Rabkin , Elizabeth
Assoc Professor - Clin Geo
Racadio , John
Professor - Clin Aff
Radadiya , Priyanka
Medical Resident/Fellow
Radchenko , Christopher
Asst Professor - Clin Geo
Rafferty , Janice
Professor - Volunteer
Rahim , K. Andre
Assoc Professor - Clin Geo
Rahim , Farrah
Medical Resident/Fellow
Rahman , Faraaz
Asst Professor - Clin Volunteer
Rahman , Menahil
Research Associate
Rainer , Ivanka
Graduate Assistant
Rai , Shesh
Raje , Kimaya
Graduate Assistant
Rajsheker , Srinivas
Assoc Professor - Clin Geo
Raju , Nik
Asst Professor - Clin Geo
Raleigh , Julia
Medical Resident/Fellow
Ramalingam , Wendy
Asst Professor - Aff
Ramirez , Aaron
Instructor - Clin Fellow Geo
Ramirez , Alexandra
Clinical Research Professional
Ramirez , Alfredo
Medical Resident/Fellow
Ramirez , Marissa
Asst Professor - Clin Geo
Ramos-Richey , Pilar
Program Director
Ramser , Evan
Assoc Professor - Clin Geo
Ramsey , Laura
Assoc Professor - Volunteer
Ramsey , Logan
Medical Resident/Fellow
Randhawa , Jaskirat
Asst Professor - Clin Aff
Ranganathan , Sarangarajan
Professor - Clin Aff
Rani , Reena
Sr Research Associate
Rao Sathyanarayana , Ashish
Post Doc Fellow
Rao , Marepalli
Rao , Rohan
Rapach , Shelley
Nurse Practitioner - COM
Rapp , Scott
Assoc Professor - Clin Aff
Rash , Jenna
Clinical Research Professional
Rashkin , Mitchell
Physician - COM
Rathi , Naveen
Medical Resident/Fellow
Rath , Kelly
Lead Advanced Practice Provider - COM
Rathnayake , Monika
Exec Dir Business and Admin
Ratner , Nancy
Professor - Aff
Rauen , Adele
Physician Assistant - COM
Ravee , Anjali
Medical Resident/Fellow
Ravi , Prashanth
Research Associate
Ray , Marissa
Medical Resident/Fellow
Rebholz , Sandra
Sr Research Assistant
Rebholz , Shanna
Nurse Practitioner - COM
Redding , Taylor
Medical Resident/Fellow
Reddy , Krishna
Assoc Professor - Clin Aff
Reddy , Michael
Nurse Practitioner - COM
Reddy , Neel
Asst Professor - Clin Geo
Reddy , Pramod
Professor - Clin Aff
Reddy , Vijaya
Physician - COM
Redmond , Kevin
Physician - COM
Reed , Charles
Medical Resident/Fellow
Regan , Saundra
Asst Professor - Adj
Regan , Stephanie
Medical Resident/Fellow
Rehfeldt , Elisabeth
Medical Resident/Fellow
Reichard , John
Asst Professor
Reid , Katelyn
Speech Pathologist - COM
Reid , Leon
Asst Professor - Volunteer
Reid , Thomas
Assoc Professor - Clin Geo
Reighard , Seth
Medical Resident/Fellow
Reiling , Krista
Asst Professor - Clin Aff
Reinert , Rebecca
Sr Clinical Research Professional
Reinhart , Cora
Sr Clinical Research Professional
Reinhart , Michelle
Corporate Employee
Reisinger , Debra
Asst Professor - Clin Aff
Remy , Aisha
Medical Resident/Fellow
Renner , Elisabeth
Clinical Counselor - COM
Reponen , Tiina
Professor - Emeritus
Resing , Daniel
Physician Assistant - COM
Restko , Matthew
Medical Resident/Fellow
Retzner , Fabiane
Nurse Practitioner - COM
Reutman , Susan
Asst Professor - Volunteer
Rex , James
Medical Resident/Fellow
Reyes , Teresa
Sr Assoc Dean
Reynaud , Damien
Assoc Professor - Aff
Reynolds , Alana
Nurse Practitioner - COM
Reynolds , Hannah
Clinical Research Asst
Reynolds , Ronald
Professor - Adj
Rhame , Katherine
Medical Resident/Fellow
Rhine , Tara
Assoc Professor - Clin Aff
Rhodes , Chandra
Lead Advanced Practice Provider - COM
Ricardo Silgado , Maria Laura
Asst Professor - Clin Geo
Ricci , Marco
Professor - Clin Aff
Rice , Carol
Professor - Emeritus
Rice , Lauren
Physician Assistant - COM
Richards , Christopher
Assoc Professor - Clin Geo
Richards , J. Taliesin
Exec Dir Business and Admin - COM
Richardson , Chelsea
Business Administrator Sr - COM
Richardson , Jamila
Chemical Dependency Counselor 1 - COM
Rich , Megan
Professor - Clin Geo
Richmond , Lynn
Associate To
Ridgway , William
Riebesehl , Kate
Nurse Practitioner - COM
Riedlinger , Brandon
Asst Professor - Clin Aff
Riemann , Christopher
Professor - Clin Aff
Riffel , Justin
Medical Resident/Fellow
Rindler Fridrich , Jenny
Program Director
Ring , Brian
Instructor - Research Geo
