Challenges and Benefits .Cleveland Clinic Annual Nursing Research Conference 2018, Cleveland, OH. Level:Regional

Weber, A.M. (2017. ) Oxytocin Trajectories in Extremely Premature Infants: Results from the Pediatric Outstanding Dissertation Award Grantee .Midwestern Nursing Research Society (MNRS) Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN. Level:Regional

Weber, A.M. (2018. ) Welcome Back, Nurse Leaders. A Family-Centered Program of Research .University of Cincinnati College of Nursing, Cincinnati, OH. Level:Local

Weber, A.M. (2018. ) A Family-Centered Program of Research: Promoting Progress for Preterm Infants and their Families .Case Western Reserve University Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing, Cleveland, OH. Level:Local

Weber, A.M. (2017. ) ). Plasma Oxytocin Trajectories, Maternal Contact, & Infant Social Engagement in Extremely Premature Infants .Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing Goldbag Research Series, Cleveland, OH. Level:Local

Weber, A.M (2017. ) Minimizing Maternal-Infant Separation in Preterm Infants: The Use of a Hospital-Grade Maternal Bed to facilitate Kangaroo Care .the University Hospitals’ Rainbow Babies and Children’s NICU Operations Meeting, Cleveland, OH. Level:Local

Weber, A.M. (2017. ) Plasma Oxytocin Trajectories, Maternal Contact, & Infant Social Engagement in Extremely Premature Infants .Riverside Methodist Hospital NICU’s Strategic Partnership Meeting, Columbus, OH. Level:Local

Weber, A.M., Visscher, M.O. (2020. ) Epidermal Cortisol Responses to Kangaroo Care in Preterm Infants .Graven’s Conference on the Physical and Developmental Environment of the High Risk Infant, Clearwater Beach, FL. Level:National

Visscher, M.O.; Esser, M.; Weber, A.M. (2020. ) Neonatal Skin Care: Hot Topics, Burning Questions and New Developments .General Session, National Association of Neonatal Nurses (NANN) Annual Conference. Other Institution. . Level:National

Weber, A.M., Kaplan, H.C., Voos, K.C., Tubbs Cooley, H.L., Bakas, T., Hall, S. (2020. ) Family-centered Care Practices in the United States: Prevalence, Gaps, and How We Move Forward. National Association of Neonatal Nurses (NANN) Annual Conference., Virtual. Level:National

Fish, R., Weber, A. M., March, M., Crowley, M., & Voos, K. C. (05-05-2020. ) Early Antenatal Counseling in the Outpatient Setting for High-Risk Pregnancies: A Randomized Control Trial .Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) Conference, Philadelphia. Level:National

Wilson, R, Weber, A. VanAntwerp, K, Cleveland, L & Shuman, C. (03-23-2021. ) Engaging Mothers to Implement Nonpharmacological Care for Infants with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome: Perceptions of Perinatal and Pediatric Nurse .Midwest Nursing Research 45th Annual Conference, Brentwood, TN. Level:Regional

Wilson, R, Weber, A. VanAntwerp, K & Shuman, C (04-16-2021. ) Engaging Mothers to Implement Nonpharmacological Care for Infants with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome: Perceptions of Perinatal and Pediatric Nurses .University of Minnesota Nursing Virtual Research Day, Minneapolis, MN. Level:Local

Latif, M. Ribeiro, A., Blatz, M. A., Craver, T., Ricciardi, S., Burkett, K., Dragon, M. A., & Weber, A. (02-04-2021. ) The Parent-to-Parent Coordinator: A key driver of Family-Centered Care in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit .Lepow Day, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, Cleveland, OH. Level:Local

Dykstra, C., Weber, A.M. (06-11-2020. ) A trial of remote video rounding with parents in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit .Fellow Science Day, Cleveland, OH. Level:Local

