John Wright

John Paul Wright

Instructor - Adj

Teachers College


CECH Criminal Justice - 0389

Professional Summary

Professor Wright was the first graduate from the Criminal Justice Program at the University of Cincinnati. He subsequently served five years on the faculty at East Tennessee State University in the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology prior to joining the UC faculty. Dr. Wright’s work has sought to integrate findings from a number of disciplines, including human behavioral genetics, psychology, and biology. He has published extensively in a broad array of criminology, biology, genetics, psychology, and medical journals. His research has reinvigorated intellectual interest in the role biology plays in criminal behavior and has led to new insights on the development of criminal offending, the stability of criminal behavior, the impact of parenting on offending, effective early intervention and policy. He has published over 200 articles and book chapters and was recently judged to be one of the most prolific and most cited criminologists in the United States. Along with his many publications, Dr. Wright has also published or co-edited several books including Crimes of Privilege, a Reader on White-Collar Crime and Criminals in the Making. Additionally, Dr. Wright consults with states and local jurisdictions and is a much sought after lecturer. He currently teaches in the area of criminology.


Ph.D.: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH, 1996 (Criminal Justice)

M.A.: Indiana State University Terra Haute, IN, 1992 (Criminology)

B.S.: Indiana State University Terra Haute, IN, 1991 (Criminology)

Positions and Work Experience

2000 -To Present Associate Professor and Graduate Director in the Division of Criminal Justice, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

1995 -2000 Assistant to Associate Professor of Criminal Justice and Criminology, East Tennessee State University,

1993 -1995 Adjunct Faculty Member , University of Northern Kentucky, Department of Justice Studies, Highland Heights, KY

1993 -1995 Research/Teaching Assistant in the Division of Criminal Justice, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

1991 -1992 Research Assistant in the Graduate School of Nursing, Indiana State University, Terre Haute, Indiana

1990 -1991 Loss Prevention Manager, Hills Department Stores, Terre Haute, Indiana

1984 -1992 Security Police Supervisor, United States Air-Force & Indiana Air National Guard,

- Senior Research Fellow, Center for Criminal Justice Research,

- Fellow, Arlitt Child and Family Development Research Center,

-To Present Treasurer, American Society of Criminology,

-To Present Director, Undergraduate Program in Criminal Justice, Cincinnati, OH

-To Present Director, Graduate Program in Criminal Justice, Cincinnati, OH

Research Support

Investigators:Barzman, D., & Wright, J.P. 2006 UC Regents Grant A Family-Linked Pilot Study: A Genome Wide Screen for Main Gene Effects for a Endophenotype for Early Onset Conduct Disorder and Alcoholism in Adulthood

Investigators:Wright, J.P., & Beaver, K.M. 2006 National Institute of Justice Genetic Influences on Criminal Behavior $20,000

Investigators:Carter, D., & Wright, J.P. 2002 University of Cincinnati Faculty Mentor Grant Family Social Capital Over Time $750

Investigators:Kevin, K.M., & Wright, J.P. 2002 University of Cincinnati Faculty Mentor Grant Toward a Theory of Behavioral Stability. $750

Investigators:Carter, D., & Wright, J.P. 2001 University of Cincinnati Faculty Mentor Grant Delinquent Peer Development Across the Life-Course. $750

Investigators:Wright, J.P., & McCartan, L. 2001 University of Cincinnati Research Grant Neuropsychological Risks and the Life-Course. $4,000

Investigators:McCartan, L., Wright, J.P. 2000 University of Cincinnati Faculty Mentor Grant Criminal Potential Across the Life-Course $750

Investigators:Dietrich, K., Ris, D., & Wright, J.P. 2000 National Institute of Health Cincinnati Lead Study $500,000

Investigators:Wright, J.P., & Moon, M. 1998 East Tennessee State University, Office of Sponsored Programs A Statewide Survey on Attitudes Concerning Juvenile Crime and Justice $4,600

Investigators:Wright, J.P. 1997 East Tennessee State University, Office of Sponsored Programs Tri-Cities Adolescent Employment and Lifestyle Study $700

Investigators:Wright, J.P. 1996 East Tennessee State University, Office of Sponsored Programs Tennessee Crime Survey $2,500

1994 University of Cincinnati Summer Research Grant Developing General Strain Scales $300

Investigators:Wright, J.P. 1994 Department of Human Relations, Cincinnati, Ohio The Cincinnati Curfew Ordinance: An Empirical Examination of Arrest Rates $1,200

Investigators:Wright, J.P. 1994 Department of Human Relations, Cincinnati, Ohio The Cincinnati Curfew Ordinance: A Preliminary Report $1,200

Grant: #2006-IJ-CX-0001 Investigators:Wright, John 04-01-2006 -03-31-2007 National Institute of Justice The Intersection of Genes, the Environment, and Crime and Delinquency: A Longitudinal Study of Offending Role:PI $20,000.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #2019-R2-CX-0065 Investigators:Corsaro, Nicholas; Engel, Robin; Ozer, Mustafa; Wright, John 01-01-2020 -12-31-2021 National Institute of Justice The Impact of Constitutional Carry Legislation on Urban Violence, Arrests, and Police-Citizen Encounters Role:Collaborator $323,263.00 Awarded Level:Federal

