John Wooldredge
School of Criminal Justice, University of Cincinnati
660NB Teachers/Dyer Complex
PO Box 210389
Cincinnati, Ohio 45221-0389
Phone 513-556-5838
Email john.wooldredge@uc.edu
Professional Summary
John Wooldredge holds a PhD in Sociology from the University of Illinois and is a professor in the School of Criminal Justice. His research and publications focus on institutional corrections (crime and victimization in prison, program effects on the odds of prison rule violations and recidivism, how short-term and extended restrictive housing are used and their impacts on incarcerated persons, correctional officer well-being, the long-term effects of incarceration on an individual's job status and financial well-being) and criminal case processing (sentencing and recidivism, and micro-level versus macro-level extralegal disparities in case processing and outcomes). He is currently involved in an NIJ funded study of reentry program effects on an individual's quality of life after release from prison. Published books include Understanding Prison Violence (co-authored with Ben Steiner; Taylor and Francis, 2020), The Oxford Handbook of Prisons and Imprisonment (co-edited with Paula Smith; Oxford University Press, 2018), and Forty Studies that Changed Criminal Justice, 2nd edition (co-authored with Amy Thistlethwaite; Pearson, 2013). Recent journal articles have appeared in British Journal of Criminology, Crime and Delinquency, Criminal Justice and Behavior, Criminology and Public Policy, International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, Journal of Criminal Justice, Journal of Experimental Criminology, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, Justice Quarterly, and Social Forces. In the undergraduate program, he teaches courses on institutional corrections and research methods. His courses in the graduate program include a seminar on institutional corrections, and classes on multi-level modeling and structural equation modeling.
Ph.D. : University of Illinois Urbana, IL, 1986 (Sociology)
Research and Practice Interests
Institutional corrections, court processes, quantitative methods
Positions and Work Experience
2003 -2025 Professor, School of Criminal Justice, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
1992 -2003 Associate Professor, Department of Criminal Justice, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
1990 -1992 Assistant Professor , Department of Criminal Justice, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
1986 -1990 Assistant Professor, Department of Criminal Justice, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM
Research Support
Grant: #2019-RY-BX-0003 Investigators:Wooldredge, John; Smith, Myrinda 02-01-2019 -01-31-2026 National Institute of Justice Cognitive Behavioral Interventions to Promote Successful Reentry: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Process Evaluation, and Cost-Benefit Analysis. Role:PI Active Type:Grant
Peer Reviewed Publications
Silver, I., D. Semenza, and J. Wooldredge (2025. ) The Lasting Effects of Incarcerating Juveniles in U.S. Adult Facilities: Examining the Impact on Employment and Income during Early Adulthood .British Journal of Criminology, ,
Ginneken, E. and J. Wooldredge (2024. ) Offending and Victimization in Prisons: New Theoretical and Empirical Approaches .International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, ,
Wooldredge, J., A. Graham, and J. Frank (2024. ) Individual and Neighborhood Factors in Residence-to-crime Distances for Property, Drug, and Violent Offenses .Journal of Criminal Justice, ,
Wooldredge, J., J. Cochran, S. Pate, C. Anderson, and J. Long (2024. ) Poor Mental Health as Cause and/or Consequence of Restrictive Housing .Criminal Justice and Behavior, ,
