Fawen Zhang
Professor, PhD Program Director, Department Head
Health Sciences Building
3225 Eden Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45267
Phone 513-558-8513
Fax 513-558-8500
Email Fawen.Zhang@uc.edu
Professional Summary
Fawen Zhang, M.D., Ph.D., is a Professor in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders at the University of Cincinnati. She is also the Program Director of the PhD program. She received her medical degree (General Medicine and Otolaryngology) in China and Ph.D. in Audiology from the University of South Alabama. After graduation, she continued her postdoctoral training in the Department of Otolaryngology at the University of Iowa until August 2007 when she started her faculty position at University of Cincinnati. She was promoted as an Associate Professor in 2013 and Professor in 2018. Her areas of interest include auditory electrophysiology, auditory neuroscience, cochlear implants, and speech perception.
MS: West China University of Medical Sciences 1997 (Otolaryngology)
MD (equivalent): Luzhou Medical College China, 1994 (Medical Science)
Ph.D.: University of South Alabama 2005 (Audiology)
Research and Practice Interests
-Auditory electrophysiology
-Auditory neuroscience
-Cochlear implants
-Speech perception
Positions and Work Experience
09-2007 -09-2013 Assistant Professor, Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, The University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
08-2005 -08-2007 Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Otolaryngology, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
08-2002 -07-2005 Research Assistant, Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology, The University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL
08-1997 -05-2002 Otolaryngologist, Chengdu Third People’s Hospital, Sichuan, China
2013 -2018 Associate Professor, Communication Sciences and Disorders, University of Cincinnati
2018 -To Present Professor, University of Cincinnati,
Research Support
Grant: #CAHS collaborative grant Investigators:Fawen Zhang (PI), Brian Earl, Kari Dunning, Nicholas 05-2016 -12-2017 CAHS Can Physical Exercise Enhance Effects of Music Training on Hearing in Cochlear Implant Recipients? Role:PI $9,964.68 Completed Type:Grant Level:College
Grant: #NIHR15DC016463-01 Investigators:Zhang, Fawen (PI) 07-01-2017 -06-30-2021 National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disor Cortical processing of frequency changes in cochlear implant users Role:PI $445,289.00 Completed Type:Grant
Grant: #University of Cincinnati Office of Research Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (AHSS) and Integrated Research Advancement Grants Program. Investigators:Pamara Chang (PI), Fawen Zhang (Co-PI), Ravi Sami (Consultant), Lisa Houston (Consultant), Noah Silbert (Consultant), David Moore (Consultant) 06-01-2017 -12-31-2018 Exploring the social and clinical benefits of cochlear implants in patients with single-sided deafness Role:co-PI 24,810 Completed Type:Grant Level:University
Grant: #CCTST Translational Research Partnership Grant Investigators:Zhang, Fawen 05-01-2016 -04-30-2017 National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences Engaging Hearing-Impaired Adults in Recreational Music Making Role:PI $15,000.00 Completed
Grant: #URC Faculty Awards AY2015-16 Investigators:Zhang, Fawen 05-01-2016 -04-30-2017 UC The Acoustic Change Complex in Normal Hearing Listeners Evoked by Cochlear Implant Simulations Role:PI $6,000.00 Completed
Grant: #CCTST Center for Clinical and Translational Science and Training Community Partnership funding Investigators:Zhang, Fawen (PI); Earl, Brian; Ollberding, Nicolas; Cahn, Steven 04-01-2016 -03-30-2015 CCTST Engaging hearing impaired individual for recreational music making Role:PI $15,000 Active Level:Local
Grant: #University Research Committee Faculty Research Support Program. Investigators:Fawen Zhang (PI) 01-01-2016 -01-01-2017 The Acoustic Change Complex in Normal Hearing Listeners Evoked by Cochlear Implant Simulations. Role:PI 6,000 Completed Type:Grant Level:University
