Jeffrey Welge

Jeffrey A. Welge , PhD


Stetson Building
Suite 3200
260 Stetson Street
Cincinnati, Ohio 45219
Phone 513-558-7700

Professional Summary

DR. JEFFREY WELGE is a Research Associate Professor of Psychiatry. He provides biostatistician services for the department and insures the adequacy of statistical analyses in submissions for publication and funding. Dr. Welge has expertise in clinical biostatistics, clinical trial design, hierarchical regression models for longitudinal and multi-center data, meta-analysis, and placebo responsiveness in clinical trials. Dr. Welge also teaches residents and graduate students.

He serves on the editoral board of Schizophrenia Research, Bipolar Disorders and Current Drug Therapy.

Dr. Welge graduated with a B.A. in Psychology from Eastern Illinois University in 1995 and received an M.A. in 1997 and a Ph.D. in 2000 in Quantitative and Experimental Psychology from the University of Cincinnati.


Bachelor's Degree: Eastern Illinois University 1995 (Psychology)

Master's Degree: University of Cincinnati College of Medicine 1997 (Quantitative and Experimental Psychology )

Doctoral Degree: University of Cincinnati College of Medicine 2000 (Quantitative and Experimental Psychology )

Research and Practice Interests

Dr. Welge provides biostatistician services for the department and insures the adequacy of statistical analyses in submissions for publication and funding.

Dr. Welge has expertise in clinical biostatistics, clinical trial design, hierarchical regression models for longitudinal and multi-center data, meta-analysis, and placebo responsiveness in clinical trials. Dr. Welge also teaches residents and graduate students.

He serves on the editoral board of Schizophrenia Research, Bipolar Disorders and Current Drug Therapy.

Research Support

Grant: #5-R03-MH-63776-02-A0-S0-E0 Investigators:Welge, Jeffrey 07-01-2002 -06-30-2005 National Institute of Mental Health Moderators of Placebo Response in Patients with Schizophrenia Role:PI $153,000.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #R21 AA016372 Investigators:Anthenelli, Robert; Delbello, Melissa; Strakowski, Stephen; Welge, Jeffrey 04-15-2008 -03-31-2012 National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Topiramate for Co-Occurring Alcohol use and Bipolar Disorders in Adolescents Role:Collaborator $409,640.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #R21 AA017291 Investigators:Tran, Giao; Welge, Jeffrey 06-15-2009 -05-31-2012 National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Motivational and Cognitive Intervention for Negative-Affect Hazardous Drinkers Role:Collaborator $429,538.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #R34 MH083924 Investigators:Delbello, Melissa; Komoroski, Richard; McNamara, Robert; Nandagopal, Jayasree; Strakowski, Stephen; Welge, Jeffrey 06-15-2009 -12-31-2013 National Institute of Mental Health The Neurochemical Effects of Omega-3 Fatty Acids In Adolescents At Risk For Developing Mania Role:Collaborator $704,020.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #R21 AI081564 Investigators:Blackard, Jason; Sherman, Kenneth; Welge, Jeffrey 07-02-2009 -06-30-2012 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Clinical Relevance of GB Virus C Interactions with HIV and Hepatitis C Virus in High Risk Women Role:Collaborator $429,788.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #1 R01 MH081854-01A2 Investigators:Chakraborty, Ranajit; Deka, Ranjan; Sallee, Floyd; Welge, Jeffrey 08-01-2009 -05-31-2014 National Institute of Mental Health Cortical Excitability: Phenotype And Biomarker In ADHD Therapy Role:Collaborator $2,264,230.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #R01 MH080973 Investigators:Adler, Caleb; Chu, Wen-Jang; Delbello, Melissa; Komoroski, Richard; Lee, Jing-Huei; Shear, Paula; Strakowski, Stephen; Welge, Jeffrey 08-01-2009 -02-28-2014 National Institute of Mental Health Multimodal Neuroimaging of Treatment Effects in Adolescent Mania Role:Collaborator $3,520,432.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #R01 AG034617- Investigators:Fleck, David; Krikorian, Robert; McNamara, Robert; Nasrallah, Henry; Welge, Jeffrey 09-30-2009 -08-31-2014 National Institute on Aging Omega-3 and Blueberry Supplementation in Age-Related Cognitive Decline Role:Collaborator $1,331,722.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #SRS006742 Investigators:Blackard, Jason; Welge, Jeffrey 05-07-2010 -12-31-2011 Merck & Co., Inc. Exploring the Effects of HIV on Hepatitis C Virus Replication in Vitro Role:Collaborator $131,621.00 Closed Level:Industry

Grant: #R01 DK092138 Investigators:Davidson, William; Jaeschke, Anja; Ji, Yong; Tso, Patrick P.W.; Welge, Jeffrey 07-01-2011 -05-31-2015 National Inst of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease Gut Mucosal Mast Cells are Activated by Fat Absorption: Physiology and Mechanism Role:Collaborator $1,063,499.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #U24 DK059630 Investigators:Benoit, Stephen; Dalessio, David; Davidson, William; Howles, Philip; Hui, David; Jandacek, Ronald; Obici, Silvana; Schultz, Jo El; Seeley, Randy; Tschoep, Matthias; Tso, Patrick P.W.; Welge, Jeffrey; Woods, Stephen; Woollett, Laura 09-16-2011 -06-30-2016 National Inst of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease Cincinnati Mouse Metabolic Phenotyping Center Role:Collaborator $1,619,789.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #R01 CA158372 Investigators:Franco, Robert; Qi, Xiaoyang; Welge, Jeffrey 09-27-2011 -07-31-2016 National Cancer Institute Acidic Phospholipid- Selective Treatment for Neurobalstoma Role:Collaborator $970,735.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #RSD1219 Investigators:Chu, Wen-Jang; Komoroski, Richard; Lee, Jing-Huei; Mahoney, Mary; Welge, Jeffrey 07-01-2012 -06-30-2013 Radiological Society of North America, Inc. Choline Metabolite Ratios as Markers of Human Breast Cancer Role:Collaborator $40,000.00 Awarded Level:Private Non-Profit

Grant: #R01DK097599 Investigators:Delbello, Melissa; McNamara, Robert; Nasrallah, Amelia; Strawn, Jeffrey; Welge, Jeffrey 07-01-2013 -05-31-2018 National Inst of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease Risk and Protective Factors for SGA-Induced Metabolic Syndrome in Bipolar Youth Role:Collaborator $335,338.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #VA IPA Investigators:Welge, Jeffrey 04-01-2014 -09-30-2014 Department of Veterans Affairs IPA Assignment Agreement for Jeffrey Welge Role:PI $7,692.33 Awarded Level:Federal

Grant: #OPP1110668 Investigators:Davidson, William; Welge, Jeffrey; Woollett, Laura 11-04-2014 -09-30-2016 Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Improving Fetal Growth Rates in Developing Countries Role:Collaborator $439,282.00 Active Level:Private Non-Profit

Grant: #PCORI Investigators:Delbello, Melissa; Welge, Jeffrey 09-01-2015 -11-30-2020 Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute MOBILITY: Improving Patient-Centered Outcomes Among Overweight and Obese Youth with Bipolar Spectrum Disorders Treated with Second-Generation Antipsychotics Role:Collaborator $12,902,926.50 Active Level:Private Non-Profit

Grant: #R01MH107378 Investigators:Herman, James; McNamara, Robert; Welge, Jeffrey 03-09-2016 -01-31-2020 National Institute of Mental Health Risk and resilience factors for frontolimbic connectivity deficits Role:Collaborator $464,822.00 Awarded Level:Federal

Grant: #R01HD086170 Investigators:Welge, Jeffrey; Whitton, Sarah 04-01-2016 -03-31-2021 National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Intimate Partner Violence in Sexual Minority Female Adolescents and Young Adults Role:Collaborator $584,191.00 Awarded Level:Federal

Grant: #U2CDK059630 Investigators:Benoit, Stephen; Davidson, William; Howles, Philip; Liu, Min; Reyes, Teresa; Tso, Patrick P.W.; Ulrich-Lai, Yvonne; Welge, Jeffrey; Woods, Stephen; Woollett, Laura 08-01-2016 -06-30-2021 National Inst of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease Cincinnati Mouse Metabolic Phenotyping Center Role:Collaborator $926,069.68 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #R34DA040862 Investigators:Lyons, Michael; Welge, Jeffrey; Wilder, Christine; Winhusen, Theresa 09-15-2016 -06-30-2019 National Institute on Drug Abuse A tailored, peer-delivered intervention to reduce recurring opioid overdoses Role:Collaborator $225,150.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #R01DA044248 Investigators:Elder, Nancy; Regan, Saundra; Welge, Jeffrey; Winhusen, Theresa 09-01-2017 -06-30-2022 National Institute on Drug Abuse EMPOWER: Evaluating the ability to reduce Morphine equivalent dose for chronic Pain patients receiving Opioid-therapy through a Web-based E-Health self-management program: a Randomized multi-site Clin Role:Collaborator $619,130.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #U01DA048525 Investigators:Dasenbrock-Gamm, Hanna; Kirley, Terence; Nelson, Erik; Norman, Andrew; Ridgway, William; Webster, Rose; Welge, Jeffrey 07-01-2019 -04-30-2022 National Institute on Drug Abuse First-In-Human Study of a Humanized Anti-Cocaine Monoclonal Antibody Role:Collaborator $4,770,702.00 Awarded Level:Federal

