James Wilson

James C. Wilson



Professional Summary

James Wilson serves as a Magazine/Narrative Nonfiction Track adviser and has a Ph.D. in American Literature from the University of New Mexico.  He has worked as a feature writer for newspapers in northern New Mexico and as an editor at Prairie Schooner and Saltillo magazines. He has published creative nonfiction in both literary and consumer magazines. His books include: Vietnam in Prose and Film (1983), John Reed for the Masses (1987), The Hawthorne and Melville Friendship (1990), Embodied Rhetorics: Disability in Language and Culture (2001), and Weather Reports from the Autism Front:  A Father's Memoir of His Autistic Son (2008). His current project, Sex in the Time of Revolution, is an auto-fiction about the summer of 1972, which he spent with a French companion traveling in the former Yugoslavia.

Abbreviated Publications


Weather Reports from the Autism Front: A Father’s Memoir of His Autistic Son. North Carolina and London: McFarland and Co., Inc., 2008.

Embodied Rhetorics: Disability in Language and Culture. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 2001.

The Hawthorne and Melville Friendship: An Annotated Bibliography, Biographical and Critical Essays, and Correspondence Between the Two. North Carolina and London: McFarland and Co, Inc., 1991.

John Reed for The Masses. North Carolina and London: McFarland and Co, Inc., 1987.

Vietnam in Prose and Film. North Carolina and London: McFarland and Co., Inc., 1982.

The Hawthorne-Melville Relationship. Rhode Island: University of Rhode Island and ATQ, 1982.

Book Chapter

"Disability and the Teaching of Writing: A Critical Sourcebook." Constructing a Third Space: Disability Studies, the Teaching of English, and Institutional Transformation. Ed. Cynthia Lewiecki-Wilson and Brenda Jo Brueggemann. N.Y.: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2008.

"Nineteenth Century Literature Criticism." ’Bartleby’: The Walls of Wall Street. N.Y.: Gale, 2008.

"A Cup of Comfort for Parents of Children with Autism." Life with the Family Gangsta. Ed. Colleen Sell. Boston: Adams Media, 2007. 68, 74.

"The Disability Studies Reader (2nd Ed.)." (Re)Writing the Genetic Body-Text: Disability, Textuality, and the Human Genome Project. Ed. Lennard J. Davis. N.Y.: Routledge, 2006. 67, 75.

"Rhetoric Review." Evolving Metaphors of Disease in Postgenomic Science: Stigmatizing Disability., 2003. 197, 202.

"Cultural Critique." (Re)Writing the Genetic Body-Text: Disability, Textuality, and the Human Genome Project., 2002. 23, 39.

"Disability Studies: Enabling the Humanities." Constructing a Third Space: Disability Studies, the Teaching of English, and Institutional Transformation. Ed. Brenda J. Brueggemann, Sharon L. Snyder, and Rosemarie Garland Thomson. N.Y.: Modern Language Association, 2002. 296, 307.

"Uncommon Fathers." Best Friends. Ed. Donald J. Meyer. Bethesda, MD: Woodbine House, 1995. 141, 150.

"The Heath Anthology of American Literature." Upton Sinclair. Lexington Mass: D.C. Heath, 1990. 813, 15.

Electronic Journal

"Disability and the Genome: Resisting the Standardized Genomic Text." [Electronic version]. (2001).

Peer Reviewed Publications

"Making Disability Visible: How Disability Studies Might Transform the Medical and Science Writing Classroom." Technical Communication Quarterly 9.2 (2000): 149, 161.

"Revolution." Bakunin (1995): 117, 126.

"Asylum." Puerto Del Sol (1993): 88, 96.

"Paternity." South Dakota Review (1991): 85, 92.

"From Ragamuffins to Hall-of-Famers: The 1961 Reds." The National Pastime 10 (1990): 2, 6.

"Sam." Exceptional Parent Magazine (1988): 12, 16.

"The Sentimental Education of Pierre Glendinning: An Exploration of the Causes and Implications of Violence in Melville’s Pierre." ATQ (1987): 167, 177.

"Teaching Journalism to English Majors." College Teaching (1987): 59, 60.

"The Significance Of Petra in Melville’s ‘Bartleby." Melville Society Extracts (1984): 10, 12.

"Melville at Arrowhead: A Reevaluation of Melville’s Relations with Hawthorne and with His Family." ESQ IV (1984): 232, 244.

"The Saddest Day." Mothering Magazine (1983): 104, 106.

"American Novels of the Vietnam War: An Essay in Bibliography." American Notes and Queries (1982): 80, 82.

"’The Great Dark’: Invisible Spheres, Formed in Fright." The Midwest Quarterly (1982): 229, 243.

"’The Great Dark’: Invisible Spheres, Formed in Fright." The Wilson Quarterly (1982): 34, 35.

"’Bartleby’: The Walls of Wall Street." Arizona Quarterly (1981): 335, 346.

"Wright Morris and the Search for the ‘Still Point’." Contemporary Literary Criticism 7 (1977): 246, 247.

"Wright Morris and the Search for the ‘Still Point’." Prairie Schooner (1975): 154, 163.

Other Information

Wilson maintains two blogs:  wilsonjc.wordpress.com, for Weather Reports from the Autism Front; and santafemysterynovel.blogspot.com, for Death Comes to Zuñi.,