Christine M Wilder
Medical Director, Addiction Sciences Division
Medical Office Building East
3131 Harvey Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45229
Phone 513-585-8227
Fax 513-585-8278
Doctor of Medicine: University of Virginia School of Medicine 2002 (Addiction Psychiatry)
American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (Addiction Psychiatry) (Certification Date: 09-29-2014 )
American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (Psychiatry) (Certification Date: 04-03-2009 ) - (Recertification Date: to 12-15-2019 )
American Board of Preventive Medicine (Addiction Medicine) (Certification Date: 01-01-2023 )
Research Support
Grant: #R34DA040862 Investigators:Lyons, Michael; Welge, Jeffrey; Wilder, Christine; Winhusen, Theresa 09-15-2016 -06-30-2019 National Institute on Drug Abuse A tailored, peer-delivered intervention to reduce recurring opioid overdoses Role:Collaborator $225,150.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #OSU 60062166 sub OMD G-1819-05-0094 / OMD201807 Investigators:Acquavita, Shauna; Bankston, Karen; Bernheisel, Christopher; Brammer, Susan; Donnelly, John; Elder, Nancy; Fathman, Amy; Gillespie, Gordon; Kiesler, H. Joseph; Kroger-Jarvis, Melanie; Lewis, Christopher; Mount, Hillary; Nandyal, Lauri; O'Dea, Christine; Perraud, Suzanne; Shomo, Anisasattara; Tobias, Barbara; Tyson, Ronald; Weinstock, Keri; White, Christopher; Wilder, Christine 10-01-2017 -06-30-2018 Ohio Department of Medicaid Training an Interprofessional Workforce Prepared to Care for the Medicaid Population through Community-Academic Partnerships Role:Collaborator $119,953.00 Active Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #NCT03023930 Investigators:D'Onofrio G, O'Connor PG, Pantalon MV, Charwarski MC, Busch SH, Owens PH, Bernstein SL, Fiellin DA, Rothman, R, Richardson, L, Lyons, M, Whiteside, L, 2017 -2021 NIDA Opioid Use Disorder in the Emergency Department: Clinical Trials Network-0069 Role:Sub-Investigator $806,857 Active Type:Grant Level:National
Grant: #2000382 Investigators:Ryan, Richard; Wilder, Christine 05-01-2019 -04-30-2020 Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration ED initiated MAT and Linkage to Evidence-Informed treatment Role:Collaborator $60,005.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #NY UM1DA049417 Investigators:Wilder, Christine; Winhusen, T 08-01-2021 -02-28-2022 New York University NIDA CTN-0112: Optimal Policies to Improve Methadone Maintenance Adherence Long term (OPTIMMAL Study) Role:Collaborator 0.00 Hold Level:Higher Education
Peer Reviewed Publications
Nidey, Nichole; Groh, Kathleen; Agnoli, Alicia; Wilder, Christine; Froehlich, Tanya E; Weber, Stephanie; Kair, Laura R (2022. ) Breastfeeding Initiation and Continuation Among Women with Substance and Tobacco Use During Pregnancy: Findings from the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System 2016-2018.Breastfeeding medicine : the official journal of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine, , 17 (6 ) ,544-549 More Information
Clark, Angie; Wagner, Robin; Brubaker, Michael; Acquavita, Shauna; Wilder, Christine (2022. ) Pandemic-Related Disruptions in Nursing Education: Zooming Out for an Innovative Interprofessional Simulation.Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, , 97 (3S ) ,S110-S113 More Information
Kropp, Frankie; Wilder, Christine; Theobald, Jeff; Lewis, Daniel; Winhusen, T John (2021. ) The feasibility and safety of training patients in opioid treatment to serve as peer recovery support service interventionists.Substance abuse, , 1-4 More Information
Nidey, Nichole; Kair, Laura R; Wilder, Christine; Froehlich, Tanya E; Weber, Stephanie; Folger, Alonzo; Marcotte, Michael; Tabb, Karen; Bowers, Katherine (2021. ) Substance Use and Utilization of Prenatal and Postpartum Care.Journal of addiction medicine, , More Information
Winhusen, Theresa; Wilder, Christine; Lyons, Michael S; Theobald, Jeff; Kropp, Frankie; Lewis, Daniel (2020. ) Evaluation of a personally-tailored opioid overdose prevention education and naloxone distribution intervention to promote harm reduction and treatment readiness in individuals actively using illicit opioids.Drug and alcohol dependence, , 216 ,108265 More Information
Winhusen, Theresa; Wilder, Christine; Kropp, Frankie; Theobald, Jeff; Lyons, Michael S; Lewis, Daniel (2020. ) A brief telephone-delivered peer intervention to encourage enrollment in medication for opioid use disorder in individuals surviving an opioid overdose: Results from a randomized pilot trial.Drug and alcohol dependence, , 216 ,108270 More Information