Grant: #Research Grant Agreement Investigators:Cotton, Sian; Delbello, Melissa; Welge, Jeffrey 01-20-2014 -12-31-2015 Depressive and Bipolar Disorder Alternative Treatment Foundation Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for the Treatment of Anxiety in Youth with Familial Risk for Bipolar Disorder Role:Collaborator 54886.00 Closed Level:Non Profit

Grant: #R01MH097818 Investigators:Adler, Caleb; Delbello, Melissa; Eliassen, James; Komoroski, Richard; McNamara, Robert; Strakowski, Stephen; Welge, Jeffrey 07-08-2015 -06-30-2021 National Institute of Mental Health Neuroimaging study of risk factors for adolescent bipolar disorder Role:Collaborator $3,230,092.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #R01MH105464 Investigators:Delbello, Melissa; Eliassen, James; Patino Duran, Luis; Welge, Jeffrey 09-23-2015 -07-31-2022 National Institute of Mental Health 1/2-Mechanisms of Antidepressant-Related Dysfunctional Arousal in High-Risk Youth Role:Collaborator 2562958.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #R01MH125867 Investigators:Adler, Caleb; Cohen, Kelly; Delbello, Melissa; Fleck, David; Welge, Jeffrey 08-01-2021 -07-31-2026 National Institute of Mental Health 2/2-Neurodevelopmental and Clinical Trajectories of Youth at Risk for Bipolar I Disorder (Original Proposal is #14381) Role:Collaborator 630956.00 Hold Level:Federal

Grant: #R21HD107567 Investigators:Welge, Jeffrey; Woollett, Laura 03-01-2022 -02-29-2024 National Institute of Child Health and Human Development The role of HDL in developmental programming Role:Collaborator 0.00 Awarded Level:Federal

Grant: #R01AA030486 Investigators:; Blackard, Jason; Brown, Jennifer; Robertson, Jaime; Welge, Jeffrey; Yan, Bingfang 09-10-2022 -07-31-2027 National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Therapeutic and mechanistic significance of altered metabolism of HIV medicines by alcohol- or alcohol/synthetic opioid combination Role:Collaborator 721672.00 Awarded Level:Federal

Grant: #R01AI172959 Investigators:; Welge, Jeffrey; Yan, Bingfang 03-08-2023 -02-29-2028 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Metabolism-based interactions and organ-targeted delivery of molnupiravir, nirmatrelvir and remdesivir Role:Collaborator 423312.00 Awarded Level:Federal

Grant: #EADI-30022 Investigators:Delbello, Melissa; Klein, Christina; Patino Duran, Luis; Welge, Jeffrey 06-01-2023 -05-31-2025 Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute Building Capacity to Disseminate Findings of PCOR/CER of Youth with Bipolar Spectrum Disorders (BSD) Role:Collaborator 249738.00 Hold Level:Non Profit

Investigators:Sprunger, Joel; Welge, Jeffrey; Winhusen, T 09-01-2023 -08-31-2024 National Institute on Drug Abuse Improving Buprenorphine Retention with Transcutaneous Auricular Neurostimulation for Patients with Co-occuring Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Opioid Use Disorder Role:Collaborator 0.00 Hold Level:Federal

Grant: #R61MH133770 Investigators:Awosika, Oluwole; Basu, Ishita; Fleck, David; McElroy, Susan; Romo-Nava, Francisco; Welge, Jeffrey -02-28-2029 National Institute of Mental Health Modulating spinal interoceptive pathways to evaluate their role and therapeutic potential in MDD symptomatic domains Role:Collaborator 0.00 Hold Level:Federal

Investigators:Delbello, Melissa; McNamara, Robert; Nery, Fabiano; Patino Duran, Luis; Welge, Jeffrey 12-01-2024 -11-30-2029 National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health Prefrontal glutamatergic modulation by N-acetyl-cysteine and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for depression in youth at high risk for bipolar disorder Role:Collaborator 0.00 Hold Level:Federal


Peer Reviewed Publications

Blackard, Jason T; Ma, Gang; Limketkai, Berkeley N; Welge, Jeffrey A; Dryer, Peter D; Martin, Christina M; Hiasa, Yoichi; Taylor, Lynn E; Mayer, Kenneth H; Jamieson, Denise J; Sherman, Kenneth E (2010. ) Variability of the polymerase gene (NS5B) in HCV-infected women.Journal of clinical microbiology, , More Information

Martin, C M; Welge, J A; Shire, N J; Rouster, S D; Shata, M T; Sherman, K E; Blackard, J T (2010. ) Genomic variability associated with the presence of occult hepatitis B virus in HIV co-infected individuals.Journal of viral hepatitis, , 17 (8 ) ,588-97 More Information

McElroy, Susan L; Martens, Brian E; Creech, Ryan S; Welge, Jeffrey A; Jefferson, Lena; Guerdjikova, Anna I; Keck, Paul E (2010. ) Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of divalproex extended release loading monotherapy in ambulatory bipolar spectrum disorder patients with moderate-to-severe hypomania or mild mania.The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 71 (5 ) ,557-65 More Information

Martin, Christina M; Welge, Jeffrey A; Shire, Norah J; Shata, Mohamed T; Sherman, Kenneth E; Blackard, Jason T (2009. ) Cytokine expression during chronic versus occult hepatitis B virus infection in HIV co-infected individuals.Cytokine, , 47 (3 ) ,194-8 More Information

DelBello, Melissa P; Chang, Kiki; Welge, Jeffrey A; Adler, Caleb M; Rana, Manasi; Howe, Meghan; Bryan, Holly; Vogel, Daniel; Sampang, Suzanne; Delgado, Sergio V; Sorter, Michael; Strakowski, Stephen M (2009. ) A double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot study of quetiapine for depressed adolescents with bipolar disorder.Bipolar disorders, , 11 (5 ) ,483-93 More Information

Guerdjikova, Anna I; McElroy, Susan L; Welge, Jeffrey A; Nelson, Erik; Keck, Paul E; Hudson, James I (2009. ) Lamotrigine in the treatment of binge-eating disorder with obesity: a randomized, placebo-controlled monotherapy trial.International clinical psychopharmacology, , 24 (3 ) ,150-8 More Information

Segar, Tracy M; Kasckow, John W; Welge, Jeffrey A; Herman, James P (2009. ) Heterogeneity of neuroendocrine stress responses in aging rat strains.Physiology & behavior, , 96 (1 ) ,6-11 More Information

Devulapalli, Kavi K; Welge, Jeffrey A; Nasrallah, Henry A (2008. ) Temporal sequence of clinical manifestation in schizophrenia with co-morbid OCD: review and meta-analysis.Psychiatry research, , 161 (1 ) ,105-8 More Information

McElroy, Susan L; Nelson, Erik B; Welge, Jeffrey A; Kaehler, Laura; Keck, Paul E (2008. ) Olanzapine in the treatment of pathological gambling: a negative randomized placebo-controlled trial. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 69 (3 ) ,433-40

Guerdjikova, Anna I; McElroy, Susan L; Kotwal, Renu; Welge, Jeffrey A; Nelson, Erik; Lake, Katie; Alessio, David D'; Keck, Paul E; Hudson, James I (2008. ) High-dose escitalopram in the treatment of binge-eating disorder with obesity: a placebo-controlled monotherapy trial.Human psychopharmacology, , 23 (1 ) ,1-11 More Information

Richtand, Neil M; Welge, Jeffrey A; Logue, Aaron D; Keck, Paul E; Strakowski, Stephen M; McNamara, Robert K (2008. ) Role of serotonin and dopamine receptor binding in antipsychotic efficacy.Progress in brain research, , 172 ,155-75 More Information

Richtand, Neil M; Welge, Jeffrey A; Logue, Aaron D; Keck, Paul E; Strakowski, Stephen M; McNamara, Robert K (2007. ) Dopamine and serotonin receptor binding and antipsychotic efficacy.Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, , 32 (8 ) ,1715-26 More Information

Arnold, Lesley M; Goldenberg, Don L; Stanford, Sharon B; Lalonde, Justine K; Sandhu, H S; Keck, Paul E; Welge, Jeffrey A; Bishop, Fred; Stanford, Kevin E; Hess, Evelyn V; Hudson, James I (2007. ) Gabapentin in the treatment of fibromyalgia: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter trial.Arthritis and rheumatism, , 56 (4 ) ,1336-44 More Information

Shire, N J; Welge, J A; Sherman, K E (2007. ) Response rates to pegylated interferon and ribavirin in HCV/HIV coinfection: a research synthesis.Journal of viral hepatitis, , 14 (4 ) ,239-48 More Information

Pritchard, Laurel M; Newman, Amy Hauck; McNamara, Robert K; Logue, Aaron D; Taylor, Benjamin; Welge, Jeffrey A; Xu, Ming; Zhang, Jianhua; Richtand, Neil M (2007. ) The dopamine D3 receptor antagonist NGB 2904 increases spontaneous and amphetamine-stimulated locomotion.Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior, , 86 (4 ) ,718-26 More Information

McElroy, Susan L; Guerdjikova, Anna; Kotwal, Renu; Welge, Jeffrey A; Nelson, Erik B; Lake, Kathleen A; Keck, Paul E; Hudson, James I (2007. ) Atomoxetine in the treatment of binge-eating disorder: a randomized placebo-controlled trial. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 68 (3 ) ,390-8