Grant: #ARPA 35x0037 Investigators:Ozer, Mustafa; Wright, John 12-01-2022 -06-30-2024 Department of Treasury FY22 ARPA Violence Reduction - Contract with Cincinnati PD Role:Collaborator 0.00 Hold Level:Federal


Peer Reviewed Publications

Boisvert, D., & Wright, J.P. (2008. ) Nonshared environmental influences on sibling differences in externalizing problem behavior .Criminal Justice and Behavior, , 35 (7 ) ,863 -878

Vaske, J., Makarios, M., Boisvert, D., Beaver, K., & Wright, J.P. (2009. ) The Interaction of DRD2 and Violent Victimization on Depression: An Analysis by Gender and Race .Journal of Affective Disorders, , 112 (1-3 ) ,120 -125

Beaver, K.M., Wright, J.P., & DeLisi, M. (2008. ) Delinquent Peer Group Formation: Evidence of a Gene X Environment Correlation .The Journal of Genetic Psychology, , 169 (3 ) ,227 -244

Beaver, K.M., Wright, J.P, DeLisi, M., & and Vaughn, M.G. (2008. ) Desistance from Delinquency: The Marriage Effect Revisited and Extended .Social Science Research, , 37 (3 ) ,736 -752

Wright, J.P., Beaver, K.M., Delisi, M., & Vaughn, M.G. (2008. ) Evidence of the Negligible Influence of Parenting on Self-Control, Delinquent Peers, and Delinquency in a Sample of Twins .Justice Quarterly, , 25 (3 ) ,544 -569

Beaver, K.M., Wright, J.P., & Maume, M.O. (2008. ) The Effect of School Classroom Characteristics on Low Self-Control: A Multilevel Analysis .Journal of Criminal Justice, , 36 ,174-181

DeLisi, M., Beaver, K.M., Wright, J.P., & Vaughn, M.G. (2008. ) The Etiology of Criminal Onset: The Enduring Salience of Nature and Nurture .Journal of Criminal Justice, , 36 (3 ) ,217 -223

Beaver, K.M., DeLisi, M., Vaughn, M.G., Wright, J.P, & Boutwell, B. (2008. ) The Relationship between Self-Control and Language Skills: Evidence of a Shared Etiological Pathway .Criminology, , 46 (4 ) ,939 -970

Beaver, K.M., DeLisi, M., Vaughn, M.G., & Wright, J.P. (2008. ) The Intersection of Genes and Neuropsychological Deficits in the Prediction of Adolescent Delinquency and Low Self-Control .Justice Quarterly, , 54 (1 ) ,22 -42

Gibson, C., Wright, J.P., Daigle, L.E., Swatt, M.L., & Beaver, K.M. (2008. ) Gender and Self-Control: Should Grasmick et al.’s Items be Used for Males and Females .

Beaver, K.M., Wright, J.P., & DeLisi, M. (2008. ) Genetic Influences on the Stability of Low Self-Control: Results from a Longitudinal Sample of Twins .Justice Quarterly, , 36 (6 ) ,478 -485

Wright, J.P. (2008. ) Biosocial Selection into Extensive and Prolonged Adolescent Work Roles .

Wright, J.P. (2008. ) Analysis of the restricted ADDHEALTH genetic data. Various papers that examine the influence of genetic polymorphisms on behavioral outcomes .

Wright, J.P., & Barzman, D. (2008. ) A Family-Linked Pilot Study: A Genome Wide Screen for Main Gene Effects for a Endophenotype for Early Onset Conduct Disorder and Alcoholism in Adulthood .

Wright, J.P. (2008. ) "The Lead Effect Across Two Generations.” An analysis of data collected from a 24 year longitudinal study on the effects of lead on behavior and neuropsychological outcomes .

Boisvert, D. and Wright, J.P. (2008. ) IQ and Low Self-Control .

Boisvert, D., Vaske, J., Wright, J.P., Beaver, K.M., & Schnupp, R. (2008. ) The association between DRD4 and DAT1 and frequent marijuana use .Addiction, ,

Beaver, K.M., Wright, J.P., & DeLisi, M. (2008. ) Gene-Environment Interplay and Delinquent Involvement: Implications for Self-Control and Social Learning Theories .Behavioral Science and the Law, ,

Wright, J.P., Dietrich, K., Ris, M.D., Wessel, S., Lamphear, B., & Hornung, R. (2008. ) Childhood Lead Exposure and Adult Criminal Behavior in a Prospective, Longitudinal Birth Cohort .PLoS, ,

Wright, J.P., Beaver, K., & Gibson, C. (2010. ) Behavioral Stability as an Emergent Process: Toward a Coherent Theory of Concentrated Personal Disadvantage .Journal of Youth and Adolescence, , 39 (9 ) ,1080 -1096

Beaver, K.M., & Wright, J.P. (2008. ) It Doesn’t Matter if You’re Black or White: Teacher Evaluations of White and Black Student’s Behavior .Social Science Quarterly, ,

Beaver, K.M., Vaughn, M.G., DeLisi, M., & J.P. Wright (2008. ) Anabolic-Androgenic Steroid Use and Involvement in Violent Behavior in a Nationally Representative Sample of Young Adult Males in the United States .American Journal of Public Health, , 98 (12 ) ,2185 -2187

