Xuefu Zhou
Associate Professor
Rhodes Hall
CEAS - Electrical and Computer Engineeri - 0030
Professional Summary
Frank Zhou received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering in 2002 and 2006, respectively, both from the University of Cincinnati where he joined the faculty as an Assistant Professor in September 2005, and was promoted to Associate Professor in September 2010. From 1995 to 2000, he worked as a R&D Engineer, then Senior Engineer and Project Manager in the industry designing and developing distributed computer control systems, real-time embedded systems for various process controls.
He is the recipient of 2011 and a co-recipient of 2012 William E. Restemeyer Teaching Excellence Award from DEECS. He is also a recipient of 2013 and 2018 CEAS Master Educator Award. He is a senior member of IEEE.
Currently, he serves as the Director of Master of Engineering (MENG) Graduate Program and supervises the Wireless and Mobile Communication Lab (WMCL).
Research and Practice Interests
- Deep Learning (DL)
- DL-Enhanced Digital Video/Image Processing
- Object Sensing and Detection, Non-Destructive Evaluation
- Wireless Communications and Networking, Internet of Things (IoTs)
- Biomedical Signal (ECG) Processing & Automated Identification of Abnormalities
- Communication Signal Processing
- Cross-Layer Design and Optimization for Wireless Networks
- Smart and Connected Health
Positions and Work Experience
09-01-2005 -08-31-2010 Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati,
09-01-2010 -To Present Associate Professor, University of Cincinnati,
Research Support
Grant: #33813 / E190475 Investigators:Elzarka, Hazem (Co-PI); Wei, Heng (PI); Zhou, Xuefu (CO-PI) 08-12-2019 -02-11-2021 Federal Highway Administration, Evaluate ODOT Ability to Decrease Dump Truck Backing Accidents Role:Collaborator $44,241.21 Active
Grant: #135384 Investigators:Zhou, Xuefu (PI); Han, Chia Yung (CO-PI) 03-02-2015 -02-29-2016 Children’s Cardiomyopathy Foundation Automated ECG Screening for Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Role:PI $24,000 Completed Type:Grant
Grant: #33813 Investigators:Elzarka, Hazem (Co-PI); Wei, Heng (PI); Zhou, Xuefu (CO-PI) 02-11-2020 -06-12-2021 Federal Highway Administration Evaluate Ohio Ability to Decrease Dump Truck Backing Accidents (Phase 2) Role:CO-PI $253229.42 Active Type:Grant Level:National
Grant: #1015211 Investigators:Zhou, Xuefu 06-01-2019 -05-30-2020 The Procter & Gamble Company Highly Reliable Human Detection Role:PI $67,900 Active Type:Grant
Investigators:Zhou,Xuefu 2011 -2012 UC Faculty Development Coucil, Programming LEGO ROBOT NXT in ROBOTC Training Role:PI $11500 Completed Type:Grant Level:University
Investigators:Jia Qi Ma, Heng Wei, Ou Ma and Xuefu Zhou 2019 -2020 University of Cincinnati Research Council Paving the way for safe, sustainable automation on the road Role:CO-PI $25000 Active Type:Grant
Investigators:Zhou, Xuefu 2012 -2012 University of Cincinnati Research Council Cross-Layer Design and Optimization for Wireless Networks, Role:PC $8000 Completed Type:Grant
Grant: #Exhibit A_012849-002 Investigators:Zhou, Xuefu 04-01-2020 -06-30-2020 Procter & Gamble Company Evaluation/Customization of Edge AI Classifiers Role:PI $13,381.00 Awarded Level:Industry
Investigators:Zhou, Xuefu; Norouzi, Mehdi 05-24-2021 -08-21-2021 Medical Interface Solutions, LLC Skeletal and Facial Tracking and Labeling Role:Collaborator $7092.00
Grant: #ODOT 33810 Investigators:John Ash, Jiaqi Ma, Mehdi Norouzi, Ming Tang Xuefu Zhou 08-24-2018 -02-24-2022 Federal Highway Administration/ODOT Evaluate Opportunities to Provide Training Simulation for ODOT Snow and Ice Drivers – Phase 2 Role:CO-PI $952,945.33 Active Type:Grant Level:National
Investigators:Zhou, Xuefu; Norouzi, Mehdi 01-17-2022 -05-16-2022 Medical Interface Solutions, INC. Facial and Skeletal Tracking and Labeling --Phase 2 Role:PI $19,001.00 Active Type:Contract
Investigators:Norouzi, Mehdi; Zhou, Xuefu 05-24-2021 -05-16-2022 Medical Interface Solutions, LLC Facial and Skeletal Tracking and Labeling (Phase 2) Role:PI 19001.00 Hold Level:Industry
Grant: #TBD Investigators:Norouzi, Mehdi; Zhou, Xuefu 05-16-2022 -08-21-2022 Parallax Advanced Research Corporation Facial and Skeletal Tracking and Labeling for Automated Stroke Screening (Phase III) Role:PI 0.00 Hold Level:Non Profit
Peer Reviewed Publications
Xiao, X., Ferro, Ma, T.., Han, C., Zhou, X. and Wee, W. (2014. ) Adaptive Reference Image Set Selection in Automated X-Ray Inspection .Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, , Vol. 2014 ,
Matthew Campbell, MD, Xuefu Zhou, PhD, Chia Han, PhD, Hedayat Abrishami, Gregory Webster, MD, MPH; Christina Y. Miyake, MD, MS, Timothy K. Knilans, MD, Richard J. Czosek, MD (2015. ) Pilot Study Analyzing Automated ECG Screening of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy .Journal of Heart Rhythm, ,
Matthew Campbell, MD, Xuefu Zhou, PhD, Chia Han, PhD, Hedayat Abrishami, Gregory Webster, MD, MPH; Christina Y. Miyake, MD, MS, Timothy K. Knilans, MD, Richard J. Czosek, MD (2016. ) Electrocardiography Screening for Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy .Journal of Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology (PACE), , 00 ,DOI10.1111/pace.12913.
