Rina Williams , PHD
Assoc Dean
Associate Dean for Social Sciences; Professor of Political Science; Affiliate Faculty, Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Sociology, and Asian Studies
Professional Summary
Rina Verma Williams received her A.M and Ph.D. in Political Science from Harvard University, and B.A. (Political Science) and B.S. (Chemistry) from the University of California at Irvine. She is currently serving as Associate Dean for the Social Sciences in the College of Arts & Sciences. Her home department is the School of Public and International Affairs, with affiliate appointments in Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies; Sociology; and Asian Studies. Her areas of specialization include South Asian politics; women and gender; ethnicity and nationalism; religion and politics; and politics of the developing nations. She has published extensively in these areas, inlcuding numerous articles and two books with Oxford University Press. Before coming to UC, she taught at the University of Virginia and University of Houston.
Ph.D., Political Science: Harvard University Cambridge, MA, 1998 (South Asian Politics; Women and Gender; Identity Politics; Law and Politics; Comparative Politics of the Developing World)
A.M., Political Science: Harvard University Cambridge, MA, 1990 (International Relations; U.S. Foreign Policy; Comparative Politics; Latin American Politics)
B.A. cum laude Political Science: University of California Irvine Irvine, CA, 1987 (American Politics, U.S. Congress, Political Theory)
B.S. Chemistry: University of California Irvine Irvine, CA, 1987
Positions and Work Experience
2011 - Assistant Professor, Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies and Political Science; Affiliate Faculty, Asian Studies, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
2008 -2011 Assistant Professor, Middle Eastern and South Asian Languages and Cultures and Studies in Women and Gender, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
2006 -2008 Interim Director, Studies in Women and Gender, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
2004 -2006 Associate Director, Center for South Asian Studies, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
2002 -2004 Academic Advisor and Lecturer, Political Science, University of Houston, Houston, TX
1999 -2002 Assistant Professor, Political Science and Director, Latin American and Caribbean Studies Program, Prairie View A&M University, Prairie View, TX
1997 -1998 Research Associate, Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
2016 - Associate Professor, Political Science, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, USA
Research Support
Investigators:Rina Williams 2011 University of Cincinnati Taft International Conference Travel $1645 Completed Level:University
Investigators:Rina Williams 2012 University of Cincinnati Faculty Development Council $1500 Completed Level:University
Investigators:Rina Williams 2012 University of Cincinnati Faculty Development Council $1200 Planned/In Preparation Level:University
Investigators:Rina Williams 2012 University of Cincinnati Faculty Development Council $2500 Completed Level:University
Investigators:Rina Williams 2013 University of Cincinnati Taft Domestic Conference Travel $600 Completed Type:Grant Level:University
Investigators:Rina Williams 2013 Taft Research Center Travel for Research $3700 Completed Type:Grant Level:College
Investigators:Williams, Rina 05-01-2013 -06-30-2013 URC Faculty 2012-13 Role:PI $8,000.00 Completed
Grant: #URC Interdisciplinary Awards AY2016-17 Investigators:Williams, Rina 05-01-2017 -04-30-2018 UC's University Research Council Oral Histories of Women in Political Science Role:PI $10,000.00 Active Level:Internal UC
Grant: #Cincinnati Project Investigators:Bankston, Karen; Blessett, Brandi; Conger, Kimberly; Gaynor, Tia; Williams, Rina 08-15-2019 -10-31-2020 United Way of Greater Cincinnati The Cincinnati Project, University of Cincinnati Team - United Way Greater Cincinnati Role:Collaborator $102,990.00 Awarded Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #R40528 Investigators:Blessett, Brandi; Conger, Kimberly; Gaynor, Tia; Houh, Emily; Jenkins, Laura; Williams, Rina 10-01-2019 -03-31-2020 UC's Urban Futures Digital Futures Anchor Development Program Admin, Law, & Justice Lab Role:Collaborator $10,000.00 Active Level:Internal UC
Grant: #APSA CCR Grant Investigators:Jenkins, Laura; Williams, Rina 09-15-2020 -12-31-2020 American Political Science Association “Women in Political Science: An Oral History Project.” Role:Collaborator $2,340.00 Awarded Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #R40765 Investigators:Williams, Rina 04-01-2021 -04-30-2022 UC's AHSS A field of our own: Women in political science Role:PI $9,983.00 Active Level:Internal UC
Abbreviated Publications
Postcolonial Politics and Personal Laws: Colonial Legal Legacies and the Indian State. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2006.
Peer Reviewed Publications
“Hindu Law as Personal Law: State and Identity in the Hindu Code Bills Debates, 1952-56.” Timothy Lubin et. al., eds. Hinduism and Law: An Introduction. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010.
“Gender, Nation, Religion: Political Discourse and the Personal Laws in India, 1952-1956.” Journal of the Southwestern Conference on Asian Studies Vol. 5 (October 2005): 51-83.
“Making Minority Identities: Gender, State, and Muslim Personal Law.” In Rowena Robinson, ed. Minority Studies. Oxford India Series on Contemporary Society (Series Editor Sujata Patel). New Delhi: Oxford University Press 2012.
"Failure to Launch: Women and the Hindu Mahasabhu in Colonial India" Politics, Religion and Ideology 13:4 (forthcoming December 2013).
“Chasing Modern(ity) From Religion to Gender: Debating Hindu Law in India, 1920-2006.” Gender & History, Special Issue on Gender and Religion (forthcoming September 2013).