McElroy, Susan L; Kotwal, Renu; Guerdjikova, Anna I; Welge, Jeffrey A; Nelson, Erik B; Lake, Kathleen A; D'Alessio, David A; Keck, Paul E; Hudson, James I (2006. ) Zonisamide in the treatment of binge eating disorder with obesity: a randomized controlled trial. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 67 (12 ) ,1897-906

Bermudes, Richard A; Keck, Paul E; Welge, Jeffrey A The prevalence of the metabolic syndrome in psychiatric inpatients with primary psychotic and mood disorders.Psychosomatics, , 47 (6 ) ,491-7 More Information

Pritchard, Laurel M; Logue, Aaron D; Taylor, Benjamin C; Ahlbrand, Rebecca; Welge, Jeffrey A; Tang, Yang; Sharp, Frank R; Richtand, Neil M (2006. ) Relative expression of D3 dopamine receptor and alternative splice variant D3nf mRNA in high and low responders to novelty.Brain research bulletin, , 70 (4-6 ) ,296-303 More Information

Steward, David L; Danielson, Gregory P; Afman, Chad E; Welge, Jeffrey A (2006. ) Parathyroid adenoma localization: surgeon-performed ultrasound versus sestamibi.The Laryngoscope, , 116 (8 ) ,1380-4 More Information

Mehta, Nicholas; Watts, Nelson B; Welge, Jeffrey A; Steward, David (2006. ) Comparison of serum calcium change following thyroid and nonthyroid neck surgery.Otolaryngology--head and neck surgery : official journal of American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, , 134 (6 ) ,901-6 More Information

Bennett, Aurora J; Arnold, Lesley M; Welge, Jeffrey A Use of standardized patients during a psychiatry clerkship.Academic psychiatry : the journal of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and the Association for Academic Psychiatry, , 30 (3 ) ,185-90 More Information

Strong, Judith A; Dalvi, Arif; Revilla, Fredy J; Sahay, Alok; Samaha, Frederick J; Welge, Jeffrey A; Gong, Jianhua; Gartner, Maureen; Yue, Xia; Yu, Lei (2006. ) Genotype and smoking history affect risk of levodopa-induced dyskinesias in Parkinson's disease.Movement disorders : official journal of the Movement Disorder Society, , 21 (5 ) ,654-9 More Information

Perlis, Roy H; Welge, Jeffrey A; Vornik, Lana A; Hirschfeld, Robert M A; Keck, Paul E (2006. ) Atypical antipsychotics in the treatment of mania: a meta-analysis of randomized, placebo-controlled trials. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 67 (4 ) ,509-16

DelBello, Melissa P; Kowatch, Robert A; Adler, Caleb M; Stanford, Kevin E; Welge, Jeffrey A; Barzman, Drew H; Nelson, Erik; Strakowski, Stephen M (2006. ) A double-blind randomized pilot study comparing quetiapine and divalproex for adolescent mania.Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, , 45 (3 ) ,305-13 More Information

Afman, Chad E; Welge, Jeffrey A; Steward, David L (2006. ) Steroids for post-tonsillectomy pain reduction: meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.Otolaryngology--head and neck surgery : official journal of American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, , 134 (2 ) ,181-6 More Information

Shire, Norah J; Welge, Jeffrey A; Sherman, Kenneth E (2006. ) Efficacy of inactivated hepatitis A vaccine in HIV-infected patients: a hierarchical bayesian meta-analysis.Vaccine, , 24 (3 ) ,272-9 More Information

Richtand, Neil M; Taylor, Benjamin; Welge, Jeffrey A; Ahlbrand, Rebecca; Ostrander, Michelle M; Burr, Jeffrey; Hayes, Scott; Coolen, Lique M; Pritchard, Laurel M; Logue, Aaron; Herman, James P; McNamara, Robert K (2006. ) Risperidone pretreatment prevents elevated locomotor activity following neonatal hippocampal lesions.Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, , 31 (1 ) ,77-89 More Information

Sdano, Matthew T; Falciglia, Mercedes; Welge, Jeffrey A; Steward, David L (2005. ) Efficacy of thyroid hormone suppression for benign thyroid nodules: meta-analysis of randomized trials.Otolaryngology--head and neck surgery : official journal of American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, , 133 (3 ) ,391-6 More Information

Meinhold, Jane M; Blake, Lesley M; Mini, Louis J; Welge, Jeffrey A; Schwiers, Michael; Hughes, Anthony (2005. ) Effect of divalproex sodium on behavioural and cognitive problems in elderly dementia. Drugs & aging, , 22 (7 ) ,615-26

Welge, Jeffrey A; Keck, Paul E; Meinhold, Jane M (2004. ) Predictors of response to treatment of acute bipolar manic episodes with divalproex sodium or placebo in 2 randomized, controlled, parallel-group trials. Journal of clinical psychopharmacology, , 24 (6 ) ,607-12

Smith, Michael C; Centorrino, Franca; Welge, Jeffrey A; Collins, Michelle A (2004. ) Clinical comparison of extended-release divalproex versus delayed-release divalproex: pooled data analyses from nine trials.Epilepsy & behavior : E&B, , 5 (5 ) ,746-51 More Information

Steward, David L; Wilson, Keith M; Kelly, Dan H; Patil, Mona S; Schwartzbauer, Heather R; Long, John D; Welge, Jeff A (2004. ) Proton pump inhibitor therapy for chronic laryngo-pharyngitis: a randomized placebo-control trial.Otolaryngology--head and neck surgery : official journal of American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, , 131 (4 ) ,342-50 More Information

Dunsieth, Neal W; Nelson, Erik B; Brusman-Lovins, Lori A; Holcomb, Jeff L; Beckman, DeAnna; Welge, Jeffrey A; Roby, David; Taylor, Purcell; Soutullo, Cesar A; McElroy, Susan L (2004. ) Psychiatric and legal features of 113 men convicted of sexual offenses. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 65 (3 ) ,293-300

Baldessarini, Ross J; Hennen, John; Wilson, Michael; Calabrese, Joseph; Chengappa, Roy; Keck, Paul E; McElroy, Susan L; Sachs, Gary; Vieta, Eduard; Welge, Jeffrey A; Yatham, Lakshmi N; Zarate, Carlos A; Baker, Robert W; Tohen, Mauricio (2003. ) Olanzapine versus placebo in acute mania: treatment responses in subgroups.Journal of clinical psychopharmacology, , 23 (4 ) ,370-6 More Information

Richtand, Neil M; Welge, Jeffrey A; Levant, Beth; Logue, Aaron D; Hayes, Scott; Pritchard, Laurel M; Geracioti, Thomas D; Coolen, Lique M; Berger, S Paul (2003. ) Altered behavioral response to dopamine D3 receptor agonists 7-OH-DPAT and PD 128907 following repetitive amphetamine administration.Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, , 28 (8 ) ,1422-32 More Information

McElroy, Susan L; Hudson, James I; Malhotra, Shishuka; Welge, Jeffrey A; Nelson, Erik B; Keck, Paul E (2003. ) Citalopram in the treatment of binge-eating disorder: a placebo-controlled trial. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 64 (7 ) ,807-13

Welge, Jeffrey A; Keck, Paul E (2003. ) Moderators of placebo response to antipsychotic treatment in patients with schizophrenia: a meta-regression.Psychopharmacology, , 166 (1 ) ,1-10 More Information

Steward, D L; Welge, J A; Myer, C M (2003. ) Steroids for improving recovery following tonsillectomy in children.Cochrane database of systematic reviews (Online), , (1 ) ,CD003997 More Information

Pritchard, Laurel M; Logue, Aaron D; Hayes, Scott; Welge, Jeffrey A; Xu, Ming; Zhang, Jianhua; Berger, S Paul; Richtand, Neil M (2003. ) 7-OH-DPAT and PD 128907 selectively activate the D3 dopamine receptor in a novel environment.Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, , 28 (1 ) ,100-7 More Information

Arnold, Lesley M; McElroy, Susan L; Hudson, James I; Welge, Jeffrey A; Bennett, Aurora J; Keck, Paul E (2002. ) A placebo-controlled, randomized trial of fluoxetine in the treatment of binge-eating disorder. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 63 (11 ) ,1028-33

Malhotra, Shishuka; King, Karen H; Welge, Jeffrey A; Brusman-Lovins, Lori; McElroy, Susan L (2002. ) Venlafaxine treatment of binge-eating disorder associated with obesity: a series of 35 patients. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 63 (9 ) ,802-6

Norman, Andrew B; Welge, Jeffrey A; Tsibulsky, Vladimir L (2002. ) Characterization of the distribution of the cocaine priming threshold and the effect of SCH23390. Brain research, , 946 (2 ) ,253-61

Arnold, Lesley M; Hess, Evelyn V; Hudson, James I; Welge, Jeffrey A; Berno, Sarah E; Keck, Paul E (2002. ) A randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, flexible-dose study of fluoxetine in the treatment of women with fibromyalgia. The American journal of medicine, , 112 (3 ) ,191-7

Welge, Jeffrey A; Richtand, Neil M (2002. ) Regression modeling of rodent locomotion data. Behavioural brain research, , 128 (1 ) ,61-9

Steward, D L; Welge, J A; Myer, C M (2001. ) Do steroids reduce morbidity of tonsillectomy? Meta-analysis of randomized trials.The Laryngoscope, , 111 (10 ) ,1712-8 More Information

Nelson, E B; Rielage, E; Welge, J A; Keck, P E (2001. ) An open trial of olanzapine in the treatment of patients with psychotic depression. Annals of clinical psychiatry : official journal of the American Academy of Clinical Psychiatrists, , 13 (3 ) ,147-51

