Kuanshi Zhong
Asst Professor
730 Mantei Center
2901 Woodside Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45219
Email kuanshi.zhong@uc.edu
PhD: Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 2021 (Civil and Environmental Engineering)
Master: Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 2017 (Civil and Environmental Engineering)
Bachelor: Tongji University, Shanghai, China, 2015 (Civil Engineering)
Positions and Work Experience
01-2023 -To Present Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering and Construction Management, University of Cincinnati
01-2021 -12-2022 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Stanford University
Research Support
Grant: #BCS-2324505 Investigators:Webb, Amanda; Trott, Carlie; Zhong, Kuanshi 09-15-2023 -08-31-2026 National Science Foundation Supporting equitable building decarbonization through a community-engaged retrofit planning process and energy modeling platform Role:Co-PI 745553.00
Grant: #Improving Bar Performance Investigators:Zhong, Kuanshi 09-01-2024 -08-31-2025 Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute Steel Reinforcing Bar Marking Modifications for Improving Bar Performance Role:PI 30000.00 Hold Level:Non Profit
Peer Reviewed Publications
Kuanshi Zhong, Ting Lin, Gregory G Deierlein, Robert W Graves, Fabio Silva, Nicolas Luco (01-2021. ) Tall building performance‐based seismic design using SCEC broadband platform site‐specific ground motion simulations.Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, , 50 (1 ) ,81-98 More Information
Kuanshi Zhong, Reagan Chandramohan, Jack W Baker, Gregory G Deierlein (03-2022. ) Site-specific adjustment framework for incremental dynamic analysis (SAF-IDA).Earthquake Spectra, , 38 (3 ) ,1893-1917 More Information
Tamika J Bassman, Kuanshi Zhong, Jack W Baker (11-2022. ) Evaluation of Conditional Mean Spectra Code Criteria for Ground Motion Selection.Journal of Structural Engineering, , 148 (11 ) ,1-9 More Information
Kuanshi Zhong, Wassim M Ghannoum, Gregory G Deierlein (09-2021. ) Influence of High-Strength Reinforcing Bars on Seismic Safety of Concrete Frames.ACI Structural Journal, , 118 (5 ) ,299-311 More Information
Kuanshi Zhong, Javier G. Navarro, Sanjay Govindjee, Gregory G. Deierlein (02-2023. ) Surrogate Modeling of Structural Seismic Response Using Probabilistic Learning on Manifolds.Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, , More Information
Tracy Kijewski-Correa, Barbaros Cetiner, Kuanshi Zhong, Chaofeng Wang, Adam Zsarnoczay, Yunhui Guo, Meredith Lochhead, Frank McKenna (2023. ) Validation of an Augmented Parcel Approach for Hurricane Regional Loss Assessments.Natural Hazards Review, , 24 (3 ) ,04023022 More Information
Juan Miguel Navarro Carranza, Gregory G. Deierlein, Kuanshi Zhong (2024. ) Simulation of longitudinal reinforcing steel bar fracture in reinforced concrete walls.Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, , 23 ,517 -551More Information
Laxman Dahal, Henry Burton, Kuanshi Zhong (2025. ) High-Fidelity High-Resolution Regional Seismic Risk and Resilience Assessment of Large Building Inventories.Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, , More Information
Other Publications
Kuanshi Zhong, Gregory G. Deierlein (2021. ) Influence of High Strength Reinforcing Steel on Seismic Performance of Concrete Special Moment Frames .The Proceeding of 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering,
Kuanshi Zhong, Gregory G. Deierlein (2021. ) Simulate Reinforcement Ductile Fracture in Concrete Structures under Earthquakes .The Proceeding of 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering,
Ting Lin, Gregory Deierlein, Kuanshi Zhong, Wen-Yi Yen (2021. ) SCEC Broadband Platform (BBP) Ground Motion Simulations for Tall Building Response Analyses in San Francisco, Los Angeles Downtown, and Cybershake Sites .The Proceeding of 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering,
Kuanshi Zhong, Gregory G. Deierlein (2018. ) Assessing Earthquake Loading Demands and Reliability of High Strength Reinforcing Steel .The Proceeding of 11th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering,
Kuanshi Zhong, Ying Zhou (2017. ) Seismic Isolation of High-Rise Buildings Using the Friction Pendulum System with Fluid Viscous Dampers .The Proceeding of 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering,
Kuanshi Zhong, Reagan Chandramohan, Jack W. Baker, Gregory G. Deierlein (2022. ) Site-specific Adjustment Framework for IDA (SAF-IDA) for Regional Earthquake Damage and Loss Simulation .The Proceeding of 12th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering,
Kuanshi Zhong, Gregory G. Deierlein (2022. ) Seismic Design Strategies for Bridge Columns Under Earthquake Duration Effects .The Proceeding of 12th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering,
Frank McKenna, Stevan Gavrilovic, Adam Zsarnoczay, Kuanshi Zhong, Wael Elhaddad, & Pedro Arduino (2022. ) NHERI-SimCenter/R2DTool: Version 2.1.0 (v2.1.0) .
