Jun-Ming Zhang
Vice Chair for Research Anesthesia, Endowed Chair of Anesthesia Research and Education
Medical Sciences Building
Room MSB 3413
231 Albert Sabin Way
Cincinnati, Ohio 45267
Phone 513-558-2427
Fax 513-558-0995
Email jun-ming.zhang@uc.edu
Professional Summary
Chronic pain conditions such as neuropathic pain are very common and can last a lifetime, persisting long after the initial damage to the nerve has healed. Chronic pain conditions involve complex, orchestrated changes in the sensory neurons and their synaptic targets. These changes include abnormal electrical activity, alterations in ion channels and transmitters, and sensitization of the pain pathways in the spinal cord and brain. We are currently investigating neurological mechanisms of pain. The ultimate goal is to identify new therapeutic targets for chronic pain. We use a number of techniques, including electrophysiology, animal behavior, microscopy, in vivo/in vitro calcium imaging, and biochemical and molecular methods. Specifically, we are investigating the role and causes of the abnormal sympathetic sprouting into the sensory ganglia that exacerbates many chronic pain states and how sympathetic regulate local immune/inflammatory responses, regeneration of injured nerves, and survival of sensory neurons. We have several ongoing projects: 1) determine neuron-vasculature interaction in pain; 2) relationship between nerve injury-initiated regeneration and the persistence of neuropathic pain; 3) how steroid receptors change under pathological conditions and how such changes may affect therapeutic efficacy of steroids used for managing inflammatory pain conditions. Lastly, we have initiated several clinical studies to translate preclinical findings to clinical practice. Specifically, we are interested in whether extended nerve block provides additional benefit for patients with traumatic injury in lowing the risk of chronic pain; and how to improve efficacy of epidural steroids for managing low back pain.
Medical Degree: Shandong University 1988
Master's Degree: Peking Union Medical College & Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences 1991 (Neurophysiology)
Postdoctoral Associate: Yale University School of Medicine New Have, Connecticut, 1996 (Neurophysiology of Pain)
Research and Practice Interests
Physiology and pathophysiology of neuropathic pain, Sympathetic regulation of inflammatory response in pain, Mechanisms and management of low back pain, Sodium channels, ectopic discharges and pathological pain
Positions and Work Experience
1991 -1993 Lecturer, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing, China
1996 -1998 Associate Research Scientist, Study of chronic pain, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut
1998 -2003 Assistant Professor, Physiology and pathology of pain, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences , Little Rock, Arkansas
2003 -2005 Associate Professor, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences , Little Rock, Arkansas
2005 -2008 Associate Professor of Anesthesiology, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, Ohio
2005 -2012 Director of Research, Developing research program in the Department of Anesthesiology, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, Ohio
2008 -To Present Professor of Anesthesiology, Conducting research on pain, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, Ohio
