Yuqing Zhang , PhD
Asst Professor
University Hall
CON Population Health - 0038
Professional Summary
Yuqing Zhang has broad training in nursing science, clinical studies, and population health research. Her research focuses on identifying oral health disparities and their implication for whole-body health, improving oral self-care behaviors as an integral part of chronic disease self-management among vulnerable populations such as people living with chronic conditions (i.e., diabetes, cancer survivors, etc.) and those with disadvantaged socioeconomic status.
From the perspectives of health disparities and population health, Yuqing’s work underscores the lack of preventive dental care among U.S adults living with diabetes. As a Health Disparities Junior Faculty Development Award winner of the American Diabetes Association, Yuqing is leading a three-year funded project (DiaOral) to develop an oral self-care intervention to reduce oral health disparities in the population with diabetes. In other projects, she also highlights the negative impact of retaining asymptomatic wisdom teeth until adulthood on periodontal health and its implications for cardiovascular health. Yuqing is also a compassionate advocator for improving oral health and oral self-care for cancer survivors in her collaboration with interdisciplinary health professionals.
Before becoming a population health scientist, Yuqing dedicated 12 years in oral health clinical studies employed by P&G, a leading oral health industrial research institute, and conducted more than 30 oral care clinical trials in different countries.
BSN: Peking Union Medical College Beijing, 2000 (Nursing)
MS: The University of Sydney New South Wales, 2007 (Clinical Research)
PhD: College of Nursing and Health Sciences, University of Massachusetts Boston Boston, 2020 (Nursing)
Research and Practice Interests
Dr. Zhang's research focuses on identifying oral health disparities and their implication for whole-body health, improving oral self-care behaviors as an integral part of chronic disease self-management among vulnerable populations including people living with chronic diseases, cancer survivors, and those who are socioeconomically disadvantaged.
Positions and Work Experience
08-15-2021 -To Present Assistant Professor, Research Interests: Oral health, diabetes, health disparities, digital health interventions, epidemiological studies. , College of Nursing University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati
09-01-2020 -08-14-2021 Postdoctoral Scholar, Support NIH funded project in Dr. Suzanne Leveille’s team. , College of Nursing and Health Sciences, UMass Boston, Boston
02-2015 -02-2016 Research Fellow, Principal investigator for a study using 22 years of birth registry data from two northeastern states in the U.S., to examine health disparities in use of primary cesarean deliveries with a focus on Asian American women, College of Nursing and Health Sciences, UMass Boston, Boston
01-2016 -05-2016 Research Internship, Carried out a population health research study under the mentor’s guidance to examine the relationship of retaining wisdom teeth, serum CRP and periodontal health among US adults by using National Health and Nutrition Survey dataset., College of Nursing and Health Sciences, UMass Boston, Boston
07-2000 -09-2012 Principal Researcher, As a principal researcher hired by the Crest Research Institute, the Department of Clinical Investigation in Oral Health, the Procter & Gamble Company, conduct clinical trials to test oral health products' safety and efficacy in anti-caries, anti-gingivitis, anti-sensitivity, tooth whitening, oral malodour removal etc. , Procter & Gamble Beijing Innovation Center, Beijing, China
