Ge Zhang , PhD
Research Professor-Affiliate
Childrens Hospital Bldg R
COM Pediatrics Human Genetics - 0054
Professional Summary
My long-term research objective is to understand the genetic, molecular, and evolutionary architecture of human complex traits in a quantitatively rigorous framework. Such research will lead to a deeper understanding of how genetic variations, gene-gene and gene-environment interactions produce complex phenotypes. An exciting and challenging aspect of this research is that it is inherently interdisciplinary, existing at the interface of genetics, biology, and mathematics.
Research Support
Grant: #1017289 Investigators:Ball, William; Zhang, Ge 06-01-2017 -03-31-2021 Burroughs Wellcome Fund Genomic study of gestational length and preterm birth Role:Collaborator $600,000.00 Active Level:Private Non-Profit
Peer Reviewed Publications
Karns, Rebekah; Zhang, Ge; Jeran, Nina; Havas-Augustin, Dubravka; Missoni, Sasa; Niu, Wen; Indugula, Subba Rao; Sun, Guangyun; Durakovic, Zijad; Narancic, Nina Smolej; Rudan, Pavao; Chakraborty, Ranajit; Deka, Ranjan (2011. ) Replication of genetic variants from genome-wide association studies with metabolic traits in an island population of the Adriatic coast of Croatia.European journal of human genetics : EJHG, , 19 (3 ) ,341-6 More Information
Zhang, Ge; Karns, Rebekah; Narancic, Nina Smolej; Sun, Guangyun; Cheng, Hong; Missoni, Sasa; Durakovic, Zijad; Rudan, Pavao; Chakraborty, Ranajit; Deka, Ranjan (2010. ) Common SNPs in FTO gene are associated with obesity related anthropometric traits in an island population from the eastern Adriatic coast of Croatia.PloS one, , 5 (4 ) ,e10375 More Information
Deka, Ranjan; Xu, Ling; Pal, Prodipto; Toelupe, Palanitina T; Laumoli, Tuiasina S; Xi, Huifeng; Zhang, Ge; Weeks, Daniel E; McGarvey, Stephen T (2009. ) A tagging SNP in INSIG2 is associated with obesity-related phenotypes among Samoans.BMC medical genetics, , 10 ,143 More Information
Bernstein, Jonathan A; Zhang, Ge; Jin, Li; Abbott, Carol; Nebert, Daniel W (2008. ) Olfactory receptor gene polymorphisms and nonallergic vasomotor rhinitis.The Journal of asthma : official journal of the Association for the Care of Asthma, , 45 (4 ) ,287-92 More Information
Nebert, Daniel W; Zhang, Ge; Vesell, Elliot S (2008. ) From human genetics and genomics to pharmacogenetics and pharmacogenomics: past lessons, future directions.Drug metabolism reviews, , 40 (2 ) ,187-224 More Information
Zhang, Ge; Nebert, Daniel W; Chakraborty, Ranajit; Jin, Li (2006. ) Statistical power of association using the extreme discordant phenotype design.Pharmacogenetics and genomics, , 16 (6 ) ,401-13 More Information
Martin, Tammy M; Zhang, Ge; Luo, Jingchun; Jin, Li; Doyle, Trudy M; Rajska, Barbara M; Coffman, Jessica E; Smith, Justine R; Becker, Matthias D; Mackensen, Friederike; Khan, Muhammad A; Levinson, Ralph D; Schumacher, H Ralph; Wade, N Kevin; Rosenbaum, James T; Reveille, John D (2005. ) A locus on chromosome 9p predisposes to a specific disease manifestation, acute anterior uveitis, in ankylosing spondylitis, a genetically complex, multisystem, inflammatory disease.Arthritis and rheumatism, , 52 (1 ) ,269-74 More Information
Jin, Li; Zhang, Ge; Akey, Joshua M; Luo, Jingchun; Lee, Juwon; Weisman, Michael H; Bruckel, Jane; Inman, Robert D; Stone, Millicent A; Khan, Muhammad A; Schumacher, H Ralph; Maksymowych, Walter P; Mahowald, Maren L; Sawitzke, Allen D; Vasey, Frank B; Yu, David T Y; Reveille, John D (2004. ) Lack of linkage of IL1RN genotypes with ankylosing spondylitis susceptibility.Arthritis and rheumatism, , 50 (9 ) ,3047-8 More Information
Zhang, Ge; Luo, Jingchun; Bruckel, Jane; Weisman, Michael A; Schumacher, H Ralph; Khan, Muhammad A; Inman, Robert D; Mahowald, Maren; Maksymowych, Walter P; Martin, Tammy M; Yu, David T Y; Stone, Millicent; Rosenbaum, James T; Newman, Patricia; Lee, Juwon; McClain, Jo A; West, O Clark; Jin, Li; Reveille, John D (2004. ) Genetic studies in familial ankylosing spondylitis susceptibility.Arthritis and rheumatism, , 50 (7 ) ,2246-54 More Information
Akey, Joshua M; Zhang, Ge; Zhang, Kun; Jin, Li; Shriver, Mark D (2002. ) Interrogating a high-density SNP map for signatures of natural selection.Genome research, , 12 (12 ) ,1805-14 More Information
Ma, Yongxin; Zhang, Sizhong; Xia, Qinjie; Zhang, Ge; Huang, Xinli; Huang, Mingkong; Xiao, Cuiying; Pan, Agen; Sun, Yan; Lebo, Roger; Milunsky, Aubrey (2002. ) Molecular characterization of the TCP11 gene which is the human homologue of the mouse gene encoding the receptor of fertilization promoting peptide. Molecular human reproduction, , 8 (1 ) ,24-31
Ding, Lan; Zhang, Sizhong; Qiu, Weimin; Xiao, Cuiying; Wu, Shaoqing; Zhang, Ge; Cheng, Lu; Zhang, Sixiao (2002. ) Novel mutations of PKD1 gene in Chinese patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation : official publication of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association - European Renal Association, , 17 (1 ) ,75-80
Contact Information
Research - Office
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Ohio, 45229