Grant: #Center for Clinical and Translational Science and Training Just-In-Time funding. Investigators:Fawen Zhang (PI) 2014 -2015 CCTST Effects of Music Training on Human Brain: Implications for Cochlear Implant Users Role:PI $7,500 Completed Type:Grant
Grant: #CAHS College research funding Investigators:Fawen Zhang 2013 CAHS CAHS college research funding Role:PI Completed Type:Grant
Grant: #NIH 1R15DC011004-01 Investigators:Fawen Zhang (PI) 04-2010 -03-2013 NIH Temporal processing properties of the auditory system in cochlear implant users Role:PI $487,434 Completed Type:Grant Level:National
Grant: #University Research Committee Faculty Research Support Program Investigators:Fawen Zhang (PI) 12-01-2008 -12-01-2009 University Research Council at University of Cincinnati •Effects of stimulus parameters on the late latency auditory evoked potential Elicited by Repeated Stimuli Role:PI $6,500 Completed Type:Grant Level:University
Grant: #CCTST Processes and Methods (Step1) award. Supported by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences of the National Institutes of Health, under Award Number 2UL1TR001425. Investigators:Fawen Zhang 05-2022 -09-2022 Advanced Analysis of Electroencephalographic Signals. Role:PI 5,000 Completed
Grant: #Award Investigators:Fawen Zhang 2023 -2024 UC UC Editorial Assistance Awards Role:PI $4,944
Grant: #University of Cincinnati Collaborative Research Advancement Grants Track 1: PILOTS Program R40208 Investigators:Zhang, Fawen (PI); Liao, Pamara (co-PI) 07-01-2019 -12-31-2020 UC Using a simple and fast assessment tool to predict clinical, social, and communicative outcomes of cochlear implantation in the pediatric population Role:PI $24,048.00 Completed
Grant: #Grant Investigators:Zhang F (PI), Zhang N (co-I), Cahn S (co-I), Boyne P (co-I) 2023 -2025 UC Pivot grant: Music Training in Cochlear Implant users: A Crossover Pilot Study. Role:PI $15,000 Type:Grant
Grant: #Grant Investigators:Zhang F (PI), Earl B (co-PI), Zhang N (co-I), Cahn S (co-I), De Silva (consultant). 2024 -2025 CCTST Effects of Music Training on the Aging Human Auditory Cortex. CCTST pilot grant. Role:co-PI $75,000 Type:Grant
Peer Reviewed Publications
Zhang, Fawen; Underwood, Gabrielle; McGuire, Kelli; Liang, Chun; Moore, David R; Fu, Qian-Jie (2019. ) Frequency change detection and speech perception in cochlear implant users.Hearing research, , 379 ,12-20 More Information
Zhang, Fawen; Roland, Claire; Rasul, Deema; Cahn, Steven; Liang, Chun; Valencia, Gloria (2019. ) Comparing musicians and non-musicians in signal-in-noise perception.International journal of audiology, , 1-7 More Information
Liang, Chun; Houston, Lisa M; Samy, Ravi N; Abedelrehim, Lamiaa Mohamed Ibrahim; Zhang, Fawen (2018. ) Cortical Processing of Frequency Changes Reflected by the Acoustic Change Complex in Adult Cochlear Implant Users.Audiology & neuro-otology, , 23 (3 ) ,152-164 More Information
Dinga, Samantha; Wu, Di; Huang, Shuyang; Wu, Caiyun; Wang, Xiaoshan; Shi, Jingping; Hu, Yue; Liang, Chun; Zhang, Fawen; Lu, Meng; Leiken, Kimberly; Xiang, Jing (2018. ) Neuromagnetic correlates of audiovisual word processing in the developing brain.International journal of psychophysiology : official journal of the International Organization of Psychophysiology, , 128 ,7-21 More Information
Liang, Chun; Earl, Brian; Thompson, Ivy; Whitaker, Kayla; Cahn, Steven; Xiang, Jing; Fu, Qian-Jie; Zhang, Fawen (2016. ) Musicians Are Better than Non-musicians in Frequency Change Detection: Behavioral and Electrophysiological Evidence.Frontiers in neuroscience, , 10 ,464 More Information
Blankenship, Chelsea; Zhang, Fawen; Keith, Robert (2016. ) Behavioral Measures of Temporal Processing and Speech Perception in Cochlear Implant Users.Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, , 27 (9 ) ,701-713 More Information