Vaughn, M. G.; DeLisi, M.; Beaver, K. M.; Wright, J. P. (2009. ) Identifying Latent Classes of Behavioral Risk Based on Early Childhood Manifestations of Self-Control .Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, , 7 (1 ) ,16 -31

Beaver, K.M., Wright, J.P., & Walsh, A. (2008. ) A Gene-Based Evolutionary Explanation for the Association between Criminal Involvement and Number of Sex Partners .Social Biology, , 54 (1 ) ,47 -55

Beaver, K.M., & Wright, J.P. (2007. ) The Stability of Low Self-Control from Kindergarten through First Grade .30 (1 ) ,63 -86

Vaughn, M.G., DeLisi, M., Beaver, K.M., & Wright, J.P. (2007. ) Toward a Psychopathology of Self-Control Theory: The Importance of Narcissistic Traits .Behavioral Sciences and the Law, , 25 ,803 -821

Beaver, K.M., & Wright, J.P. (2007. ) A Child Effects Explanation for the Association between Family Risk and Involvement in an Antisocial Lifestyle .Journal of Adolescent Research, , 22 (6 ) ,640 -664

Beaver, K.M., Wright, J.P., DeLisi, M., Daigle, L.E., Swatt, M.L., & Gibson, C.L. (2007. ) Evidence of a Gene X Environment Interaction in the Creation of Victimization: Results from a Longitudinal Sample of Adolescents .International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, , 51 (6 ) ,620 -645

Beaver,K.M.; Wright,J.P.; DeLisi,M.; Walsh,A.; Vaughn,M.G.; Boisvert,D.; Vaske,J. (2007. ) A gene x gene interaction between DRD2 and DRD4 is associated with conduct disorder and antisocial behavior in males .Behavioral and Brain Functions, , 3 ,30

Beaver, K.M.; Wright, J.P.; Delisi, M. (2007. ) Self-control as an executive function: reformulating gottfredson and hirschi's parental socialization thesis .Criminal Justice and Behavior, , 34 (10 ) ,1345 -1361

Beaver, Kevin M.; Wright, John Paul (2005. ) Biosocial development and delinquent involvement .Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, , 3 (2 ) ,168-192

Beaver, Kevin M.; Wright, John Paul (2005. ) Evaluating the effects of birth complications on low self-control in a sample of twins .International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, , 49 (4 ) ,450-471

Wright, John Paul; Beaver, Kevin M. (2005. ) Do parents matter in creating self-control in their children? a genetically informed test of gottfredson and hirschi’s theory of low self-control .Criminology, , 43 (4 ) ,1169-1202

Wright, J.P.; Carter, D.E.; Cullen, F.T. (2005. ) A life-course analysis of military service in vietnam .Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, , 42 (1 ) ,55-83

Wright,John Paul; Cullen,Francis T. (2004. ) Employment, peers, and life-course transitions .JQ: Justice Quarterly, , 21 (1 ) ,183 -205

Brezina, T.; Agnew, R.; Cullen, F.T.; Wright, J.P. (2004. ) The code of the street: a quantitative assessment of elijah anderson's subculture of violence thesis and its contribution to youth violence research .Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, , 2 (4 ) ,303 -328

Moon, M.M.; Cullen, F.T.; Wright, J.P. (2003. ) It takes a village: public willingness to help wayward youths .Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, , 1 (1 ) ,32 -45

Wright, J.P.; Cullen, F.T.; Williams, N. (2002. ) The embeddedness of adolescent employment and participation in delinquency: a life course perspective .Western Criminology Review, , 4 (1 ) ,1 -19

Agnew,Robert; Brezina,Timothy; Wright,John Paul; Cullen,Francis T. (2002. ) Strain, personality traits, and delinquency: extending general strain theory .Criminology, , 40 (1 ) ,43 -72

Wright,John Paul; Cullen,Francis T.; Miller,J.T. (2001. ) Family social capital and delinquent involvement .Journal of Criminal Justice, , 29 (1 ) ,1 -9

Wright, J.P.; Cullen, F.T. (2001. ) Parental efficacy and delinquent behavior: do control and support matter? .Criminology, , 39 (3 ) ,677 -705

Vander Ven, T.M.; Cullen, F.T.; Carrozza, M.A.; Wright, J.P. (2001. ) Home alone: the impact of maternal employment on delinquency .Social Problems, , 48 (2 ) ,236 -257

Wright, J.P.; Cullen, F.T.; Agnew, R.S.; Brezina, T. (2001. ) “the root of all evil”? an exploratory study of money and delinquent involvement .Justice Quarterly, , 18 (2 ) ,239 -268

Gibson, C.; Wright, J.P. (2001. ) Low self-control and coworker delinquency: a research note .Journal of Criminal Justice, , 29 (6 ) ,483 -492

Moon, M.M.; Wright, J.P.; Cullen, F.T.; Pealer, J.A. (2000. ) Putting kids to death: specifying public support for juvenile capital punishment .Justice Quarterly, , 17 (4 ) ,663 -684

Moon, M.M.; Sundt, J.L.; Cullen, F.T.; Wright, J.P. (2000. ) Is child saving dead? public support for juvenile rehabilitation .Crime & Delinquency, , 46 (1 ) ,38 -60

Gibson, C.; Wright, J.; Tibbets, S. (2000. ) Testing the generality of the general theory of crime: the effects of low self-control on social development .Journal of Crime and Justice, , 23 ,109 -134

