Catherine L White
Assoc Professor - Educator
5238 Clifton Court Hall
2800 Clifton Avenue
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, Ohio 445221
Phone 513-556-1841
Email whitcl@ucmail.uc.edu
Professional Summary
Associate Professor - Educator
Dr. White teaches French language, literature, theatre, culture and film. She has been awarded the Darwin Turner Teaching Award twice, and was nominated for the Dolly Cohen Excellence in Teaching Award. Her primary research area is in French and Francophone cinema. She was a member of the founding committee for the first certificate in film and media studies in the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Cincinnati. She teaches courses in French film to majors and minors in the Department of Romance and Arabic Languages and Literatures. She has published, presented and organized panels on French and Francophone film. Her interest in film as an artifact of social relevance combines with students' love of and fascination with international cinema, French and francophone cultures and language.
Dr. White is currently teaching first and second year language courses and a new course, "La Chanson en français" - Songs in French - (FREN 3050).
Ph.D. in Romance Languages & Literatures, University of Cincinnati, 2003
Graduate Certificate in Women’s Studies, University of Cincinnati, 1999
M.A. in French Literature, University of Cincinnati, 1998
B.A. in French and Comparative Literature, Indiana University, 1978
Dissertation title: "The Influence of Religious Faith on Christine de Pizan's Defense of Women"
Current areas of teaching and research: French and Francophone film studies.
Other Work Experience: Three years in advertising, Paris and New York.
Ten years in theatre, New York City.
PhD: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio, 2003 (Romance Languages and Literatures: concentration in women's studies and late medieval studies. Dissertation: "The Influence of Religious Faith on Christine de Pizan's Defense of Women." )
M.A.: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio, 1998 (French literature)
Graduate Certificate in Women’s Studies: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio, 1999
B.A. in French: Indiana University Bloomington, Indiana, 1978
Research and Practice Interests
Dr. White's primary research area is in French and Francophone cinema. She was a member of the founding committee for the first certificate in film and media studies in the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Cincinnati. She teaches courses in French film to majors and minors in the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, and as an A&S freshman seminar in contemporary French and Francophone cinema, "France Goes To The Movies." She publishes, presents and organizes panels on French and Francophone film. Her interest in film as an artifact of social relevance as well as through the field of film studies, combines with students' love of and fascination with international cinema, French and francophone cultures and language.
As Coordinator of the basic French program, Dr. White trains and supervises Graduate Teaching Assistants in French, prepares testing and other pedagogical materials and synchronizes extracurricular tutorials and activities for basic French students. She is happy that French and Francophone films also play an important role in the Basic French Curriculum.
Medieval research: Religious influences in the works of Christine de Pizan.
Contemporary French and francophone cinema.
Positions and Work Experience
2003 - Coordinator of Basic French Program, Responsible for all first and second year French curricula including exams, syllabi, etc. Responsible for summer orientation for GTAs, training of new French TAs throughout the year., University of Cincinnati, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, Cincinnati, Ohio
2003 - Field Service Assistant Professor, Teaching of first, second and third year French language and film courses., University of Cincinnati, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, Cincinnati, Ohio
2011 - Associate Professor - Educator , Promoted in September, 2011. Professor of basic French and third-year French cinema course., University of Cincinnati, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures
Abbreviated Publications
"Transforming the Literary 'I' Into the Cinematic Eye in Julian Schnabel's Adaptation of Le Scaphandre et le Papillon (The Diving Bell And The Butterfly), Quarterly Review of Film and Video, 29:4, 303-309.