Han, Ji-Hye; Zhang, Fawen; Kadis, Darren S; Houston, Lisa M; Samy, Ravi N; Smith, Michael L; Dimitrijevic, Andrew (2016. ) Auditory cortical activity to different voice onset times in cochlear implant users.Clinical neurophysiology : official journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology, , 127 (2 ) ,1603-17 More Information
Zhang, Fawen; Blankenship, Chelsea; Xiang, Jing; Houston, Lisa; Samy, Ravi (2015. ) The effects of noise vocoding on gap detection thresholds.Cochlear implants international, , 16 (6 ) ,331-40 More Information
Xiang, Jing; Korman, Abraham; Samarasinghe, Kasun M; Wang, Xiaopei; Zhang, Fawen; Qiao, Hui; Sun, Bo; Wang, Fengbin; Fan, Howard H; Thompson, Elizabeth A (2015. ) Volumetric imaging of brain activity with spatial-frequency decoding of neuromagnetic signals.Journal of neuroscience methods, , 239 ,114-28 More Information
Leiken, Kimberly; Xiang, Jing; Zhang, Fawen; Shi, Jingping; Tang, Lu; Liu, Hongxing; Wang, Xiaoshan (2014. ) Magnetoencephalography detection of high-frequency oscillations in the developing brain.Frontiers in human neuroscience, , 8 ,969 More Information
Xiang, Jing; Luo, Qian; Kotecha, Rupesh; Korman, Abraham; Zhang, Fawen; Luo, Huan; Fujiwara, Hisako; Hemasilpin, Nat; Rose, Douglas F (2014. ) Accumulated source imaging of brain activity with both low and high-frequency neuromagnetic signals.Frontiers in neuroinformatics, , 8 ,57 More Information
Gummadavelli, Abhijeet; Wang, Yingying; Guo, Xinyao; Pardos, Maria; Chu, Hongtao; Liu, Yinhong; Horn, Paul; Zhang, Fawen; Xiang, Jing (2013. ) Spatiotemporal and frequency signatures of word recognition in the developing brain: a magnetoencephalographic study.Brain research, , 1498 ,20-32 More Information
Zhang, Fawen; Benson, Chelsea; Fu, Qian-Jie (2013. ) Cortical encoding of pitch contour changes in cochlear implant users: a mismatch negativity study.Audiology & neuro-otology, , 18 (5 ) ,275-88 More Information
Zhang, Fawen; Benson, Chelsea; Cahn, Steven J (2013. ) Cortical encoding of timbre changes in cochlear implant users.Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, , 24 (1 ) ,46-58 More Information
Zhang, Fawen; Benson, Chelsea; Murphy, Dora; Boian, Melissa; Scott, Michael; Keith, Robert; Xiang, Jing; Abbas, Paul (2013. ) Neural adaptation and behavioral measures of temporal processing and speech perception in cochlear implant recipients.PloS one, , 8 (12 ) ,e84631 More Information
Zhang, Fawen; Deshpande, Aniruddha; Benson, Chelsea; Smith, Mathew; Eliassen, James; Fu, Qian-Jie (2011. ) The adaptive pattern of the auditory N1 peak revealed by standardized low-resolution brain electromagnetic tomography.Brain research, , 1400 ,42-52 More Information
Zhang, Fawen; Hammer, Theresa; Banks, Holly-Lolan; Benson, Chelsea; Xiang, Jing; Fu, Qian-Jie (2011. ) Mismatch negativity and adaptation measures of the late auditory evoked potential in cochlear implant users.Hearing research, , 275 (1-2 ) ,17-29 More Information
Zhang, Fawen; Anderson, Jill; Samy, Ravi; Houston, Lisa (2010. ) The adaptive pattern of the late auditory evoked potential elicited by repeated stimuli in cochlear implant users.International journal of audiology, , 49 (4 ) ,277-85 More Information
Miller, Charles A; Abbas, Paul J; Robinson, Barbara K; Nourski, Kirill V; Zhang, Fawen; Jeng, Fuh-Cherng (2009. ) Auditory nerve fiber responses to combined acoustic and electric stimulation.Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology : JARO, , 10 (3 ) ,425-45 More Information
Zhang, Fawen; Samy, Ravi N; Anderson, Jill M; Houston, Lisa (2009. ) Recovery function of the late auditory evoked potential in cochlear implant users and normal-hearing listeners. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, , 20 (7 ) ,397-408
Zhang, Fawen; Eliassen, James; Anderson, Jill; Scheifele, Peter; Brown, David (2009. ) The time course of the amplitude and latency in the auditory late response evoked by repeated tone bursts. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, , 20 (4 ) ,239-50
Miller, Charles A; Hu, Ning; Zhang, Fawen; Robinson, Barbara K; Abbas, Paul J (2008. ) Changes across time in the temporal responses of auditory nerve fibers stimulated by electric pulse trains.Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology : JARO, , 9 (1 ) ,122-37 More Information
