Professional Summary
Taylor M. Zuleger is a 3rd year Neuroscience PhD candidate in Dr. Greg Myer's lab located at the Emory Sports Performance And Research Center (SPARC) at Emory University. Taylor maintains considerable knowledge in neuroimaging analyses, and interpretation related to human behavior that translates neuromechanistic-based findings towards novel injury risk reduction and injury rehabilitation strategies in athletes with a history of concussion. Mr. Zuleger’s ongoing work investigates the underlying neural mechanisms of lower extremity, and injury-risk movement mechanics in female athletes following a sports-related concussion. By utilizing various neuroimaging modalities and associated analytics, including functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), integrated with 3D motion analysis and psychophysiological interaction analyses (PPI), Mr. Zuleger hopes to gain a better understanding of neuromuscular control deficits in athletes with a history of concussion.
Research Support
Investigators:John Disterhoft 2018 -2019 NIGMS R25 Postbaccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) Role:Research Assistant
Investigators:James P. Herman 2019 -2021 NIND T32 institutional Research Training Grant Role:Graduate Student Researcher Completed Type:Grant
2019 -2024 University Of Cincinnati Graduate School Albert C. Yates Fellowship Award Active Type:Fellowship
Peer Reviewed Publications
Moon Y, Zuleger T, Lamberti M, Bansal A, Mummidisetty CK, McKenzie KA, Yingling L, Madhavan S, Roth EJ, Lieber RL, Jayaraman A. (2021. ) Characterization of Motor-Evoked Responses Obtained with Transcutaneous Electrical Spinal Stimulation from the Lower-Limb Muscles after Stroke.Brain Sciences, , More Information
Avedesian JM, McPherson AL, Diekfuss JA, Barber Foss KD, Hogg J, Zuleger TM, Dufek JS, Myer GD. (2022. ) Visual-Spatial Attentional Performance Identifies Lower Extremity Injury Risk in Adolescent Athletes.Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine, , More Information
Lynch JD, Narad ME, Diekfuss JA, Avedesian J, Zuleger TM, Peugh J, Myer GD, Epstein JN. (2022. ) The Effects of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms on the Association between Head Impacts and Post-Season Neurocognitive and Behavioral Outcomes.Journal of International Neuropsychological Society, , More Information
Honors and Awards
2019 University of Cincinnati Graduate Dean’s Excellence Scholarship Status:Recipient