Invited Presentations
Rina Williams (10-2012. ) A Tale of Two Women: Jankibai Joshi, Lakshmibai Kelkar, and the Early Rise of Hindu Nationalism in Late Colonial India .University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. Level:National
Rina Williams (02-2013. ) Gendering Religious Nationalism: Women, Democracy and Party Politics in India .University of Cincinnati, Dept. of Sociology. UC. . Level:University
Paper Presentations
Rina Willams (03-2012. ) Winning Women’s Votes: Political Parties and Religious Nationalism in India’s Democracy .Toronto, Canada. Conference. Level:International
Rina Williams (10-2012. ) Private in Public: The Place(s) of Women in Hindu Nationalist Politics and Indian Democracy .Madison, WI. Conference. Level:International
Rina Williams (03-2013. ) Mobilizing/Mobility for Muslim Women in Colonial India: The All-India Muslim League, 1906-1940 .San Diego, CA. Conference. Level:International
Event Organized
Contested Spaces: Women, Religion, and Agency in South and Southeast AsiaContested Spaces: Women, Religion, and Agency in South and Southeast Asia Other 03-2012 Toronto, Canada Level:International
Methods, Means and Mores: A Roundtable on “Doing” Global and Transnational Women and Gender ResearchMethods, Means and Mores: A Roundtable on “Doing” Global and Transnational Women and Gender Research Other 11-2013 11-2013 Cincinnati, OH Level:International
Honors and Awards
11-2011 Best Paper on Women or Gender and Politics Women's Caucus of the Northeast Political Science Association Status:Recipient Level:Regional Type:Recognition
Dept. of WGSS (Undergraduate Curriculum Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 09-2011
Dept. of WGSS (Ad Hoc Search Committee: Educator ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 09-2011
Dept. of WGSS (Ad Hoc PhD Exploratory Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 01-2013
Dept. of WGSS (Ad Hoc Strategic Planning Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 01-2013
Dept. of Political Science (Ad Hoc Search Committee: TT International Relations ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 08-2011
College of Arts and Science of Arts & Sciences (Political Science Head Search Committee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 01-2012
College of Arts and Science of Arts & Sciences (Diversity Task Force ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 10-2012
University of Cincinnati (Faculty Senate ) Elected Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 08-2012
University of Cincinnati (Faculty Senate Planning Committee ) Elected Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 08-2012
University of Cincinnati (University Libraries Committee ) Elected Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 08-2012
University of Cincinnati Office of the Provost (Provostal Efficiency Council ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 01-2013
University of Cincinnati (University Research Council ) Reviewer Type:University/College Service Level:University 01-2013
Politics, Groups and Identities Editorial Board Member Type:Editorial Service Level:National 03-2012
American Political Science Association (Women and Politics Organized Research Section ) Secretary Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National 09-2009 -09-2010
National Endowment for the Humanities (South and Southeast Asia Fellowships ) Review Board/Panel Type:Grant Panel Level:National 03-2009 -03-2009
Southwest Conference on Asian Studies (Officer ) Other Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:Regional 08-2003 -08-2004
Sage Publications India Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:International
Routledge/Taylor & Francis Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:International
Politics & Gender Peer Review/Referee Type:Editorial Service Level:National
American Political Science Review Peer Review/Referee Type:Editorial Service Level:National
Social Science Quarterly Peer Review/Referee Type:Editorial Service Level:National
Feminist Economics Peer Review/Referee Type:Editorial Service Level:National
Nationalism and Ethnic Politics Peer Review/Referee Type:Editorial Service Level:International
Asian Politics & Policy Peer Review/Referee Type:Editorial Service Level:International
Journal of the Southwest Conference on Asian Studies Peer Review/Referee Type:Editorial Service Level:Regional
Professional Affiliation
Association for Asian Studies Member
American Political Science Association Member
Courses Taught
15-POL-490 SENIOR PROJECT Identity Politics Level:Undergraduate
15-WGS-241 INTRO WOMENS ST Level:Undergraduate
Problems & Prospects of Democratic Citizenship: Multiculturalism and Women's Rights Level:Undergraduate
15-POL-568 NAT & IDENTITY POL Level:Both
-POL-2015 WOMEN AND POLITICS Level:Undergraduate
Politics of South Asia Level:Undergraduate
15-WGS-735 FEM THRY:RC/CLS/NA Level:Both
Feminist Theory Level:Undergraduate
Faculty Development Activities
Research and Publication on the Tenure Track CET&L University of Cincinnati Type:Other
Write Winning Grant Proposals Grant Writers' Seminar and Workshops University of Cincinnati Type:Workshop
Writing Effective Grants for External Funding CET&L University of Cincinnati Type:Workshop
Writing Effective Individual FDC Grants CET&L University of Cincinnati Type:Workshop
Creating and Maintaining Work/Life Balance CET&L University of Cincinnati Type:Workshop
Documenting Your Teaching in the RPT Process CET&L University of Cincinnati Type:Workshop
Preparing Your Year-One Reappointment Dossier CET&L University of Cincinnati Type:Workshop
E-Professional Office of the Provost University of Cincinnati Type:Seminar
Nonprofit Organization Proposal Development Grant Training Center University of Cincinnati Type:Workshop
Refworks 2.0 Langsam Library University of Cincinnati Type:Workshop
Time Management Continuous Professional Development University of Cincinnati Type:Workshop
Effective Communication Center for Clinical Translational Science and Training University of Cincinnati Type:Workshop
The Paper Trail Center for Clinical Translational Science and Training University of Cincinnati Type:Workshop
Digital Teaching Portfolios Faculty Development Council University of Cincinnati Type:Other
Qualtrics Course Evaluation Tool: Early Term Feedback Pilot CET&L University of Cincinnati Type:Other
eRPT Office of the Provost University of Cincinnati Type:Tutorial