Valerie A. Weinstein
Professor & Graduate Program Director of Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and Niehoff Professor of Film and Media Studies
French Hall
A&S Women's Studies - 0372
Professional Summary
Valerie Weinstein earned her PhD in German Studies with a concentration in Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies from Cornell University in 2000. She came to UC in 2012 after having served on the faculty at Williams College, University of Nevada, Reno, and Tulane University. She teaches a variety of undergraduate and graduate courses, from Feminist Theory to Nazi Cinema. Prof. Weinstein is the author of Antisemitism in Film Comedy in Nazi Germany (Indiana University Press, 2019) and co-editor, with Barbara Hales and Mihaela Petrescu, of Continuity and Crisis in German Cinema 1928-1936 (Camden House, 2016) and, with Barbara Hales, of Rethinking Jewishness in Weimar Cinema (Berghahn Books, 2021). Weinstein has authored refereed articles and book chapters on gender, sexuality, and Jewishness in German film between the two world wars, and on other topics ranging from early twentieth-century anthropological film footage to Turkish-German literature, to music videos by the heavy metal band Rammstein.
Ph.D.: Cornell University Ithaca, NY, 2000 (German Studies; concentration in Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies)
M.A.: Cornell University Ithaca, NY, 1997 (German Studies; concentration in Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies)
B.A. magna cum laude: Harvard University Cambridge, MA, 1993 (Germanic Languages and Literatures)
Positions and Work Experience
2016 - Assistant Professor of Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and German Studies, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio
2012 -2016 Assistant Professor of German, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
2011 -2012 Visiting Assistant Professor of German, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA
2010 -2011 Director of Gender, Race, and Identity Studies, University of Nevada, Reno, Reno, Nevada
2007 -2011 Associate Professor of German, University of Nevada, Reno, Reno, NV
2001 -2007 Assistant Professor of German, University of Nevada, Reno, Reno, NV
2000 -2001 Visiting Assistant Professor of German, Williams College, Williamstown, MA
Research Support
08-2015 -08-2016 Taft Research Center Taft Center Fellowship, "Anti-Semitism and Film Comedy in Nazi Germany"
12-2013 Charles Phelps Taft Research Center Collections Purchase Grant, “Microforms of early twentieth-century German Film Periodicals” $7,736 Type:Grant
10-2013 Taft Research Center Domestic Conference Travel Grant, “Of White Jews and Great White Hunters: Capitalist Critique and its Racial Undercurrents in Detlef Sierck’s April! April! (1934)” $364 Type:Grant
Grant: #URC Faculty 2012-13 Investigators:Weinstein, Valerie 05-01-2013 -06-30-2013 UC's University Research Council Anti-Semitism and Film Comedy in Nazi Germany Role:PI $8,000.00 Active Level:Internal UC
05-2013 -08-2013 University Research Council Anti-Semitism and Film Comedy in the Third Reich $8000 Type:Grant
03-27-2013 -03-30-2013 Charles Phelps Taft Research Center Domestic Conference Travel Grant: Making German Humor Judenrein: Film Comedy in the Third Reich $261 Type:Grant
Investigators:Valerie Weinstein 10-04-2012 -10-07-2012 Charles Phelps Taft Research Center Domestic Conference Travel Grant: Performing Masculinity in the Third Reich: Lilian Harvey’s Hosenrolle in Capriccio (1938)” $439 Type:Grant
Taft Research Center Faculty Travel Grant for travel to Berlin and Potsdam, Germany, "Detecting Jewish Criminality in the German Film Industry: Arsen von Csérepy's Nur nicht weich werden, Susanne! (1934/35)" $3700