Zhang, Fawen; Boettcher, Flint A (2008. ) Effects of interaural time and level differences on the binaural interaction component of the 80 Hz auditory steady-state response. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, , 19 (1 ) ,82-94
Zhang, Fawen; Miller, Charles A; Robinson, Barbara K; Abbas, Paul J; Hu, Ning (2007. ) Changes across time in spike rate and spike amplitude of auditory nerve fibers stimulated by electric pulse trains.Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology : JARO, , 8 (3 ) ,356-72 More Information
Moore, Robert E; Estis, Julie M; Zhang, Fawen; Watts, Christopher; Marble, Elizabeth (2007. ) Relations of pitch matching, pitch discrimination, and otoacoustic emission suppression in individuals not formally trained as musicians.Perceptual and motor skills, , 104 (3 Pt 1 ) ,777-84 More Information
Zhang, Fawen; Boettcher, Flint A; Sun, Xiao-Ming (2007. ) Contralateral suppression of distortion product otoacoustic emissions: effect of the primary frequency in Dpgrams.International journal of audiology, , 46 (4 ) ,187-95 More Information
Miller, Charles A; Abbas, Paul J; Robinson, Barbara K; Nourski, Kirill V; Zhang, Fawen; Jeng, Fuh-Cherng (2006. ) Electrical excitation of the acoustically sensitive auditory nerve: single-fiber responses to electric pulse trains.Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology : JARO, , 7 (3 ) ,195-210 More Information
Liang, Chun; Wenstrup, Lisa H; Samy, Ravi N; Xiang, Jing; Zhang, Fawen (2020. ) The Effect of Side of Implantation on the Cortical Processing of Frequency Changes in Adult Cochlear Implant Users.Frontiers in neuroscience, , 14 ,368 More Information
McGuire, Kelli; Firestone, Gabrielle M; Zhang, Nanhua; Zhang, Fawen (2021. ) The Acoustic Change Complex in Response to Frequency Changes and Its Correlation to Cochlear Implant Speech Outcomes.Frontiers in human neuroscience, , 15 ,757254 More Information
Chang, Pamara F; Zhang, Fawen; Schaaf, Andrea J (2020. ) Deaf in one ear: Communication and social challenges of patients with single-sided deafness post-diagnosis.Patient education and counseling, , 103 (3 ) ,530-536 More Information
Zhang, Fawen; McGuire, Kelli; Firestone, Gabrielle; Dalrymple, Kristen; Greinwald, John; Fu, Qian-Jie (2021. ) Cortical processing of location and frequency changes of sounds in normal hearing listeners.Hearing research, , 400 ,108110 More Information
Blankenship, Chelsea M; Meinzen-Derr, Jareen; Zhang, Fawen (2022. ) Within- and across-frequency temporal processing and speech perception in cochlear implant users.PloS one, , 17 (10 ) ,e0275772 More Information
Zhang, Fawen; McGuire, Kelli; Skeeters, Madeline; Barbara, Matthew; Chang, Pamara F; Zhang, Nanhua; Xiang, Jing; Huang, Bin (2024. ) Cognitive Functions and Subjective Hearing in Cochlear Implant Users.Journal of audiology & otology, , 28 (3 ) ,176-185 More Information
Firestone, G. M., McGuire, K., Liang, C., Zhang, N., Blankenship, C. M., Xiang, J., & Zhang, F. (2020. ) A Preliminary Study of the Effects of Attentive Music Listening on Cochlear Implant Users' Speech Perception, Quality of Life, and Behavioral and Objective Measures of Frequency Change Detection. Frontiers in human neuroscience, , 14 ,114
Zhang, Fawen; Han, Ji-Hye; Samy, Ravi; Xiang, Jing (2023. ) Editorial: Changes in the auditory brain following deafness, cochlear implantation, and auditory training, volume II.Frontiers in human neuroscience, , 17 ,1124304 More Information
Book Chapter
Anderson J.M., Zhang, F., and Samy R. Advanced audiological and vestibular testing, Differential Diagnosis in Otolaryngology, .NY, Thieme Publishers
Liang, C., Earl, B., Thompson, I., Whitaker, K., Cahn, S., Xiang, J., et al. Zhang F. (2018 ) Musicians are better than non-musicians in frequency change detection: Behavioral and electrophysiological evidence. Music and the Functions of the Brain: Arousal, Emotions, and Pleasure .(pp. 105 -118).