Nelson, E B; Shah, V N; Welge, J A; Keck, P E (2001. ) A placebo-controlled, crossover trial of granisetron in SRI-induced sexual dysfunction. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 62 (6 ) ,469-73

Nelson, E; Brusman, L; Holcomb, J; Soutullo, C; Beckman, D; Welge, J A; Kuppili, N; McElroy, S L (2001. ) Divalproex sodium in sex offenders with bipolar disorders and comorbid paraphilias: an open retrospective study. Journal of affective disorders, , 64 (2-3 ) ,249-55

Pisarska, M; Mulchahey, J J; Welge, J A; Geracioti, T D; Kasckow, J W (2000. ) Age-related alterations in emotional behaviors and amygdalar corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) and CRF-binding protein expression in aged Fischer 344 rats. Brain research, , 877 (2 ) ,184-90

Richtand, N M; Logue, A D; Welge, J A; Perdiue, J; Tubbs, L J; Spitzer, R H; Sethuraman, G; Geracioti, T D (2000. ) The dopamine D3 receptor antagonist nafadotride inhibits development of locomotor sensitization to amphetamine. Brain research, , 867 (1-2 ) ,239-42

Keck, P E; Welge, J A; Strakowski, S M; Arnold, L M; McElroy, S L (2000. ) Placebo effect in randomized, controlled maintenance studies of patients with bipolar disorder. Biological psychiatry, , 47 (8 ) ,756-61

Keck, P E; Welge, J A; McElroy, S L; Arnold, L M; Strakowski, S M (2000. ) Placebo effect in randomized, controlled studies of acute bipolar mania and depression. Biological psychiatry, , 47 (8 ) ,748-55

Arnold, L M; Keck, P E; Welge, J A Antidepressant treatment of fibromyalgia. A meta-analysis and review. Psychosomatics, , 41 (2 ) ,104-13

Patino, Luis R; Klein, Christina C; Strawn, Jeffrey R; Blom, Thomas J; Tallman, Maxwell J; Adler, Caleb M; Welge, Jeffrey A; DelBello, Melissa P (2021. ) A Randomized, Double-Blind, Controlled Trial of Lithium Versus Quetiapine for the Treatment of Acute Mania in Youth with Early Course Bipolar Disorder.Journal of child and adolescent psychopharmacology, , 31 (7 ) ,485-493 More Information

Melchior, John T; Swertfeger, Debi K; Morris, Jamie; Street, Scott E; Warshak, Carri R; Welge, Jeffrey A; Remaley, Alan T; Catov, Janet M; Davidson, W Sean; Woollett, Laura A (2021. ) Pregnancy is accompanied by larger high density lipoprotein particles and compositionally distinct subspecies.Journal of lipid research, , 62 ,100107 More Information

McNamara, Robert K; Li, Wenbin; Lei, Du; Tallman, Maxwell J; Welge, Jeffrey A; Strawn, Jeffrey R; Patino, Luis Rodrigo; DelBello, Melissa P (2021. ) Fish oil supplementation alters emotion-generated corticolimbic functional connectivity in depressed adolescents at high-risk for bipolar I disorder: A 12-week placebo-controlled fMRI trial.Bipolar disorders, , More Information

Nery, Fabiano G; Masifi, Sheela L; Strawn, Jeffrey R; Duran, Luis R; Weber, Wade A; Welge, Jeffrey A; Adler, Caleb M; Strakowski, Stephen M; DelBello, Melissa P (2020. ) Association between poor tolerability of antidepressant treatment and brain functional activation in youth at risk for bipolar disorder.Revista brasileira de psiquiatria (Sao Paulo, Brazil : 1999), , 43 (1 ) ,70-74 More Information

Nery, Fabiano G; Li, Wenbin; DelBello, Melissa P; Welge, Jeffrey A (2020. ) N-acetylcysteine as an adjunctive treatment for bipolar depression: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.Bipolar disorders, , More Information

Hurford, William E; Welge, Jeffrey A; Eckman, Mark H (2020. ) Sugammadex versus neostigmine for routine reversal of rocuronium block in adult patients: A cost analysis.Journal of clinical anesthesia, , 67 ,110027 More Information

Komoroski, Richard A; Lee, Jing-Huei; Welge, Jeffrey A; Dudley, Jonathan A; Chu, Wen-Jang; Mahoney, Mary C (2020. ) 1H MR Spectroscopy of Fine-Needle Aspiration Biopsy Specimens for the Discrimination of Breast Cancer.Radiology. Imaging cancer, , 2 (6 ) ,e200033 More Information

Hurford, William E; Eckman, Mark H; Welge, Jeffrey A (2020. ) Data and meta-analysis for choosing sugammadex or neostigmine for routine reversal of rocuronium block in adult patients.Data in brief, , 32 ,106241 More Information

Welge, Jeffrey A; Warshak, Carri R; Woollett, Laura A (2020. ) Maternal plasma cholesterol concentration and preterm birth: a meta-analysis and systematic review of literature.The journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine : the official journal of the European Association of Perinatal Medicine, the Federation of Asia and Oceania Perinatal Societies, the International Society of Perinatal Obstetricians, , 33 (13 ) ,2291-2299 More Information

McNamara, Robert K; Strawn, Jeffrey R; Tallman, Max J; Welge, Jeffrey A; Patino, L Rodrigo; Blom, Thomas J; DelBello, Melissa P (2020. ) Effects of Fish Oil Monotherapy on Depression and Prefrontal Neurochemistry in Adolescents at High Risk for Bipolar I Disorder: A 12-Week Placebo-Controlled Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Trial.Journal of child and adolescent psychopharmacology, , 30 (5 ) ,293-305 More Information

Hayden, Jennifer D; Horter, Libby; Parsons, Taft; Ruble, Matthew; Townsend, Sabrina; Klein, Christina C; Duran, Rodrigo Patino; Welge, Jeffrey A; Crystal, Stephen; Patel, Nick C; Correll, Christoph U; DelBello, Melissa P (2020. ) Metabolic Monitoring Rates of Youth Treated with Second-Generation Antipsychotics in Usual Care: Results of a Large US National Commercial Health Plan.Journal of child and adolescent psychopharmacology, , 30 (2 ) ,119-122 More Information

Borgelt, Logan; Strakowski, Stephen M; DelBello, Melissa P; Weber, Wade; Eliassen, James C; Komoroski, Richard A; Chu, Wen-Jang; Welge, Jeffrey A; Blom, Thomas J; Rummelhoff, Emily; Tallman, Maxwell; Lee, Jing-Huei; Adler, Caleb M (2019. ) Neurophysiological effects of multiple mood episodes in bipolar disorder.Bipolar disorders, , 21 (6 ) ,503-513 More Information

Varnell, Charles D; Stone, Hillarey K; Welge, Jeffrey A (2019. ) Bleeding Complications after Pediatric Kidney Biopsy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.Clinical journal of the American Society of Nephrology : CJASN, , 14 (1 ) ,57-65 More Information

Wulsin, Lawson R; Blom, Thomas J; Durling, Michelle; Welge, Jeffrey A; DelBello, Melissa P; Adler, Caleb M; McNamara, Robert K; Strakowski, Stephen M (2018. ) Cardiometabolic risks and omega-3 index in recent-onset bipolar I disorder.Bipolar disorders, , 20 (7 ) ,658-665 More Information

Fleck, David E; Welge, Jeffrey A; Eliassen, James C; Adler, Caleb M; DelBello, Melissa P; Strakowski, Stephen M (2018. ) Factor analysis of regional brain activation in bipolar and healthy individuals reveals a consistent modular structure.Journal of affective disorders, , 234 ,14-19 More Information

Strawn, Jeffrey R; Mills, Jeffrey A; Sauley, Beau A; Welge, Jeffrey A (2018. ) The Impact of Antidepressant Dose and Class on Treatment Response in Pediatric Anxiety Disorders: A Meta-Analysis.Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, , 57 (4 ) ,235-244.e2 More Information

Rebholz, Sandra L; Melchior, John T; Davidson, W Sean; Jones, Helen N; Welge, Jeffrey A; Prentice, Andrew M; Moore, Sophie E; Woollett, Laura A (2018. ) Studies in genetically modified mice implicate maternal HDL as a mediator of fetal growth.FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, , 32 (2 ) ,717-727 More Information

Blackard, Jason T; Ma, Gang; Welge, Jeffrey A; Taylor, Lynn E; Mayer, Kenneth H; Klein, Robert S; Celentano, David D; Sobel, Jack D; Jamieson, Denise J; King, Caroline C (2017. ) Cytokine/chemokine expression associated with Human Pegivirus (HPgV) infection in women with HIV.Journal of medical virology, , 89 (11 ) ,1904-1911 More Information

Fleck, David E; Ernest, Nicholas; Adler, Caleb M; Cohen, Kelly; Eliassen, James C; Norris, Matthew; Komoroski, Richard A; Chu, Wen-Jang; Welge, Jeffrey A; Blom, Thomas J; DelBello, Melissa P; Strakowski, Stephen M (2017. ) Prediction of lithium response in first-episode mania using the LITHium Intelligent Agent (LITHIA): Pilot data and proof-of-concept.Bipolar disorders, , 19 (4 ) ,259-272 More Information

