Magaret Zeller
Childrens Hospital Bldg R
COM Pediatrics BMCP - 0054
Professional Summary
Dr. Zeller's program of research focuses on psychosocial correlates of pediatric obesity. She has a solid track record of internal and external funding to support research with aims to significantly improve the health and quality of life of youth who are obese and what may be critical barriers to successful weight management. This has included the development of weight- and obesity-specific quality of life measures for youth. Currently, her lab is conducting studies which will provide evidence of the short and longer-term benefits of adolescent surgical weight loss intervention, whether there are unique or emerging psychosocial risk factors associated with adolescent bariatric surgery that may impact health in adulthood years.
Bachelor's degree: Kenyon College Gambier, OH, 1984
Master's Degree: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH, 1992 (Clinical Psychology- Child )
Internship: Duke University Durham, NC, 1996 (Pediatric Psychology )
Doctoral Degree: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH, 1996
Fellowship: Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Cincinnati, Ohio, 1999 (Pediatric Psychology)
Positions and Work Experience
1999 -To Present Staff Pediatric Psychologist, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Division of Behavioral Medicine and Clinical Psychology
1999 -2006 Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics
2006 -To Present Associate Professor, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics
Research Support
Grant: #U01DK07249301 04-2006 -03-2011 National Institutes of Health Adolescent Bariatrics: Assessing Health Benefits and Risks Role:Principal Investigator Type:Grant
Grant: #R01DK080020-01 03-2008 -02-2013 National Institutes of Health Adolescent Bariatrics: Controlled Longitudinal Study of Psychosocial Development (TeenView) Role:Principal Investigator Type:Grant
Grant: #R01DK080738-01 07-2008 -06-2012 National Institutes of Health Dietary Intake and Eating Behavior in Adolescents who Undergo Bariatric Surgery (TeenIntake) Role:Principal Investigator Type:Grant
Grant: #KL2TR001426 (was 009905) 04-01-2020 -03-31-2025 National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences Center for Clinical and Translational Science and Training - KL2 portion Role:PI 1660614.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #KL2TR001426 (was 009905) 04-01-2020 -03-31-2025 National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences Center for Clinical and Translational Science and Training - KL2 portion Role:PI 1660614.00 Active Level:Federal
Peer Reviewed Publications
Zeller, M.H., Inge, T.H., Reiter-Purtill. J., Ratcliff, M., & Noll. J. (03-05-2011. ) Two-year Trends in Psychosocial Functioning Following Adolescent Bariatric Surgery .Surgery for Obesity and Related Disorders, ,
Ratcliff, MB, Jenkins, TM, Reiter-Purtill, J, Noll, JG, & Zeller, M.H. (2011. ) Risk-taking Behaviors of Adolescents with Extreme Obesity: Normative or Not? .Pediatrics, ,
Jenkins, T.M, Xanthokos, S.A., Zeller, M.H., Barnett, S. J. & Inge, T.H. (03-08-2011. ) Distance to clinic and follow-up visit compliance in an adolescent gastric bypass cohort .Surgery for Obesity and Related Disorders, ,
Herzer, M., Zeller, M.H., Rausch, J.R., & Modi, A.C. (2011. ) Perceived social support among treatment-seeking children with obesity: Examining what type is needed and from whom .Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, ,
Zeller, M.H., Guilfoyle, S.M., Reiter-Purtill, J., Ratcliff, M.B., Inge, T.H., Long, J.L. (2011. ) Adolescent bariatric surgery: Caregiver and family functioning across the first post-operative year. .Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases, ,