Anderson, C., J. Cochran, and J. Wooldredge (2024. ) Testing Systems-level Theories and Impacts of Supermax Prisons: A Macrolevel Longitudinal Analysis .Justice Quarterly, ,
Wooldredge, J., J. Cochran, C. Anderson, and J. Long (2024. ) Disparities in Segregation for Prison Control: Comparing Long Term Solitary Confinement to Short Term Disciplinary Restrictive Housing .Justice Quarterly, , 41 ,573
Silver, I., C. D’Amato, and J. Wooldredge (2024. ) Exacerbating Inequality Over the Life-course: Examining Race Differences in the Reciprocal Effects Between Incarceration and Income .Social Forces, , 102 ,839
Strange, C., J. Cochran, J. Wooldredge, and J. Long (2024. ) Jail Utilization and Court Sentencing: Does Jail Overcrowding Influence State Court Sentencing Decisions? .Justice Quarterly, , 41 ,672
Cochran, J., J. Wooldredge, C. Anderson, and J. Long (2023. ) Establishing Key Facts About Restrictive Housing—A Systems-Level Descriptive Analysis of Restrictive Housing and the Implications for Theory, Research, and Policy .Crime and Delinquency, ,
Wooldredge, J. and J. Cochran (2023. ) How Do Racial and Ethnic Disparities Emerge in the Use of Restrictive Housing for Prison Rule Violations? .Journal of Quantitative Criminology, , 39 ,769
Morgan, M., M. Logan, J. Wooldredge, and A. Hazelwood (2023. ) Prison Adjustment Among Military Veterans: The Impact of Traumatic Events, Service History, and PTSD.International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, , 67 ,1401 More Information
Wooldredge, J., J. Cochran, C. Anderson, and J. Long (2023. ) Restrictive Housing for Prison Rule Violators: Specific Deterrence or Defiance? .Journal of Experimental Criminology, ,
Logan, M., K. Swartz, and J. Wooldredge (2022. ) From Soldiers to Staff Members: An Examination of Veteran Status across Occupational Outcomes within the Prison Context .Criminal Justice and Behavior, , 49 ,971
Anderson, C., J. Wooldredge, and J. Cochran (2022. ) Can “Race-neutral” Program Eligibility Requirements in Criminal Justice Have Disparate Effects? An Examination of Race, Ethnicity, and Access to Prison Industry Jobs .Criminology and Public Policy, , 21 ,405
D’Amato, C., I. Silver, J. Wooldredge, and J. Newsome (2022. ) The Timing of Prison Sanctions and the Odds of Returning to Prison After Release .Crime and Delinquency, , 68 ,975
Strange, C., J. Cochran, J. Wooldredge, and B. Feldmeyer (2022. ) Sentencing Add-ons and Implications for Disparities in a Guidelines State .Crime and Delinquency, , 68 ,1538
Anderson, C., J. Cochran, and J. Wooldredge (2022. ) Is Reduced Visitation a Collateral Consequence of Restrictive Housing? .Criminal Justice and Behavior, , 49 ,1495
Silver, I., C. D’Amato, and J. Wooldredge (2021. ) The Cycle of Reentry and Reincarceration: Examining the Influence on Employment Over a Period of 18 Years .Journal of Criminal Justice , , 74 ,1
Silver, I., J. Wooldredge, C. Sullivan, and J. Nedelec (2021. ) Longitudinal Propensity Score Matching: A Demonstration of Counterfactual Conditions Adjusted for Longitudinal Clustering .Journal of Quantitative Criminology, , 37 ,267
Papp, J., J. Wooldredge, and A. Pompoco (2021. ) Timing of Prison Programs and the Odds of Returning to Prison .Corrections: Policy, Practice and Research, , 6 ,124
Wooldredge, J. (2020. ) Prison Management, Culture, and In-Prison Violence .Annual Review of Criminology, , 3 ,165
Mears, D., V. Hughes, G. Pesta, W. Bales, J. Brown, J. Cochran, and J. Wooldredge (2019. ) The New Solitary Confinement? A Conceptual Framework for Guiding and Assessing Research and Policy on “Restrictive Housing”.Criminal Justice and Behavior , , 46 (10 ) ,1427 More Information
Long, J., C. Sullivan, J. Wooldredge, A. Pompoco, and M. Lugo (2019. ) Matching Needs to Services: Prison Treatment Program Allocations .Criminal Justice and Behavior , , 46 ,674