Nery, Fabiano G; Norris, Matthew; Eliassen, James C; Weber, Wade A; Blom, Thomas J; Welge, Jeffrey A; Barzman, Drew A; Strawn, Jeffrey R; Adler, Caleb M; Strakowski, Stephen M; DelBello, Melissa P (2017. ) White matter volumes in youth offspring of bipolar parents.Journal of affective disorders, , 209 ,246-253 More Information

Rebholz, Sandra L; Melchior, John T; Welge, Jeffrey A; Remaley, Alan T; Davidson, W Sean; Woollett, Laura A (2017. ) Effects of Multiple Freeze/Thaw Cycles on Measurements of Potential Novel Biomarkers Associated With Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes.Journal of clinical and laboratory medicine, , 2 (1 ) , More Information

Welge, Jeffrey A; Saliba, Lawrence J; Strawn, Jeffrey R; Eliassen, James C; Patino, L Rodrigo; Adler, Caleb M; Weber, Wade; Schneider, Marguerite Reid; Barzman, Drew H; Strakowski, Stephen M; DelBello, Melissa P; McNamara, Robert K (2016. ) Neurofunctional Differences Among Youth With and at Varying Risk for Developing Mania.Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, , 55 (11 ) ,980-989 More Information

Sogbetun, Folarin; Eschenbacher, William L; Welge, Jeffrey A; Panos, Ralph J (2016. ) A comparison of five surveys that identify individuals at risk for airflow obstruction and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.Respiratory medicine, , 120 ,1-9 More Information

Guerdjikova, Anna I; Mori, Nicole; Blom, Thomas J; Keck, Paul E; Williams, Stephanie L; Welge, Jeffrey A; McElroy, Susan L (2016. ) Lisdexamfetamine dimesylate in binge eating disorder: a placebo controlled trial.Human psychopharmacology, , 31 (5 ) ,382-91 More Information

Sogbetun, Folarin; Eschenbacher, Wlliam L; Welge, Jeffrey A; Panos, Ralph J (2016. ) Veterans Airflow Obstruction Screening Questionnaire: A Survey to Identify Veterans with Airflow Obstruction.Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (Miami, Fla.), , 3 (4 ) ,705-715 More Information

McNamara, Robert K; Jandacek, Ronald; Tso, Patrick; Blom, Thomas J; Welge, Jeffrey A; Strawn, Jeffrey R; Adler, Caleb M; Strakowski, Stephen M; DelBello, Melissa P (2016. ) Adolescents with or at ultra-high risk for bipolar disorder exhibit erythrocyte docosahexaenoic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid deficits: a candidate prodromal risk biomarker.Early intervention in psychiatry, , 10 (3 ) ,203-11 More Information

McNamara, Robert K; Welge, Jeffrey A (2016. ) Meta-analysis of erythrocyte polyunsaturated fatty acid biostatus in bipolar disorder.Bipolar disorders, , 18 (3 ) ,300-6 More Information

McNamara, Robert K; Jandacek, Ronald; Rider, Therese; Tso, Patrick; Chu, Wen-Jang; Weber, Wade A; Welge, Jeffrey A; Strawn, Jeffrey R; Adler, Caleb M; DelBello, Melissa P (2016. ) Effects of fish oil supplementation on prefrontal metabolite concentrations in adolescents with major depressive disorder: a preliminary 1H MRS study.Nutritional neuroscience, , 19 (4 ) ,145-55 More Information

McNamara, Robert K; Jandacek, Ronald; Tso, Patrick; Blom, Thomas J; Welge, Jeffrey A; Strawn, Jeffrey R; Adler, Caleb M; DelBello, Melissa P; Strakowski, Stephen M (2015. ) First-episode bipolar disorder is associated with erythrocyte membrane docosahexaenoic acid deficits: Dissociation from clinical response to lithium or quetiapine.Psychiatry research, , 230 (2 ) ,447-53 More Information

Burkes, S A; Adams, D M; Hammill, A M; Chute, C; Eaton, K P; Welge, J A; Wickett, R R; Visscher, M O (2015. ) Skin imaging modalities quantify progression and stage of infantile haemangiomas.The British journal of dermatology, , 173 (3 ) ,838-41 More Information

Arnold, Lesley M; Blom, Thomas J; Welge, Jeffrey A; Mariutto, Elizabeth; Heller, Alicia A randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blinded trial of duloxetine in the treatment of general fatigue in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome.Psychosomatics, , 56 (3 ) ,242-53 More Information

Strawn, Jeffrey R; Welge, Jeffrey A; Wehry, Anna M; Keeshin, Brooks; Rynn, Moira A (2015. ) Efficacy and tolerability of antidepressants in pediatric anxiety disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis.Depression and anxiety, , 32 (3 ) ,149-57 More Information

Blackard, Jason T; Ma, Gang; Welge, Jeffrey A; King, Caroline C; Taylor, Lynn E; Mayer, Kenneth H; Klein, Robert S; Celentano, David D; Sobel, Jack D; Jamieson, Denise J; Gardner, Lytt (2014. ) GB Virus C (GBV-C) Infection in Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Seropositive Women with or at Risk for HIV Infection.PloS one, , 9 (12 ) ,e114467 More Information

Chen, Tina H; Wu, Steve W; Welge, Jeffrey A; Dixon, Stephan G; Shahana, Nasrin; Huddleston, David A; Sarvis, Adam R; Sallee, Floyd R; Gilbert, Donald L (2014. ) Reduced short interval cortical inhibition correlates with atomoxetine response in children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).Journal of child neurology, , 29 (12 ) ,1672-9 More Information

Porollo, Aleksey; Sesterhenn, Thomas M; Collins, Margaret S; Welge, Jeffrey A; Cushion, Melanie T (2014. ) Comparative genomics of pneumocystis species suggests the absence of genes for myo-inositol synthesis and reliance on inositol transport and metabolism.mBio, , 5 (6 ) ,e01834 More Information

Bitter, Samantha M; Adler, Caleb M; Eliassen, James C; Weber, Wade A; Welge, Jeffrey A; Burciaga, Joaquin; Shear, Paula K; Strakowski, Stephen M; DelBello, Melissa P (2014. ) Neurofunctional changes in adolescent cannabis users with and without bipolar disorder.Addiction (Abingdon, England), , 109 (11 ) ,1901-9 More Information

Strawn, Jeffrey R; Adler, Caleb M; McNamara, Robert K; Welge, Jeffrey A; Bitter, Samantha M; Mills, Neil P; Barzman, Drew H; Cerullo, Michael A; Chang, Kiki D; Strakowski, Stephen M; DelBello, Melissa P (2014. ) Antidepressant tolerability in anxious and depressed youth at high risk for bipolar disorder: a prospective naturalistic treatment study.Bipolar disorders, , 16 (5 ) ,523-30 More Information

Stephens, Jacob R; Heffner, Jaimee L; Adler, Caleb M; Blom, Thomas J; Anthenelli, Robert M; Fleck, David E; Welge, Jeffrey A; Strakowski, Stephen M; DelBello, Melissa P (2014. ) Risk and protective factors associated with substance use disorders in adolescents with first-episode mania.Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, , 53 (7 ) ,771-9 More Information

McNamara, Robert K; Strimpfel, Jennifer; Jandacek, Ronald; Rider, Therese; Tso, Patrick; Welge, Jeffrey A; Strawn, Jeffrey R; Delbello, Melissa P (2014. ) Detection and Treatment of Long-Chain Omega-3 Fatty Acid Deficiency in Adolescents with SSRI-Resistant Major Depressive Disorder.PharmaNutrition, , 2 (2 ) ,38-46 More Information

Blom, Thomas J; Mingione, Carolyn J; Guerdjikova, Anna I; Keck, Paul E; Welge, Jeffrey A; McElroy, Susan L (2014. ) Placebo response in binge eating disorder: a pooled analysis of 10 clinical trials from one research group.European eating disorders review : the journal of the Eating Disorders Association, , 22 (2 ) ,140-6 More Information

Kong, Ling; Welge, Jeffrey A; Powell, Eleanor A; Blackard, Jason T (2014. ) HIV infection of hepatocytes results in a modest increase in hepatitis C virus expression in vitro.PloS one, , 9 (2 ) ,e83728 More Information

Kim, Sun Wook; Kim, Ha Won; Huang, Wei; Okada, Motoi; Welge, Jeffrey A; Wang, Yigang; Ashraf, Muhammad (2013. ) Cardiac stem cells with electrical stimulation improve ischaemic heart function through regulation of connective tissue growth factor and miR-378.Cardiovascular research, , 100 (2 ) ,241-51 More Information

Mulhall, Aaron M; Lach, Laura A; Krzywkowski-Mohn, Sara M; Welge, Jeffrey A; Panos, Ralph J (2013. ) Therapeutic paralysis in veterans with COPD.Respiratory medicine, , 107 (10 ) ,1547-57 More Information

McHugh, R Kathryn; Whitton, Sarah W; Peckham, Andrew D; Welge, Jeffrey A; Otto, Michael W (2013. ) Patient preference for psychological vs pharmacologic treatment of psychiatric disorders: a meta-analytic review.The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 74 (6 ) ,595-602 More Information

Patino, Luis R; Adler, Caleb M; Mills, Neil P; Strakowski, Stephen M; Fleck, David E; Welge, Jeffrey A; DelBello, Melissa P (2013. ) Conflict monitoring and adaptation in individuals at familial risk for developing bipolar disorder.Bipolar disorders, , 15 (3 ) ,264-71 More Information