Taft Research Center Domestic Conference Travel Grant, “Detecting Jewish Criminality in the German Film Industry: Arsen von Csérepy's Nur nicht weich werden, Susanne! (1934/35).” German Studies Association (GSA) annual conference. $363
Taft Research Center Domestic Conference Travel Grant, “Anti-Semitism and Film Comedy in Nazi Germany,” Duke Biennial German-Jewish Studies Workshop $592
Faculty Development Fund, College of Arts and Science of Arts and Sciences Domestic Conference Travel Grant, “Django and the Basterds “go Apache”: Race, Gender, Ethnicity, and Violence in Tarantino’s Unfinished Revenge Trilogy,” co-authored paper with Dr. Tracey Patton, Director of African American and Diaspora Studies and Professor of Communication and Journalism at the University of Wyoming, Popular Culture Association (PCA) annual conference. $1,313.16
Peer Reviewed Publications
Weinstein, Valerie (2016. ) "White Jews" and Dark Continents: Capitalist Critique and its Racial Undercurrents in Detlef Sierck’s April! April! (1935). Continuity and Crisis in German Cinema 1928-1936, , (2016 ) ,132-148
Weinstein, Valerie (2014. ) Third Reich Film Comedy as a Place of Politics: Masculinity, Marriage, and Mayhem in Karl Ritter’s Capriccio (1938) .The Place of Politics in German Film, , 85-104
Weinstein, Valerie (2014. ) Reflecting Chiral Modernities: The Function of Genre in Arnold Fanck’s Transnational Bergfilm The Samurai’s Daughter (1936-37) .Alterity and Affinity: Encounters between German-Speaking Countries and East Asia, , 50-74
Weinstein, Valerie (2012. ) 10 January 1927: Brigitte Helm Embodies Ambivalence of the New Woman .A New History of German Cinema, , 166-172
Weinstein, Valerie (2010. ) Alraune: The Vamp and the Root of Horror .The Many Faces of Weimar Cinema, , 198-210
Weinstein, Valerie. (2010. ) Archiving the Ephemeral: Dance in Ethnographic Films from the Hamburg South Seas Expedition 1908-1910 .Seminar , , 46 (3 ) ,225-243
Weinstein, Valerie. (2009. ) Working Weimar Women into the National Socialist Community: Carl Froelich’s Women’s Labor Service Film, Ich für Dich -- Du für mich (1934), and Mädchen in Uniform (1931) .Women in German Yearbook, , 25 ,28-49
Weinstein, Valerie (2008. ) Reading Rammstein, Remembering Riefenstahl: ‘Fascist Aesthetics’ and German Popular Culture .Riefenstahl Screened: An Anthology of New Criticism, , 130-148
Weinstein, Valerie. (2007. ) Narrative Orientierungslosigkeit and New Orientations in Saliha Scheinhardt’s Die Stadt und das Mädchen .Seminar, , 43 (1 ) ,49-70
Weinstein, Valerie. (2006. ) Anti-Semitism or Jewish ‘Camp’? Ernst Lubitsch’s Shoe Palace Pinkus (1916) and Meyer from Berlin (1918) .German Life and Letters, , 59 (1 ) ,101-121
Weinstein, Valerie (2006. ) (Un)Fashioning Identities: Ernst Lubitsch’s Early Comedies of Mistaken Identity .Visual Culture in Twentieth-Century Germany: Text as Spectacle, , 120-33
Weinstein, Valerie. (2005. ) Dissolving Boundaries: Assimilation and Allosemitism in E. A. Dupont’s Das alte Gesetz (1923) and Veit Harlan’s Jud Süss (1940) .German Quarterly, , 78 (4 ) ,496-516
Weinstein, Valerie. (2002. ) Capturing Hawai’i's Rare Beauty: Scientific Desire and Precolonial Ambivalence in E. T. A. Hoffmann’s ‘Haimatochare .Women in German Yearbook, , 18 ,158-178
Weinstein, Valerie. (1999. ) Reise um die Welt: the Complexities and Complicities of Adelbert von Chamisso’s Anti-Conquest Narratives .German Quarterly, , 72 (4 ) ,377-395
Weinstein, Valerie (2019. ) The Uniform in the Closet: Mädchen in Uniform in Nazi Germany .Seminar, , 55 (2 ) ,144 -165
Weinstein, Valerie Gender and Jewish Difference in Early German Slapstick .An Interdisciplinary Companion to Slapstick Cultures, ,