Invited Presentations
Zhang, F. (11-2012. ) Electrophysiologic measures in cochlear implant users .ENT department, CCHMC.
Zhang, F. (01-2012. ) Publication process and publication experience in the doctoral seminar for doctoral students .
Zhang, F. (01-2012. ) Research interests in the topic class for doctoral students .To be given at Doctoral seminar in the CSD department, University of Cincinnati.
Zhang, F. (09-2011. ) Research topic selection and funding pursuit experience .Doctoral seminar in the CSD department, University of Cincinnati.
Zhang, F. (06-2011. ) MMN and LAEP adaptation in cochlear implant patients .ENT department, CCHMC, Cincinnati, OH.
Zhang, F. (05-2011. ) Music evoked AEPs in cochlear implant patients: electrophysiology .College-Conservatory of Music, University of Cincinnati.
Zhang, F. (10-2009. ) Grand Review Experience: Invited talk in the Grant Writing Class offered by Dr. Suzanne Boyce .University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH.
Zhang, F. (05-2009. ) Music perception in cochlear implant patients: electrophsiology .College-Conservatory of Music, University of Cincinnati.
Zhang, F. (04-2009. ) Electrophysiological measures in cochlear implant patients .National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health,
Zhang, F., Anderson, J.M., Houston, L., Samy R., & Eliassen, J. (02-2009. ) Adaptation of the late-latency auditory evoked response in cochlear implant users and normal hearing listeners. ENT department, CCHMC, Cincinnati, OH.
Zhang, F., Anderson, J.M., Houston, L., Samy R., & Eliassen, J. (10-2008. ) Adaptation of the late-latency auditory evoked response in cochlear implant users and normal hearing listeners. MEG center, CCHMC, Cincinnati, OH.
Zhang, F., Miller, C.C., Abbas, P.J., & Robinson, B.K. (02-2008. ) Adaptation of the auditory nerve fiber response and the late-latency auditory evoked response .Department of Otolaryngology, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH.
Zhang, F., & Boettcher, F.B. (10-2005. ) Coding of binaural cues with the auditory steady-state response .Department of Speech Pathology & Audiology, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA.
Zhang, F., & Boettcher, F.B. (04-2005. ) Effects of interaural time and intensity differences in the 80-Hz auditory steady-state response .Department of Speech Pathology & Audiology, University of Kansas Medical Center, Lawrence, KS.
(03-2013. ) Publication process in the doctoral seminar for doctoral students .
(2013. ) How to write a poster .Graduate Seminar, University of Cincinnati,
(02-2014. ) Postdoc experience- a talk to PhD students .
(01-2014. ) ABR seminar to Egyptian Students .
Fawen Zhang (12-20-2015. ) 1. CAHS talks seminar on Integrative Health Research Studies .UC. . Level:College
Fawen Zhang (04-20-2015. ) 2. Clinical Process II class for the undergraduate students, funding information, lectures in CSD .UC. . Level:Department
Poster Presentations
Deshpande, AK & Zhang, F. (2012. ) The adaptive pattern of the auditory N1 peak revealed by standardized low-resolution brain electromagnetic tomography in cochlear implant users and normal hearing listeners .Accepted by the 35th ARO annual midwinter conference, San Diego, California. .
Zhang F., Benson C., and Cahn S (2012. ) Cortical encoding of timbre changes in cochlear implant users and normal hearing listeners .To be presented at AAA annual conference, Boston, MA. .
Zhang, F., Benson, C., & Fu, Q.J. (2012. ) Cortical encoding of pitch contour in cochlear implant users and normal hearing listeners .To be presented at AAA annual conference, Boston, MA. .