Research Support
Grant: #11-22-JDFHD-06 Investigators:Bakas, Tamilyn; Cohen, Robert; Lambert, Joshua; Zhang, Yuqing 11-15-2022 -11-14-2025 American Diabetes Association Oral self-care to reduce oral health disparities in the population with diabetes Role:PI $413, 968
Published Abstracts
Li, Y., Tang, R., Zhao, S., Wang, Y., Zhang, Y, Sun, L., Li, X., & He, T. (2006. ) Extrinsic stain removal efficacy of a dual-phase dentifrice .[Abstract]Journal of Dental Research, 85 (Spec Iss A ) ,673
Zhang, Y., Chen, X., Feng, X., Sun, L., & He, T. (2008. ) The oral-malodor reduction efficacy of a 0.454% stannous fluoride dentifrice .[Abstract]Journal of Dental Research, 87 (Spec Iss A ) ,1539
He, T., Sun, L., Zhang, Y., & Li, X. (2010. ) Superior anti-plaque efficacy of a stannous-containing sodium fluoride dentifrice .[Abstract]Journal of Dental Research, 89 (Spec Iss A ) ,594
He, T., Sun, L., Li, X., & Zhang, Y. (2010. ) Comparative anti-plaque efficacy of two dentifrices .[Abstract]Journal of Dental Research, 89 (Spec Iss A ) ,593
Feng, X., Cheng, C., Chen, X., Zhang, Y., Sun, L., & He, T. (2010. ) Meta-analysis on the breath benefits of stannous-containing sodium fluoride dentifrice. Journal of Dental Research, 89 (Spec Iss A ) ,597
Li, X., Fan, X., Yin, W., He, T., Zhang, Y., & Sun, L. (2011. ) Anti-Gingivitis efficacy of a Stannous containing fluoride toothpaste .[Abstract]Journal of Dental Research, 90 (Spec Iss A ) ,2828
Tsegai, N., You, T., Ogawa, E., Thapa, S., Tierno, L., Zhang, Y., & Leveille, S. (2016. ) Global pain severity is associated with lower extremity strength in older adults with multisite pain .[Abstract]Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 48 (5 Suppl 1 ) ,717
Ellenbecker, C., Zhang, Y., Nwosu, C., & Leveille, S. (2016. ) What are the predictors of successful research careers? A National survey of nursing PhD alumni .[Abstract]Nursing Research, 65 (2 ) ,E89
Zhang, Y., Leveille, S., & Cromwell, J. (2017. ) Chronic diseases associated with tooth loss in the US adult population .[Abstract]Nursing Research, 66 (2 ) ,E68
Zhang, Y., & Leveille, S. (2018. ) Chronic diseases associated with tooth loss among US adults aged 65 and over .[Abstract]Innovation in Aging, 2 (Suppl 1 ) ,706
Zhang, Y., Leveille, S., & Edward, J. (2018. ) Examining relationships between presence of wisdom teeth, periodontal disease, and C-reactive protein in the US adult population .[Abstract]Nursing Research, 67 (2 ) ,E22
Heelan-Fancher, L., Shi, L., Zhang, Y., Cai, Y., Nawai, A., & Leveille, S. (2018. ) Evidence for individualized maternity care in labor .[Abstract]Nursing Research, 67 (2 ) ,
Heelan-Fancher, L., Zhang, Y., Shi, L., & Leveille, S. (2020. ) Birth outcome associated with induction and augmentation: a population health perspective .[Abstract]Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing, 49 (6 ) ,S26
Zhang.Y., Leveille, S., Berger, K., Camhi, S. M., & Shi, L. (2023. ) Oral care behaviors among the US population with diabetes .[Abstract]Diabetes, 72 (Suppl 1 ) ,32-LB -https://doi.org/10.2337/db23-32-LB
Zhang, Y., Berger, K., Ryan, G., Alhorani, F., & Leveille, S. (2024. ) Feeling too blue to floss? - Association between depression and oral self-care among US adults with and without diabetes. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 46 (1-suppl ) ,9S https://doi.org/10.1177/01939459241233357
Peer Reviewed Publications
Li, Y., He, T., Sun, L., Zhang, Y., Li, X., Wang, Y., Zhao, S., & Tang, R. (2007. ) Extrinsic stain removal efficacy of a dual-phase dentifrice .American Journal of Dentistry, , 20 (4 ) ,227-230
Zhang, Y.; Leveille, S. G.; Shi, L. (2022. ) Multiple Chronic Diseases Associated With Tooth Loss Among the US Adult Population.Frontiers in Big Data, , 5 ,932618 More Information