2012 -To Present Vice Chair for Research, Supervising research program in the Department of Anesthesiology, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, Ohio
12-01-2017 -To Present Anesthesia Research and Education Endowed Chair, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio
Research Support
Grant: #R01-NS-045594 Investigators:Zhang, Jun-Ming 05-01-2005 -04-30-2010 National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Study of Activity-Dependent Sympathetic Sprouting Role:PI $1,099,797.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #R01 NS055860 Investigators:Zhang, Jun-Ming 12-15-2007 -11-30-2013 National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Neural and Chemical Basis of Pathologic Pain Role:PI $1,684,288.00 Active
Grant: #IUPUI4686278CINN / 5 R01 NS060853 Investigators:Zhang, Jun-Ming 07-17-2009 -06-30-2011 National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Sphingosine 1-Phosphate Receptors And Sensitization Of Sensory Neurons Role:PI $203,285.00 Active
Grant: #R01 NS045594 Investigators:Zhang, Jun-Ming 05-01-2010 -04-30-2015 National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Study of Activity-Dependent Sympathetic Sprouting Role:PI $1,301,421.00 Active
Grant: #2R01NS055860-06 Investigators:Zhang, Jun-Ming 02-01-2013 -01-31-2018 National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Neural And Chemical Basis Of Pathological Pain Role:PI $419,641.00 Active
Grant: #R01NS045594 Investigators:Zhang, Jun-Ming 02-01-2016 -01-31-2021 National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Study of Activity Dependant Sympathetic Sprouting Role:PI $488,274.90 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-16-2-6G11 (Task under Master FA8650-15-2-6605) Investigators:Fortman II, James; Strong, Judith; Zhang, Jun-Ming 06-20-2016 -06-19-2017 Air Force Research Laboratory Extended Regional Anesthesia for Prevention of Chronic Pain after Traumatic Injury Role:PI $226,987.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #R01AR068989 Investigators:Zhang, Jun-Ming 07-15-2016 -06-30-2021 National Institute of Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Disease Steroids and Steroid Receptors in Low Back Pain Role:PI $339,944.00 Active
Grant: #R01NS113243 Investigators:Berta, Temugin; Strong, Judith; Xie, Wen-Rui; Zhang, Jun-Ming 07-01-2019 -05-31-2024 National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Targeting sensory ganglia and glial signaling for the treatment of acute and chronic pain Role:Collaborator $2,006,250.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #JHU 2004472022 / RF1NS113883 Investigators:Strong, Judith; Xie, Wen-Rui; Zhang, Jun-Ming 09-18-2019 -03-31-2024 National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Sympathetic-mediated sensory neuron cluster firing as a novel therapeutic target for neuropathic pain Role:PI $1,456,905.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Investigators:Berta, Temugin; Strong, Judith; Xie, Wen-Rui; Zhang, Jun-Ming 07-15-2021 -06-30-2026 National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Study of Activity-Dependent Sympathetic Sprouting" Role:PI 0.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #NYU GSM 20-00-00-1005210 (UH3CA261067) Investigators:Garg, Shuchita; Strong, Judith; Vaughan, Brian; Zhang, Jun-Ming 09-01-2022 -08-31-2025 National Cancer Institute Optimizing the use of ketamine to reduce chronic postsurgical pain Role:Collaborator 0.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #R01NS136108 Investigators:Berta, Temugin; Davidson, Steve; Lee, Sanghoon; Xie, Wen-Rui; Zhang, Jun-Ming 04-01-2024 -03-31-2029 National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Cellular Mechanisms and Therapeutic Potential of NR4A1 in Pain Resolution Role:Collaborator 0.00 Hold Level:Federal
