Matthew Weirauch

Matthew Weirauch , PhD


Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
3333 Burnett Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45229
Phone 513-803-9078


Bachelor's Degree: Pennsylvania State University (Computer Science)

Doctoral Degree: University of California Santa Cruz (Bioinformatics)

Research and Practice Interests


Peer Reviewed Publications

Weirauch MT, Yang A, Albu M, Cote AG, Montenegro-Montero A, Drewe P, Najafabadi HS, Lambert SA, Mann I, Cook K, Zheng H, Goity A, van Bakel H, Lozano JC, Galli M, Lewsey MG, Huang E, Mukherjee T, Chen X, Reece-Hoyes JS, Govindarajan S, Shaulsky G, Walhout AJ, Bouget FY, Ratsch G, Larrondo LF, Ecker JR, Hughes TR. (09-2014. ) Determination and inference of eukaryotic transcription factor sequence specificity. Cell., , 158 (6 ) ,1431

Ray D, Kazan H, Cook KB, Weirauch MT, Najafabadi HS, Li X, Gueroussov S, Albu M, Zheng H, Yang A, Na H, Irimia M, Matzat LH, Dale RK, Smith SA, Yarosh CA, Kelly SM, Nabet B, Mecenas D, Li W, Laishram RS, Qiao M, Lipshitz HD, Piano F, Corbett AH, Carstens RP, Frey BJ, Anderson RA, Lynch KW, Penalva LO, Lei EP, Fraser AG, Blencowe BJ, Morris QD, Hughes TR. (07-2013. ) A compendium of RNA-binding motifs for decoding gene regulation. Nature, , 499 (7457 ) ,172

Weirauch MT, Cote A, Norel R, Annala M, Zhao Y, Riley TR, Saez-Rodriguez J, Cokelaer T, Vedenko A, Talukder S; DREAM5 Consortium., Bussemaker HJ, Morris QD, Bulyk ML, Stolovitzky G, Hughes TR. (02-2013. ) Evaluation of methods for modeling transcription factor sequence specificity. Nat Biotechnol., , 31 (2 ) ,126

Alipanahi B, Delong A, Weirauch MT, Frey BJ. (08-2015. ) Predicting the sequence specificities of DNA- and RNA-binding proteins by deep learning. Nat Biotechnol., , 33 (8 ) ,831

Narasimhan K, Lambert SA, Yang AW, Riddell J, Mnaimneh S, Zheng H, Albu M, Najafabadi HS, Reece-Hoyes JS, Fuxman Bass JI, Walhout AJ, Weirauch MT, Hughes TR. (04-2015. ) Mapping and analysis of Caenorhabditis elegans transcription factor sequence specificities. Elife., , 4 ,

Contact Information

Academic - Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
CincinnatiĀ  Ohio, 45229
Phone: 513-803-9078