Huixing Wu
Principal Research Asst
Cardiovascular Rsrch Cntr
COM IM Pulmonary McCormack Lab - 0564
Research Support
Grant: #SRS 006131 Investigators:Wu, Huixing 10-01-2008 -07-31-2012 Department of Veterans Affairs Intergovernmental Personnel Act Agreement for Huixing Wu Role:PI $241,169.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #VA IPA Wu Investigators:Wu, Huixing 10-01-2012 -07-31-2014 Department of Veterans Affairs Intergovernmental Personnel Act Agreement - Huixing Wu Role:PI $130,273.00 Active Level:Federal
Investigators:Wu, Huixing 05-01-2021 -04-30-2025 Department of Veterans Affairs VA IPA - Wu Role:PI 0.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #VA IPa extension for Wu Investigators:Wu, Huixing 04-01-2024 -04-30-2025 Department of Veterans Affairs VA IPA for Wu Role:PI 91603.20 Hold Level:Federal
Peer Reviewed Publications
Goh, Boon Chong; Wu, Huixing; Rynkiewicz, Michael J; Schulten, Klaus; Seaton, Barbara A; McCormack, Francis X (2016. ) Elucidation of Lipid Binding Sites on Lung Surfactant Protein A Using X-ray Crystallography, Mutagenesis, and Molecular Dynamics Simulations.Biochemistry, , 55 (26 ) ,3692-701 More Information
Gardner, Jason C; Wu, Huixing; Noel, John G; Ramser, Benjamin J; Pitstick, Lori; Saito, Atsushi; Nikolaidis, Nikolaos M; McCormack, Francis X (2016. ) Keratinocyte growth factor supports pulmonary innate immune defense through maintenance of alveolar antimicrobial protein levels and macrophage function.American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology, , 310 (9 ) ,L868-79 More Information
Wu, Huixing; Suzuki, Takuji; Carey, Brenna; Trapnell, Bruce C; McCormack, Francis X (2011. ) Keratinocyte growth factor augments pulmonary innate immunity through epithelium-driven, GM-CSF-dependent paracrine activation of alveolar macrophages.The Journal of biological chemistry, , 286 (17 ) ,14932-40 More Information
Shang, Feifei; Rynkiewicz, Michael J; McCormack, Francis X; Wu, Huixing; Cafarella, Tanya M; Head, James F; Seaton, Barbara A (2011. ) Crystallographic complexes of surfactant protein A and carbohydrates reveal ligand-induced conformational change.The Journal of biological chemistry, , 286 (1 ) ,757-65 More Information
Kuzmenko, Alexander I; Wu, Huixing; McCormack, Francis X (2006. ) Pulmonary collectins selectively permeabilize model bacterial membranes containing rough lipopolysaccharide.Biochemistry, , 45 (8 ) ,2679-85 More Information
Ryan, Marnie A; Akinbi, Henry T; Serrano, Alicia G; Perez-Gil, Jesus; Wu, Huixing; McCormack, Francis X; Weaver, Timothy E (2006. ) Antimicrobial activity of native and synthetic surfactant protein B peptides. Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950), , 176 (1 ) ,416-25
Kuzmenko, Alexander I; Wu, Huixing; Wan, Sijue; McCormack, Francis X (2005. ) Surfactant protein A is a principal and oxidation-sensitive microbial permeabilizing factor in the alveolar lining fluid.The Journal of biological chemistry, , 280 (27 ) ,25913-9 More Information
Schaeffer, Lyndsay M; McCormack, Francis X; Wu, Huixing; Weiss, Alison A (2004. ) Interactions of pulmonary collectins with Bordetella bronchiseptica and Bordetella pertussis lipopolysaccharide elucidate the structural basis of their antimicrobial activities.Infection and immunity, , 72 (12 ) ,7124-30 More Information
Schaeffer, Lyndsay M; McCormack, Francis X; Wu, Huixing; Weiss, Alison A (2004. ) Bordetella pertussis lipopolysaccharide resists the bactericidal effects of pulmonary surfactant protein A. Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950), , 173 (3 ) ,1959-65
McCormack, Francis X; Gibbons, Reta; Ward, Susan R; Kuzmenko, Alexander; Wu, Huixing; Deepe, George S (2003. ) Macrophage-independent fungicidal action of the pulmonary collectins.The Journal of biological chemistry, , 278 (38 ) ,36250-6 More Information
Wu, Huixing; Kuzmenko, Alexander; Wan, Sijue; Schaffer, Lyndsay; Weiss, Alison; Fisher, James H; Kim, Kwang Sik; McCormack, Francis X (2003. ) Surfactant proteins A and D inhibit the growth of Gram-negative bacteria by increasing membrane permeability.The Journal of clinical investigation, , 111 (10 ) ,1589-602 More Information
Palaniyar, Nades; Zhang, Liquian; Kuzmenko, Alexander; Ikegami, Machiko; Wan, Sijue; Wu, Huixing; Korfhagen, Thomas R; Whitsett, Jeffrey A; McCormack, Francis X (2002. ) The role of pulmonary collectin N-terminal domains in surfactant structure, function, and homeostasis in vivo.The Journal of biological chemistry, , 277 (30 ) ,26971-9 More Information