Investigators:Berta, Temugin; Strong, Judith; Xie, Wen-Rui; Zhang, Jun-Ming 07-01-2024 -06-30-2029 National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Neuron vasculature interactions in pain Role:PI 0.00 Hold Level:Federal
Peer Reviewed Publications
Zhang, J. (1992. ) [The role of substance P in the modulation of myotension in paralyzed limbs after spinal transsection on rats] .Zhongguo Yi Xue Ke Xue Yuan Xue Bao, , 14 (6 ) ,413-8
Xie, Y.; Zhang, J.; Petersen, M.; LaMotte, R. H. (1995. ) Functional changes in dorsal root ganglion cells after chronic nerve constriction in the rat .J Neurophysiol, , 73 (5 ) ,1811-20
Petersen, M.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, J. M.; LaMotte, R. H. (1996. ) Abnormal spontaneous activity and responses to norepinephrine in dissociated dorsal root ganglion cells after chronic nerve constriction .Pain, , 67 (2-3 ) ,391-7
LaMotte, R. H.; Zhang, J. M.; Petersen, M. (1996. ) Alterations in the functional properties of dorsal root ganglion cells with unmyelinated axons after a chronic nerve constriction in the rat .Prog Brain Res, , 110 (2-3 ) ,105-11
Zhang, J. M.; Song, X. J.; LaMotte, R. H. (1997. ) An in vitro study of ectopic discharge generation and adrenergic sensitivity in the intact, nerve-injured rat dorsal root ganglion .Pain, , 72 (1-2 ) ,51-7
Zhang, J. M.; Donnelly, D. F.; Song, X. J.; Lamotte, R. H. (1997. ) Axotomy increases the excitability of dorsal root ganglion cells with unmyelinated axons .J Neurophysiol, , 78 (5 ) ,2790-4
Zhang, J. M.; Donnelly, D. F.; LaMotte, R. H. (1998. ) Patch clamp recording from the intact dorsal root ganglion .J Neurosci Methods, , 79 (1 ) ,97-103
Brull, S. J.; Atanassoff, P. G.; Silverman, D. G.; Zhang, J.; Lamotte, R. H. (1999. ) Attenuation of experimental pruritus and mechanically evoked dysesthesiae in an area of cutaneous allodynia .Somatosens Mot Res, , 16 (4 ) ,299-303
Zhang, J. M.; Song, X. J.; LaMotte, R. H. (1999. ) Enhanced excitability of sensory neurons in rats with cutaneous hyperalgesia produced by chronic compression of the dorsal root ganglion .J Neurophysiol, , 82 (6 ) ,3359-66
Atanassoff, P. G.; Brull, S. J.; Zhang, J.; Greenquist, K.; Silverman, D. G.; Lamotte, R. H. (1999. ) Enhancement of experimental pruritus and mechanically evoked dysesthesiae with local anesthesia .Somatosens Mot Res, , 16 (4 ) ,291-8
Song, X. J.; Hu, S. J.; Greenquist, K. W.; Zhang, J. M.; LaMotte, R. H. (1999. ) Mechanical and thermal hyperalgesia and ectopic neuronal discharge after chronic compression of dorsal root ganglia .J Neurophysiol, , 82 (6 ) ,3347-58
Zhang, J. M.; Li, H.; Brull, S. J. (2000. ) Perfusion of the mechanically compressed lumbar ganglion with lidocaine reduces mechanical hyperalgesia and allodynia in the rat .J Neurophysiol, , 84 (2 ) ,798-805
Munir, M. A.; Saleem, M.; Zhang, J. M.; Mancino, A. K. (2001. ) Case of the month. Aberrant placement of central venous catheter in a thymic vein .J Ark Med Soc, , 98 (4 ) ,112-4