Wright,John Paul; Cullen,Francis T. (2000. ) Juvenile involvement in occupational delinquency .Criminology, , 38 (3 ) ,863 -896

Cullen,F.T.; Wright,J.P.; Chamlin,M.B. (1999. ) Social support and social reform: a progressive crime control agenda .Crime & Delinquency, , 45 (1 ) ,188 -207

Whitehead, J.T.; Blankenship, M.B.; Wright, J.P. (1999. ) Elite versus citizen attitudes on capital punishment: incongruity between the public and policymakers .Journal of Criminal Justice, , 27 (3 ) ,249 -258

Cullen,Francis T.; Wright,John Paul; Brown,Shayna; Moon,Melissa M.; Blankenship,Michael B.; Applegate,Brandon K. (1998. ) Public support for early intervention programs: implications for a progressive policy agenda .Crime & Delinquency, , 44 (2 ) ,187 -204

Cullen, F.T.; Gendreau, P.; Jarjoura, G.R.; Wright, J.P. (1997. ) Crime and the bell curve: lessons from intelligent criminology .Crime & Delinquency, , 43 (4 ) ,387 -411

Cullen, F.T.; Williams, N.; Wright, J.P. (1997. ) Work conditions and juvenile delinquency: is youth employment criminogenic? .Criminal Justice Policy Review, , 8 (2-3 ) ,119 -143

Wright, J.P.; Cullen, F.T.; Williams, N. (1997. ) Working while in school and delinquent involvement: implications for social policy .Crime & Delinquency, , 43 (2 ) ,203 -221

Williams, N.; Cullen, F.T.; Wright, J.P. (1996. ) Labor market participation and youth crime: the neglect of ‘working’ in delinquency research .Social Pathology, , 2 (3 ) ,195 -217

Wright, J.P.; Cullen, F.T.; Blankenship, M.B. (1995. ) The social construction of corporate violence: media coverage of the imperial food products fire .Crime & Delinquency, , 41 (1 ) ,20 -36

Applegate, B.K.; Wright, J.P.; Dunaway, R.G.; Cullen, F.T.; Wooldredge, J. (1993. ) Victim-offender race and support for capital punishment: a factorial design approach .American Journal of Criminal Justice, , 18 (1 ) ,95–115

Beaver, K. M.; Hoffman, T. Shields, R. T.; Vaughn, M. G.; DeLisi, M.; Wright, J. P (2010. ) Gender differences in genetic and environmental influences on gambling: Results from a sample of twins from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health .Addiction, , 105 ,536 -542

Beaver, K. M.; DeLisi, M.; Wright, J. P.; Vaughn, M. G. (2009. ) Gene-environment interplay and delinquent involvement: Evidence of direct, indirect, and interactive effects .Journal of Adolescent Research, , 24 ,147 -168

DeLisi, M.; Beaver, K. M.; Vaughn, M. G.; Wright, J. P (2009. ) All in the family: Gene x environemt interaction between DRD2 and criminal fathers is associated with five antisocial phenotypes .Criminal Justice and Behavior, , 36 ,1187 -1197

Vaughn, M. G.; DeLisi, M.; Beaver, K. M.; Wright, J. P. (2009. ) DAT1 and 5HTT are associated with pathological criminal behavior in a nationally representative sample of youth .Criminal Justice and Behavior, , 36 ,1113 -1124

Wright, J. P.; Boisvert, D. (2009. ) What biosocial criminology offers criminology .Criminal Justice and Behavior, , 36 ,1228 -1240

Wright, J. P.; Boisvert, D.; Vaske, J. (2009. ) Blood lead levels in early childhood predict adulthood psychopathy .Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, , 7 ,208 -222

DeLisi, M.; Wright, J. P.; Vaughn, M. G.; Beaver, K. M. (2009. ) Copernican criminology .The Criminologist, , 34 (1 ) ,14 -16

Beaver, K.M., & Wright, J.P. (2011. ) The association between county-level IQ and county-level crime rates. Intelligence, , 39 ,22-26

Vaske, J., Wright, J.P., & Beaver, K.M. (2011. ) A dopamine gene (DRD2) distinguishes between offenders who have and have not been violently victimized. .International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, , 55 ,2651-267

Vaske, J., Wright, J.P., Boisvert, D., & Beaver, K.M. (2011. ) Gender, genetic risk, and criminal behavior. .Psychiatry Research, , 185 ,376-381.

Other Publications

Wright, J.P., Carter, D., & Vose, B. (2002. ) Families and Schools Acting Together: Final Report . For Brown County, Ohio, Juvenile Court

Wright, J.P., & Price, V. (1997. ) The High Cost of Adolescent Employment: Results from the Tri-Cities Adolescent Employment Survey . For Johnson City School Board, Carter County School Board, Washington County School Board.

Wright, J.P., Fleury, J., Brown, S., & Holleran, D. (1996. ) Public Attitudes on Crime in Tennessee: Pragmatic Crime Policy .

Wright, J.P., Hurst, Y.G., Sundt, J., & Latessa, E. (1995. ) The Cincinnati Curfew Ordinance: A Preliminary Report .

Wright, J.P., Hurst, Y.G., Sundt, J., & Latessa, E. (1995. ) The Cincinnati Curfew Ordinance: An Empirical Examination of Arrest Rates .