Wooldredge, J. and J. Cochran (2019. ) Equal or Not? Private vs. Public Corrections Services and Programming .Criminology and Public Policy , , 18 ,295
Lugo, M., J. Wooldredge, A. Pompoco, C. Sullivan, and E. Latessa (2019. ) Assessing the Impact of Unit Management Programs on Institutional Misconduct and Prison “Returns”. .Justice Quarterly, , 36 ,59
Steiner, B. and J. Wooldredge (2018. ) Prison Officer Legitimacy, Their Exercise of Power, and Inmate Rule Breaking .Criminology, , 56 ,750
Cho, S. and J. Wooldredge (2018. ) Direct and Indirect Effects of Low Self-control on the Personal Victimization of South Korean Youth .Journal of Youth Studies , , 21 ,958
Cho, S. and J. Wooldredge (2018. ) Lifestyles, Informal Controls, and Youth Victimization Risk in South Korea and the United States .Journal of Child and Family Studies , , 27 ,1358
Wooldredge, J., J. Frank, and N. Goulette (2017. ) Ecological Contributors to Disparities in Bond Amounts and Pretrial Detention .Crime and Delinquency , , 63 ,1682
Williams, J., T. Griffin, D. Miller, and J. Wooldredge (2017. ) Simulating the Effects of “Peripheral Harm” as an AMBER Alert Issuance Criterion .Criminal Justice Policy Review , , 28 ,669
Oleson, J., C. Lowenkamp, J. Wooldredge, T. Cadigan, and M. VanNostrand (2017. ) The Sentencing Consequences of Federal Pretrial Detention .Crime and Delinquency , , 63 ,313
Pompoco, A., J. Wooldredge, M. Lugo, C. Sullivan, and E. Latessa (2017. ) Reducing Inmate Misconduct and Prison Returns with Facility Education Programs .Criminology and Public Policy , , 16 ,515
Steiner, B. and J. Wooldredge (2017. ) Individual and Environmental Influences on Prison Officer Safety .Justice Quarterly, , 34 ,324
Wooldredge, J. and B. Steiner (2016. ) The Exercise of Power in Prison Organizations and Implications for Legitimacy .Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology , , 106 ,125
Griffin, T., J. Williams, J. Wooldredge, and D. Miller (2016. ) Does AMBER Alert “Save Lives”? An Empirical Analysis and Critical Implications .Journal of Crime and Justice, , 39 ,490
Deryol, R., P. Wilcox, M. Logan, and J. Wooldredge (2016. ) Crime Places in Context: An Illustration of the Multilevel Nature of Hot Spot Development .Journal of Quantitative Criminology, , 32 ,305
Deryol, R., J. Wooldredge, P. Wilcox, and M. Logan (2016. ) Pondering Products of Place-Level Distances: A Reply to Reinhart .Journal of Quantitative Criminology, , 32 ,725
Wooldredge, J. and B. Steiner (2016. ) Further Inspection into the Effects of Correctional Officers’ Sex, Race, and Perceptions of Safety on Job-related Attitudes .The Prison Journal , , 96 ,576
Cho, S. and J. Wooldredge (2016. ) The Link between Juvenile Offending and Victimization: Sources of Change Over Time in Bullying Victimization Risk among South Korean Adolescents .Children and Youth Services Review , , 71 ,119
Oleson, J., M. VanNostrand, C. Lowenkamp, T. Cadigan, and J. Wooldredge (2016. ) The Effect of Pretrial Detention on Sentencing in Two Federal Districts .Justice Quarterly, , 33 ,1103
Wooldredge, J. and B. Steiner (2016. ) Assessing the Need for Gender-Specific Explanations of Prisoner Victimization .Justice Quarterly, , 33 ,209
Cho, S., J. Wooldredge, and C.S. Park (2016. ) Lifestyles/Routine Activities and Bullying among South Korean Youths .Victims and Offenders , , 11 ,285
Goulette, N., J. Wooldredge, J. Frank, and L. Travis III (2015. ) From Initial Appearance to Sentencing: Do Female Defendants Experience Disparate Treatment? .Journal of Criminal Justice, , 43 ,406
Steiner, B. and J. Wooldredge (2015. ) Examining the Sources of Correctional Officer Legitimacy .Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, , 105 ,679
Wooldredge, J., J. Frank, N. Goulette, and L. Travis III (2015. ) Is The Impact of Cumulative Disadvantage on Sentencing Greater for Black Defendants? .Criminology and Public Policy, , 14 ,187
