Robert M. Wolterman , MD
Assistant Professor of Clinical
Medical Sciences Building
COM IM Gen Med PCN 15 - 0535
Medical Degree: Wright State University
Residency: University of Cincinnati/Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Bachelor's Degree: The Ohio State University 1991 (Chemical Engineering)
American Board of Pediatrics (Certification Date: 10-15-2002 ) - (Recertification Date: to 01-01-2010 )
American Board of Internal Medicine (Certification Date: 08-20-2002 ) - (Recertification Date: to 10-25-2023 )
Clinical Interests
Adolescent Medicine
Internal Medicine
Preventive Health
Primary Care
Well child care
Internal Medicine
Positions and Work Experience
07-2002 -To Present Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine and Pediatrics, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
07-2002 -To Present Staff Physician, University Hospital, Cincinnati, OH
01-2009 -To Present Staff Physician, West Chester Hospital,
07-2002 -10-2004 Springboro Family Health Care, Southwestern Ohio Family Medicine, Inc., Springboro, OH
07-1991 -08-1994 Chemical Engineering Technial Support, Shell Chemical Company, Belpre, OH
1990 - Exxon Chemical America, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Invited Presentations
Wolterman, R (08-2007. ) Lead Poisoning .University Hospital Clinical Pathological Conference,
Wolterman R (06-2004. ) The West Nile to the Ohio River, Keeping Your Family Healthy Outdoors This Summer .West Chester Chamber of Commerce/ WEN,
Wolterman R (02-2002. ) Sjogren's Syndrome .Internal Medicine Chairman's Rounds Award Recipient,
Wolterman R (02-2001. ) Hypertensive Ecephalopathy .CHMC Chairman's Rounds,
Wolterman R (09-1998. ) Alcohol Induced Rhabdomyolysis .Clinical Vignette Award Recipient,
Wolterman R (1998. ) Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthrits .Med-Peds Conference,
Wolterman R (1998. ) IgA Nephropathy .Med-Peds Conference,
Wolterman R (2000. ) Obstructive Sleep Apnea .Med-Peds Conference,
Wolterman R (2000. ) Breast Cancer in Primary Care .Med-Peds Conference,
Wolterman R (2001. ) Preparticipation Sports Examination .Med-Peds Conference,
Wolterman R (2001. ) Osteoporosis in Women .Med-Peds Conference,
Honors and Awards
07-2004 CCHMC Golden Spoon Award
07-1998 Clinical Conference Award, Internal Medicine Alcohol Induced Rhabdomyolysis
06-2002 Internal Medicine Chairman's Rounds Award
Alpha Omega Alpha Member Elected Junior year of Medical School
1994 -1998 Academy of Medicine Student Excellence All 4 years of Medical School
Wright State University Department of Internal Medicine Outstanding Senior Student
Wright State University School of Medicine Merit Scholarship Academic Excellence, 4 years
1997 Department of Pediatrics Clerkship Award
1996 Edward Jenner Award for Academic Excellence in Microbiology & Immunology
1996 Outstanding Academic Achievement in Pathology
1995 Physiology Award Academic Excellence
02-1994 -03-1994 Shell Chemical Special Recognition Award Outstanding Teamwork
09-1993 Elastomers Quality Recognition Award Excellence in Quality Assurance
03-1991 -06-1992 Critical Success Factor Award Opimizing Production and Safety
Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honoary Academic Excellence, Chemical Engineering Chairman, Electee Advisor
American Institute of Chemical Engineers-Vice President
Alpha Lamda Delta Honorary Academic Excellence
Phi Eta Sigma Honorary Academic Excellence
Amoco Student Scholarship Leadership-Senior Year
Dr. James R. Withrow Memorial Scholarship Academic Excellence-Junior Year
Raymond D. Hammond Scholarship Academic Excellence-Sophomore year
UC Health (Executive Health Committee, Lead Physician ) 07-2004 -To Present
UC Health Primary Care Network (Executive Committe ) Member 07-2010 -To Present
Internal Medicine-Pediatrics (Residency Candidates Interviewer ) 07-2004 -To Present
Southern Ohio Health Services Network (National Health Service Corps HPDP Project ) 06-1995 -09-1995
Contact Information
UC Health Primary Care - West Chester
7700 University Ct
Ohio, 45069
Phone: (513) 475-7425
Fax: (513) 475-7453