Paper Presentations
Catherine L. White « Transforming the Literary ‘I’ Into the Cinematic Eye in Julian Schnabel's Adaptation of "Le Scaphandre et le Papillon." .UC. Level:International
Dr. Catherine L. White Julian Schnabel's "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly." .Valentine House. UC. Level:University
Catherine L. White (05-12-2005. ) Christine de Pizan's "Epitre au dieu d'amour: Faith in God, Faith in Women." .University of Cincinnati. UC. Level:International
McGraw Hill Education (03-16-2013. ) World Languages Symposium .Indianapolis, Indiana. Professional Meeting. Level:Regional
Event Organized
Planning and Organization of French and Italian Film PanelPlanning and Organization of French and Italian Film Panel Conference BAD DATE BAD DATE Department of Romance Languages Level:Department
Honors and Awards
04-2012 -04-2012 Darwin T. Turner Scholarship Award Nominated by a student in my spring quarter 2012 French 251 course, for inspirational teaching. Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Recognition
BAD DATE -BAD DATE DARS award I received a small grant for the purpose of purchasing French and Francophone films on DVD for my Freshman Seminar, "France Goes To The Movies." This course will be taught in January 2014. The films will be held in the French cinema collection of the Language Resource Center. Taft Center Status:Recipient Level:Department Type:Grant
(Undergraduate Studies Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 09-2010 -05-2011
(Basic Language Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 09-2010 -05-2011
(Basic Language Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 03-2010 -06-2010
(Basic Language Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 01-2010 -03-2010
Romance Languages Italian Club Reviewer Type:Service to Student Groups Level:Department 03-2010 -03-2010
DAAP Outside Reviewer Type:University/College Service Level:University 03-2010 -03-2010
(Basic Language Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 01-2011 -12-2011
(Undergraduate Services Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 01-2011 -12-2011
(Merit Raise Appeals Committee ) Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 01-2011 -12-2011
La Table Française (The French Table) Faculty Sponsor Type:Departmental Service Level:University 01-2011 -12-2011
La Table Française (The French Table) Faculty Sponsor Type:Departmental Service Level:University 01-2011 -12-2011
La Table Française Faculty Sponsor Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 09-2012 -12-2012
(Undergraduate Committee ) Committee Member Type:Development Service Level:Department 03-2012 -06-2012
(Undergraduate Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 09-2012 -12-2012
(Basic Language Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 03-2012 -06-2012
(Basic Language Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 09-2012 -12-2012
(Basic French Textbook Review Committee ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 10-2012 -04-2013
French Club Faculty Sponsor Type:Departmental Service Level:University 08-26-2013 -04-25-2014
College of Arts and Sciences Faculty Senate Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 08-26-2013 -04-25-2014
French Club: UC Student Organization Faculty Sponsor Type:Departmental Service Level:University 04-2013 -12-2013
French Table Faculty Sponsor Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 01-2013 -04-2013
(Basic Language Committee ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 01-2013 -12-2013
(Undergraduate Studies Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 01-2013 -12-2013
College of Arts and Sciences Faculty Senate Member Type:University/College Service Level:Department 02-2013 -12-2013
Late French Medieval Literature
Women's Studies
French language, culture and film
Courses Taught
15-FREN-112 EXT BASIC FRENCH 2 Level:Undergraduate
French Practicum Level:Graduate
15-FREN-103 BASIC FRENCH III Level:Undergraduate
15-FREN-113 EXT BASIC FRENCH 3 Level:Undergraduate
15-FREN-703 FRENCH PRACTICUM Level:Graduate
15-FREN-101 BASIC FRENCH I Level:Undergraduate
15-FREN-251 COMP AND CONV Level:Undergraduate
15-FREN-701 FRENCH PRACTICUM Level:Graduate
RLL Graduate Orientation Level:Graduate
SWLC Freshman Seminar Level:Undergraduate
Freshman Seminar Level:Undergraduate
French Culture Through Film Level:Undergraduate
15-FREN-101 BASIC FRENCH I Level:Undergraduate