Liu, B. G.; Zhuang, X. L.; Li, S. T.; Xu, G. H.; Brull, S. J.; Zhang, J. M. (2001. ) Effects of bupivacaine and ropivacaine on high-voltage-activated calcium currents of the dorsal horn neurons in newborn rats .Anesthesiology, , 95 (1 ) ,139-43
Dobretsov, M.; Hastings, S. L.; Stimers, J. R.; Zhang, J. M. (2001. ) Mechanical hyperalgesia in rats with chronic perfusion of lumbar dorsal root ganglion with hyperglycemic solution .J Neurosci Methods, , 110 (1-2 ) ,9-15
Hu, S. J.; Song, X. J.; Greenquist, K. W.; Zhang, J. M.; LaMotte, R. H. (2001. ) Protein kinase A modulates spontaneous activity in chronically compressed dorsal root ganglion neurons in the rat .Pain, , 94 (1 ) ,39-46
Zhang, J. M.; Homma, Y.; Ackerman, W. E.; Brull, S. J. (2001. ) Topical application of acidic bupivacaine to the lumbar ganglion induces mechanical hyperalgesia in the rat .Anesth Analg, , 93 (2 ) ,466-71, 4th contents page
Homma, Y.; Brull, S. J.; Zhang, J. M. (2002. ) A comparison of chronic pain behavior following local application of tumor necrosis factor alpha to the normal and mechanically compressed lumbar ganglia in the rat .Pain, , 95 (3 ) ,239-246
Zhang, J. M.; Li, H.; Liu, B.; Brull, S. J. (2002. ) Acute topical application of tumor necrosis factor alpha evokes protein kinase A-dependent responses in rat sensory neurons .J Neurophysiol, , 88 (3 ) ,1387-92
Liu, B.; Li, H.; Brull, S. J.; Zhang, J. M. (2002. ) Increased sensitivity of sensory neurons to tumor necrosis factor alpha in rats with chronic compression of the lumbar ganglia .J Neurophysiol, , 88 (3 ) ,1393-9
Li, H.; Liu, B. G.; Dobretsov, M.; Brull, S. J.; Zhang, J. M. (2002. ) Thermosensitivity of large primary sensory neurons .Brain Res, , 926 (1-2 ) ,18-26
Dobretsov, M.; Hastings, S. L.; Romanovsky, D.; Stimers, J. R.; Zhang, J. M. (2003. ) Mechanical hyperalgesia in rat models of systemic and local hyperglycemia .Brain Res, , 960 (1-2 ) ,174-83
Munir, M. A.; Jaffar, M.; Arshad, M.; Akhter, M. S.; Zhang, J. (2003. ) Reduced duration of muscle relaxation with rocuronium in a normocalcemic hyperparathyroid patient .Can J Anaesth, , 50 (6 ) ,558-61
Song, X. J.; Zhang, J. M.; Hu, S. J.; LaMotte, R. H. (2003. ) Somata of nerve-injured sensory neurons exhibit enhanced responses to inflammatory mediators .Pain, , 104 (3 ) ,701-709
Munir, M. A.; Zhang, J.; Ahmad, M. (2004. ) A modified needle-inside-needle technique for the ganglion impar block .Can J Anaesth, , 51 (9 ) ,915-7
Ackerman, W. E.; Munir, M. A.; Zhang, J. M.; Ghaleb, A. (2004. ) Are diagnostic lumbar facet injections influenced by pain of muscular origin? .Pain Pract, , 4 (4 ) ,286-91
Simone, D. A.; Zhang, X.; Li, J.; Zhang, J. M.; Honda, C. N.; LaMotte, R. H.; Giesler, G. J., Jr. (2004. ) Comparison of responses of primate spinothalamic tract neurons to pruritic and algogenic stimuli .J Neurophysiol, , 91 (1 ) ,213-22
Zhang, J. M.; Li, H.; Munir, M. A. (2004. ) Decreasing sympathetic sprouting in pathologic sensory ganglia: a new mechanism for treating neuropathic pain using lidocaine .Pain, , 109 (1-2 ) ,143-9
Dupont-Versteegden, E. E.; Houle, J. D.; Dennis, R. A.; Zhang, J.; Knox, M.; Wagoner, G.; Peterson, C. A. (2004. ) Exercise-induced gene expression in soleus muscle is dependent on time after spinal cord injury in rats .Muscle Nerve, , 29 (1 ) ,73-81