Winhusen, Theresa; Lofwall, Michelle; Jones, Hendrée E; Wilder, Christine; Lindblad, Robert; Schiff, Davida M; Wexelblatt, Scott; Merhar, Stephanie; Murphy, Sean M; Greenfield, Shelly F; Terplan, Mishka; Wachman, Elisha M; Kropp, Frankie; Theobald, Jeff; Lewis, Mitra; Matthews, Abigail G; Guille, Connie; Silverstein, Michael; Rosa, Carmen (2020. ) Medication treatment for opioid use disorder in expectant mothers (MOMs): Design considerations for a pragmatic randomized trial comparing extended-release and daily buprenorphine formulations.Contemporary clinical trials, , 93 ,106014 More Information
Wilder, Christine M; Hosta, Daniel; Winhusen, Theresa (2017. ) Association of methadone dose with substance use and treatment retention in pregnant and postpartum women with opioid use disorder.Journal of substance abuse treatment, , 80 ,33-36 More Information
Wilder, Christine M; Miller, Shannon C; Tiffany, Elizabeth; Winhusen, Theresa; Winstanley, Erin L; Stein, Michael D (2016. ) Risk factors for opioid overdose and awareness of overdose risk among veterans prescribed chronic opioids for addiction or pain.Journal of addictive diseases, , 35 (1 ) ,42-51 More Information
Winstanley, Erin L; Clark, Angela; Feinberg, Judith; Wilder, Christine M (2016. ) Barriers to implementation of opioid overdose prevention programs in Ohio.Substance abuse, , 37 (1 ) ,42-6 More Information
Oliva, Elizabeth M; Nevedal, Andrea; Lewis, Eleanor T; McCaa, Matthew D; Cochran, Michael F; Konicki, P Eric; Davis, Corey S; Wilder, Christine (2016. ) Patient perspectives on an opioid overdose education and naloxone distribution program in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.Substance abuse, , 37 (1 ) ,118-26 More Information
Winhusen Theresa, Theobald Jeffrey, Lewis Daniel, Wilder Christine, Lyons Michael (2016. ) Development and initial testing of a tailored telephone intervention delivered by peers to prevent recurring opioid overdoses (TTIP-PRO). .Health Education Research , , 31 (2 ) ,146-160
6. Tiffany Elizabeth, Wilder Christine, Miller Shannon, and Winhusen Theresa (2016. ) Knowledge of and interest in opioid overdose education and naloxone distribution among veterans on chronic opioids for addiction or pain. .Drugs: Education, Prevention & Policy. , , 23 (4 ) ,322-327
Wilder Christine, Elbogen Eric, Moser Lorna (2015. ) Fiduciary services for veterans with psychiatric disabilities. .Federal Practitioner , , 32 (1 ) ,12-19
Wilder, Christine M; Winhusen, Theresa (2015. ) Pharmacological Management of Opioid Use Disorder in Pregnant Women.CNS drugs, , 29 (8 ) ,625-36 More Information
Wilder, Christine; Lewis, Daniel; Winhusen, Theresa (2015. ) Medication assisted treatment discontinuation in pregnant and postpartum women with opioid use disorder.Drug and alcohol dependence, , 149 ,225-31 More Information
Winhusen, Theresa; Wilder, Christine; Wexelblatt, Scott L; Theobald, Jeffrey; Hall, Eric S; Lewis, Daniel; Van Hook, James; Marcotte, Michael (2014. ) Design considerations for point-of-care clinical trials comparing methadone and buprenorphine treatment for opioid dependence in pregnancy and for neonatal abstinence syndrome.Contemporary clinical trials, , 39 (1 ) ,158-65 More Information
Wilder, Christine M; Brason, Fred Wells; Clark, Angela K; Galanter, Marc; Walley, Alexander Y; Winstanley, Erin L (2014. ) Development and implementation of an opioid overdose prevention program within a preexisting substance use disorders treatment center.Journal of addiction medicine, , 8 (3 ) ,164-9 More Information
Clark, Angela K; Wilder, Christine M; Winstanley, Erin L (2014. ) A systematic review of community opioid overdose prevention and naloxone distribution programs.Journal of addiction medicine, , 8 (3 ) ,153-63 More Information
Gierisch, Jennifer M; Nieuwsma, Jason A; Bradford, Daniel W; Wilder, Christine M; Mann-Wrobel, Monica C; McBroom, Amanda J; Hasselblad, Vic; Williams, John W (2014. ) Pharmacologic and behavioral interventions to improve cardiovascular risk factors in adults with serious mental illness: a systematic review and meta-analysis.The Journal of clinical psychiatry, , 75 (5 ) ,e424-40 More Information