E van Leer, R Pfister and X. Zhou (2016. ) An iOS-based Cepstral Peak Prominence Application: Feasibility for Patient Practice of Resonant Voice .Journal of Voice, ,
Abrishami H.;Campbell M.;Han C.;Czosek R.;Zhou X. (04-06-2018. ) P-QRS-T localization in ECG using deep learning.2018 IEEE EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics, BHI 2018, , 2018-January ,210-213 More Information
H. Abrishami, M. Campbell, C. Han, R. Czosek, X. Zhou (2018. ) P-QRS-T localization in ECG using deep learning .2018 IEEE International Conference on Biomedical & Health Informatics (BHI), ,
Campbell M.J.;Zhou X.;Han C.;Abrishami H.;Webster G.;Miyake C.Y.;Sower C.T.;Anderson J.B.;Knilans T.K.;Czosek R.J. (06-01-2017. ) Pilot study analyzing automated ECG screening of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.Heart Rhythm, , 14 (6 ) ,848-852 More Information
van Leer E.;Pfister R.;Zhou X. (01-01-2017. ) An iOS-based Cepstral Peak Prominence Application: Feasibility for Patient Practice of Resonant Voic.Journal of Voice, , 31 (1 ) ,131.e9-131.e16 More Information
Campbell M.;Zhou X.;Han C.;Abrishami H.;Webster G.;Miyake C.;Knilans T.;Czosek R. (09-01-2016. ) Electrocardiography Screening for Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy.PACE - Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology, , 39 (9 ) ,944-950 More Information
Xiao X.;Ferro A.;Ma T.;Han C.;Zhou X.;Wee W. (01-01-2015. ) Adaptive reference image set selection in automated x-ray inspection.Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, , 2014 , More Information
Ma T.;Xiao X.;Wee W.;Han C.;Zhou X. (01-01-2014. ) A 3D virtual learning system for STEM education.Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), , 8526 LNCS (PART 2 ) ,63-72 More Information
Xiao X.;Quan J.;Ferro A.;Han C.;Zhou X.;Wee W. (11-08-2013. ) On selecting reference image models for anomaly detection in industrial systems.Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, , 8856 , More Information
Ma T.;Wee W.;Han C.Y.;Zhou X. (07-31-2013. ) A method for single hand fist gesture input to enhance human computer interaction.Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), , 8007 LNCS (PART 4 ) ,291-300 More Information
Yue X.;Tian S.;Zhou X. (12-01-2012. ) A blind linear smoothing method for OFDM systems without cyclic prefix.Conference Record - Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, , 133-137 More Information
Jia Z.;Zhou X.;Han C.;Wee W. (12-01-2012. ) A new 2D/3D multi-modality image registration application for non-destructive generic aerospace cast .Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Pattern Recognition, IPCV 2012, , 2 ,773-778
Quan J.;Wee W.;Han C.;Zhou X. (12-01-2012. ) A new poisson noisy image denoising method based on the anscombe transformation .Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Pattern Recognition, IPCV 2012, , 2 ,949-955
Yue X.;Zhou X. (10-06-2011. ) Blind channel estimation for CP-free OFDM communications systems.Proceedings - 2011 8th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, FSKD 2011, , 4 ,2254-2257 More Information
Purdy C.;Zhou X. (01-01-2011. ) Improving a Preparing Future Faculty in Engineering Program through increased collaboration between .ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings, ,
Everly J.;Zhou X. (01-01-2011. ) Development of low-cost radio frequency test equipment .ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings, ,
Zhou X.;Yue X.;Everly J. (01-01-2010. ) Computer projects designed to enhance student's learning experience with public-key cryptography .ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings, ,
Qin Q.;Yue X.;Zhou X.;Fan H. (12-01-2009. ) Linear prediction based multiuser detection for multicarrier CDMA communications systems.Proceedings - IEEE Military Communications Conference MILCOM, , More Information
Zhou X. (01-01-2009. ) Teaching an operating system course to CET/EET students .ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings, ,
Zhou X. (01-01-2008. ) Teaching a computer security course for computer engineering and electrical engineering technology p .ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings, ,
Zhou X.;Caffery J. (12-01-2005. ) Cross-layer analysis of IEEE 802.11 DCF in burst-error fading channels with diversity.2005 International Conference on Wireless Networks, Communications and Mobile Computing, , 1 ,704-709 More Information
Zhou X.;Caffery J. (01-01-2002. ) A new distribution bound and reduction scheme for OFDM PAPR.International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications, WPMC, , 1 ,158-162 More Information
Poster Presentations
E Van Leer, X. Zhou and R. Pfister (2015. ) A iOS-based CPP Application: Feasibility for Patient Practice of Resonant Voice Techniques .