Published Books

John Paul Wright, Stephen G. Tibbetts, Leah Daigle (2008. ) Criminals in the Making: Criminality Across the Life-Course .Sage Publications ,

Francis T. Cullen, John Paul Wright, and Kristi Blevins (eds.) (2006. ) Taking Stock: The Status of Criminological Theory–Advances in Criminological Theory, vol. 15 .New Brunswick , Transaction Publishers

Neal Shover and John Paul Wright (eds.) (2001. ) Crimes of Privilege: Readings in White Collar Crime .New York , Oxford University Press

Ellis, L., Beaver, K.M., & J.P. Wright (2008. ) Crime Correlates: Summarizing the Evidence .New York, NY , Elsevier

Book Chapter

Wright, J.P. (2008 ) Contemporary Biosocial Criminology Inconvenient Truths: Race, Science, and Criminal Behavior .London, Routledge Press

Wright, J.P., Boisvert, D., Dietrich, K., & Ris, M.D. (2008 ) Contemporary Biosocial Criminology The Ghost in the Machine and Criminal Behavior: Criminology for the 21st Century .London, Routledge Press

Wright, J.P., & Beaver, K.M. (2008 ) Violent Offenders: Theory, Research, Public Policy, and Practice The Behavioral Genetics of Predatory Criminal Behavior .(pp. 33 -48).Boston, MA, Jones and Bartlett Publishers

DeLisi, M, Beaver, K.M., Vaughn, M.G., & J.P. Wright (2008 ) Criminology Theory: The Reader Biological/Biosocial Theories .New York, NY, McGraw-Hill

Wright, J.P., & Beaver, K.M. (2007 ) The Development of Persistent Criminality A Systematic Approach to Understanding Human Variability in Serious, Persistent Offending .Oxford, UK, Oxford University Press

Wright, J.P, Cullen, F.T., & Beaver, K.M. (2006 ) Ethics in Practice (3rd ed.) Does Punishment Work? .Blackwell Press

Cullen, F.T., Unnever, J.D., Wright, J.P., & Beaver, K.M. (2006 ) Out of Control? Evaluating the General Theory of Crime Parenting and Self-Control .Cambridge, UK, Cambridge University Press

Cullen, F.T., Wright, J.P., Gendreau, P., & Andrews, D.A. (2003 ) Social Learning Theory and the Explanation of Crime: A Guide for the New Century—Advances in Criminological Theory, Volume 11 What Correctional Treatment Can Tell Us About Criminological Theory: Implications for Social Learning Theory .(pp. 339 -362).New Brunswick, NJ, Transaction Publishers

Wright, J.P. (2002 ) Rational Choice and Criminal Behavior: Recent Research and Future Challenges Premature Affluence, Rational-Choice and Delinquency .(pp. 137 -161).New York, Routledge Press

Cullen, F.T., & Wright, J.P. (2002 ) The Future of the Adolescent Experience: Societal Trends and the Transition to Adulthood in the 21st Century Criminal Justice in the Lives of American Adolescents .(pp. 88 -128).New York, Cambridge University Press

Wright, J.P, Cullen, F.T., & Wooldredge, J.D. (2000 ) Families, Crime, and Criminal Justice: Contemporary Perspectives on Family Research Parental Support and Juvenile Delinquency: Empirical Evidence from an Emerging Paradigm .(pp. 139 -161).Greenwich, CT, JAI Press

Cullen, F.T., & Wright, J.P. (1997 ) Assessing the Anomie-Strain Tradition Liberating the Anomie-Strain Theory Paradigm: Implications from Social Support Theory .(pp. 187 -206).Boston, MA, Northeastern University Press

Cullen, F.T., & Wright, J.P. (1996 ) The Past, Present, and Future of American Criminal Justice Two Futures in American Corrections .(pp. 198 -219).New York, General Hall

Cullen, F.T., Wright, J.P., & Applegate, B. (1995 ) What Works in Community Corrections: Evaluating the Supply and Defining the Demand Control in the Community: The Limits of Reform? .(pp. 69 -116).Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage Publications

Vaughn, M.G.; DeLisi, M.; Beaver, K.M.; Wright, J.P. (2008 ) Child Welfare Issues and Perspectives Psychopathic Personality Features and the Child Welfare System .

DeLisi, M.; Beaver, K. M.; Vaughn, M. G.; Wright, J. P (2010 ) Biological/biosocial theories Criminological Theory: Readings and Retrospectives .New York, New York, McGraw-Hill

Vaughn, M. G.; DeLisi, M.; Beaver, K. M.; Wright, J. P. (2009 ) Psychopathic personality features and the child welfare system: Implications for prevention of problems over the life-course Child Welfare Issues and Perspectives .(pp. 151 -156).New York, New York, Nova Science Publishers

Wright, J. P.; Boisvert, D.; Dietrich, K.; Ris, M. D. (2009 ) The ghost in the machine and criminal behavior: Criminology for hte 21st century Biosocial Criminology: New Directions in Theory and Research .(pp. 736 -89).New York, New York, Routledge

Wright, J. P. (2009 ) Inconvenient truths: Race and crime Biosocial Criminology: New Directions in Theory and Research .(pp. 137 -153).New York, New York, Routledge

Wright, J.P. (2011 ) Prenatal insults and the development of persistent criminal behavior. Criminology Theory: A life-course approach. (pp. 51-67).Sudbury, MA, Jones & Bartlett.