Steiner, B. and J. Wooldredge (2015. ) Racial (In)variance in Prison Rule Breaking .Journal of Criminal Justice, , 43 ,175
Wooldredge, J. and B. Steiner (2015. ) A Macro Level Perspective on Prison Inmate Deviance .Punishment and Society , , 17 ,230
Steiner, B. and J. Wooldredge (2015. ) Individual and Environmental Sources of Work Stress among Prison Officers .Criminal Justice and Behavior , , 42 ,800
Steiner, B. and J. Wooldredge (2014. ) Comparing Self-Report to Official Measures of Inmate Misconduct .Justice Quarterly , , 31 ,1074
Labrecque, R., P. Smith, and J. Wooldredge (2014. ) Creation and Validation of an Inmate Risk Assessment for Violent, Nonsexual Victimization .Victims and Offenders , , 9 ,317
Oleson, J., M. VanNostrand, C. Lowenkamp, T. Cadigan, and J. Wooldredge (2014. ) Pretrial Detention Choices and Federal Sentencing .Federal Probation , , June 2014 ,12
Steiner, B. and J. Wooldredge (2014. ) Sex-Differences in the Predictors of Inmate Misconduct .Criminal Justice and Behavior , , 41 ,433
Wooldredge, J. and B. Steiner (2014. ) A Bi-level Framework for Understanding Prisoner Victimization .Journal of Quantitative Criminology , , 30 ,141
Wooldredge, J., T. Griffin, and A. Thistlethwaite (2013. ) Comparing Between-Judge Disparities in Imprisonment Decisions across Sentencing Regimes in Ohio .Justice System Journal , , 34 ,345
Wooldredge, J. and B. Steiner (2013. ) Violent Victimization among State Prison Inmates .Violence and Victims , , 3 ,531
Steiner, B. and J. Wooldredge (2013. ) Implications of Different Outcome Measures for an Understanding of Inmate Misconduct .Crime and Delinquency , , 59 ,1234
Griffin, T. and J. Wooldredge (2013. ) Judges Reactions to Ohio’s “Jessica’s Law” .Crime and Delinquency, , 59 ,861
Wooldredge, J. and B. Steiner (2012. ) Race Group Differences in Prison Victimization Experiences .Journal of Criminal Justice , , 40 ,358
Wooldredge, J. (2012. ) Distinguishing Race Effects on Pre-trial Release and Sentencing Decisions .Justice Quarterly , , 29 ,41
Wooldredge, J., T. Griffin, A. Thistlethwaite, and F. Rauschenberg (2011. ) Victim-based Effects on Racially Disparate Sentencing in Ohio .Journal of Empirical Legal Studies , , 8 ,85
Wooldredge, J. (2010. ) Judges’ Unequal Contributions to Extra-legal Disparities in Imprisonment .Criminology, , 48 ,539
Wooldredge, J. and B. Steiner (2010. ) Comparing Methods for Examining a Link between Prison Crowding and Inmate Violence .Justice Quarterly, , 26 ,795
Steiner, B. and J. Wooldredge (2009. ) Individual and Environmental Effects on Assaults and Nonviolent Rule-Breaking by Women in Prison .Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency , , 46 ,437
Steiner, B. and J. Wooldredge (2009. ) The Relevance of Inmate Race/ethnicity versus Population Composition for Understanding Prison Rule Violations .Punishment and Society, , 11 ,459
Wooldredge, J. (2009. ) Short- versus Long-term Effects of Ohio’s Switch to More Structured Sentencing on Extra-legal Disparities in Prison Sentences in an Urban Court .Criminology and Public Policy, , 8 ,285
Steiner, B. and J. Wooldredge (2009. ) Re-thinking the Link between Institutional Crowding and Inmate Misconduct .The Prison Journal, , 89 ,205
Tillyer, R., R. Engel, and J. Wooldredge (2008. ) The Intersection of Racial Profiling Research and the Law .Journal of Criminal Justice, , 36 ,138
Steiner, B. and J. Wooldredge (2008. ) Inmate versus Facility Effects on Prison Rule Violations .Criminal Justice and Behavior, , 35 ,438
Steiner, B. and J. Wooldredge (2008. ) Comparing State versus Facility Level Effects on Crowding in U.S. Correctional Facilities .Crime and Delinquency, , 54 ,259
Wooldredge, J. (2007. ) Neighborhood Effects on Felony Sentencing .Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, , 44 ,238