Li, A. H.; Zhang, J. M.; Xie, Y. K. (2004. ) Human acupuncture points mapped in rats are associated with excitable muscle/skin-nerve complexes with enriched nerve endings .Brain Res, , 1012 (1-2 ) ,154-9
Xie, W.; Strong, J. A.; Meij, J. T. A.; Zhang, J. M.; Yu, L. (2005. ) Neuropathic pain: early spontaneous afferent activity is the trigger .Pain, , 116 (3 ) ,243-256
Chien, S. Q.; Li, C.; Li, H.; Xie, W.; Pablo, C. S.; Zhang, J. M. (2005. ) Sympathetic Fiber Sprouting in Chronically Compressed Dorsal Root Ganglia Without Peripheral Axotomy .J Neuropathic Pain Symptom Palliation, , 1 (1 ) ,19-23
Ackerman, W.E.; Zhang, J.-M.; Munir, M.A. (2006. ) Assessment of laser Doppler imaging for the diagnosis of complex regional pain syndrome .J. Neuropathic Pain & Symptom Palliation, , 1 (4 ) ,13-20
Ackerman, W. E.; Zhang, J. M. (2006. ) Efficacy of stellate ganglion blockade for the management of type 1 complex regional pain syndrome .South Med J, , 99 (10 ) ,1084-8
Xie, W. R.; Deng, H.; Li, H.; Bowen, T. L.; Strong, J. A.; Zhang, J. M. (2006. ) Robust increase of cutaneous sensitivity, cytokine production and sympathetic sprouting in rats with localized inflammatory irritation of the spinal ganglia .Neuroscience, , 142 (3 ) ,809-22
Ackerman, W. E., 3rd; Zhang, J. M. (2006. ) Serum hs-CRP as a useful marker for predicting the efficacy of lumbar epidural steroid injections on pain relief in patients with lumbar disc herniations .J Ky Med Assoc, , 104 (7 ) ,295-9
Wang, J. G.; Strong, J. A.; Xie, W.; Zhang, J. M. (2007. ) Local inflammation in rat dorsal root ganglion alters excitability and ion currents in small-diameter sensory neurons .Anesthesiology, , 107 (2 ) ,322-32
Munir, M. A.; Enany, N.; Zhang, J. M. (2007. ) Nonopioid analgesics .Med Clin North Am, , 91 (1 ) ,97-111
Munir, M. A.; Enany, N.; Zhang, J. M. (2007. ) Nonopioid analgesics .Anesthesiol Clin, , 25 (4 ) ,761-74, vi
Xie, W.; Strong, J. A.; Li, H.; Zhang, J. M. (2007. ) Sympathetic sprouting near sensory neurons after nerve injury occurs preferentially on spontaneously active cells and is reduced by early nerve block .J Neurophysiol, , 97 (1 ) ,492-502
Li, H.; Xie, W.; Strong, J. A.; Zhang, J. M. (2007. ) Systemic antiinflammatory corticosteroid reduces mechanical pain behavior, sympathetic sprouting, and elevation of proinflammatory cytokines in a rat model of neuropathic pain .Anesthesiology, , 107 (3 ) ,469-77
Zhang, J. M.; Munir, M. (2008. ) Radicular low back pain: what have we learned from recent animal research? .Anesthesiology, , 108 (1 ) ,5-6
Wang, J. G.; Strong, J. A.; Xie, W.; Yang, R. H.; Coyle, D. E.; Wick, D. M.; Dorsey, E. D.; Zhang, J. M. (2008. ) The chemokine CXCL1/growth related oncogene increases sodium currents and neuronal excitability in small diameter sensory neurons .Mol Pain, , 4 (1 ) ,38
Liu, B. G.; Dobretsov, M.; Stimers, J. R.; Zhang, J. M. (2008. ) Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha Suppresses Activation of Sustained Potassium Currents in Rat Small Diameter Sensory Neurons .Open Pain J, , 1 (1 ) ,1
Xie, W.; Strong, J. A.; Zhang, J. M. (2009. ) Early blockade of injured primary sensory afferents reduces glial cell activation in two rat neuropathic pain models .Neuroscience, , 160 (4 ) ,847-57
Yang, R. H.; Strong, J. A.; Zhang, J. M. (2009. ) NF-kappaB mediated enhancement of potassium currents by the chemokine CXCL1/growth related oncogene in small diameter rat sensory neurons .Mol Pain, , 5 (2 ) ,26