Regional Resilience Determination Tool (R2D)
Frank McKenna, Kuanshi Zhong, Michael Gardner, Adam Zsarnoczay, Charles Wang, & Wael Elhaddad (2022. ) NHERI-SimCenter/EE-UQ: Version 3.2.0 (v3.2.0) .
Juan M. Navarro, Greg. G. Deierlein, Kuanshi Zhong (2024. ) The Influence of Low-Cycle Fatigue on Collapse of Concrete Shear Walls .The Proceeding of 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Milan, Italy,
Jeonghyun P. Lee, Kuanshi Zhong, Greg G. Deierlein (2024. ) Simulating Seismic Performance of Highway Bridges in Transportation Networks Using Probabilistic Learning on Manifolds (PLoM) Surrogate Models .The Proceeding of 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Milan, Italy,
Jagadish C. Rimal, Kuanshi Zhong (2024. ) Cascading Damage and Performance Assessment of Concrete Structures under Earthquake and Wind Hazards .The Proceeding of 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Milan, Italy,
Technical Reports
Kuanshi Zhong, Gregory G Deierlein (2019. ) Low-cycle fatigue effects on the seismic performance of concrete frame and wall systems with high strength reinforcing steel .
Invited Presentations
Kuanshi Zhong, Gregory G. Deierlein (01-2018. ) High-Strength Reinforcement in Earthquake-Resistant Buildings .2018 PEER Annual Meeting, Berkeley, CA.
Poster Presentations
Kuanshi Zhong, Wen-Yi Yen, Ting Lin, Gregory G. Deierlein (08-2017. ) Demonstration of the efficacy of the BBP ground motions for nonlinear structural analysis and collapse assessment .2017 SCEC Annual Meeting, Palm Spring, CA. .
Barbara Polidoro, Manuela Villani, Ben Shao, Ibrahim Almufti, Kuanshi Zhong (2023. ) Including spatial and inter-period correlations in seismic hazard assessments .SECED 2023 Conference, Cambridge, UK. .
Kuanshi Zhong, Javier Navarro, Sanjay Govindjee, Gregory G. Deierlein (06-2022. ) Application of Probabilistic Learning on Manifolds (PLoM) for Performance-Based Seismic Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Moment Frame .The Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference 2022, Baltimore, MD.
Peter Lee, Kuanshi Zhong, Sanjay Govindjee, Gregory Deierlein (06-2023. ) Surrogate Modeling of Highway Bridge Column Earthquake Response Using Probabilistic Learning on Manifolds (PLoM) .ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference 2023 (EMI 2023), Atlanta, GA. Conference.
Kuanshi Zhong, Bing Han (07-2024. ) Physics-Based Earthquake Scene Simulation in Virtual Reality .2024 ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, Pittsburgh, PA.
Courses Taught
Theory and Design of Concrete Structures I Level:Graduate
Structural Mechanics Level:Graduate
Concrete Design Level:Undergraduate
Contact Information
Academic - 730 Mantei Center
2901 Woodside Drive
Ohio, 45219