Wooldredge, J. (2007. ) Convicting and Incarcerating Felony Offenders of Intimate Assault and the Odds of New Assault Charges .Journal of Criminal Justice, , 35 ,379
Griffin, T. and J. Wooldredge (2006. ) Sex-based Disparities in Felony Dispositions Before versus After Sentencing Reform in Ohio .Criminology, , 44 ,893
Wooldredge, J. and A. Thistlethwaite (2006. ) Changing Marital Status and Desistance from Intimate Assault .Public Health Reports, , 121 ,428
Wooldredge, J., T. Griffin, and F. Rauschenberg (2005. ) Sentencing Reform and Reductions in the Disparate Treatment of Felony Defendants .Law and Society Review , , 39 ,835
Wooldredge, J. and T. Griffin (2005. ) Displaced Discretion under Ohio Sentencing Guidelines .Journal of Criminal Justice , , 33 ,301
Wooldredge, J. and A. Thistlethwaite (2005. ) Court Dispositions and Re-arrest for Intimate Assault .Crime and Delinquency, , 51 ,75
Benson, M., J. Wooldredge, A. Thistlethwaite, and G. Fox (2004. ) The Correlation between Race and Domestic Violence is confounded with Community Context .Social Problems, , 51 ,326
Wooldredge, J. and A. Thistlethwaite (2004. ) Bilevel Disparities in Court Dispositions for Intimate Assault .Criminology, , 42 ,417
Wooldredge, J. and A. Thistlethwaite (2003. ) Neighborhood Structure and Race-specific Rates of Intimate Assault .Criminology, , 41 ,393
Wooldredge, J. (2003. ) Keeping Pace with Changing Prison Populations for Effective Management .Criminology and Public Policy , , 2 ,253
Wooldredge, J. (2002. ) Examining the (Ir)relevance of Aggregation Bias for Multi-level Studies of Neighborhoods and Crime with an Example Comparing Census Tracts to Official Neighborhoods in Cincinnati .Criminology, , 40 ,681
Wooldredge, J. and A. Thistlethwaite (2002. ) Reconsidering Domestic Violence Recidivism: Conditioned Effects of Legal Controls by Individual and Aggregate Levels of Stake in Conformity .Journal of Quantitative Criminology, , 18 ,45
Griffin, T. and J. Wooldredge (2001. ) Judicial Reactions to Sentencing Reform in Ohio .Crime and Delinquency, , 47 ,491
Wooldredge, J., T. Griffin, and T. Pratt (2001. ) The Relevance of Hierarchical Models for Empirical Research on Inmate Behavior .Justice Quarterly, , 11 ,901
Wooldredge, J. (1999. ) Inmate Experiences and Psychological Well-Being .Criminal Justice and Behavior , , 26 ,235
Wooldredge, J. (1998. ) Analytical Rigor in Studies of Disparities in Criminal Case Processing .Journal of Quantitative Criminology, , 14 ,155
Wooldredge, J. (1998. ) Inmate Lifestyles and Opportunities for Victimization .Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, , 35 ,480
Thistlethwaite, A., J. Wooldredge, and D. Gibbs (1998. ) Severity of Dispositions and the Likelihood of Domestic Violence Recidivism .Crime and Delinquency, , 44 ,388
Proto-Campise, L., J. Belknap, and J. Wooldredge (1997. ) High School Students' Adherence to Rape Myths and the Effectiveness of High School Rape Awareness Programs .Violence Against Women, , 4 ,308
Wooldredge, J. and J. Gordon (1997. ) Predicting the Estimated Use of Alternatives to Incarceration .Journal of Quantitative Criminology, , 13 ,121
Wooldredge, J. (1997. ) Explaining Variation in Perceptions of Inmate Crowding .The Prison Journal, , 77 ,27
Brandl, S., J. Frank, J. Wooldredge, and R. Watkins (1997. ) On the Measurement of Public Support for the Police: A Research Note .Policing, , 20 ,473
Wooldredge, J. (1996. ) A State-level Analysis of Sentencing Policies and Inmate Crowding in State Prisons .Crime and Delinquency, , 42 ,456
McCoy, H., J. Wooldredge, F. Cullen, P. Dubeck, and S. Browning (1996. ) Lifestyles of the Old and Not-so Fearful: Life Situation and Older Person's Fear of Crime .Journal of Criminal Justice, , 24 ,191
Wooldredge, J., J. Hartman, E. Latessa, S. Holmes (1994. ) The Effectiveness of Culturally-specific Community Treatment for African-American Juvenile Felons in Cincinnati .Crime and Delinquency, , 40 ,589