Encyclopedia Article

Wright, J.P. (2006. ) Encyclopedia of White-Collar Crime .Greenwood Press

Wright, J.P. (1999. ) Violence in America: An Encyclopedia .1, 312 -317 New York, Charles Scribner's Sons

Wright, J.P., & Travis, L.F. III (1996. ) The Encyclopedia of American Corrections .236 -237 New York, Garland

Additional Publications


Invited Presentations

Wright, J.P. (08-2008. ) Adolescent Brain Development: Implications for Treatment and Control .Nebraska Juvenile Justice Association,

Wright, J.P. (05-2008. ) Etiology of Juvenile Offending Across the Life-Course .Urban League.

Wright, J.P. (09-2007. ) Lead and Adult Criminal Behavior .14th Annual New York Conference on Lead, New York.

Wright, J.P., Beaver, K.M., & Delisi, M. (03-2007. ) Evidence of Negligible Parenting Influences on Self-Control, Delinquent Peers, and Delinquency in a Sample of Monozygotic Twins .Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences , Seattle, WA.

DeLisi, M., Beaver, K.M., & Wright, J.P. (03-2007. ) Genetic Antecedents of Career Criminality: An Exploratory Empirical .Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Seattle, WA.

Wright, J.P., & Beaver, K.M. (03-2007. ) A Child Effects Explanation for the Association between Family Risk and Involvement in an Antisocial Lifestyle .Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences , Seattle, WA.

Wright, J.P. (02-2007. ) What Works with Criminal and Addicted Populations .ASPIN Educational Networks, Indianapolis, IN.

Wright, J.P. (12-2006. ) Delinquency prevention .Indiana Youth Services,

Boisvert, D., & Wright, J.P. (11-2006. ) Non-shared environmental influences and sibling differences in externalizing problem behavior .American Society of Criminology, Los Angeles, CA.

Schnupp, R., & Wright, J.P. (11-2006. ) Gene X environment interaction and low self-control .American Society of Criminology, Los Angeles, CA.

Vaske, J., & Wright, J.P. (11-2006. ) Genetic contributors to alcohol related problems by gender and race .American Society of Criminology, Los Angeles, CA.

Vaske, J., & Wright, J.P. (11-2006. ) Emotional indicators of low self-control .American Society of Criminology, Los Angeles, CA.

Beaver, K. M., & Wright, J. P. (11-2006. ) Neuropsychological deficits are predictive of childhood levels of low self-control .American Society of Criminology, Los Angeles, CA.

Wright, P. J., & Beaver, K. M. (11-2006. ) Biosocial development and adolescent employment: Beyond the selection/causation debate .American Society of Criminology, Los Angeles, CA.

Wright, P. J., & Beaver, K. M. (11-2006. ) The biosocial development of persistent offending: A human systems approach .American Society of Criminology, Los Angeles, CA.

Beaver, K. M., Wright, J. P., Daigle, L. E., Swatt, M. L., & Gibson, C. (11-2006. ) Evidence of a gene X environment interaction in the creation of victimization: Results from a longitudinal sample of adolescents .American Society of Criminology, Los Angeles, CA.

Beaver, K. M., Wright, J. P., & DeLisi, M. (11-2006. ) Genetic and environmental contributors to associating with delinquent peers: Evidence of a gene X environment correlation .American Society of Criminology, Los Angeles, CA.

Wright, J.P. (10-2006. ) What Works with Offenders .Nebraska Probation,

Wright, J.P. (06-2006. ) The Criminal Mind: Bridging the Gap between Mental Health and Corrections .ASPIN Educational Network, Indianapolis, IN.

Wright, J.P. (03-2006. ) Assessing RECLAIM Ohio .Rethinking Juvenile Justice Conference, Columbus, OH.

Wright, J. P. (09-2005. ) Effective interventions and evidence based practices .Invited presentation given to Federal Probation and U.S. Court Services, CA.

Wright, J. P. (09-2005. ) What works with adolescent offenders? .Invited presentation given to PACT, IN.

Wright, J. P. (07-2005. ) How lead affects adult crime .Presentation given at East Tennessee State University,

Wright, J. P. (07-2005. ) What works, what doesn't, and why .Invited presentation given to the Multi-County Juvenile Assistance Program, Stark County, OH.

Wright, J. P. (06-2005. ) The development of offending and effective correctional intervention .RECLAIM OHIO 2005, Ohio Department of Youth Services,

Wright, J. P. (03-2005. ) Adolescent offenders and their treatment .Invited lecture at The Ohio State University, John Glenn Policy Institute, Columbus, OH.

Wright, J., Dietrich, K., & Ris, D. (11-2004. ) The intergenerational transmission of crime: The lead effect reconsidered .Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology meeting, Nashville, TN.

Wright, J. & Brown, S. (11-2004. ) The social construction of dead beat dads .American Society of Criminology meeting, Nashville, TN.

Wright, J. & Beaver, K. (11-2004. ) Do parents matter in creating self-control in their children? .Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology meeting, Nashville, TN.

Wright, J.P. (11-2004. ) Lead in Two Generations .Division of Criminal Justice Brown Bag Series, Cincinnati, OH.

