Tina F Whalen
Emeriti; Professor
Health Sciences Building, G60F
3225 Eden Ave
PO Box 670394
Cincinnati, Ohio 45267-0394
Phone 513-558-7495
Fax 513-558-7494
Email tina.whalen@uc.edu
Professional Summary
Tina Forsythe Whalen, EdD, DPT, MPA, FASAHP, FNAP has been a licensed physical therapist since 1979. She previously served in the roles of department chair for Rehabilitation Sciences and Associate Dean of Academic Affairs for 9 years before assuming the role of Dean of the University of Cincinnati’s College of Allied Health Sciences in 2014.
Dr. Whalen is a past chair of the UC Council of Deans and served on the university’s Strategic Budget Committee. Through her guidance as dean, the college initiated a 5-year strategic plan, has raised over $6.65 million in philanthropic contributions, primarily for student scholarship, and has grown research expenditures to $4.93 million over the last five years. Additionally, under Dr. Whalen’s leadership, the number of diverse faculty and staff has grown 72%, the college has launched 4 new graduate programs, and the college enrollment has grown to over 3,200 students. She championed a new home for the college in the Academic Health Center with the construction of the Health Sciences Building, which was completed in 2019.
In recognition of her long-standing commitment to interprofessional education and practice, she was inducted as a Fellow in the National Academies of Practice. Dr. Whalen is an active member in the ASAHP Midwest Deans Group and serves on the Midwest Deans Scholarship Review Committee. She has participated in ASAHP since 2012 and has chaired the ASAHP Leadership Development Committee since 2019.
DPT: Chatham College 2004 (Physical Therapy)
MPA: University of Cincinnati 1985 (Public Administration)
BS: The Ohio State University 1979 (Physical Therapy)
EdD: The Union Institute and University 2012 (Educational Leadership)
Research and Practice Interests
Student Retention, Professional Behavior Development, Neuro and Geriatric Physical Therapy Practice
Positions and Work Experience
2003 -2012 Department Head, University of Cincinnati Dept of Rehabilitation Sciences,
1999 -2012 Associate Professor with Tenure, University of Cincinnati College of Allied Health Sciences,
1999 -2006 Director, PTA Program, University of Cincinnati Dept of Rehabilitation Sciences,
1994 -1999 Assistant Professor with Tenure, University of Cincinnati PTA Program,
1994 -1999 Program Coordinator, University of Cincinnati PTA Program,
1990 -1999 Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education, University of Cincinnati PT and PTA Programs,
1990 -1994 Instructor, University of Cincinnati PTA Program,
1990 -1990 Adjunct Instructor, University of Cincinnati PTA Program,
2006 -2012 Intern, University of Cincinnati College of Allied Health Sciences,
1985 -1990 Senior Physical Therapist, Bethesda Physical Rehabilitation Outpatient Service, Cincinnati OH
1987 -1990 Consultant Physical Therapist, Mercy Home Health Agency,
1984 -1985 Staff Physical Therapist, Bethesda Hospital Inc,
1979 -1984 Staff Physical Therapist, University of Cincinnati Hospital, General Division,
2012 -To Present Professor with Tenure, University of Cincinnati College of Allied Health Sciences,
2012 -2014 Associate Dean - Academic Affairs, University of Cincinnati College of Allied Health Sciences,
2014 -2015 Interim Dean, University of Cincinnati College of Allied Health Sciences,
2015 -To Present Dean, University of Cincinnati College of Allied Health Sciences,
Research Support
Grant: #OBR / COF 09-06 Investigators:Cook, Cynthia; Escoe, Gisela; Gaffney, James; Hammer, Victoria; Martin, Madeleine; Mitro, Joanna; Whalen, Tina 07-01-2010 -06-30-2014 Ohio Board of Regents Enhancing the Success of Future Health Professionals through Synergistic Cross-Collegiate Programming Role:Collaborator $1,516,500.00 Active Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #1 D76 HP20866-01-00 Investigators:Whalen, Tina 09-01-2010 -08-31-2011 Health Resources and Services Administration Expanding Opportunities for Outreach and Training of Underrepresented Individuals in the Health Professions Role:PI $267,256.00 Closed Level:Federal
Peer Reviewed Publications
Leugers R, Whalen T, Couch S, King E, Prendeville J (2009. ) Re-framing RPT Documents to Facilitate the Transformation of Service Learning Pedagogy to Community-Engaged Research Utilizing Kotter's Model for Change .Metropolitan Universities Journal, , 20 (2 ) ,
Honors and Awards
2000 Excellence in Service College of Allied Health Sciences Status:Recipient Level:College
2002 Excellence in Teaching - Tenured Facuulty College of Allied Health Sciences Status:Recipient Level:College
2020 Distinguished Fellow Association of Schools Advancing Health Professions Status:Recipient Level:National
2008 Excellence in Service College of Allied Health Sciences Status:Recipient Level:College
2011 Excellence in Service College of Allied Health Sciences Status:Recipient Level:College
2018 20 in 20 Award College of Allied Health Sciences
2019 Distinguished Fellow National Academies of Practice
(University Grievance Committee ) Type:University/College Service 01-2008 -06-2008
(Department Head Review Committee - Linda Graeter ) Type:University/College Service 07-2007 -06-2008
(North Central Accreditation Steering Committee ) Type:University/College Service 03-2007 -To Present
(University's Business Engagement Task Force ) Type:University/College Service 03-2007 -To Present
(Academic Coordinating Committee ) Type:University/College Service 01-2007 -To Present
(Faculty Development Committee - Faculty Senate Subcommittee ) Type:University/College Service 07-2006 -06-2007
(C-Ring Selection Commitee ) Type:University/College Service 2006 -To Present
(CAHS Administrative Council ) Type:University/College Service 09-2003 -To Present
Physical therapy, professional abilities, cultural competence, service-learning,CAPTE accred., CI Cred. training
Professional Affiliation
2000 -2012: Member Area Health Education Advisory Board,
1979 -To Present: Member American Physical Therapy Association - Ohio Chapter,
1992 -To Present: Member APTA Education Section,
2000 -2006: Program Representative Ohio Consortium of PTA Educators,
1996 -2001: Program Representative Ohio Consortium of PT Educators,
1991 -1991: Member APTA Neurology Section,
1995 -2000: Member Southwest Ohio Consortium of PT Education,
1980 -1985: Member National Arthritis Foundation - Arthritis Health Profession Section,
1980 -1982: Member Southwest Chapter of the Arthritis Foundation,
1983 -1989: Member Arthritis Foundation - Patient Information and Education Committee,
2006 -To Present: PTA Education Program Accreditator CAPTE,
1991 -1997: Southwest District Representative American Physical Therapy Association - Ohio Chapter,
1992 -1993: Member APTA Public Relations Committee,
1987 -1990: Chairman Southwest District Program Committee,
1996 -1996: Co-Founder Clinical Educators Round Table Sessions (CERTS),
1990 -1990: Southwest District Chairman Auction Fundraiser for Legislative Activity,
2012 -To Present: Member Association of Schools Advancing Health Professions,
Courses Taught
35-PT-871 PROFESSION ROLES I Level:Graduate
35-PT-872 PROFESSION ROLES II Level:Graduate
35-PT-873 PROFESSION ROLE III Level:Graduate
35-PTTN-274 APPLIED NEUROANATOM Level:Undergraduate
Contact Information
Academic - Health Sciences Building, G60F
3225 Eden Ave
Ohio, 45267-0394
Phone: 513-558-7495
Fax: 513-558-7494