Southammakosane, C; Danielyan, A; Welge, J A; Blom, T J; Adler, C M; Chang, K D; Howe, M; DelBello, M P (2013. ) Characteristics of the child behavior checklist in adolescents with depression associated with bipolar disorder.Journal of affective disorders, , 145 (3 ) ,405-8 More Information

Welge, Jeffrey A; DelBello, Melissa P (2013. ) Treatment of youth with bipolar disorder: long-term versus maintenance.Bipolar disorders, , 15 (2 ) ,150-2 More Information

Martin, C M; Welge, J A; Rouster, S D; Shata, M T; Sherman, K E; Blackard, J T (2012. ) Mutations associated with occult hepatitis B virus infection result in decreased surface antigen expression in vitro.Journal of viral hepatitis, , 19 (10 ) ,716-23 More Information

Strawn, Jeffrey R; Patel, Nick C; Chu, Wen-Jang; Lee, Jing-Huei; Adler, Caleb M; Kim, Mi Jung; Bryan, Holly S; Alfieri, David C; Welge, Jeffrey A; Blom, Thomas J; Nandagopal, Jayasree J; Strakowski, Stephen M; DelBello, Melissa P (2012. ) Glutamatergic effects of divalproex in adolescents with mania: a proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy study.Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, , 51 (6 ) ,642-51 More Information

Lippert, William C; Mehlman, Charles T; Cornwall, Roger; Foad, Mohab B; Laor, Tal; Anton, Christopher G; Welge, Jeffrey A (2012. ) The intrarater and interrater reliability of glenoid version and glenohumeral subluxation measurements in neonatal brachial plexus palsy.Journal of pediatric orthopedics, , 32 (4 ) ,378-84 More Information

Mariutto, Elizabeth N; Stanford, Sharon B; Kashikar-Zuck, Susmita; Welge, Jeffrey A; Arnold, Lesley M (2012. ) An exploratory, open trial of fluoxetine treatment of juvenile fibromyalgia.Journal of clinical psychopharmacology, , 32 (2 ) ,293-5 More Information

Black, Jessica J; Tran, Giao Q; Goldsmith, Abigail A; Thompson, Rachel D; Smith, Joshua P; Welge, Jeffrey A (2012. ) Alcohol expectancies and social self-efficacy as mediators of differential intervention outcomes for college hazardous drinkers with social anxiety.Addictive behaviors, , 37 (3 ) ,248-55 More Information

Blackard, Jason T; Ma, Gang; Welge, Jeffrey A; Martin, Christina M; Sherman, Kenneth E; Taylor, Lynn E; Mayer, Kenneth H; Jamieson, Denise J (2012. ) Analysis of a non-structural gene reveals evidence of possible hepatitis C virus (HCV) compartmentalization.Journal of medical virology, , 84 (2 ) ,242-52 More Information

Arnold, Lesley M; Stanford, Sharon B; Welge, Jeffrey A; Crofford, Leslie J (2012. ) Development and testing of the fibromyalgia diagnostic screen for primary care.Journal of women's health (2002), , 21 (2 ) ,231-9 More Information

Martin, Christina M; Welge, Jeffrey A; Blackard, Jason T (2011. ) Hepatitis B virus (HBV) X gene diversity and evidence of recombination in HBV/HIV co-infected persons.Journal of medical virology, , 83 (7 ) ,1142-50 More Information

Jameson, Kathryn G; Nasrallah, Henry A; Northern, Tracie G; Welge, Jeffrey A (2011. ) Executive function impairment in first-degree relatives of persons with schizophrenia: A meta-analysis of controlled studies.Asian journal of psychiatry, , 4 (2 ) ,96-9 More Information

Blackard, Jason T; Welge, Jeffrey A; Taylor, Lynn E; Mayer, Kenneth H; Klein, Robert S; Celentano, David D; Jamieson, Denise J; Gardner, Lytt; Sherman, Kenneth E (2011. ) HIV mono-infection is associated with FIB-4 - A noninvasive index of liver fibrosis - in women.Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America, , 52 (5 ) ,674-80 More Information

Strakowski, Stephen M; Eliassen, James C; Lamy, Martine; Cerullo, Michael A; Allendorfer, Jane B; Madore, Michelle; Lee, Jing-Huei; Welge, Jeffrey A; DelBello, Melissa P; Fleck, David E; Adler, Caleb M (2011. ) Functional magnetic resonance imaging brain activation in bipolar mania: evidence for disruption of the ventrolateral prefrontal-amygdala emotional pathway.Biological psychiatry, , 69 (4 ) ,381-8 More Information

DelBello, Melissa P; Chang, Kiki; Welge, Jeffrey A; Adler, Caleb M; Rana, Manasi; Howe, Meghan; Bryan, Holly; Vogel, Daniel; Sampang, Suzanne; Delgado, Sergio V; Sorter, Michael; Strakowski, Stephen M (2009. ) A double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot study of quetiapine for depressed adolescents with bipolar disorder.Bipolar disorders, , 11 (5 ) ,483-93 More Information

Delbello, Melissa P; Kowatch, Robert A; Adler, Caleb M; Stanford, Kevin E; Welge, Jeffrey A; Barzman, Drew H; Nelson, Erik; Strakowski, Stephen M (2006. ) A double-blind randomized pilot study comparing quetiapine and divalproex for adolescent mania.Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, , 45 (3 ) ,305-313 More Information

Dunsieth, Neal W; Nelson, Erik B; Brusman-Lovins, Lori A; Holcomb, Jeff L; Beckman, DeAnna; Welge, Jeffrey A; Roby, David; Taylor, Purcell; Soutullo, Cesar A; McElroy, Susan L (2004. ) Psychiatric and legal features of 113 men convicted of sexual offenses.The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 65 (3 ) ,293-300 More Information

Patino, Luis R; Klein, Christina C; Strawn, Jeffrey R; Blom, Thomas J; Tallman, Maxwell J; Adler, Caleb M; Welge, Jeffrey A; DelBello, Melissa P (2021. ) A Randomized, Double-Blind, Controlled Trial of Lithium Versus Quetiapine for the Treatment of Acute Mania in Youth with Early Course Bipolar Disorder.Journal of child and adolescent psychopharmacology, , 31 (7 ) ,485-493 More Information

Melchior, John T; Swertfeger, Debi K; Morris, Jamie; Street, Scott E; Warshak, Carri R; Welge, Jeffrey A; Remaley, Alan T; Catov, Janet M; Davidson, W Sean; Woollett, Laura A (2021. ) Pregnancy is accompanied by larger high density lipoprotein particles and compositionally distinct subspecies.Journal of lipid research, , 62 ,100107 More Information

McNamara, Robert K; Li, Wenbin; Lei, Du; Tallman, Maxwell J; Welge, Jeffrey A; Strawn, Jeffrey R; Patino, Luis Rodrigo; DelBello, Melissa P (2021. ) Fish oil supplementation alters emotion-generated corticolimbic functional connectivity in depressed adolescents at high-risk for bipolar I disorder: A 12-week placebo-controlled fMRI trial.Bipolar disorders, , More Information

Nery, Fabiano G; Masifi, Sheela L; Strawn, Jeffrey R; Duran, Luis R; Weber, Wade A; Welge, Jeffrey A; Adler, Caleb M; Strakowski, Stephen M; DelBello, Melissa P (2020. ) Association between poor tolerability of antidepressant treatment and brain functional activation in youth at risk for bipolar disorder.Revista brasileira de psiquiatria (Sao Paulo, Brazil : 1999), , 43 (1 ) ,70-74 More Information

Nery, Fabiano G; Li, Wenbin; DelBello, Melissa P; Welge, Jeffrey A (2020. ) N-acetylcysteine as an adjunctive treatment for bipolar depression: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.Bipolar disorders, , More Information

Hurford, William E; Welge, Jeffrey A; Eckman, Mark H (2020. ) Sugammadex versus neostigmine for routine reversal of rocuronium block in adult patients: A cost analysis.Journal of clinical anesthesia, , 67 ,110027 More Information

Komoroski, Richard A; Lee, Jing-Huei; Welge, Jeffrey A; Dudley, Jonathan A; Chu, Wen-Jang; Mahoney, Mary C (2020. ) 1H MR Spectroscopy of Fine-Needle Aspiration Biopsy Specimens for the Discrimination of Breast Cancer.Radiology. Imaging cancer, , 2 (6 ) ,e200033 More Information

Hurford, William E; Eckman, Mark H; Welge, Jeffrey A (2020. ) Data and meta-analysis for choosing sugammadex or neostigmine for routine reversal of rocuronium block in adult patients.Data in brief, , 32 ,106241 More Information

Welge, Jeffrey A; Warshak, Carri R; Woollett, Laura A (2020. ) Maternal plasma cholesterol concentration and preterm birth: a meta-analysis and systematic review of literature.The journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine : the official journal of the European Association of Perinatal Medicine, the Federation of Asia and Oceania Perinatal Societies, the International Society of Perinatal Obstetricians, , 33 (13 ) ,2291-2299 More Information

McNamara, Robert K; Strawn, Jeffrey R; Tallman, Max J; Welge, Jeffrey A; Patino, L Rodrigo; Blom, Thomas J; DelBello, Melissa P (2020. ) Effects of Fish Oil Monotherapy on Depression and Prefrontal Neurochemistry in Adolescents at High Risk for Bipolar I Disorder: A 12-Week Placebo-Controlled Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Trial.Journal of child and adolescent psychopharmacology, , 30 (5 ) ,293-305 More Information