Wright, J. (10-2004. ) Lead and the intergenerational transmission of crime .Presented to the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Department of Environmental Health,

Wright, J. (10-2004. ) Linking our understanding of the development of crime to effective interventions .Paper presented at the International Community Corrections Conference, Cincinnati, OH.

Wright, J. (09-2004. ) Understanding the science of what works .Invited presentation to the South Dakota Department of Corrections.,

Wright, J. (06-2004. ) What works, what doesn't and why? .Invited presentation sponsored by Pennsylvania Department of Corrections and Division of Families,

Wright, J (05-2004. ) Linking the development of offending to effective correctional intervention .Invited presentation sponsored by the Indiana Judicial Center,

Wright, J. & Beaver, K. (04-2004. ) The ABC's of misconduct: Antisocial behavior in children .Paper presented at the Ohio Criminal Justice Research Conference, Columbus, OH.

Wright, J. & Beaver, K. (03-2004. ) The reproduction of concentrated personal disadvantage .Paper presented at the meeting of Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Las Vegas, NV.

Wright, J. & Beaver, K. (03-2004. ) Evaluating the effects of birth complications on low self-control using a sample of twins .Paper presented at the meeting of Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Las Vegas, NV.

Wright, J., Beaver, K., & Gibson, C. (11-2003. ) Toward a unified theory of behavioral stability .Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Denver, CO.

Wright, J.P., Beaver, K.M., & Gibson, C. (03-2003. ) The Stability of Low Self-Control from Childhood to Young Adulthood: A Longitudinal Analysis .Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Boston, MA.

Wright, J.P., & Minor, S. (11-2002. ) The Birds, the Bees, and Delinquency .American Society of Criminology, Chicago, IL.

Wright, J.P., & Carter, D. (11-2002. ) Family Social Capital Across the Life-Course .American Society of Criminology, Chicago, IL.

Wright, J.P., & Beaver, K.M. (11-2002. ) Physicality and Delinquent Involvement: Does Size Matter? .American Society of Criminology, Chicago, IL.

Wright. J.P., & Beaver, K.M. (11-2002. ) Physicality and delinquent involvement: Does size matter? .American Society of Criminology, Chicago, IL.

Wright. J.P., & Carter, D. (11-2002. ) Family social capital across the life-course .American Society of Criminology, Chicago, IL.

Wright. J.P., & Minor, S. (11-2002. ) The birds, the bees, and delinquency .American Society of Criminology, Chicago, IL.

Wright. J.P., & Carter, D. (11-2002. ) Family social capital across the life-course .American Society of Criminology , Chicago, IL.

Wright, J.P. (08-2002. ) Criminal Justice in the Lives of Adolescents .American Sociological Association, Chicago, IL.

Wright, J.P., & Beaver, K.M. (02-2002. ) Does Size Matter? Physicality and Delinquent Involvement .University of Cincinnati Spring Research Conference, Cincinnati, OH.

Wright, J.P., Carter, D., & Wooldredge, J. (03-2001. ) A Life-Course Analysis of Peer Development .Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Washington, D.C..

Wright, J.P. (03-2001. ) Comorbidity in Problem Behavior and its Relationship to Juvenile Treatment .Division of Youth Services, State of Ohio,

Wright, J.P., Haas, S., Van Voorhis, P., & Mazerolle, P. (11-2000. ) Testing Bandura’s Social Learning Model .American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, CA.

Wright, J.P., & Carter, D. (11-2000. ) Rich Man’s War, Poor Man’s Battle: A Life-Course Analysis of the Effects Military Service During Vietnam .American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, CA.

Wright, J.P., & Verhegee, K. (11-2000. ) Parents, Peers and Developmental Trends .American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, CA.

Wright, J.P. (10-2000. ) Known Patterns of Development into Delinquency: A New Direction in Juvenile Justice Policy .West Central Juvenile Justice Symposium,

Wright, J.P., & Cullen, F.T. (11-1999. ) What Correctional Treatment has to Teach Criminological Theory .American Society of Criminology, Toronto, Canada.

Wright, J.P., & Cullen, F.T. (11-1999. ) Juvenile Involvement in Occupational Delinquency .American Society of Criminology, Toronto, Canada.

Wright, J.P., Moon, M., Sundt, J., & Cullen, F.T. (11-1999. ) Is Child-Saving Dead? Public Support for Juvenile Rehabilitation .American Society of Criminology, Toronto, Canada.

Wright, J.P., Cullen, F.T., Agnew, R.S., & Brezina, T. (11-1999. ) "The Root of All Evil" Money and Delinquent Involvement .Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Orlando, Florida.

Wright, J.P., Moon, M., Cullen, F.T., & Pealer, J. (03-1999. ) Putting Kid's to Death: Specifying Public Support for Juvenile Capital Punishment .Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Orlando, Florida.

Wright, J.P. (11-1998. ) Early Work Experiences and Delinquency .American Society of Criminology, Washington, D.C..

Wright, J.P. (10-1998. ) What Students and Criminals have in Common .University Productions "Last Lecture Series",

Wright, J.P. (08-1998. ) Social Support and Social Reform: A Progressive Crime Control Agenda .American Sociological Society, San Francisco, CA.

Wright, J.P. (03-1998. ) Adolescent Mothers and Delinquency in their Children .Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Albuquerque, NM.