Bessett, Danielle, Laura Dudley Jenkins, Katherine Castiello Jones, Amy Koshoffer, Amber Peplow, Stephanie Sadre-Orafai, and Valerie Weinstein [alphabetical listing]. (2021. ) “Women’s Perceptions of Explicit and Implicit Criteria for Promotion to Full Professor.” .Journal of Faculty Development, , 35 (1 ) ,49-56
Valerie Weinstein (2021. ) Homosexual Emancipation, Queer Masculinity, and Jewish Difference in Anders als die Andern (1919). Rethinking Jewishness in Weimar Cinema, , 152-177
Hales, Barbara and Valerie Weinstein. (2021. ) “Introduction: The Jewishness of Weimar Cinema.” .Rethinking Jewishness in Weimar Cinema, , 1-21
Hales, Barbara and Valerie Weinstein. (2021. ) Afterword .Rethinking Jewishness in Weimar Cinema, , 334-337
Valerie Weinstein (2020. ) “From the ‘Olympic Ideal’ and German-Japanese ‘Sports Friendship’ to Militarization and Gendered Nationalism: The Shifting Ends of the Holy Goal.” .After the Imperialist Imagination: A Quarter Century of Research on Global Germany and its Legacies. , ,
Invited Publications
Weinstein, Valerie (2015. ) [Hebrew Translation of] 'Performing Masculinity in the Third Reich: Lilian Harvey’s Hosenrolle in Capriccio (1938)' .Slil: Online Journal for History, Film and Television, 9 ,76-87
Weinstein, Valerie (2017. ) Das Heilige Ziel: Film-, Kultur-, und Sportfreundschaft zwischen Deutschland und Japan in den späten 1930er und den frühen 40er Jahren .Akten des XIII. Internationalen Germanistenkongresses Shanghai 2015: Germanistik zwischen Tradition und Innovation. Band 7., 213 -217
Weinstein, Valerie (2018. ) Framing the Beldame in A German Life and Blind Spot .Nexus: Essays in German Jewish Studies, 4 ,85 -88
Published Books
Weinstein, Valerie; Hales, Barbara; and Petrescu, Mihaela (2016. ) Crisis and Continuity in German Film 1938-1936 .Rochester , Camden House (Co-Editor)
Weinstein, Valerie (2019. ) Antisemitism in Film Comedy in Nazi Germany .Bloomington, IN , Indiana University Press (Author)
Antisemitism in Film Comedy in Nazi Germany
Valerie Weinstein and Barbara Hales (2021. ) Rethinking Jewishness in Weimar Cinema .New York , Berghahn Books (Co-Editor)
Encyclopedia Article
Weinstein, Valerie German Cinema: A Critical Filmography to 1945 .Montreal, Caboose Books (Author)
Additional Publications
Invited Presentations
Weinstein, Valerie (02-18-2015. ) Laughing Matters: Anti-Semitism and Film Comedy in Nazi Germany .Wake Forest University.
Valerie Weinstein (11-21-2013. ) “Laughing Matters: Anti-Semitism and Film Comedy in Nazi Germany.” .University of California, Los Angeles. Other Institution. .
Valerie Weinstein (11-02-2012. ) Laughing Matters: Film Comedy and the Politics of Race in Nazi Germany .Ashland University, Ashland, OH.
Paper Presentations
Weinstein, Valerie (08-26-2015. ) Das Heilige Ziel: Film-, Kultur-, und Sportfreundschaft zwischen Deutschland und Japan in den späten 1930er und den frühen 40er Jahren .Shanghai, China. Conference. Level:International
Weinstein, Valerie and Patton, Tracey (04-03-2015. ) “Django and the Basterds “go Apache”: Race, Gender, Ethnicity, and Violence in Tarantino’s Unfinished Revenge Trilogy,” .New Orleans. Conference. Level:National
Weinstein, Valerie (02-15-2015. ) Workshop. Level:International
Weinstein, Valerie (09-19-2014. ) “Detecting Jewish Criminality in the German Film Industry: Arsen von Csérepy's Nur nicht weich werden, Susanne! (1934/35).” .Conference.
Valerie Weinstein (10-04-2013. ) Of White Jews and Great White Hunters: Capitalist Critique and its Racial Undercurrents in Detlef Sierck’s April! April! (1934).” .Denver. Professional Meeting. Level:International
Valerie Weinstein (04-19-2013. ) Staatspolitisch und künstlerisch besonders wertvoll? The Strange Case of Wenn wir alle Engel wären (Carl Froelich, 1936) .Lexington, KY.
Valerie Weinstein (03-27-2013. ) Making German Comedy Judenrein: Film Comedy in the Third Reich .Washington D.C..
