Yingyan Zeng

Yingyan Zeng , PHD

Asst Professor

Rhodes Hall

CEAS – Industrial & Systems Eng - 0072

Professional Summary

Dr. Yingyan Zeng is an Assistant Professor at the Mechanical and Materials Engineering Department. Her research focuses on creating a data quality assurance paradigm to enable effetcive AI modeling perofmance in Manufacturing Industrial Internet. Data generation, data acquisition, data valuation, and data sharing methods have been investigated for AI models with applications in additive manufacturing, bio-manufacturing, semiconducting, and IoT infrastructure design, where statistical and machine learning models as well as optimization methods are heavily used.

Personal Website: https://yyzeng43.github.io/


Ph.D.: Virginia Tech Blacksburg, VA, 2024 (Industrial and Systems Engineering)

M.S.: Virginia Tech Blacksburg, VA, 2024 (Computer Engineering)

B.Eng: Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai, China, 2019 (Industrial and Systems Engineering)

Research and Practice Interests

Research Interest:
Data Quality
Data Valuation
Data Sharing and Exchange
Statistical Learning and Machine Learning

Application Interest:
Manufacturing Industrial Internet
Healthcare Systems


Positions and Work Experience

08-2024 -To Present Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati


Peer Reviewed Publications

Y Zeng, X Chen, R Jin (2023. ) Ensemble Active Learning by Contextual Bandits for AI Incubation in Manufacturing.ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, , 15 (1-26 ) ,1 More Information

Y Zeng, P Thiyagarajan, BM Chan, R Jin (2023. ) Synthetic data generation and sampling for online training of dnns in manufacturing supervised learning problems.2023 IEEE 19th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, , 1-6 More Information

P Shojaee, Y Zeng, M Wahed, A Seth, R Jin, I Lourentzou (2022. ) Task-driven privacy-preserving data-sharing framework for the industrial internet.2022 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, , 1505-1514 More Information

S Shohan, Y Zeng, X Chen, R Jin, R Shirwaiker (2022. ) Investigating dielectric spectroscopy and soft sensing for nondestructive quality assessment of engineered tissues.Biosensors and Bioelectronics, , 216 (114286 ) , More Information

X Chen, Y Zeng, S Kang, R Jin (2022. ) Inn: An interpretable neural network for ai incubation in manufacturing.ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, , 13 (5 ) ,1-23 More Information

Y Zeng, P Shojaee, SHA Faruqui, A Alaeddini, R Jin (2022. ) Contextual bandit guided data farming for deep neural networks in manufacturing industrial internet.2022 IEEE 5th International Conference on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems, , 1-6 More Information

Y Zeng, JT Wang, S Chen, HA Just, R Jin, R Jia (2023. ) ModelPred: A Framework for Predicting Trained Model from Training Data.2023 IEEE Conference on Secure and Trustworthy Machine Learning (SaTML), , -432-449More Information

P Shojaee, Y Zeng, X Chen, R Jin, X Deng, C Zhang (2021. ) Deep neural network pipelines for multivariate time series classification in smart manufacturing.2021 4th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems, , 98-103 More Information

Y Zeng, X Deng, X Chen, R Jin (2021. ) A prediction-oriented optimal design for visualisation recommender systems.Statistical Theory and Related Fields, , 5 (2 ) ,134-148 More Information

Honors and Awards

2022 QSR Best Paper Competition INFORMS Annual Meeting