Ringer , Madison
Graduate Assistant
Ring , Madeline
Medical Resident/Fellow
Ringwood , Daryl
Licensed Independent Social Worker - COM
Rismiller , Kyle
Asst Professor - Clin Geo
Ritter , David
Asst Professor - Clin Aff
Rittle , Nicholas
Physician Assistant - COM
Rivendale , Aurora
Asst Professor - Clin Geo
Rivera , Diana
Physician Assistant - COM
Rivin , Gabrielle
Medical Resident/Fellow
Rivir , Marita
Sr Research Assistant
Rizvi , Faiz
Graduate Assistant
Roat , Todd
Clinical Research Project Mgr
Robbins , Nathan
Medical Resident/Fellow
Roberson , Nathaniel
Medical Resident/Fellow
Roberts , Faith
Medical Resident/Fellow
Roberts , Geoff
Medical Resident/Fellow
Roberts , Kimberley
Nurse Practitioner - COM
Roberts , Mary
Asst Professor - Clin Geo
Robertson , Jaime
Assoc Professor - Clin Geo
Robins , Gary
Physician - UCP
Robinson , David
Asst Professor - Clin Geo
Robinson , John
Asst Professor - Aff
Robinson , Tory
Nurse Practitioner - COM
Robles , Tiffany
Physician Assistant - COM
Robson , Matthew
Medical Resident/Fellow
Roche , Conal
Assoc Professor - Clin Geo
Rock , Megan
Asst Professor - Clin Geo
Rodeffer , Lara
Nurse Practitioner - COM
Rodriguez , Carolina
Clinical Research Manager
Rodriguez , Diana
Medical Resident/Fellow
Rodriguez , Nelson
Asst Professor - Clin Geo
Roebker , James
Medical Resident/Fellow
Roebuck , Richard
Instructor - Volunteer
Roell , Brandon
Business Administrator - COM
Roethlisberger , Jacqueline
Nurse Practitioner - COM
Rojan , Adam
Assoc Professor - Clin Geo
Romaker , Ann
Professor - Clin Geo
Romick-Rosendale , Lindsey
Assoc Professor - Field Svc Aff
Romo-Nava , Francisco
Assoc Professor - Research Geo
Ronan-Bentle , Sarah
Professor - Clin Geo
Rone , Victoria
Medical Resident/Fellow
Rosado , Andrea
Asst Professor - Clin Geo
Roselle , Gary
Rosen , Brittany
Assoc Professor - Research Aff
Rosen , Heather
Nurse Practitioner - COM
Rosen , Lauren
Assoc Professor - Clin Geo
Rosen , Nelson
Professor - Clin Aff
Rosenthal , Montiel
Professor - Adj COM
Rose , Patricia
Clinical Research Education Mgr
Rosevear , Paul
Roskin , Krishna
Asst Professor - Research Aff
Ross , Grace
Program Coordinator
Ross , Grace
Program Coordinator
Rossi , Robert
Assoc Professor - Clin Geo
Rossi , Rocco
Assoc Professor - Clin Geo
Rossow , Jessica
Grant Administrator 2
Ross , Phillip
Asst Professor - Clin Geo
Rotert , Lea
Asst Professor - Clin Geo
Rothenberg , Florence
Professor - Adj
Rothenberg , Marc
Professor - Aff
Rothenberg , Richard
Asst Professor - Adj COM
Rothman , Yehudit
Physician Assistant - COM
Rouan , Gregory
Physician - UCP
Rourke , Carly
Nurse Practitioner - COM
Rourk , Leigh Ann
Business Administrator - COM
Rouster , Susan
Principal Research Asst
Rowan , Fiona
Graduate Assistant
Rowland , Krischelle
Nurse Practitioner - COM
Rowley , Brittany
Sr Clinical Research Professional
Rowley , Lisa
Asst Professor - Clin Geo
Roy , Somak
Asst Professor - Clin Aff
Post Doc Fellow
Rubiano , Carlos
Asst Professor - Clin Geo
Rubin , Rhea
Asst Professor - Clin Geo
Rubinstein , Jack
Professor - Geo
Rubinstein , Jeremy
Asst Professor - Clin Aff
Rudolph , Mark
Medical Resident/Fellow
Ruebusch , Mike
Mgr Special Projects and Programs
Ruegg , Hilja
Assoc Professor - Clin Geo
Ruegsegger , Laura
Medical Resident/Fellow
Ruffolo , Bianca
Rugg , Neeta
Asst Div Dir Hoxworth
Rule , David
Asst Professor - Volunteer
Rupert , Tiffany
Clinical Research Manager
Rusche , Elizabeth
Associate To
Rush , Stephen
Assoc Professor - Clin Geo
Russell , Betsy
Exec Dir Business and Admin
Russell , Ginny
Instructor - Clin Fellow Geo
Russell , Gregory
Nurse Practitioner - COM
Russell , Melanie
Medical Resident/Fellow
Ruth , Stacey
Nurse Practitioner - COM
Rutter , Michael
Professor - Clin Aff
Ryan , Alyson
Asst Professor - Adj COM
Ryan , Patrick
Professor - Aff
Ryan , Richard
Professor - Clin Geo
Ryan , Shawn
Assoc Professor - Volunteer
Ryan , Thomas
Professor - Clin Aff
Rymeski , Beth
Assoc Professor - Clin Aff