(2012. ) Assessment of Spatial and Spectral Signatures of Word Recognition in the Developing Brain using Accumulated Virtual Spectrograms .18th International Conference on Biomagnetism, Paris, France. .
(2011. ) Effects of Stimulus Repetition on the Auditory N1 Peak Revealed by Standardized Low-resolution Brain Electromagnetic Tomography (sLORETA) .Presented at 34th ARO annual midwinter conference, Baltimore, MD. .
(2011. ) Central auditory processing disorder .Presented at AAA annual conference, Chicago, IL. .
(2011. ) The mismatch negativity evoked by pitch contour changes in cochlear implant users .Conference on implantable auditory prostheses, Asilomar, California. .
(2011. ) Cortical encoding of pitch contour in cochlear implant users and normal hearing listeners .Presented at Conference on implantable auditory prostheses annual conference, Pacific Grove, CA. .
(2010. ) Effects of Stimulus Repetition on the Individual Generators of the N1 Peak of the Late Auditory Evoked Potential .33rd ARO annual midwinter conference, Anaheim, CA. .
(2010. ) Does the inter-stimulus Interval Affect Hemispheric Asymmetry of the Late Auditory Evoked Potential? .33rd ARO annual midwinter conference, Anaheim, CA. .
(2010. ) The adaptive pattern of the late auditory evoked response to speech and tone stimuli in cochlear implant users .AAA annual conference, San Diego, CAlifornia. .
(2010. ) Mismatch Negativity and Adaptation Measures of the Late Auditory Evoked Potential in Cochlear Implant Users .Objective measures in auditory implant-6th international symposium, St. Louis, MI. .
(2009. ) The Recovery Function of the Late Auditory Evoked Potential in CI users and Normal Listeners .32nd ARO annual midwinter conference, Baltimore, MD. .
(2009. ) Modeling Maturational Pattern of Auditory Function in Healthy Children with Magnetocephalography .15th Human Brain Mapping Annual Conference, San Francisco, GA. .
(2009. ) The Adaptive Patterns of the Late Auditory Evoked Potential Elicited by Tone-Burst Trains in CI users and Normal Listeners .32nd ARO annual midwinter conference, Baltimore, MD. .
(2008. ) Adaptation of the Auditory Late Response .ASHA, Chicago, IL. .
(2008. ) Auditory nerve adaptation and recovery in response to electric pulse trains .31st annual midwinter research meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Phoenix, AZ. .
(2007. ) Auditory nerve response to electric pulse trains: Rate spike-amplitude, and temporal response adaptation .30th annual midwinter research meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Denver, CO. .
(2007. ) Changes in temporal responses of auditory nerve fibers to low and high rate of electric pulse trains .Conference on implantable auditory prostheses, Granlibakken conference center, Lake Tahoe, California. .
(2006. ) Coding of binaural time difference and binaural level difference with the binaural interaction component of the 80-Hz auditory steady-state response .29th midwinter research meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Baltimore, MD. .
(2006. ) Electric-acoustic stimulation: auditory nerve single fiber results .9th International Conference on Cochlear Implants and Related Sciences, Hufburg Conference Center, Vienna, Austria. .
(2005. ) Relationship of pitch matching, pitch discrimination, and distortion produce otoacoustic emissions .ASHA, San Diego, CA. .
(2004. ) Contralateral suppression of distortion product otoacoustic emission fine structure in human ears .ASHA, Philadelphia, PA. .
(2004. ) A preliminary study on comparison of the olivocochlear efferent and middle-ear muscle reflexes in frequency selectivity using distortion product otoacoustic emission measurement .27th annual midwinter research meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Daytona Beach, FL. .
(2004. ) The role of timbre in pitch matching abilities and pitch discrimination abilities with complex tones .147th Meeting Acoustical Society of America, New York City, NY. .
(1999. ) The serum nitric oxide in patients with sudden hearing loss .The annual research conference on Chengdu Third People's Hospital, Chengud, Sichaun, China. .
(1998. ) Expression of p15 protein in poorly differentiated nasopharyngeal carcinoma .1998 International & 5 National Head and Neck Cancer Congress, Beijing, China. .