Wooldredge, J. (1994. ) Inmate Crime and Victimization in a Southwestern Correctional Facility .Journal of Criminal Justice, , 22 ,367
Applegate, B., J. Wright, R. Dunaway, F. Cullen, and J. Wooldredge (1994. ) Victim-Offender Race and Support for Capital Punishment: A Factorial Design Approach .American Journal of Criminal Justice, , 18 ,95
Wooldredge, J. and K. Masters (1993. ) Confronting Problems Faced by Pregnant Inmates in State Prisons .Crime and Delinquency, , 39 ,195
Wooldredge, J. and L. Winfree (1992. ) An Aggregate-Level Study of Inmate Suicides and Deaths Due to Natural Causes in U.S. Jails .Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, , (29 ) ,466
Wooldredge, J., F. Cullen, and E. Latessa (1992. ) Victimization in the Workplace: A Test of Routine Activities Theory .Justice Quarterly, , 9 ,325
Wooldredge, J. (1991. ) Age at First Court Intervention and the Likelihood of Recidivism among Less Serious Juvenile Offenders .Journal of Criminal Justice, , 19 ,515
Wooldredge, J. (1991. ) Correlates of Deviant Behavior among Inmates of U.S. Correctional Facilities .Journal of Crime and Justice , , 14 ,1
Wooldredge, J. (1991. ) Identifying Possible Sources of Inmate Crowding in U.S. Jails .Journal of Quantitative Criminology, , 7 ,373
Winfree, L., J. Wooldredge, C. Sellers, and V. Ballard (1990. ) Parole Survival and Legislated Change: A Before/After Study of Parole Revocation Decision Making .Justice Quarterly, , 7 ,151
Wooldredge, J. (1990. ) Correlates of Jail Crowding in the US .American Journal of Criminal Justice, , 14 ,16
Wooldredge, J. (1989. ) The Impact of Jurisdiction Size on Guilty Plea Rates in 569 State Courts .Sociology and Social Research, , 74 ,26
Wooldredge, J. (1989. ) An Aggregate-Level Examination of the Caseload Pressure Hypothesis .Journal of Quantitative Criminology, , 5 ,259
Schoen, R. and J. Wooldredge (1989. ) Marriage Choices in North Carolina and Virginia, 1969-71 and 1979-81 .Journal of Marriage and the Family, , 51 ,
Schoen, R., J. Wooldredge, and B. Thomas (1989. ) Ethnic and Educational Effects on Marriage Choice .Social Science Quarterly , , 70 ,617
Wooldredge, J. (1988. ) Differentiating the Effects of Juvenile Court Sentences on Eliminating Recidivism .Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency , , 25 ,264
Sampson, R. and J. Wooldredge (1987. ) Linking the Micro and Macro-level Dimensions of Lifestyle-Routine Activity and Opportunity Models of Predatory Victimization .Journal of Quantitative Criminology, , 3 ,371
Sampson, R. and J. Wooldredge (1986. ) Evidence that High Crime Rates Encourage Migration Away from Central Cities .Sociology and Social Research, , 70 ,310
Published Books
Steiner, B. and J. Wooldredge (2020. ) Prison Violence .Taylor and Francis
Wooldredge, J. and P. Smith (2018. ) Oxford Handbook on Prisons and Imprisonment .Oxford University Press
Thistlethwaite, A. and J. Wooldredge (2013. ) Forty Studies that Changed Criminal Justice, 2nd edition .Prentice-Hall
Book Chapter
Goulette, N. and J. Wooldredge (2018 ) Collateral Consequences of Pretrial Detention Handbook on Corrections and Sentencing, Volume 3: The Consequences of Sentencing and Punishment Decisions .. Routledge
Wooldredge, J., N. Goulette, and J. Frank (2017 ) The Role of Defense Attorneys in Generating Disparities in Case Dispositions and Outcomes Handbook on Corrections and Sentencing, Volume 2: Punishment Decisions: Sites of Disparity .. Routledge
Wooldredge, J. (2018 ) Useful versus Harmful Prison Policies Oxford Handbook on Prisons and Imprisonment .Oxford University Press
Wooldredge, J. (2012 ) State Corrections Policy Politics in the American States, Vol. 10 .CQ Press
Wright, J., F. Cullen, and J. Wooldredge (2000 ) Parental Support and Juvenile Delinquency Contemporary Perspectives on Family Research .Elsevier Science