Wright, J.P. (03-1998. ) Delinquency and Single Parent Families: An Examination of Direct Parental Controls, Family Risk Factors, and Parental Social Support .Academy of Criminal Justice Science, Albuquerque, NM.

Wright, J.P. (03-1998. ) Elite vs. Citizen Attitudes on Capital Punishment: Do Legislators Know What Joan Q. Public Thinks? .Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Albuquerque, NM.

Wright, J.P. (11-1997. ) The Embeddedness of Adolescent Employment and Participation in Delinquency: A Life-Course Perspective .American Society of Criminology, San Diego, CA.

Wright, J.P. (10-1997. ) A Life-Course Approach to Adolescent Delinquency .Annual Tennessee Social Work Conference , Johnson City, TN.

Wright, J.P. (11-1996. ) Parental Support and Delinquent Behavior: The Limits of Control Theory .American Society of Criminology , Chicago, IL.

Wright, J.P. (11-1995. ) What's Love Got to Do With It? Parental Support and Juvenile Delinquency: A Social Capital Approach .American Society of Criminology , Boston, MA.

Wright, J.P. (04-1995. ) A Review of the Evidence Concerning the Application of Capital Sentencing and the Administration of Capital Punishment .Lions Club, Johnson City, TN.

Wright, J.P., Hurst, Y., & Sundt, J. (03-1995. ) Controlling Crime Through Time: The Effects of Cincinnati's Adolescent Curfew .Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences , Boston, MA.

Wooldredge, J., & Wright, J.P. (03-1994. ) The Effects of Institutional Experiences on Inmate Attitudes Toward Incarceration .Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences , Chicago, Illinois.

Cullen, F.T., Wright, J.P., & Applegate, B. (11-1993. ) Control in the Community: The Limits of Reform? .International Association of Residential and Community Alternatives conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Wright, J.P., & Cullen, F.T. (10-1993. ) The Social Construction of Corporate Violence .American Society of Criminology , Phoenix, AZ.

Applegate, B., Wright, J.P., Cullen, F.T., Dunaway, R.G., & Wooldredge, J. (10-1993. ) Victim-Offender Race and Support for Capital Punishment: A Factorial Design Approach .American Society of Criminology, Phoenix, AZ.

Wright, J.P. (10-1991. ) The Dichotomy of White-Collar Crime .Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Pittsburgh, PA.

Paper Presentations

Wright, J. P. (09-2009. ) The development of offending behavior .

Wright, J. P. (07-2009. ) Getting the law involved: Results from the Early Intervention Prosecutors Program .Chicago, IL.

Wright, J. P. (06-2009. ) The development of criminal behavior .Wichita, KS.

Honors and Awards

2003 Division of Criminal Justice Award For Service, University of Cincinnati

1997 Mentor of the Year, Graduate Student Society, East Tennessee State University

1996 Gavin Distinguished Dissertation Award, University of Cincinnati

1996 Mentor of the Year, Graduate Student Society, East Tennessee State University

1995 Mentor of the Year, Graduate Student Society, East Tennessee State University


(CECH Tenure and Promotion Committee ) 2007 -To Present

Graduate Program Director in the Division of Criminal Justice 2007 -To Present

Graduate Student Overview Committee Committee Chair 2005 -To Present

Graduate Curriculum Committee Committee Chair 2005 -To Present

American Society of Criminology, Treasurer Board Member 2003 -To Present

Undergraduate Program Director, Division of Criminal Justice 2002 -2007

Division of Criminal Justice Faculty Search Committee Committee Chair 2001 -2002

Academic Program Committee Member 2001 -2002

College of Education Assessment and Standards Committee Member 2000 -2001

Division of Criminal Justice Graduate Admissions Committee Member 2000 -2001

Division of Criminal Justice Speakers Committee Committee Chair 2000 -2001

Division of Criminal Justice Faculty Search Committee Committee Chair 2000 -2001

Departmental Search Committee for the Chair's Position Committee Chair 1998 -1999

Educational Affairs Committee, College of Arts and Sciences Committee Chair 1998 -1999

General Education Affairs Committee (GEAC) Member 1998 -1999

Departmental Curriculum Committee Committee Chair 1998 -1999

Committee on Non-Thesis Options Member 1997 -1999

Committee on Tenure Standards Committee Chair 1996 -1999

Graduate Program Director 1995 -1999

American Society of Criminology (Bloch Awards Committee ) Committee Chair

Professional Affiliation

Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences

American Psychological Association

American Society of Criminology

American Sociological Association

Behavioral Genetics Association

National Council on Crime and Delinquency

Society for the Study of Social Problems

2005 -2013: Chair Graduate Curriculum Committee, University of Cincinnati.

2005 -2013: Chair Graduate Student Overview Committee, University of Cincinnati.

2007 -2013: Director Graduate Program in the School of Criminal Justice, University of Cincinnati.

2007 -2013: CECH Tenure and Promotion Committee University of Cincinnati.

2010: Chair Bloch Awards Committee, American Society of Criminology.

Courses Taught

White-Collar/Corporate Crime


Patterns of Criminal Behavior

Crime Across the Life-Course

Crime Topologies

Juvenile Justice

Juvenile Delinquency

Developmental Criminology

Biosocial Criminology

Corrections in America

Theories of Punishment

Microcomputers as a Research Tool

Criminal Justice Statistics

Research Methods

Criminal Offender