Weber, A.M. Jackson, Y. (2023. ) Application of a Risk Management Framework to Kangaroo Care in the NICU .Vermont Oxford Network (VON) NICQ collaborative homeroom meeting, Virtual. Professional Meeting. . Level:National

Weber, A.M. (2022. ) Promoting Progress for Preterm Infants and their Parents. PREEMIE PROGRESS: A Family-Management Intervention .Nursing Innovation and Research Council Conference of University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center, Cleveland, OH. Conference. . Level:Local

Poster Presentations

Weber, A.M. & Harrison, T.M. (2012. ) The effect of parent-infant interaction on physiological outcomes during feeding in preterm infants .The Research Institute of Nationwide Children’s Hospital’s Annual Poster Competition, Columbus, OH. . Level:Local

Weber, A.M., & Ahijevych, K.L. (2010. ) Determining Bitter Taste Prevalence .the Denman Undergraduate University Research Forum, Columbus, OH. . Level:Local

Weber, A.M., & Ahijevych, K.L. (2010. ) Determining Bitter Taste Prevalence .College of Nursing Honors Research Presentation Day, Columbus, OH. . Level:Local

Weber, A.M., & Ahijevych, K.L. (2009. ) Determining Bitter Taste Prevalence .College of Nursing Honors Research Presentation Day, Columbus, OH. . Level:Local

Wilson, R, Weber, A. VanAntwerp, K, Cleveland, L & Shuman, C (03-23-2021. ) Engaging Mothers to Implement Nonpharmacological Care for Infants with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome: Perceptions of Perinatal and Pediatric Nurses, Poster Presentation (competitive) .Midwest Nursing Research 45th Annual Conference (Virtual), Brentwood, TN. . Level:Regional

Wilson, R, Weber, A. VanAntwerp, K & Shuman, C (04-16-2021. ) Engaging Mothers to Implement Nonpharmacological Care for Infants with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome: Perceptions of Perinatal and Pediatric Nurses .University of Minnesota Nursing Virtual Research Day, Minneapolis, MN. . Level:Local

Latif, M. Ribeiro, A., Blatz, M. A., Craver, T., Ricciardi, S., Burkett, K., Dragon, M. A., & Weber, A (02-04-2021. ) Developing and adapting a sustainable reading program in the neonatal intensive care unit [Poster] .Lepow Day, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, Cleveland, OH. . Level:Local

Rivera, T., Ribeiro, A., Blatz, M. A., Craver, T., Ricciardi, S., Burkett, K., Dragon, M. A., & Weber, A (02-04-2021. ) The Parent-to-Parent Coordinator: A key driver of Family-Centered Care in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit [Poster] .Lepow Day, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, Cleveland, OH. . Level:Local

Dykstra, C., Weber, A.M. (05-11-2020. ) A trial of remote video rounding with parents in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit .Fellow Science Day, Cleveland, OH. . Level:Local

Fish, R., Weber, A. M., March, M., Crowley, M., & Voos, K. C. (05-05-2020. ) Early Antenatal Counseling in the Outpatient Setting for High-Risk Pregnancies: A Randomized Control Trial [Poster] .Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) Conference, Philadelphia. . Level:National

Latif, M.; Weber, A.M. Blatz, M.A.; Burkett, K. Craver, T.; Cogan, S.; Dragon, M.A.; Ricciardi, S.; Ribeiro, A.P (2022. ) Encouraging our NICU to ‘Read-a-Latte’ – Leveraging a Read-a-thon to launch a quality improvement initiative. Vermont Oxford Annual Quality Congress., Chicago, IL.. . Conference. . Level:National

Presented by Ashley Weber. Holmes, M.; Voos, K. C., Oudat, Q., Weber, A.M. (2022. ) Social Determinants of Health impact Family Management of Infant Care in the NICU. National Association of Neonatal Nurses (NANN) Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NV. . Conference. . Level:National