Day, T. N., Einwag, J., Hermann, J. S., He, T., Anastasia, M. K., Barker, M., & Zhang, Y (2010. ) A clinical assessment of the efficacy of a stannous-containing sodium fluoride dentifrice on dentinal hypersensitivity .Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice, , 11 (1 ) ,E001-E008
Feng, X., Chen, X., Cheng, R., Sun, L., Zhang, Y., & He, T (2010. ) Breath malodor reduction with use of a stannous-containing sodium fluoride dentifrice: A meta-analysis of four randomized and controlled clinical trials .American Journal of Dentistry , , 23 (Spec Iss B ) ,27B-31B
Chen, X., He, T., Sun, L., Zhang, Y., & Feng, X (2010. ) A randomized cross-over clinical trial to evaluate the effect of a 0.454% stannous fluoride dentifrice on the reduction of oral malodor. American Journal of Dentistry .American Journal of Dentistry, , 23 (3 ) ,175-178
Zhao, D., Zhang, Y., Sun, Li., & He, T (2010. ) A comparative clinical study to evaluate the plaque removal efficacy of two kinds of manual toothbrush .Chinese Journal of Conservative Dentistry, , 20 (5 ) ,293-296
Fawcett, J., Aronowitz, T., AbuFannouneh, A., Usta, M. A., Fraley, H. E., Howlett, M. S. L., ... & Zhang, Y. (2015. ) Thoughts about the name of our discipline .Nursing Science Quarterly, , 28 (4 ) ,330-333
Ellenbecker, C. H., Nwosu, C., Zhang, Y., & Leveille, S. (2017. ) PhD education outcomes: results of a national survey of nursing PhD alumni .Nursing Education Perspectives, , 38 (6 ) ,304-312
Heelan‐Fancher, L., Shi, L., Zhang, Y., Cai, Y., Nawai, A., & Leveille, S. (2019. ) Impact of continuous electronic fetal monitoring on birth outcomes in low‐risk pregnancies. Birth, , 46 (2 ) ,311-317
Zhang, Y., Leveille, S., & Edward, J. (2020. ) Wisdom teeth, periodontal disease, and C-reactive protein in the U.S. adults .Public Health, , 187 ,97-102
Zhang, Y., Leveille, S., Shi, L., & Camhi, S. (2021. ) Disparities in preventive oral health care behaviors and periodontal health among adults with diabetes: Results from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2011-2016.Preventing Chronic Disease, , 18 (200594 ) , More Information
Zhang, Y., Leveille, S. G., Camhi, S.M, & Shi, L. (2023. ) Association of oral care with periodontitis and glycemic control among US adults with diabetes.BMC Oral Health, , 23 (1 ) ,903 More Information
Zhang, Y., Heelan-Fancher, L., Leveille, S., & Shi, L. (2023. ) Health disparities in the use of primary cesarean delivery among Asian American women.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, , 20 (19 ) , More Information
Poster Presentations
Zhang, Y., Leveille, S., Camhi S., & Shi, L. (11-2022. ) Oral self-care behaviors associated with periodontal health and glycemic control among US adults with diabetese. .Annual meeting of American Public Health Association, Boston, MA. .
Post Graduate Training and Education
09-01-2020-08-14-2021 Postdoctoral Scholar, This is a mentored nursing postdoctoral research position supervised by Prof. Suzanne Leveille, who chaired Dr. Zhang’s PhD dissertation committee. The research focus of this position is on the continuing development of her program of research on population health and nursing. The tasks include supporting NIH-funded projects in Dr. Suzanne Leveille's team and drafting manuscripts for publication, etc. , College of Nursing and Health Sciences, UMass Boston, , Boston, MA
Courses Taught
NURS8006 Research and Best Evidence for Clinical Reasoning Level:Graduate
NBSN3102 Scientific Basis and Informatics in Nursing Level:Undergraduate
Contact Information
Research - College of Nursing
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