Hayden, Jennifer D; Horter, Libby; Parsons, Taft; Ruble, Matthew; Townsend, Sabrina; Klein, Christina C; Duran, Rodrigo Patino; Welge, Jeffrey A; Crystal, Stephen; Patel, Nick C; Correll, Christoph U; DelBello, Melissa P (2020. ) Metabolic Monitoring Rates of Youth Treated with Second-Generation Antipsychotics in Usual Care: Results of a Large US National Commercial Health Plan.Journal of child and adolescent psychopharmacology, , 30 (2 ) ,119-122 More Information

Borgelt, Logan; Strakowski, Stephen M; DelBello, Melissa P; Weber, Wade; Eliassen, James C; Komoroski, Richard A; Chu, Wen-Jang; Welge, Jeffrey A; Blom, Thomas J; Rummelhoff, Emily; Tallman, Maxwell; Lee, Jing-Huei; Adler, Caleb M (2019. ) Neurophysiological effects of multiple mood episodes in bipolar disorder.Bipolar disorders, , 21 (6 ) ,503-513 More Information

Varnell, Charles D; Stone, Hillarey K; Welge, Jeffrey A (2019. ) Bleeding Complications after Pediatric Kidney Biopsy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.Clinical journal of the American Society of Nephrology : CJASN, , 14 (1 ) ,57-65 More Information

Wulsin, Lawson R; Blom, Thomas J; Durling, Michelle; Welge, Jeffrey A; DelBello, Melissa P; Adler, Caleb M; McNamara, Robert K; Strakowski, Stephen M (2018. ) Cardiometabolic risks and omega-3 index in recent-onset bipolar I disorder.Bipolar disorders, , 20 (7 ) ,658-665 More Information

Fleck, David E; Welge, Jeffrey A; Eliassen, James C; Adler, Caleb M; DelBello, Melissa P; Strakowski, Stephen M (2018. ) Factor analysis of regional brain activation in bipolar and healthy individuals reveals a consistent modular structure.Journal of affective disorders, , 234 ,14-19 More Information

Strawn, Jeffrey R; Mills, Jeffrey A; Sauley, Beau A; Welge, Jeffrey A (2018. ) The Impact of Antidepressant Dose and Class on Treatment Response in Pediatric Anxiety Disorders: A Meta-Analysis.Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, , 57 (4 ) ,235-244.e2 More Information

Rebholz, Sandra L; Melchior, John T; Davidson, W Sean; Jones, Helen N; Welge, Jeffrey A; Prentice, Andrew M; Moore, Sophie E; Woollett, Laura A (2018. ) Studies in genetically modified mice implicate maternal HDL as a mediator of fetal growth.FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, , 32 (2 ) ,717-727 More Information

Blackard, Jason T; Ma, Gang; Welge, Jeffrey A; Taylor, Lynn E; Mayer, Kenneth H; Klein, Robert S; Celentano, David D; Sobel, Jack D; Jamieson, Denise J; King, Caroline C (2017. ) Cytokine/chemokine expression associated with Human Pegivirus (HPgV) infection in women with HIV.Journal of medical virology, , 89 (11 ) ,1904-1911 More Information

Fleck, David E; Ernest, Nicholas; Adler, Caleb M; Cohen, Kelly; Eliassen, James C; Norris, Matthew; Komoroski, Richard A; Chu, Wen-Jang; Welge, Jeffrey A; Blom, Thomas J; DelBello, Melissa P; Strakowski, Stephen M (2017. ) Prediction of lithium response in first-episode mania using the LITHium Intelligent Agent (LITHIA): Pilot data and proof-of-concept.Bipolar disorders, , 19 (4 ) ,259-272 More Information

Nery, Fabiano G; Norris, Matthew; Eliassen, James C; Weber, Wade A; Blom, Thomas J; Welge, Jeffrey A; Barzman, Drew A; Strawn, Jeffrey R; Adler, Caleb M; Strakowski, Stephen M; DelBello, Melissa P (2017. ) White matter volumes in youth offspring of bipolar parents.Journal of affective disorders, , 209 ,246-253 More Information

Rebholz, Sandra L; Melchior, John T; Welge, Jeffrey A; Remaley, Alan T; Davidson, W Sean; Woollett, Laura A (2017. ) Effects of Multiple Freeze/Thaw Cycles on Measurements of Potential Novel Biomarkers Associated With Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes.Journal of clinical and laboratory medicine, , 2 (1 ) , More Information

Welge, Jeffrey A; Saliba, Lawrence J; Strawn, Jeffrey R; Eliassen, James C; Patino, L Rodrigo; Adler, Caleb M; Weber, Wade; Schneider, Marguerite Reid; Barzman, Drew H; Strakowski, Stephen M; DelBello, Melissa P; McNamara, Robert K (2016. ) Neurofunctional Differences Among Youth With and at Varying Risk for Developing Mania.Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, , 55 (11 ) ,980-989 More Information

Sogbetun, Folarin; Eschenbacher, William L; Welge, Jeffrey A; Panos, Ralph J (2016. ) A comparison of five surveys that identify individuals at risk for airflow obstruction and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.Respiratory medicine, , 120 ,1-9 More Information

Guerdjikova, Anna I; Mori, Nicole; Blom, Thomas J; Keck, Paul E; Williams, Stephanie L; Welge, Jeffrey A; McElroy, Susan L (2016. ) Lisdexamfetamine dimesylate in binge eating disorder: a placebo controlled trial.Human psychopharmacology, , 31 (5 ) ,382-91 More Information

Sogbetun, Folarin; Eschenbacher, Wlliam L; Welge, Jeffrey A; Panos, Ralph J (2016. ) Veterans Airflow Obstruction Screening Questionnaire: A Survey to Identify Veterans with Airflow Obstruction.Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (Miami, Fla.), , 3 (4 ) ,705-715 More Information

McNamara, Robert K; Jandacek, Ronald; Tso, Patrick; Blom, Thomas J; Welge, Jeffrey A; Strawn, Jeffrey R; Adler, Caleb M; Strakowski, Stephen M; DelBello, Melissa P (2016. ) Adolescents with or at ultra-high risk for bipolar disorder exhibit erythrocyte docosahexaenoic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid deficits: a candidate prodromal risk biomarker.Early intervention in psychiatry, , 10 (3 ) ,203-11 More Information

McNamara, Robert K; Welge, Jeffrey A (2016. ) Meta-analysis of erythrocyte polyunsaturated fatty acid biostatus in bipolar disorder.Bipolar disorders, , 18 (3 ) ,300-6 More Information

McNamara, Robert K; Jandacek, Ronald; Rider, Therese; Tso, Patrick; Chu, Wen-Jang; Weber, Wade A; Welge, Jeffrey A; Strawn, Jeffrey R; Adler, Caleb M; DelBello, Melissa P (2016. ) Effects of fish oil supplementation on prefrontal metabolite concentrations in adolescents with major depressive disorder: a preliminary 1H MRS study.Nutritional neuroscience, , 19 (4 ) ,145-55 More Information

McNamara, Robert K; Jandacek, Ronald; Tso, Patrick; Blom, Thomas J; Welge, Jeffrey A; Strawn, Jeffrey R; Adler, Caleb M; DelBello, Melissa P; Strakowski, Stephen M (2015. ) First-episode bipolar disorder is associated with erythrocyte membrane docosahexaenoic acid deficits: Dissociation from clinical response to lithium or quetiapine.Psychiatry research, , 230 (2 ) ,447-53 More Information

Burkes, S A; Adams, D M; Hammill, A M; Chute, C; Eaton, K P; Welge, J A; Wickett, R R; Visscher, M O (2015. ) Skin imaging modalities quantify progression and stage of infantile haemangiomas.The British journal of dermatology, , 173 (3 ) ,838-41 More Information

Arnold, Lesley M; Blom, Thomas J; Welge, Jeffrey A; Mariutto, Elizabeth; Heller, Alicia A randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blinded trial of duloxetine in the treatment of general fatigue in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome.Psychosomatics, , 56 (3 ) ,242-53 More Information

Strawn, Jeffrey R; Welge, Jeffrey A; Wehry, Anna M; Keeshin, Brooks; Rynn, Moira A (2015. ) Efficacy and tolerability of antidepressants in pediatric anxiety disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis.Depression and anxiety, , 32 (3 ) ,149-57 More Information

Blackard, Jason T; Ma, Gang; Welge, Jeffrey A; King, Caroline C; Taylor, Lynn E; Mayer, Kenneth H; Klein, Robert S; Celentano, David D; Sobel, Jack D; Jamieson, Denise J; Gardner, Lytt (2014. ) GB Virus C (GBV-C) Infection in Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Seropositive Women with or at Risk for HIV Infection.PloS one, , 9 (12 ) ,e114467 More Information

Chen, Tina H; Wu, Steve W; Welge, Jeffrey A; Dixon, Stephan G; Shahana, Nasrin; Huddleston, David A; Sarvis, Adam R; Sallee, Floyd R; Gilbert, Donald L (2014. ) Reduced short interval cortical inhibition correlates with atomoxetine response in children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).Journal of child neurology, , 29 (12 ) ,1672-9 More Information

Porollo, Aleksey; Sesterhenn, Thomas M; Collins, Margaret S; Welge, Jeffrey A; Cushion, Melanie T (2014. ) Comparative genomics of pneumocystis species suggests the absence of genes for myo-inositol synthesis and reliance on inositol transport and metabolism.mBio, , 5 (6 ) ,e01834 More Information