Li, J.; Xie, W.; Zhang, J. M.; Baccei, M. L. (2009. ) Peripheral nerve injury sensitizes neonatal dorsal horn neurons to tumor necrosis factor-alpha .Mol Pain, , 5 (4 ) ,10
Jones, W. K.; Fan, G. C.; Liao, S.; Zhang, J. M.; Wang, Y.; Weintraub, N. L.; Kranias, E. G.; Schultz, J. E.; Lorenz, J.; Ren, X. (2009. ) Peripheral nociception associated with surgical incision elicits remote nonischemic cardioprotection via neurogenic activation of protein kinase C signaling .Circulation, , 120 (11 Suppl ) ,S1-9
Xie, W.; Strong, J. A.; Zhang, J. M. (2010. ) Increased excitability and spontaneous activity of rat sensory neurons following in vitro stimulation of sympathetic fiber sprouts in the isolated dorsal root ganglion .Pain, , 151 (2 ) ,447-459
Xie, W.; Strong, J. A.; Mao, J.; Zhang, J. M. (2011. ) Highly localized interactions between sensory neurons and sprouting sympathetic fibers observed in a transgenic tyrosine hydroxylase reporter mouse .Mol Pain, , 7 (2 ) ,53
Li, J. Y.; Xie, W.; Strong, J. A.; Guo, Q. L.; Zhang, J. M. (2011. ) Mechanical hypersensitivity, sympathetic sprouting, and glial activation are attenuated by local injection of corticosteroid near the lumbar ganglion in a rat model of neuropathic pain .Reg Anesth Pain Med, , 36 (1 ) ,56-62
Du, Y. R.; Xiao, Y.; Lu, Z. M.; Ding, J.; Xie, F.; Fu, H.; Wang, Y.; Strong, J. A.; Zhang, J. M.; Chen, J. (2011. ) Melittin activates TRPV1 receptors in primary nociceptive sensory neurons via the phospholipase A2 cascade pathways .Biochem Biophys Res Commun, , 408 (1 ) ,32-7
Xie, W.; Strong, J. A.; Kim, D.; Shahrestani, S.; Zhang, J. M. (2012. ) Bursting activity in myelinated sensory neurons plays a key role in pain behavior induced by localized inflammation of the rat sensory ganglion .Neuroscience, , 206 (8 ) ,212-23
Dong, F.; Du, Y. R.; Xie, W.; Strong, J. A.; He, X. J.; Zhang, J. M. (2012. ) Increased function of the TRPV1 channel in small sensory neurons after local inflammation or in vitro exposure to the pro-inflammatory cytokine GRO/KC .Neurosci Bull, , 28 (2 ) ,155-64
Xie, W.; Strong, J. A.; Kays, J.; Nicol, G. D.; Zhang, J. M. (2012. ) Knockdown of the sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor S1PR1 reduces pain behaviors induced by local inflammation of the rat sensory ganglion .Neurosci Lett, , 515 (1 ) ,61-5
Strong, J. A.; Xie, W.; Coyle, D. E.; Zhang, J. M. (2012. ) Microarray analysis of rat sensory ganglia after local inflammation implicates novel cytokines in pain .PLoS One, , 7 (7 ) ,e40779
Dong, F.; Xie, W.; Strong, J. A.; Zhang, J. M. (2012. ) Mineralocorticoid receptor blocker eplerenone reduces pain behaviors in vivo and decreases excitability in small-diameter sensory neurons from local inflamed dorsal root ganglia in vitro .Anesthesiology, , 117 (5 ) ,1102-12
Li, C.; Chi, X. X.; Xie, W.; Strong, J. A.; Zhang, J. M.; Nicol, G. D. (2012. ) Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 2 antagonist JTE-013 increases the excitability of sensory neurons independently of the receptor .J Neurophysiol, , 108 (5 ) ,1473-83
Xie, W.; Strong, J. A.; Ye, L.; Mao, J. X.; Zhang, J. M. (2013. ) Knockdown of sodium channel NaV1.6 blocks mechanical pain and abnormal bursting activity of afferent neurons in inflamed sensory ganglia .Pain, , 154 (8 ) ,1170-80
Strong, J. A.; Xie, W.; Bataille, F. J.; Zhang, J. M. (2013. ) Preclinical studies of low back pain .Mol Pain, , 9 (8 ) ,17
