Alex Michael Wouden , PhD
Assistant Professor Educator
Joint Coop Institute
Edwards Center
CEAS - Mechanical Eng -
Doctorate: Pennsylvania State University University Park, PA, 2016 (Mechanical Engineering)
Masters: Utah State University Logan, UT, 2010 (Mechanical Engineering)
Positions and Work Experience
08-2016 -06-2017 Lecturer, Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering Technology; Taught Heat Transfer, Solid Modeling, and First-Year Engineering Materials Lab, Penn State - Erie, Erie, PA
05-2010 -08-2016 Graduate Research and Teaching Fellow, Conducted research on methods in computational fluid dynamics with application toward hydroturbine performance prediction; taught Introduction to Thermal-Science course for the College of Engineering, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
05-2008 -08-2008 Engineering Intern, Reconstructed CAD models from old software; conducted product development research as a potential cost saving mechanism in manufacturing, General Electric, Minden, NV