Bitter, Samantha M; Adler, Caleb M; Eliassen, James C; Weber, Wade A; Welge, Jeffrey A; Burciaga, Joaquin; Shear, Paula K; Strakowski, Stephen M; DelBello, Melissa P (2014. ) Neurofunctional changes in adolescent cannabis users with and without bipolar disorder.Addiction (Abingdon, England), , 109 (11 ) ,1901-9 More Information

Strawn, Jeffrey R; Adler, Caleb M; McNamara, Robert K; Welge, Jeffrey A; Bitter, Samantha M; Mills, Neil P; Barzman, Drew H; Cerullo, Michael A; Chang, Kiki D; Strakowski, Stephen M; DelBello, Melissa P (2014. ) Antidepressant tolerability in anxious and depressed youth at high risk for bipolar disorder: a prospective naturalistic treatment study.Bipolar disorders, , 16 (5 ) ,523-30 More Information

Stephens, Jacob R; Heffner, Jaimee L; Adler, Caleb M; Blom, Thomas J; Anthenelli, Robert M; Fleck, David E; Welge, Jeffrey A; Strakowski, Stephen M; DelBello, Melissa P (2014. ) Risk and protective factors associated with substance use disorders in adolescents with first-episode mania.Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, , 53 (7 ) ,771-9 More Information

McNamara, Robert K; Strimpfel, Jennifer; Jandacek, Ronald; Rider, Therese; Tso, Patrick; Welge, Jeffrey A; Strawn, Jeffrey R; Delbello, Melissa P (2014. ) Detection and Treatment of Long-Chain Omega-3 Fatty Acid Deficiency in Adolescents with SSRI-Resistant Major Depressive Disorder.PharmaNutrition, , 2 (2 ) ,38-46 More Information

Blom, Thomas J; Mingione, Carolyn J; Guerdjikova, Anna I; Keck, Paul E; Welge, Jeffrey A; McElroy, Susan L (2014. ) Placebo response in binge eating disorder: a pooled analysis of 10 clinical trials from one research group.European eating disorders review : the journal of the Eating Disorders Association, , 22 (2 ) ,140-6 More Information

Kong, Ling; Welge, Jeffrey A; Powell, Eleanor A; Blackard, Jason T (2014. ) HIV infection of hepatocytes results in a modest increase in hepatitis C virus expression in vitro.PloS one, , 9 (2 ) ,e83728 More Information

Kim, Sun Wook; Kim, Ha Won; Huang, Wei; Okada, Motoi; Welge, Jeffrey A; Wang, Yigang; Ashraf, Muhammad (2013. ) Cardiac stem cells with electrical stimulation improve ischaemic heart function through regulation of connective tissue growth factor and miR-378.Cardiovascular research, , 100 (2 ) ,241-51 More Information

Mulhall, Aaron M; Lach, Laura A; Krzywkowski-Mohn, Sara M; Welge, Jeffrey A; Panos, Ralph J (2013. ) Therapeutic paralysis in veterans with COPD.Respiratory medicine, , 107 (10 ) ,1547-57 More Information

McHugh, R Kathryn; Whitton, Sarah W; Peckham, Andrew D; Welge, Jeffrey A; Otto, Michael W (2013. ) Patient preference for psychological vs pharmacologic treatment of psychiatric disorders: a meta-analytic review.The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 74 (6 ) ,595-602 More Information

Patino, Luis R; Adler, Caleb M; Mills, Neil P; Strakowski, Stephen M; Fleck, David E; Welge, Jeffrey A; DelBello, Melissa P (2013. ) Conflict monitoring and adaptation in individuals at familial risk for developing bipolar disorder.Bipolar disorders, , 15 (3 ) ,264-71 More Information

Southammakosane, C; Danielyan, A; Welge, J A; Blom, T J; Adler, C M; Chang, K D; Howe, M; DelBello, M P (2013. ) Characteristics of the child behavior checklist in adolescents with depression associated with bipolar disorder.Journal of affective disorders, , 145 (3 ) ,405-8 More Information

Welge, Jeffrey A; DelBello, Melissa P (2013. ) Treatment of youth with bipolar disorder: long-term versus maintenance.Bipolar disorders, , 15 (2 ) ,150-2 More Information

Martin, C M; Welge, J A; Rouster, S D; Shata, M T; Sherman, K E; Blackard, J T (2012. ) Mutations associated with occult hepatitis B virus infection result in decreased surface antigen expression in vitro.Journal of viral hepatitis, , 19 (10 ) ,716-23 More Information

Strawn, Jeffrey R; Patel, Nick C; Chu, Wen-Jang; Lee, Jing-Huei; Adler, Caleb M; Kim, Mi Jung; Bryan, Holly S; Alfieri, David C; Welge, Jeffrey A; Blom, Thomas J; Nandagopal, Jayasree J; Strakowski, Stephen M; DelBello, Melissa P (2012. ) Glutamatergic effects of divalproex in adolescents with mania: a proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy study.Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, , 51 (6 ) ,642-51 More Information

Lippert, William C; Mehlman, Charles T; Cornwall, Roger; Foad, Mohab B; Laor, Tal; Anton, Christopher G; Welge, Jeffrey A (2012. ) The intrarater and interrater reliability of glenoid version and glenohumeral subluxation measurements in neonatal brachial plexus palsy.Journal of pediatric orthopedics, , 32 (4 ) ,378-84 More Information

Mariutto, Elizabeth N; Stanford, Sharon B; Kashikar-Zuck, Susmita; Welge, Jeffrey A; Arnold, Lesley M (2012. ) An exploratory, open trial of fluoxetine treatment of juvenile fibromyalgia.Journal of clinical psychopharmacology, , 32 (2 ) ,293-5 More Information

Black, Jessica J; Tran, Giao Q; Goldsmith, Abigail A; Thompson, Rachel D; Smith, Joshua P; Welge, Jeffrey A (2012. ) Alcohol expectancies and social self-efficacy as mediators of differential intervention outcomes for college hazardous drinkers with social anxiety.Addictive behaviors, , 37 (3 ) ,248-55 More Information

Blackard, Jason T; Ma, Gang; Welge, Jeffrey A; Martin, Christina M; Sherman, Kenneth E; Taylor, Lynn E; Mayer, Kenneth H; Jamieson, Denise J (2012. ) Analysis of a non-structural gene reveals evidence of possible hepatitis C virus (HCV) compartmentalization.Journal of medical virology, , 84 (2 ) ,242-52 More Information

Arnold, Lesley M; Stanford, Sharon B; Welge, Jeffrey A; Crofford, Leslie J (2012. ) Development and testing of the fibromyalgia diagnostic screen for primary care.Journal of women's health (2002), , 21 (2 ) ,231-9 More Information

Martin, Christina M; Welge, Jeffrey A; Blackard, Jason T (2011. ) Hepatitis B virus (HBV) X gene diversity and evidence of recombination in HBV/HIV co-infected persons.Journal of medical virology, , 83 (7 ) ,1142-50 More Information

Jameson, Kathryn G; Nasrallah, Henry A; Northern, Tracie G; Welge, Jeffrey A (2011. ) Executive function impairment in first-degree relatives of persons with schizophrenia: A meta-analysis of controlled studies.Asian journal of psychiatry, , 4 (2 ) ,96-9 More Information

Blackard, Jason T; Welge, Jeffrey A; Taylor, Lynn E; Mayer, Kenneth H; Klein, Robert S; Celentano, David D; Jamieson, Denise J; Gardner, Lytt; Sherman, Kenneth E (2011. ) HIV mono-infection is associated with FIB-4 - A noninvasive index of liver fibrosis - in women.Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America, , 52 (5 ) ,674-80 More Information

Strakowski, Stephen M; Eliassen, James C; Lamy, Martine; Cerullo, Michael A; Allendorfer, Jane B; Madore, Michelle; Lee, Jing-Huei; Welge, Jeffrey A; DelBello, Melissa P; Fleck, David E; Adler, Caleb M (2011. ) Functional magnetic resonance imaging brain activation in bipolar mania: evidence for disruption of the ventrolateral prefrontal-amygdala emotional pathway.Biological psychiatry, , 69 (4 ) ,381-8 More Information

DelBello, Melissa P; Chang, Kiki; Welge, Jeffrey A; Adler, Caleb M; Rana, Manasi; Howe, Meghan; Bryan, Holly; Vogel, Daniel; Sampang, Suzanne; Delgado, Sergio V; Sorter, Michael; Strakowski, Stephen M (2009. ) A double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot study of quetiapine for depressed adolescents with bipolar disorder.Bipolar disorders, , 11 (5 ) ,483-93 More Information

Delbello, Melissa P; Kowatch, Robert A; Adler, Caleb M; Stanford, Kevin E; Welge, Jeffrey A; Barzman, Drew H; Nelson, Erik; Strakowski, Stephen M (2006. ) A double-blind randomized pilot study comparing quetiapine and divalproex for adolescent mania.Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, , 45 (3 ) ,305-313 More Information

Dunsieth, Neal W; Nelson, Erik B; Brusman-Lovins, Lori A; Holcomb, Jeff L; Beckman, DeAnna; Welge, Jeffrey A; Roby, David; Taylor, Purcell; Soutullo, Cesar A; McElroy, Susan L (2004. ) Psychiatric and legal features of 113 men convicted of sexual offenses.The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 65 (3 ) ,293-300 More Information

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