Presented by Ashley Weber. Sanrame, J.; Brammer, S.; Voos, K. C., Oudat, Q., Weber, A.M. (2022. ) Use of Emotion Processing Skills in Parents of Preterm Infants Hospitalized in the NICU: A Qualitative Study. National Association of Neonatal Nurses (NANN) Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NV. . Conference. . Level:National

Weber, A.; Oudat, Q.; Remer, S.; Voos, K; Elder, M.; Parikh, N.; Dion, H. Kaplan, H., Hofherr, J.; Jackson, Y. (2022. ) Application of a Risk Management Framework to Parent Sleep during KMC in the NICU. .XIII International Conference on Kangaroo Mother Care, Madrid, Spain. . Conference. . Level:International

Weber, A.; Elder, M.; Oudat, Q.; Voos, Dion, H. Jackson, Y. (2023. ) Risk Management Strategies used to address patient safety during Kangaroo Care in US Neonatal Units .National Association of Neonatal Nurses (NANN) Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA. . Conference. . Level:National

Presented by Ashley Weber. Ghosalkar, E., Weber, A.M. (2023. ) High-risk perinatal nurses’ reports of parents’ learning needs before NICU admission .National Association of Neonatal Nurses (NANN) Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA. . Conference. . Level:National


Weber, A.M., Harrison, T.M., Steward, D.K., Cismowski, M., DeVries, C.A., Sinnott, L., Shoben, A. (2014). Oxytocin as a Biomarker of Affiliation and Neurodevelopment in Premature Infants . Center for Cardiovascular & Pulmonary Research at The Research Institute of Nationwide Children’s Hospital for Works in Progress series, Columbus, OH. Level:Local

Weber, A.M. & Harrison, T.M. (2012). The effect of parent-infant interaction on physiological outcomes during feeding in preterm infants . Center for Cardiovascular & Pulmonary Research at The Research Institute of Nationwide Children’s Hospital for Works in Progress series, Columbus, OH. Level:Local

Weber, A.M., & Ahijevych, K.L. (2010). Determining Bitter Taste Prevalence . College of Nursing Colliquium, Columbus, OH. Level:Local


Weber, A.M. (2017. ) Minimizing Maternal-Infant Separation in Preterm Infants: Effects of Dyadic Oxytocin Trajectories and Maternal Mood .Cleveland, OH. Level:Local

Paper Presentations

Weber, A.M., Jackson, Y. (2019. ) Parent Sleep during Kangaroo Care: A National Opinion Poll .Clearwater Beach, FL. Conference. Level:International

Weber, A.M., Jackson, Y. (2018. ) Healthcare Providers Needs and Preferences in Kangaroo Care Devices: A National Survey .Anaheim, CA. Conference. Level:National

Weber, A.M., Harrison, T.M., Steward, D.K., Cismowski, M., DeVries, C.A., Sinnott, L., Shoben, A. (2016. ) Oxytocin Trajectories in Extremely Premature Infants and Associations with the NICU Environment .Palm Springs, CA. Conference. Level:National

Weber, A.M., Harrison, T.M., Steward, D.K., Cismowski, M., DeVries, C.A., Sinnott, L., Shoben, A. (2016. ) Oxytocin, Maternal-Infant Interaction, and Their Role in Infant Neurobehavior .Clearwater Beach, FL. Conference. Level:National

Weber, A.M., Harrison, T.M., Steward, D.K., Cismowski, M., DeVries, C.A., Sinnott, L., Shoben, A. (2016. ) Oxytocin, Infant Social Engagement, and their Role in Infant Neurobehavior .Grapevine, TX. Conference. Level:National

Weber, A.M., Harrison, T.M., Steward, D.K., Cismowski, M., DeVries, C.A., Sinnott, L., Shoben, A. (2015. ) Oxytocin Trajectories in Extremely Premature Infants and Associations with the NICU Environment .Scottsdale, AZ. Conference. Level:National