Wilder, Christine M; Swanson, Jeffrey W; Bonnie, Richard J; Wanchek, Tanya; McLaughlin, Laura; Richardson, Jeanita (2013. ) A survey of stakeholder knowledge, experience, and opinions of advance directives for mental health in Virginia.Administration and policy in mental health, , 40 (3 ) ,232-9 More Information
Busch, Alisa B; Wilder, Christine M; Van Dorn, Richard A; Swartz, Marvin S; Swanson, Jeffrey W (2010. ) Changes in guideline-recommended medication possession after implementing Kendra's law in New York.Psychiatric Services, , 61 (10 ) ,1000-5 More Information
Gilbert, Allison R; Moser, Lorna L; Van Dorn, Richard A; Swanson, Jeffrey W; Wilder, Christine M; Robbins, Pamela Clark; Keator, Karli J; Steadman, Henry J; Swartz, Marvin S (2010. ) Reductions in arrest under assisted outpatient treatment in New York.Psychiatric services, , 61 (10 ) ,996-9 More Information
Swanson, Jeffrey W; Van Dorn, Richard A; Swartz, Marvin S; Cislo, Andrew M; Wilder, Christine M; Moser, Lorna L; Gilbert, Allison R; McGuire, Thomas G (2010. ) Robbing Peter to pay Paul: did New York State's outpatient commitment program crowd out voluntary service recipients?.Psychiatric services, , 61 (10 ) ,988-95 More Information
Van Dorn, Richard A; Swanson, Jeffrey W; Swartz, Marvin S; Wilder, Christine M; Moser, Lorna L; Gilbert, Allison R; Cislo, Andrew M; Robbins, Pamela Clark (2010. ) Continuing medication and hospitalization outcomes after assisted outpatient treatment in New York.Psychiatric services, , 61 (10 ) ,982-7 More Information
Swartz, Marvin S; Wilder, Christine M; Swanson, Jeffrey W; Van Dorn, Richard A; Robbins, Pamela Clark; Steadman, Henry J; Moser, Lorna L; Gilbert, Allison R; Monahan, John (2010. ) Assessing outcomes for consumers in New York's assisted outpatient treatment program.Psychiatric services, , 61 (10 ) ,976-81 More Information
Robbins, Pamela Clark; Keator, Karli J; Steadman, Henry J; Swanson, Jeffrey W; Wilder, Christine M; Swartz, Marvin S (2010. ) Assisted outpatient treatment in New York: regional differences in New York's assisted outpatient treatment program.Psychiatric services, , 61 (10 ) ,970-5 More Information
Wilder, Christine M; Elbogen, Eric B; Moser, Lorna L; Swanson, Jeffrey W; Swartz, Marvin S (2010. ) Medication preferences and adherence among individuals with severe mental illness and psychiatric advance directives.Psychiatric services, , 61 (4 ) ,380-5 More Information
Elbogen, Eric B; Wilder, Christine; Swartz, Marvin S; Swanson, Jeffrey W (2008. ) Caregivers as money managers for adults with severe mental illness: how treatment providers can help.Academic psychiatry : the journal of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and the Association for Academic Psychiatry, , 32 (2 ) ,104-10 More Information
Swanson, Jeffrey W; Swartz, Marvin S; Elbogen, Eric B; VAN Dorn, Richard A; Wagner, H Ryan; Moser, Lorna A; Wilder, Christine; Gilbert, Allison R (2008. ) Psychiatric advance directives and reduction of coercive crisis interventions.Journal of mental health, , 17 (3 ) ,255-267 More Information
Elbogen, Eric B; Ferron, Joelle C; Swartz, Marvin S; Wilder, Christine M; Swanson, Jeffrey W; Wagner, H Ryan (2007. ) Characteristics of representative payeeship involving families of beneficiaries with psychiatric disabilities.Psychiatric services, , 58 (11 ) ,1433-40 More Information
Elbogen, Eric B; Van Dorn, Richard; Swanson, Jeffrey W; Swartz, Marvin S; Ferron, Joelle; Wagner, H Ryan; Wilder, Christine (2007. ) Effectively implementing psychiatric advance directives to promote self-determination of treatment among people with mental illness.Psychology, public policy, and law, , 13 (4 ) , More Information
Wilder, Christine M; Elbogen, Eric B; Swartz, Marvin S; Swanson, Jeffrey W; Van Dorn, Richard A (2007. ) Effect of patients' reasons for refusing treatment on implementing psychiatric advance directives.Psychiatric services, , 58 (10 ) ,1348-50 More Information
Hasser, Caitlin; Wilder, Christine (2003. ) Service and the spin cycle: a women’s health outreach project at a Laundromat. Women’s Studies Quarterly , , 31 (2 ) ,160-163
Winstanley, Erin L; Clark, Angela; Wilder, Christine M Response to "Quality Assessment Errors and Study Misclassification Threaten Systematic Review Validity: Community Opioid Overdose Prevention and Naloxone Distribution Programs Review".Journal of addiction medicine, , 9 (6 ) ,503-4 More Information
Contact Information
Academic - Medical Office Building East
3131 Harvey Avenue
Ohio, 45229
Phone: 513-585-8227
Fax: 513-585-8278