Wooldredge, J., F. Cullen, and E. Latessa (1995 ) Predicting the Likelihood of Faculty Victimization: Individual Demographics and Routine Activities Campus Crime: Legal, Social, and Policy Perspectives .Thomas Books
Winfree, L. and J. Wooldredge (1991 ) Exploring Suicides and Deaths by Natural Causes in America's Large Jails: A Panel Study of Institutional Change, 1978 and 1983 American Jails: Public Policy Issues .Nelson-Hall
Encyclopedia Article
Wooldredge, J. (2023. ) Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice .Oxford University Press
Wooldredge, J. (2021. ) The Encyclopedia of Research Methods and Statistical Techniques in Criminology and Criminal Justice .Wiley-Blackwell
Lugo, M. and J. Wooldredge (2017. ) The Encyclopedia of Corrections .Wiley-Blackwell
Wooldredge, J. (2015. ) The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2nd edition .Blackwell Publishing
Wooldredge, J. (2010. ) Encyclopedia of Criminological Theory .Sage
Wooldredge, J. (2002. ) Legal Systems of the World .II, ABL-CLIO
Wooldredge, J. (2002. ) Legal Systems of the World .III, ABL-CLIO
Wooldredge, J. (1995. ) Encyclopedia of American Prisons .Garland Publishing
Technical Reports
Latessa, E., M. Lugo, A. Pompoco, C. Sullivan, and J. Wooldredge (2015. ) Evaluation of Ohio’s Prison Programs: Final Report for the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction .
Frank, J., L. Travis, and J. Wooldredge (2011. ) An Analysis of the Impact of Defendant Race on Criminal Case Processing in Cuyahoga County, Ohio: Final Report for the Cuyahoga County Prosecutor .
Wooldredge, J. and B. Steiner (2010. ) Maintaining Prison Order: Understanding Causes and Consequences of Inmate Misconduct within and Across Ohio Correctional Facilities: Final Report for the National Science Foundation .
Steiner, B. and J. Wooldredge (2007. ) Understanding Micro- and Macro-level Influences on Inmate Misconduct across State Operated Prisons and Correctional Facilities: Final Report for the American Statistical Association .
Travis, L., J. Wooldredge, L. Winningham, and R. Jones (2003. ) Assessment of the City of Cincinnati Personnel Corrective Action/Disciplinary Process: Final Report for the City of Cincinnati .
Wooldredge, J., F. Rauschenberg, T. Griffin, and T. Pratt (2002. ) The Impact of Ohio's Senate Bill 2 on Sentencing Disparities: Final Report for the National Institute of Justice .
Rauschenberg, F. and J. Wooldredge (2002. ) An Evaluation of Ohio's Sentencing Reform Effort .Ohio Corrections Research Compendium , 1,223
Wooldredge, J. (1999. ) The Effects of Court Dispositions on the Likelihood of Rearrest for Domestic Violence Arrestees in Cincinnati: Final Report for the National Institute of Justice .
Gordon, J., E. Latessa, and J. Wooldredge (1999. ) An Examination of the Attitudes of Youth Served by the Paint Creek Youth Center: Final Report for the Ohio Office of Criminal Justice Services .
Gordon, J., E. Latessa, and J. Wooldredge (1997. ) Paint Creek Youth Center Recidivism Study: Final Report for the Ohio Office of Criminal Justice Services .
Gordon, J., E. Latessa, and J. Wooldredge (1997. ) Treatment and Punishment: A Comparison of Staff Attitudes from the Paint Creek Youth Center and Selected Ohio Training Schools: Final Report for the Ohio Office of Criminal Justice Services.
Cochran, J. and J. Wooldredge (2021. ) Examining the Use and Impact of Restrictive Housing: Final Report to the National Institute of Justice .
Wooldredge, J., C. D’Amato, N. Khade, and A. Krebs (2024. ) CBCF and HWH Evaluation 3.0: Final Report to the Ohio Office of Criminal Justice Services .
Contact Information
Academic - School of Criminal Justice, University of Cincinnati
660NB Teachers/Dyer Complex
Ohio, 45221-0389
Phone: 513-556-5838
Home - 577 Torrence Lane
Ohio, 45208