Ye, L.; Xie, W.; Strong, J. A.; Zhang, J. M. (2014. ) Blocking the mineralocorticoid receptor improves effectiveness of steroid treatment for low back pain in rats .Anesthesiology, , 121 (3 ) ,632-43
Xie, W.; Strong, J. A.; Zhang, J. M. (2015. ) Local knockdown of the NaV1.6 sodium channel reduces pain behaviors, sensory neuron excitability, and sympathetic sprouting in rat models of neuropathic pain .Neuroscience, , 291 (7 ) ,317-30
Barbosa, C.; Tan, Z. Y.; Wang, R.; Xie, W.; Strong, J. A.; Patel, R. R.; Vasko, M. R.; Zhang, J. M.; Cummins, T. R. (2015. ) Navbeta4 regulates fast resurgent sodium currents and excitability in sensory neurons .Mol Pain, , 11 (7 ) ,60
Chen, S.; Zhang, J.-M. (2015. ) Progress in sympathetically-mediated pathological pain (review) .J Anesth Perioper Med, , 2 (7 ) ,216-225
Xie, W.; Chen, S.; Strong, J. A.; Li, A. L.; Lewkowich, I. P.; Zhang, J. M. (2016. ) Localized sympathectomy reduces mechanical hypersensitivity by restoring normal immune homeostasis in rat models of inflammatory pain .J Neurosci, , 36 (33 ) ,8712-25
Ibrahim, S.I.A.; Strong, J.A.; Zhang, J-M (2016. ) Mineralocorticoid receptor, a promising target for improving management of low back pain by epidural steroid injections (review) .J Anesth Perioper Med, , 3 (33 ) ,177-184
Chen, S.; Xie, W.; Strong, J. A.; Jiang, J.; Zhang, J. M. (2016. ) Sciatic endometriosis induces mechanical hypersensitivity, segmental nerve damage, and robust local inflammation in rats .Eur J Pain, , 20 (7 ) ,1044-57
Xie, W.; Tan, Z. Y.; Barbosa, C.; Strong, J. A.; Cummins, T. R.; Zhang, J. M. (2016. ) Upregulation of the sodium channel NaVbeta4 subunit and its contributions to mechanical hypersensitivity and neuronal hyperexcitability in a rat model of radicular pain induced by local dorsal root ganglion inflammation .Pain, , 157 (4 ) ,879-891
Xie, W.; Strong, J. A.; Zhang, J. M. (2017. ) Active Nerve Regeneration with Failed Target Reinnervation Drives Persistent Neuropathic Pain .eNeuro, , 4 (1 ) ,14-22
Barbosa, C.; Xiao, Y.; Johnson, A. J.; Xie, W.; Strong, J. A.; Zhang, J. M.; Cummins, T. R. (2017. ) FHF2 isoforms differentially regulate Nav1.6-mediated resurgent sodium currents in dorsal root ganglion neurons .Pflugers Arch, , 469 (2 ) ,195-212
Song, Z.; Xie, W.; Chen, S.; Strong, J. A.; Print, M. S.; Wang, J. I.; Shareef, A. F.; Ulrich-Lai, Y. M.; Zhang, J. M. (2017. ) High-fat diet increases pain behaviors in rats with or without obesity .Sci Rep, , 7 (1 ) ,10350
Zhang, J.-M. (2017. ) Neuron-glia interactions in pain .Transl Perioper & Pain Med, , 2 (3 ) ,14-22
Ding, Z.; Xu, W.; Zhang, J.; Zou, W.; Guo, Q.; Huang, C.; Liu, C.; Zhong, T.; Zhang, J. M.; Song, Z. (2017. ) Normalizing GDNF expression in the spinal cord alleviates cutaneous hyperalgesia but not ongoing pain in a rat model of bone cancer pain .Int J Cancer, , 140 (2 ) ,411-422
Bang, S.; Yoo, J.; Gong, X.; Liu, D.; Han, Q.; Luo, X.; Chang, W.; Chen, G.; Im, S. T.; Kim, Y. H.; Strong, J. A.; Zhang, M. Z.; Zhang, J. M.; Lee, S. Y.; Ji, R. R. (2018. ) Differential Inhibition of Nav1.7 and Neuropathic Pain by Hybridoma-Produced and Recombinant Monoclonal Antibodies that Target Nav1.7 : Differential activities of Nav1.7-targeting monoclonal antibodies .Neurosci Bull, , 34 (1 ) ,22-41