15-FREN-701 FRENCH PRACTICUM Level:Graduate
15-FREN-103 BASIC FRENCH III Level:Undergraduate
15-FREN-703 FRENCH PRACTICUM Level:Graduate
15-FREN-113 EXT BASIC FRENCH 3 Level:Undergraduate
15-FREN-102 BASIC FRENCH II Level:Undergraduate
15-FREN-701 FRENCH PRACTICUM Level:Graduate
15-FREN-252 COMP AND CONV Level:Undergraduate
15-FREN-103 BASIC FRENCH III Level:Undergraduate
15-FREN-703 FRENCH PRACTICUM Level:Graduate
15-FREN-251 COMP AND CONV Level:Undergraduate
Basic French I Level:Undergraduate
French Culture through Film Level:Undergraduate
French Practicum Level:Graduate
French Composition and Conversation Level:Undergraduate
Basic French I I Level:Undergraduate
French Practicum Level:Graduate
Extended Basic French 1
Basic French I On-Line
French Practicum
Faculty Development Activities
2010 Incorporating Mashups Into Your Course (CET&L, November 2, 2010) Demonstration on the creation of mashups on line for use in the classroom, CET&L, University of Cincinnati Langsam Library Type:Workshop
11-20-2010 Professional Development Workshop in Basic Language Instruction on ACTFL Standards: Department of Romance Languages and Literatures A talk on foreign language acquisition and some of the latest materials, University of Cincinnati Type:Seminar
11-01-2011 -11-01-2011 Blackboard Transition: New System This workshop guides participants in the new, updated Blackboard system, CET&L Langsam Library Type:Workshop
04-04-2013 -04-06-2013 33rd Cincinnati Conference on Romance Languages and Literatures International literary conference in French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio Type:Conference Attendance
03-09-2013 -03-09-2013 3T: Teaching, Technique and Technology Day-long workshops on technology in the classroom, Clermont College, University of Cincinnati Batavia, Ohio Type:Conference Attendance
03-04-2013 -03-04-2013 Speaking Proficiency in the Classroom Guest Speaker, Dr. Robert Di Donato, demonstrated activities designed to enhance speaking proficency in first-year foreign language courses., University of Cincinnati/RLL Basic Language Instruction Committee UC Type:Workshop
02-27-2013 -02-27-2013 E-Learning Roundtable Discussion A review of existing on-line courses in the University, and a discussion of the need for such in A&S, including development of new on-line courses by faculty, CET&L University of Cincinnati, College of Arts and Sciences Type:Seminar
04-2013 Cincinnati Romance conference Session Chair: "Studies in Contemporary Francophone Cinema", University of Cincinnati Type:Other
03-2013 World Languages Symposium Participant in presentations and roundtable discussions concerning new on-line programs for second language acquisition, CGraw Hill Education Indianapolis, Indiana Type:Workshop
03-09-2013 3T: Teaching, Techniques and Technology Day-long conference dedicated to new practices and ideas in the field of foreign language teaching, Clermon College, University of Cincinnati Batavia, Ohio Type:Conference Attendance
03-04-2013 Speaking Proficiency in the Classroom Demonstrations for foreign language teaching; new activities for the classroom, Basic Language Instruction Committee, Department of Romance Languages University of Cincinnati Type:Workshop
02-19-2013 Writing Letters of Recommendation CET&L Presentation regarding letters of recommendation: techniques, strategies, styles, CET&L, University of Cincinnati UC, Langsam Library Type:Faculty Internship
02-27-2013 McMicken Roundtable discussion: E-Learning - CET&L CET&L, University of Cincinnati University of cincinnati Type:Other
Other Information
In fall semester of 2012, I proposed a new course which was accepted by my section and my department. Beginning in spring semester 2014, I will teach a new freshman seminar entitled "France Goes To The Movies." This course will expose new students to a variety of French cinema. We will study the origins of French film in the 1880's and 1890's, beginning with the Lumière brothers and George Méliès, through the silent film era, leading up to the present, where students will watch films that French filmgoers enjoy. Students will learn some of the basic tenets of film studies, while enjoying modern French-language films. They will write a 10-page final paper, analyzing and discussing a film of their choice.,
Contact Information
Academic - 5238 Clifton Court Hall
2800 Clifton Avenue
Ohio, 445221
Phone: 513-556-1841