Bayless, S., Huff, C., Benson, C., Zhang, F. (2013. ) Temporal processing and speech perception in normal hearing and cochlear implant listeners .PRaISE,
Benson, C., Boian, M., Bronkema, D., Zhang, F., Keith, R. (2013. ) Behavioral measures of temporal processing and speech perception in normal hearing and cochlear implant listeners .OSHLA,
Benson, C., Boian, M., Bronkema, D., Zhang, F., Keith, R. (2013. ) Behavioral measures of temporal processing and speech perception in normal hearing and cochlear implant listeners .36th annual midwinter conference of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology (ARO), Baltimore, MD. .
Zhang, F., Benson, C., Murphy, D., Scott, M. Keith, R., Abbas, P. (2013. ) Neural adaptation in cochlear implant users .OSHLA,
Zhang, F., Benson, C., Murphy, D., Scott, M. Keith, R., Abbas, P. (2013. ) Neural adaptation in cochlear implant users .36th annual midwinter conference of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology (ARO), Baltimore, MD. .
Zhang, F., Benson,C., Xiang, J., & Fu, QJ. (2014. ) Effects of spectral resolution on temporal processing ability in simulated electric hearing .37th annual midwinter conference of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology (ARO), San Diego, CA. .
Benson, C., Zhang, F., & Keith, R. (2014. ) Temporal processing and speech perception in cochlear implant users and normal hearing controls .37th annual midwinter conference of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology (ARO), San Diego, CA. .
Mostafa , Y., Lavendar, V., Keith, R., Brown, D., Zhang, F., & Tawfik, S. (2013. ) Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potential (VEMP) in children with Enlarged Vestibular Aqueduct (EVA) .American Academy of Audiology annual conference,
Benson, C., & Zhang, F. (2012. ) Behavioral measures of temporal processing and speech perception in normal hearing and cochlear implant users .37th annual midwinter conference of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology (ARO), San Diego, CAlifornia. .
Benson, C., Zhang, F., & Keith, R. (2014. ) Temporal processing and speech perception in cochlear implant users and normal hearing controls .OSHLA,
Tisdale, A., Zhang, F., Earl, B., & Valencia, G. (2014. ) Establishing Normative Data for the Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) Using the Interacoustics Eclipse .PRaISE,
Zhang F., Liang C., Earl B., Fu QJ. (2016. ) Musicians are better than mon-musicians in overcoming the limitation of spectral resolution and noise masking. .ARO, San Diego, CA, USA. . Level:International
Liang C., Thompson I., Whitaker K., Xiang J., and Zhang F (2016. ) Acoustic Change Complex in response to pitch changes in musicians and non-musicians. .ARO, San Diego, CA, USA.. . Level:International
Honors and Awards
2012 Merit Pay. University of Cincinnati
2011 Merit Pay. University of Cincinnati
Oustanding Doctoral Student, University of South Alabama Recognition 2004, 2005
Travel Award. Received travel award to the 14th Annual ASHA Convention Type:Monetary
Acquired the travel award for ASHA conference in 2003 in Savannah, GA
Selected as the "Outstanding young researcher" by Chengdu Health Bureau in 2000
Selected as the "Outstanding young researcher" by Chengdu Health Bureau in 1998
Selected as the "Outstanding student" on graduation by Luzhou Medical College in 1994
02-20-2016 -06-20-2016 Faculty development award Travel money to a professional conference Status:Recipient Level:College Type:Monetary
2016 Merit Pay. University of Cincinnati Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Monetary
2018 Faculty Research Excellence UC College of Allied Health Sciences
2019 College Research Incentive Award
Student Advising
Melissa Boian (Master ) Advisor Status:Completed 2013
Dora Murphy (Master ) Advisor Status:Completed 2012
Paige Adams (Master ) Advisor Status:In Progress
Chelsea Benson (Master ) Advisor Status:Completed 2011
Theresa Hammer (Master ) Advisor Status:Completed 2010
Danielle Bronkema (Undergrad ) Advisor Status:Completed 2011
Amanda Gilbert (Undergrad ) Advisor Status:Completed 2008
Dora Murphy (Undergrad ) Advisor Status:Completed 2008
Holly L. Banks (Master ) Advisor Status:In Progress
Caitlin Dohlen (Undergrad ) Advisor Status:Completed 2009