Weber, A.M. (2017. ) Skin-to-Skin Care is Associated with Social Engagement in Mothers of Extremely Premature Infants .Minneapolis, MN. Conference. Level:Regional

Weber, A.M., Harrison, T.M., Steward, D.K., Cismowski, M., DeVries, C.A., Sinnott, L., Shoben, A. (2016. ) Neurobiology of Attachment: From Bench Research Proposals to Public Policy .Milwaukee, WI. Conference. Level:Regional

Weber, A.M., Harrison, T.M., Steward, D.K., Cismowski, M., DeVries, C.A., Sinnott, L., Shoben, A. (2016. ) Oxytocin, Social Engagement Behaviors, and Their Role in Infant Neurobehavior .Milwaukee, WI. Conference. Level:Regional

Weber, A.M., Harrison, T.M., Steward, D.K., Cismowski, M., DeVries, C.A., Sinnott, L., Shoben, A. (2015. ) Oxytocin Trajectories, the NICU Environment, and Neurobehavior in Premature Infants .Indianapolis, IN. Conference. Level:Regional

Weber, A.M., Harrison, T.M., Steward, D.K., Cismowski, M., DeVries, C.A., Sinnott, L., Shoben, A. (2014. ) Oxytocin as a Biomarker of Affiliative Processes Underlying Neurodevelopment in Premature Infants .St. Louis, MO. Conference. Level:Regional

Weber, A.M. & Harrison, T.M. (2013. ) The effect of maternal-infant interaction on physiological outcomes during feeding in preterm and term infants over the first year of life .Chicago, IL. Conference. Level:Regional

Weber, A.M. & Harrison, T.M. (2012. ) The effect of parent-infant interaction on physiological outcomes during feeding in preterm infants .Dearborn, MI. Conference. Level:Regional

Weber, A.M., Harrison, T.M., Steward, D.K., Cismowski, M., DeVries, C.A., Sinnott, L., Shoben, A. (2015. ) Oxytocin Trajectories, the NICU Environment, and Neurobehavior in Premature Infants .Columbus, OH. Conference. Level:Local

Weber, A.M., Kaplan, H.C., Voos, K.C., Elder, M., Hetland, B., Tubbs Cooley, H.L., Bakas, T., Hall, S. (2019. ) Organizational Resources for Family-Centered Care may Influence Clinicians' Attitudes towards Family Engagement .Savannah, GA. Conference. Level:National

Weber, A.M (2017. ) Oxytocin Trajectories in Extremely Premature Infants: Results from the Pediatric Outstanding Dissertation Award Grantee .Minneapolis, MN. Conference. Level:Regional

Weber, A.M. (2018. ) Welcome Back, Nurse Leaders. A Family-Centered Program of Research .Cincinnati, OH. UC. Level:Local

Weber, A.M., Visscher, M.O. (2020. ) Epidermal Cortisol Responses to Kangaroo Care in Preterm Infants .Clearwater Beach, FL. Conference. Level:National

Weber, A.M (2018. ) A Family-Centered Program of Research: Promoting Progress for Preterm Infants and their Families .Cleveland, OH. Other Institution. Level:Local

Weber, A.M. (2017. ) Plasma Oxytocin Trajectories, Maternal Contact, & Infant Social Engagement in Extremely Premature Infants .Cleveland, OH. Other Institution. Level:Local

Weber, A.M. (2017. ) Minimizing Maternal-Infant Separation in Preterm Infants: The Use of a Hospital-Grade Maternal Bed to facilitate Kangaroo Care .Cleveland, OH. Professional Meeting. Level:Local

Weber, A.M. (2017. ) Minimizing Maternal-Infant Separation in Preterm Infants: Effects of Dyadic Oxytocin Trajectories and Maternal Mood .Cleveland, OH. Other Institution. Level:Local

Weber, A.M. (2017. ) Plasma Oxytocin Trajectories, Maternal Contact, & Infant Social Engagement in Extremely Premature Infants .Columbus, OH. Professional Meeting. Level:Local