Lu, G. F.; Zhang, J. M.; An, J. X.; Oian, X. Y.; Wang, Y.; Lin, S. Y.; Williams, J. P. (2018. ) Enhanced Pain Sensitivity with Systemic Ultrastructural Changes of the Nervous Systems after Cobra Venom Injection is Reversed by Electroacupuncture Treatment .Pain Physician, , 21 (5 ) ,E509-E521
Liu, Z.; Chen, S.; Qiu, C.; Sun, Y.; Li, W.; Jiang, J.; Zhang, J. M. (2018. ) Fractalkine/CX3CR1 Contributes to Endometriosis-Induced Neuropathic Pain and Mechanical Hypersensitivity in Rats .Front Cell Neurosci, , 12 (5 ) ,495
Song, Z.; Xie, W.; Strong, J. A.; Berta, T.; Ulrich-Lai, Y. M.; Guo, Q.; Zhang, J. M. (2018. ) High-fat diet exacerbates postoperative pain and inflammation in a sex-dependent manner .Pain, , 159 (9 ) ,1731-1741
Li, A. L.; Zhang, J. D.; Xie, W.; Strong, J. A.; Zhang, J. M. (2018. ) Inflammatory Changes in Paravertebral Sympathetic Ganglia in Two Rat Pain Models .Neurosci Bull, , 34 (1 ) ,85-97
Ibrahim, S. I. A.; Xie, W.; Strong, J. A.; Tonello, R.; Berta, T.; Zhang, J. M. (2018. ) Mineralocorticoid Antagonist Improves Glucocorticoid Receptor Signaling and Dexamethasone Analgesia in an Animal Model of Low Back Pain .Front Cell Neurosci, , 12 (1 ) ,453
Xie, W.; Strong, J.A.; Zhang, J.-M. (2018. ) SCN8A (Nav1.6): gate to chronic pain (review) .J Anesth Perioper Med, , 5 (6 ) ,293-305
Ren, X.; Roessler, A. E.; Lynch, T. L. th; Haar, L.; Mallick, F.; Lui, Y.; Tranter, M.; Ren, M. H.; Xie, W. R.; Fan, G. C.; Zhang, J. M.; Kranias, E. G.; Anjak, A.; Koch, S.; Jiang, M.; Miao, Q.; Wang, Y.; Cohen, A.; Rubinstein, J.; Weintraub, N. L.; Jones, W. K. (2019. ) Cardioprotection via the skin: nociceptor-induced conditioning against cardiac MI in the NIC of time .Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol, , 316 (3 ) ,H543-H553
Xiao, Y.; Barbosa, C.; Pei, Z.; Xie, W.; Strong, J. A.; Zhang, J. M.; Cummins, T. R. (2019. ) Increased Resurgent Sodium Currents in Nav1.8 Contribute to Nociceptive Sensory Neuron Hyperexcitability Associated with Peripheral Neuropathies .J Neurosci, , 39 (8 ) ,1539-1550
Dai, J.; Ding, Z.; Zhang, J.; Xu, W.; Guo, Q.; Zou, W.; Xiong, Y.; Weng, Y.; Yang, Y.; Chen, S.; Zhang, J. M.; Song, Z. (2019. ) Minocycline Relieves Depressive-Like Behaviors in Rats With Bone Cancer Pain by Inhibiting Microglia Activation in Hippocampus .Anesth Analg, , 129 (6 ) ,1733-1741
Schappacher, K. A.; Xie, W.; Zhang, J. M.; Baccei, M. L. (2019. ) Neonatal vincristine administration modulates intrinsic neuronal excitability in the rat dorsal root ganglion and spinal dorsal horn during adolescence .Pain, , 160 (3 ) ,645-657
Xie, W.; Zhang, J.; Strong, J. A.; Zhang, J. M. (2019. ) Role of Na(V)1.6 and Na(V)beta4 Sodium Channel Subunits in a Rat Model of Low Back Pain Induced by Compression of the Dorsal Root Ganglia .Neuroscience, , 402 (1 ) ,51-65
Ibrahim, S. I. A.; Strong, J. A.; Qualls, K. A.; Ulrich-Lai, Y. M.; Zhang, J. M. (2020. ) Differential Regulation of the Glucocorticoid Receptor in a Rat Model of Inflammatory Pain .Anesth Analg, , 131 (1 ) ,298-306
Tonello, R.; Xie, W.; Lee, S. H.; Wang, M.; Liu, X.; Strong, J. A.; Zhang, J. M.; Berta, T. (2020. ) Local Sympathectomy Promotes Anti-inflammatory Responses and Relief of Paclitaxel-induced Mechanical and Cold Allodynia in Mice .Anesthesiology, , 132 (6 ) ,1540-1553
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dorsal root ganglion, low back pain, inflammation, neuropathic pain, sympathetic, cytokines, chemokines
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