Julia Richardson Status:Completed 2014
Anna Tisdale Status:Completed 2014
Natalie Nuss (Doctoral ) Chair Status:In Progress
Lindsay Whitney (Doctoral ) Chair Status:In Progress
Sarah Colligan (Undergrad ) Supervisor Status:In Progress
Anna Herrmann (Undergrad ) Supervisor Status:In Progress
Cody Curry (Undergrad ) Supervisor Status:Completed 2014
Kayla Whitaker (Undergrad ) Supervisor 2014
Chun Liang, PhD, (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 2017
Chelsea Blankinship, PhD Status:Completed 2020
Jihye Han, PhD Status:Completed 2014
Jill Anderson, PhD Status:Completed 2011
Audiology & Neurotology Reviewer Type:Editorial Service
Journal of American Academy of Audiology Reviewer Type:Editorial Service
PLoS ONE Reviewer Type:Editorial Service
Mentor for grand mechanisms
PS2- Research Scholars Program in Nursing and Allied Health
(RPT Committee ) Level:Department 2011 -2014
(Comprehensive Exam Committee ) Level:Department 2010 -To Present
(AEP consultant for the auditory processing disorder clinic ) Level:Department 2010 -To Present
(Cincinnatus ) 2011 -To Present
(Regularly update student and faculty research progress report for the AuD program ) Level:Department 2008 -To Present
(Interdisciplinary Research Committee ) Level:College 08-2012 -2014
(Faculty Development Committee ) Level:College 2009 -2014
Department strategic planning committee Type:Departmental Service 2015
Merit pay committee Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2014
Strategic planning committee Committee Member Type:University/College Service 2015
(College RPT committee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service 2014 -To Present
(University research council ) Reviewer Type:University/College Service Level:University 2015 -To Present
(China strategy group ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2014 -To Present
Biological Psychology, Reviewer Type:Editorial Service
Hearing research Reviewer Type:Editorial Service
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Reviewer Type:Editorial Service
Frontier Reviewer Type:Editorial Service
Psychophysiology Reviewer Type:Editorial Service
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research Reviewer Type:Editorial Service
Ear and Hearing Reviewer Type:Editorial Service
Medical research council (MRC) grant (a publicly-funded organization that support research in the UK, and Africa). Reviewer Type:Grant Panel Level:International
Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA’s) grant (Agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services). Reviewer Type:Grant Panel Level:National
NIH loan payment grant reviewer Type:Grant Panel 2019
(Subcommittee for CAHS scholarly show case ) Committee Chair Type:University/College Service Level:College 09-01-2023 -04-26-2024
(College RPT committee ) Committee Chair Type:University/College Service Level:College 09-01-2022 -04-26-2023
(RPT committee ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 09-01-2020 -04-26-2021
(NIH study section reviewer-ZRG1 ICN-A (02 ) Reviewer Type:Grant Panel Level:National 11-01-2023
(Grant review for the internal pilot project competition at The University of Rochester ) Reviewer Type:Grant Panel 12-01-2023
Post Graduate Training and Education
2005-2007 Auditory Electrophysiology, University of Iowa, ,
Auditory Electrophysiology, Electroencephalography (EEG), Cochlear Implants, Speech Perception, Auditory Neuroscience
Professional Affiliation
Chinese Otolaryngology Society, China, July 1997 – present
Association for Research in Otolaryngology, USA, 2005 – present
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, USA, 2004-2006
American Academy of Audiology, USA, 2008
Courses Taught
CSD 622: Biology of Audition Level:Graduate
CSD 8062: AEPl I Level:Graduate
CSD 716: Pathophysiology of Audition Level:Graduate
CSD 992: PhD Dissertation research Level:Graduate
CSD 942: Graduate research project Level:Graduate
CSD 864: Direct Study Level:Graduate
CSD 727: Diagnostic Audiology Level:Graduate
CSD 594: Honors Work Level:Undergraduate
-CSD-8063 AEP II
CSD9083001: Doctoral Seminar I
HLTH2011-Ethics in Health care
CSD3098_Research methods
Contact Information
Academic - Health Sciences Building
3225 Eden Avenue
Ohio, 45267
Phone: 513-558-8513
Fax: 513-558-8500