Valerie Weinstein (10-06-2012. ) Performing Masculinity in the Third Reich: Lilian Harvey’s Hosenrolle in Capriccio (1938) .Milwaukee, WI.
Valerie Weinstein (09-24-2011. ) Ambivalent New Womanhood: The Case of Brigitte Helm .Louisville, KY.
Valerie Weinstein (10-09-2010. ) Arnold Fanck’s Transnational Bergfilm: Die Tochter des Samurai (1936-1937) .Oakland, CA.
Valerie Weinstein (10-10-2009. ) Rasse und Humor: The Racial Foundations of Third Reich Film Comedy .Arlington, VA.
Valerie Weinstein (10-03-2008. ) Performing Class, Creating Celebrity: Karl Hartl’s The Countess of Monte Christo (1932) .St. Paul, MN.
Valerie Weinstein (05-20-2005. ) Film Footage from the Hamburger Südsee Expedition .University of Washington, Seattle, WA.
Valerie Weinstein (10-09-2004. ) Working in Weimar Women: Carl Froehlich’s Frauenarbeitsdienstfilm, Ich für dich, du für mich (1934) .
Valerie Weinstein (11-22-2003. ) The New Mass Ornament in Popular German Film and Video: Rammstein’s ‘Links 2-3-4’ and Roman Kuhn’s be.angeled .Philadelphia, PA.
Valerie Weinstein (09-20-2003. ) The Sixth Jew: Hans Zerlett’s ‘Robert und Bertram’ (1939) and Problems of Spectatorship in Third Reich Film Studies .
Valerie Weinstein (10-04-2002. ) Viktor or Viktoria? Reinhold Schünzel’s Ambiguous Nazi-era Comedies .
Valerie Weinstein (12-29-2001. ) (Un)Fashioning Identities: Ernst Lubitsch's Early Verwechslungskomödien .New Orleans, LA.
Valerie Weinstein (10-19-2001. ) Colonial Desires and Natural Science in E.T.A. Hoffmann’s ‘Haimatochare,’ Or, What Really Bugs Me about Hawaiian Girls .Tuscon, AZ.
Valerie Weinstein (03-11-2000. ) Why the Jew gets the Girl (and why he can’t keep her): Passing, Assimilation, and Sexuality in The Ancient Law and Jew Süss .Chicago, IL.
Event Organized
(Conference Panel) Gender, Visual Culture, and National Socialism: 1930-1950(Conference Panel) Gender, Visual Culture, and National Socialism: 1930-1950 Other 10-06-2012 10-06-2012 German Studies Association annual conference Level:Prof. Org.
(Conference Panel Series [6 panels]) "Cinema of Crisis: German Film 1928-1936"(Conference Panel Series [6 panels]) "Cinema of Crisis: German Film 1928-1936" Conference 10-03-2013 10-06-2013 German Studies Association Annual Conference, Denver, CO Level:Prof. Org.
(Departmental Library Liaison ) Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 05-2013 -To Present
Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies (Graduate Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 05-2013 -To Present
Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies (Participant, "The State of LGBTQ Studies" Roundtable ) Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 04-15-2013
Department of German Studies (German Day, Poetry judge ) Type:Community Service Level:Department 03-25-2013
Graduate School (Reviewed Yates Scholarship Applications ) Type:University/College Service 03-2013 -03-2013
Taft Faculty Executive Board Board Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2013 -2015
German Studies Association (Panel Series Organizer, "Cinema of Crisis: 1928-1936" ) Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National 2013
(Guest taught Freshman Seminar on "the language of film" ) Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 11-16-2012 -11-16-2012
(Graduate Professional Workshop ) Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 11-10-2012 -11-10-2012
(Participant, Kaffee in der Kade ) Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 10-31-2012 -10-31-2012
(Graduate Student Mentor ) Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 10-15-2012 -To Present
(Graduate Student Examiner, 20th Century Literature ) Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 10-15-2012 -To Present
German Studies Association (Panel Commentator, The Afterlife of Weimar Cinema: Émigré Filmmakers and the Post-1933 Transnational Film ) Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:Prof. Org. 10-05-2012 -10-05-2012
(Departmental Web Liaison ) Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 10-01-2012 -To Present
Courses Taught
Introduction to German Studies 1 Level:Undergraduate
Focus: Media 2 Level:Graduate
German Culture through Film Level:Undergraduate
Survey of German Literature 2 Level:Both