Ratcliff, M.B., Reiter-Purtill, J., Bishop, C., & Zeller, M.H. (2010. ) Racial differences in obese youths’ perception of healthcare and weight loss .Clinical Pediatrics, ,
Ratcliff, M.B., Reiter-Purtill, J., & Zeller, M.H. (2010. ) Changes in Depressive Symptoms among Adolescent Bariatric Candidates from the Pre-Operative Psychological Evaluation to Immediately Preceding Surgery .Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases (SOARD), ,
Modi, A.C. & Zeller, M.H. (2010. ) The IWQOL-Kids©: Establishing minimal clinically important difference scores and test-retest reliability.International Journal of Pediatric Obesity. , , More Information
Zeller, M.H., Ingerski, L.M., Wilson, L., Modi, A.C. (2010. ) Factors contributing to weight-misperception in obese children presenting for intervention. Clin Pediatr, ,
Reiter-Purtill, J., Ridel, S., Jordan, R. & Zeller, M.H. (2010. ) The benefits of reciprocated friendships for treatment seeking obese youth .J Pediatr Psychol. , ,
Herzer, M., Godiwala, N., Hommel, K.A., Driscoll, K., Mitchell, M., Crosby, L., Piazza-Waggoner, C., Zeller, M.H. & Modi, A.C. (2010. ) Family functioning in the context of pediatric chronic conditions. J Dev Behav Pediatr, ,
Guilfoyle, S.M., Zeller, M.H., & Modi, A.C. (2010. ) The contribution of parenting stress on pediatric health-related quality of life in obesity .J Dev Behav Pediatr. , ,
. Ingerski, L.M., Modi, A.C., Hood, K.K., Pai, A.L., Zeller, M.H., Piazza-Waggoner, C., Driscoll, K.A., Rothenberg, M.E., Franciosi, J., & Hommel, K. (2010. ) Health-Related Quality of Life across Pediatric Chronic Conditions .Journal of Pediatrics, ,
. Inge, T.H., Jenkins, T., Zeller, M.H., Dolan, L., Daniels, S.R., Garcia, V.F., Brandt, M.L., Bean, J., Gamm, K., Xanthoskos, S.A. (2009. ) Baseline BMI is a strong predictor of nadir BMI after adolescent gastric bypass. Journal of Pediatrics, ,
Zeller, M.H. & Modi, A.C (2009. ) Development and initial validation of an obesity-specific quality of life measure for children: Sizing Me Up .Obesity, ,
Zeller, M.H., Modi, A.C., Noll, J.G., Long, J.D., & Inge, T.H. (2009. ) Psychosocial functioning improves following adolescent bariatric surgery .Obesity, ,
Woo, J.G., Zeller, M.H., Wilson, M.S., & Inge, T.H. (2009. ) Obesity Identified by Discharge ICD-9 Codes Underestimates the True Prevalence of Obesity in Hospitalized Children .Journal of Pediatrics, ,
Vannatta, K., Gartstein, M.A., Zeller, M.H., & Noll, R.B. (2009. ) Peer acceptance during childhood and adolescence: How important are appearance, athleticism, and academic competence? .International Journal of Behavioral Development, ,
Modi, A.C., Guilfoyle, S.M. & Zeller, M.H. (2009. ) Impaired health-related quality of life in caregivers of youth seeking obesity treatment. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, ,
Book Chapter
Zeller, M.H. & Modi, A.C. (2008 ) Psychosocial factors related to obesity in children and adolescents In The Handbook of Childhood and Adolescent Obesity (Issues in Clinical Child Psychology). Springer. New York.,
Inge, T.H., Zeller, M.H., Kirk, S. & Daniels, S.R. (2006 ) Surgical management of pediatric obesity In The Handbook of Pediatric Obesity: Volume II - Clinical Management .New York,
Honors and Awards
1984 BA, cum laude, Kenyon College
1984 Psychology Prize, Honors Day, Kenyon College
1984 Honors on Senior Comprehensive Exercise in Psychology, Kenyon College
(Faculty Mentoring Committee ) Member 2011 -To Present
(Strategic Planning Children’s Hospital Research Foundation ) Member 2005 -2006
(CCHMC Research Foundation Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) program ) Co-Director 2004 -2005
University of Cincinnati (University Research Council ) Member 2004 -2006
(Academic Family Life Faculty Committee ) Member 2000 -2006
(Obesity Program Planning Committee ) Member 1996 -1997
Contact Information
Phone: 513-636-2712
Fax: 513-636-7756