Honors and Awards

2019 MNRS Pediatric New Investigator Award

2017 March of Dimes Ohio Nurse of the Year Award, Finalist

2016 MNRS Outstanding Pediatric Dissertation Award

2016 Nurse in Washington Internship Award

2014 Council of Graduate Student's Delegate Award for Exceptional Service

2014 Ohio State University Board of Trustees Student Recognition Award

2013 -2015 Career Development Grant

2013 -2015 Ray Travel Award

2012 Summa cum Laude (MS)

2010 Summa cum Laude with Honors Distinction in Research (BSN)

2010 President's Salute to Academic Achievement

2010 Alpha Gamma Delta Scholastic Key Award

2006 -2012 Dean's List

2006 Prestige Scholarship

2006 University Scholarship

2006 Ohio Elks Association Scholarship

2006 North Olmsted Chamber of Commerce Scholarship

2020 National Association of Neonatal Nurses’ Best Poster Award National Association of Neonatal Nurses Status:Recipient Level:National Type:Recognition

2021 JOGNN Finalist for Best Paper of the Year Status:Nomination Level:National Type:Recognition

Student Advising

Mason Elder, BSN, RN (Undergrad ) Preceptor Status:Completed 2021

Anna Lindner, STNA (Undergrad ) Preceptor Status:In Progress

Kayla Tullius, BSN, RN (Master ) Chair

Taylor Watson, BSN, RN. (Master ) Chair

Nicole Gutierrez, BSN, RN. (Master ) Chair

Nanci DeBord, BSN, RN. (Master ) Chair

Paige Whitefield, BSN, RN. (Master ) Chair

Molly Duzan, BSN, RN. (Master ) Chair

Hannah Dion, STNA. (Undergrad ) Preceptor Status:In Progress

Emma Close (Doctoral ) Advisor

Marina Latif (Doctoral ) Preceptor

Alexandria Gerber (Doctoral ) Preceptor

Maya Holmes (Doctoral ) Preceptor

Theresa Papich (Doctoral ) Preceptor Status:In Progress

Trenton Rivera (Doctoral ) Preceptor Status:Completed 2021

Sarine Shamarian (Doctoral ) Preceptor Status:Completed 2020

Ashley Cantu (Doctoral ) Preceptor Status:Completed 2020

Carly Dykstra, MD (Postdoctoral ) Supervisor Status:Completed 2020

Rebecca Fish, MD (Postdoctoral ) Supervisor Status:Completed 2020


U.S.-Israel Binational Science Foundation Reviewer Type:Editorial Service 2018

Research in Nursing and Health (Wiley Online Library ) Reviewer Type:Editorial Service 2018

American Association of Colleges of Nursing (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Group ) Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:College 2018 -To Present

University of Cincinnati College of Nursing (Committee for Equity and Inclusive Excellence (CEIE) ) Member Type:Service to Student Groups 2018 -2021

University Hospitals’ Rainbow Babies and Children’ s Hospital Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) (Parent Partnership Council (PPC) ) Member Type:Service to Professional Associations 2017

National Association of Neonatal Nurses (NAAN) (Research Comittee ) Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National 2017 -2021

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (Nursing Research ) Reviewer Type:Editorial Service 2016

Sage Publications (Biological Research for Nursing ) Reviewer Type:Editorial Service 2015 -To Present

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (Advances in Neonatal Care ) Reviewer Type:Editorial Service 2015

The Ohio State University (University Research Council ) Council Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2015 -2016

The Ohio State University (University Senate ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2015 -2016

The Ohio State University (Council of Graduate Students (CGS) ) Committee Chair Type:University/College Service Level:University 2011 -2015

The Ohio State University College of Nursing (Dean's Advisory Council ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2011 -2015

The Ohio State University (College of Nursing PhD Student Ambassador ) Elected Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2011 -2015

