Paris Bryanne Wheeler
Asst Professor
Edwards Center
A&S Psychology - 0376
Professional Summary
Paris Wheeler’s research agenda is focused on cultural and structural factors related to drug use disorders, treatment for drug use disorders, and associated health disparities. Her work seeks to identify cultural strengths that can facilitate treatment effectiveness, retention, and overall improvement of treatment approaches in the context of structural barriers that disproportionately affect Black Americans.
Ph.D.: University of Kentucky (Counseling Psychology)
B.S.; B.A.: University of Florida (Psychology; Criminology and Law)
M.S.: University of Kentucky (Counseling Psychology)
Peer Reviewed Publications
1. Malone, N., Dogan, J., Thorpe, S., Thrasher, S., Wheeler, P., Oser, C., & Stevens- Watkins, D. Cultural predictors of self-esteem among Black women with criminal justice involvement and herpes simplex virus .Health Promotion Practice, ,
Miller-Roenigk, B., Wheeler, P., Hargons, C., Stevens-Watkins, D (2023. ) Race-related and mental health factors of powder cocaine use among Black incarcerated men .Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, ,
Wheeler, P.B., Miller-Roenigk, B., Jester, J., Stevens-Watkins, D. (2022. ) Advance online publication ,1-14 More Information
Nicholson, H.L., Wheeler, P.B., Smith, N., Alawode, O.A. (2022. ) Examining the relationship between discrimination and prescription drug misuse: Findings from a national survey of Black Americans.Substance Use and Misuse, , 57 (7 ) ,1014-1021 More Information
Thorpe, S., Miller-Roenigk, B., Hargons, C.N., Dogan, J.N., Thrasher, Wheeler, P.B., Oser, C., & Stevens-Watkins, D (2022. ) HIV knowledge and perceived risk among Black incarcerated women and men in Kentucky.Health Promotion Practice, , 24 (3 ) ,566-570 More Information
Wheeler, P.B. & Nicholson, H.N.* (2021. ) Prescription drug misuse among African American and Afro-Caribbean adults: Findings from a national sample.Substance Use & Misuse, , 56 (7 ) ,962-970 More Information
Wheeler, P.B., Dogan, J. N., Stevens-Watkins, D., & Stoops, W. W (2021. ) Sleep time differs among people who co-use cocaine and cannabis compared to people who only use cocaine.Pharmacology, Biology, and Behavior, , 201 ,173109 More Information
Dogan, J., Stevens-Watkins, D., Knighton, J., Wheeler, P., & Hargons, C. (2021. ) Perceived need for drug treatment among African American male drug-using prisoners.Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, , 120 ,108166 More Information
Banks, D., Clifton, R., & Wheeler, P.B. (2020. ) Racial identity, discrimination, and polysubstance use: Examining culturally relevant correlates of substance use profiles among Black young adults.Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, , 35 (2 ) ,224-230 More Information
Wheeler, P.B., Stevens-Watkins, D., Dogan, J., McCarthy, D. (2022. ) Polysubstance use among frequent marijuana users: An examination of John Henryism Active Coping, psychiatric symptoms, and family social support among African American incarcerated men.Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, , 21 (2 ) ,553-569 More Information
Mahaffey, C., Stevens-Watkins, D., Burlew, A.K., Moody, M., Wheeler, P.B., & Thrasher, S. (2020. ) Testing the feasibility of implementing an HIV prevention intervention for incarcerated African American men: Findings from a pilot study.Health Promotion and Practice, , 21 (5 ) ,822-830 More Information
Wheeler, P., Stevens-Watkins, D., Moody, M., Dogan, J., & Lewis, D. (2019. ) Culturally-relevant risk and protective factors for nonmedical use of prescription opioids among incarcerated African American men.Addictive Behaviors, , 93 ,46-51 More Information
Wheeler, P., Stevens-Watkins, D., Knighton, J., Mahaffey, C. & Lewis, D. (2018. ) Pre-incarceration rates of nonmedical use of prescription drugs among Black men from urban counties. .Journal of Urban Health, , 95 (4 ) ,444-453 More Information
Professional Affiliation
2019 -To Present: College on Problems of Drug Dependence,