The Ohio State University (Wellness Collaborative ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2011 -2015

The Ohio State University (Hayes Research Forum Committee, Council of Graduate Students (CGS) ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2011 -2015

Nationwide Children's Hospital (C4B Unit Council ) Member Type:Departmental Service 2014 -2016

Nationwide Children's Hospital (Small Baby Committee ) Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2015

The Ohio State University College of Nursing (Graduate Studies Committee ) Representative Type:University/College Service Level:University 2015

The Ohio State University (Evaluation of Central Administrators (EOCA) ) Member Type:Service to Professional Development Programs 2015

The Ohio State University (Council of Graduate Students (CGS), Outreach ) Executive Board Type:University/College Service Level:University 2012 -2013

Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing Booth (MNRS Conference: Big Data for Nursing Science ) Other Type:Departmental Service 2017

College of Nursing Booth (MNRS Conference: 40 Years of Advancing Nursing Science, Improving Practice, and Enhancing Health ) Other Type:Departmental Service 2016

College of Nursing Booth (MNRS Conference: Innovations for Person-Centered Care ) Other Type:Departmental Service 2015

The Ohio State University (Hayes Graduate Research Forum ) Judge Type:Other Educational Service 2015

College of Nursing Booth (MNRS Conference: Innovative Transition Care Models: Building Value-Based Partnerships through Nursing Science ) Other Type:Departmental Service 2014

The Ohio State University (Hayes Graduate Research Forum ) Other Type:Other Educational Service 2014

College of Nursing Booth (MNRS Conference: Living Well with Chronic Conditions: Implications for Nursing Science ) Other Type:Departmental Service 2013

The Ohio State University (Hayes Graduate Research Forum ) Other Type:Other Educational Service 2013

The Ohio State University (Hayes Graduate Research Forum ) Other Type:Other Educational Service 2012

College of Nursing Booth (MNRS Conference: Innovative Transition Care Models ) Representative Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2012

Task Force on Rubric Alignment for NANN Educational Conference abstracts, Research Summit Abstracts, NANN Small Grants Committee 2020

National Institues of Health ( Interdisciplinary Clinical Care in Specialty Care Settings (ICSC) ) Reviewer Type:Grant Panel Level:National 06-04-2021

Journal of Pediatric Nursing. (Elsevier Inc. ) Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:National 2020 -To Present

Western Journal of Nursing Research. (Sage ) Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:National 2020

Plos One (Elsevier Inc. ) Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:National 2020

Early Human Development. (Elsevier Inc. ) Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:National 2020

Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology. (Wiley Online Library ) Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:Prof. Org.

Journal of Gynecological and Neonatal Nursing (JOGNN). (Elsevier Inc. ) Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:National

University of Cincinnati (University Research Council (URC) ) Reviewer Type:University/College Service Level:University 2020 -2021

Nationwide Children's Hospital (Skin-to-Skin Committee ) Member Type:Other Level:Local 2020

Nationwide Children's Hospital (Breastfeeding Super User and Baby-Friendly Breastfeeding Initiative ) Member Type:Other Level:Local 2020

NANN Small Grants Committee (Task Force on Rubric Alignment for NANN Educational Conference abstracts, Research Summit Abstracts ) Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National 2020

Post Graduate Training and Education

2016-2018 Posdoctoral Fellow, T32 NIH NINR, Case Western Reserve University, , Cleveland, OH

Professional Affiliation

American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)

National and Ohio Nurses Association (ANA/ONA)

Association of Women's Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN)

Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD)

Midwest Nursing Research Society (MNRS)

National Association of Neonatal Nurses (NANN)

Sigma Theta Tau International: Epsilon Chapter (STTI)

American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN)

Academy of Neonatal Nursing (ANN)

Courses Taught

-NURS-8099 MSN CAPSTONE Level:Graduate


Contact Information

Academic - College of Nursing
310 Proctor Hall
Cincinnati  Ohio, 45221
Phone: 513-558-0132